Disclaimer: D.A. isn't mine, though I would love to have Logan. Anyway, don't own anyone in this story.

Feedback: Please. scifi_shipper@hotmail.com

Author's Notes: This just came to me on a rainy/icy day that I happened to have a few free hours.

Archiving: Please, just ask first.

Classification: Angst... that's probably the closest I can come to classifying this.

Summary: An angst drabble (100 words). You'll have to read it to find out.


A Moment In The Rain

By Erin Cale

A lone figure stood in the rain, watching the destruction of the dilapidated building. She did not seem to mind it. In fact, any stranger passing by would have thought her to be quite content in the rain. Logan knew better.

"Kendra was in there."

"I know, but you've got to get outta here. Lydecker's men are going to be searching the ashes for you."

Finally she turned to look at him with fear in her eyes. It was only an instant, but the image was burned into his mind forever. He cried as he watched her leave his life.