Title: See in You

Author: pari106

Fandom: Dark Angel

Pairing: Alec/Logan

Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to Cameron, Eglee, etc.

Rating: PG

Code: Drabble (of exactly 100 words); slash

Archive: sure. Let me know where.

feedback: please :)

e-mail: pari106@hotmail.com

URL: http://www.geocities.com/pari106/slash.html

series: N/A

Author's Note: This takes place during episode 0210: "Brainiac"

See in You
by pari106

"What do they see in you?" I ask, although I see it, too.

Sure I see the eyes…the body; that do-gooder streak that’s so damned annoying, but somehow contagious.

But that doesn’t explain why Asha and Max make such fools of themselves. There’s nothing special about you. About eyes that blue…except that they seem to see so much more than the
average norm’s.

Max and me…we were made special. And Asha? That little thing versus the big, bad government? With no secret identity to hide behind? She’s special.

So why are they so hung up on you?

Why am I?