Title: One Of Us

Author: BuffyAngel68


Fandom: CSI

Rating: R for dark themes and eventual graphic descriptions of rape and assault.

Summary: The unluckiest man in Vegas can't catch a break, but this time he may end up broken for good.

Disclaimer: You know I don't own them or the network. If I did several of the male characters would be shacked up together already and we'd be seeing it on screen at least every other week!

One Of Us
By BuffyAngel68

For the tenth time that night, Gil Grissom looked up at the sound of footsteps passing his door, but, once again, it wasn't the person he wanted to see and he was beginning to get concerned. His brow furrowed momentarily then smoothed again as he tuned back in to his work. He knew the others would worry as well if they saw even a trace of it on his face and he couldn't let them get distracted.

{Where the hell is he?}

Since surviving the brunt of a devastating lab explosion, He knew Greg Sanders had been more wary at work and a more enthusiastic partier outside it, but he'd remained steady, fast and reliable and had given his boss no real reason to question him. Suddenly, his steadfast, brilliant DNA tech was a no-show for his shift, and Grissom was wondering if he'd missed something he should have been picking up on all along.

"Gris. You seen Greg tonight?"

Gil glanced up at the tall man standing in his doorway and responded calmly.

"Not yet, Nick."

"He's an hour an' a half late. That ain't like him."

"Did anyone try his house?"

"No answer and his cell's either outta range or dead."

"You know he's been more inclined to... celebrate life lately. He's fine."

"Maybe, but the job's more important to him than any party. He takes it seriously and he's never missed a shift. He even came back from med-leave a week early after the lab...."

"Nick. I understand your concern, but...."

Gil let his sentence trail off when Cpt. Brass stepped up behind Nick, his face a study in fear and tension. "What is it?"

"Did the hippie come in tonight?"

"You mean Greg."

The mild reprimand was absent from Grissom's voice, but Brass saw it in the other man's eyes clearly enough.

"Sorry. Yeah, I mean Greg."

"No. We were just discussing the fact that he's late. Why?"

"I just got a call..."

"Yeah? C'mon, man. Spit it out." Nick encouraged, half-turning to the cop and backing into the office to give him a little more personal space.


Brass ran a hand over his face, drew and expelled a deep breath and tried again. "A janitor was cleaning up in a club down on the strip... gettin' ready to open up. He found a guy on the men's room floor.... stripped, unconscious, bruised to hell an' back...."

Grissom stood up, his body suddenly as tense as his friend's expression.


"The vic's wallet was gone, but the description.... it sounds like it could be Sanders."

Gil abruptly leaned forward, bracing himself on the desk with one hand. Nick blanched, stumbled another step or two backwards and forced out a negation of what he'd just heard.

"Uh-uh. It's not him."

"Somebody needs to go confirm that." Grissom reminded them, slipping quickly from 'shocked friend' back into 'supervisor handing out assignments'. Part of him wanted to stay the former, but he knew if something really had happened, catching the criminal meant divorcing himself from his emotions, at least for the moment. "Nick, take Catherine and go have a look. Whichever way it turns out..."

"I'll call ASAP. It isn't him, Boss. It can't be. With the explosion, he's had enough to deal with. God wouldn't...."

"God has nothing to do with it. Go."


Nick sped off down the hall, running as if Satan were on his heels. Brass followed, but much more slowly. He usually got his bad-news hunches in the pit of his stomach and that spot was telling him to delay this revelation as long as possible. He grimaced and swore silently. He had begun to respect and even like Greg Sanders. The kid was super-smart, exceptionally good at his job and, on occasion, funnier than hell. He didn't deserve anymore pain... "Hey, get a move on!" Nick yelled, interrupting the other man's thoughts. "You're the one that knows which ER we're goin' to!"

"You go find Cath. I'll meet you outside."


Striding purposefully up to the emergency room admitting desk, badge already in his hand, Nick Stokes showed the small wallet to the duty nurse. Catherine Willows and Captain Brass approached as Well, but gave the intense younger man space.

"We're here about the assault victim that was found in the club."

"Of course. Let me get the doctor..."

"No time for that. We need to see this guy now."

"He's been badly hurt. I'm not sure any of you will be allowed in, never mind all of you, but it isn't my call." The woman insisted. Nick closed his eyes, breathed deeply and made another, calmer, attempt.

"Look... this vic.... he could be a friend.... somebody we work with. If we could just see if it's him or not...."

"I'm sorry. I understand that you're upset, but his doctor's not far away. Wait here and I'll be right back."

As the nurse hurried off, Catherine turned, locked her hands behind her and leaned against the counter, studying the floor. Nick began pacing a short route back and forth in front of her and an increasingly angry Brass. Thankfully for the three colleagues, the nurse was back within a few minutes followed by an older man.

"Hey, doc. Nick Stokes from the Vegas Crime Lab. These are my coworkers. What can you tell us about this assault victim?"

"Not a great deal. He's young, mid twenties maybe. Dark hair and eyes. Some older scarring on his back and ribcage. His ID was missing and he's catatonic so we have no clue as to his name yet. I take it you think you can help with that?"

"We hope not." Catherine responded somberly. "The description sounded familiar, but..."

"Of course. You'll be allowed to go in and see him Miss..."


"Scott Denson. As I was saying, you'll be allowed to go in and see him for a short while, but the two men will have to stay out here."

"What? Why?" Nick protested.

"He was viciously gang raped, Mister Stokes. The only time this unfortunate young man breaks his catatonia is when another man steps into his line of sight, at which point he starts screaming and trying to simultaneously escape the room and claw his way out of his own skin."

Nick flushed and he clamped his lips tightly together, trying to control his rising nausea. Brass spoke instead.

"I get it. We'll hang back. Cath, can you handle this alone?"

"I have to. We have to know...."

"Yeah. How... how bad is he hurt, doc?"

"His external injuries are minor; a lot of severe bruising confined to his hips and thighs, some scratches and abrasions on his face, arms and hands. Internally it's a different story. He'll require surgery to repair some of the damage. We've got him on antibiotics just in case, but there doesn't appear anything life threatening. Physically, he'll be alright in a week or two."

Easily reading in their faces that it wasn't the physical damage they were truly worried about, the doctor stayed silent on how long repairing the young victim's mind might take. When there were no more immediate questions from the shell-shocked trio, he waved an arm and Catherine preceded him to the curtained off area where the unknown victim lay.

Denson swept the fabric aside, taking care to remain hidden. Peering inside, Catherine Willows, the tough, unshakeable woman who had endured and witnessed more than most people would see in a lifetime of experience, dissolved into silent tears.


"Greg...." finally emerged from Catherine's throat, despite how it was trying to lock down and choke her. She made a motion as if to run to his side, but stopped herself at the last minute, choosing instead to back away temporarily. She needed time to reclaim control of her emotions and she also knew the others were waiting for her to return. Pivoting on one heel, she stumbled back to where Nick and Brass waited at the desk. Neither man needed her forced words to comprehend the truth; her expression told them everything, but they held her up and let her speak them anyway.

"It... it is him. It's Greg... God, Nicky.... he's.... he looks so lost.... his eyes...."

"Damn...." Nick murmured over her shoulder as he supported her. "Brass... can you stay with her for a minute? I told Grissom I'd call...."

"Yeah, of course."

"Tell the doc we'll get him everything he needs.... medical records, all that.... it may take a couple hours, but..."

"I understand. Go on.... let Gil know what's up. Unless I get a major 911, I'll be here as long as I'm needed."

"Thanks...." Nick responded numbly, walking away and pulling out his cell. The first two tries at calling work failed as the digits wouldn't order themselves in his mind, but after a break to force himself to focus the third attempt succeeded.

"Las Vegas Crime Lab. Gil Grissom speaking."

"Boss.... it's me."

"That's not relief I hear in your voice, is it?"

"I wish it was. The vic in the club... it was Greg."

"How is he?"

"On the outside, he's not hurt real bad, mostly bruises. Inside.... they really messed him up."

"He was assaulted, then."

"Yeah.... more than once. He's gonna need surgery, but they've got him on anti-biotics and the doctor says he's not.... he says he'll be okay in a week or two."

"In body, not in spirit."

"Yeah, well, let's get him through the first part. The rest can wait. You'll let Warrick and Sara know?"

"Immediately. You want to stay, I assume."

"If it's do-able. Even if they won't let me be in there with him, I'd feel like an ass if I had to leave the hospital completely."

"I don't understand. If you haven't seen him how do you know...."

"Catherine ID'd him. He can't stand to have men around him right now.... the doc said he goes crazy. It's the only time he knows the world is still there, I guess."

"Catatonic.... of course. He has every right to pull away from the world. Look what it did to him. Stay as long as you want. I'll see that you both get credit for your full shift tonight. I'm sure the others will be over after work so you and Cath can get some food and sleep."

"Like I said, they won't let Warrick in. Might as well let him go home."

"Even if he can't be there for Greg he'll want to be there for you. So will I."

"Thanks... look, I gotta go. Catherine..."

"I understand. We'll be there in a few hours. Try to hang on, alright? And Nick...."


"When you're feeling stronger, secure the rape kit. It could be the only way we'll get the bastards."

Nick's eyebrows drifted up at Grissom's extremely rare use of a curse-word.

"I don't even know if they've been able to do one yet, but I hear you loud and clear, boss."

"Good. See you in a while."

"Okay, Bye."

As he disconnected the call, Nick spotted Catherine emerging from the ladies room wiping her mouth on a paper towel. He strode to meet her and drew her into an easy embrace.

"You called Gris?"

"Yeah. He's gonna fill in Sara and Warrick. They'll all be here after shift."

"How did he react?"

"He said a bad word."

This revelation pulled a brief laugh from Catherine. The good humor didn't last long, but it helped to lighten her heart a little.

"He never swears. What was it? I can't imagine him going much beyond damn."

"Nah, you shoulda heard it. He actually said bastards." Nick chuckled.

"He did not! In what context?"

Her comforter instantly sobered again.

"He was reminding me about chain of evidence."

"The rape kit."

"Yeah. Might be our best and only evidence if Greg stays the way he is."

Catherine buried her head in his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Shit." she remarked softly, but vehemently.

"Don't you start. Grissom violating his language principles is bad enough."

"Start? You wait until I get my hands on the depraved pieces of filth that did this. Then you'll hear some *real* swearing, I promise you that..."


Grissom didn't have to search very hard to find his other two field agents. They were both in the break room just pouring cups of coffee when he entered. The look on his face got them both to abandon their mugs and turn their full attention on him.

"What is it? You look like somebody ran over the cast of Disney on Ice with a zamboni." Sara commented. The tall, slender black man next to her cast a harsh glare in her direction. "What?"

"You've both probably noticed Greg isn't here tonight."

"Yeah. Is he okay? Nothing happened, right?" Warrick asked, suddenly worried.

"Unfortunately, it did. He was found a few hours ago in the men's room of a club on the strip. Nick just called from the hospital. Greg's been sexually assaulted.... multiple times according to the doctor that's overseeing his care."

Sara blanched and fumbled for the sofa behind her, finally managing to sink down onto it.

"No.... No way. I don't believe it....'

Clearing his throat, Warrick found his voice at last.

"He isn't.... I mean, he's gonna be alright."

"He needs some surgery to repair the damage that was done, but other than that and a few bruises, the doctor seems to think he'll be fine."

"That's his body. What about his head?" Sara asked.

"He's totally unresponsive to women, terrified of men. Makes sense considering what he's been through. I told Nick and Catherine we'd relieve them after the shift is over so they can eat and get some sleep."

"Yeah.... yeah, of course I'll be there."

"Me too. No question. Greg.... damn. He's the last person on earth who deserves to get jumped like that. He's just a kid...." Warrick mumbled half to himself and half to the room in general as he dropped down beside Sara.

"Lucky for you I anticipated your needing something to take your minds off this. Landlord found the body of one of his tenants lying on the lawn. It's our job to find out how he ended up there." Grissom informed them, handing them both thin folders before he turned and exited the room.

"How can he be that way? How can anybody be so cold about someone they know getting raped?"

Warrick tossed his colleague a repeat of the disapproving glower and rose from his seat.

"How can you be so holier-than-thou and judgmental? He feels it as much as any of us do, Sara. He just can't afford to let it show, 'cause right now he has to keep it together and keep this place running. You obviously don't get that. That's why you'll never be the boss." Warrick responded curtly, stalking out and leaving Sara with her jaw on the floor and his angry words ringing in her ears.


"Cath, you don't have to go back in."

"Yeah, I do. Maybe if I keep telling him he's safe and he isn't alone.... he'll realize it's okay to come back to us."

"You sure? The way you reacted before...." Brass asked, squeezing her shoulder lightly.

"The first look at what they did to him was a shock, that's all. He needs me."

"We'll be right out here in the waiting room.... when *you* need *us*."

"I know. Thanks."

Turning, Catherine slowly made her way back to the exam area, slipped inside the curtain and pulled up a chair close to the bed where Greg lay, his position unchanged since the last time she'd seen him. Lifting his chilly hands into hers, she began to caress them gently, hoping to warm them, and by extension, revive the rest of him.

"Greg? It's me, Catherine. You're okay, now, I swear you are. You're in the hospital and you're safe. Look at me, Greg. You don't have to talk if it's too hard. Please, just look at me...."


Forced out of the exam area and away from Greg's side by female medical staff, Catherine clung to Nick, dozing off and on as they huddled together in the waiting area. The group now attending to Greg was simultaneously gathering evidence of his assault, replacing his empty IV with a fresh one and preparing him for transfer to a private room upstairs. He had remained silent and utterly still throughout all the procedures, sunk fathoms deep in a world of his own making; a world not even Catherine had been able to entice him out of, though she had tried until her voice nearly deserted her.

"I'm sorry." she rasped, wincing slightly at the ache in her raw throat.

"For what?" Nick asked quietly, gazing down at his co-worker.

"I'm usually stronger than this. I've never been somebody who just.. falls apart at a moment's notice."

"Moment's notice? How long were you in there, an hour, hour and a half? And we were here for a good half hour before that. You've barely cracked in all that time. You need to break a little, you go ahead an' do it." he reminded her. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he slowly, soothingly slid that hand up and down over her bicep, hoping to encourage her to drift off again, but she would not give in to his ministrations.

"You were wrong, you know."

"Wrong about...."

"Greg. He won't stay like this. I got this sense.... I really think he heard everything I was saying, but wherever he went... he feels safer there than here. He'll come back. He just isn't ready yet."

This comment nudged Nick's mind onto somber pathways and, despite knowing he should try to keep the mood positive, he felt the need to voice his troubled thoughts.

"The poor guy.... I can't even try to imagine how scared he musta been. I keep thinkin'... hopin' that whatever peaceful place he's hidin' in now, he made it there before it got too bad for him in the real world...."

Just then, Doctor Denson walked up to where the pair sat with a sheaf of papers in his hands. Praying for any hopeful news, Catherine immediately lifted her head, but the look on the physician's face was anything but cheerful.

"What is it? Is Greg okay?" Nick demanded.

"He'll be stiff and sore, but as I said, physically he'll recover with rest and time."

"Are those the lab results?"

"Yes. There's only one piece of major news to report, really."

"Good or bad?"

"Both." he said, taking the seat across from Nick and passing him the paperwork. "The good part is that he probably won't ever remember the attack. The bad part is the reason *why* he won't remember."

As he read the tox-screen report, Nick's eyes darkened slightly and his anger, faded over the course of hours, resurfaced abruptly. Unable to speak just then, he merely handed the sheets to Catherine, rose and paced a few steps away. When she, too, made the discovery, her face went stark white.

"GHB. Somebody.... he was drugged..... "

"Heavily. More than we normally see in these cases, at least."

"They were desperate to cover their tracks. Will he... what about side effects, reactions...."

"If any were going to show up, I have to believe we'd have seen them by now. There's no guarantee, of course, but, medically, I think I can safely say he's out of the woods. I'm sorry that this is the best news I can bring you at the moment."

Returning, Nick touched he doctor on the shoulder briefly and gave him a grim smile.

"It's okay. You gave us somethin' to work with. Can we keep those reports?"

"Of course. I have the originals. If you need extra copies, just let me know."

"We will. Thanks again, doc."

"No problem."

The moment Denson was out of sight, Nick, visibly trembling with anger he could no longer contain, strode to the nearest wall and slammed his fist into it twice before Catherine could reach him and grab his arm.

"Nick, no! Stop! He said Greg is okay..."

"We don't know that! Some tests take longer, Cath, you know that as well as I do. It could take as much as a week before they know if...."

His point hit Catherine like a punch in the stomach, but she shook it off and continued to try and calm and reassure him.

"No. We can't think like that. The HIV test will be negative. I won't believe anything else." she told him, stroking his arm and hand gently to encourage him to uncurl the fist and let her look at his injury. Too tired to protest, he turned and leaned against an undamaged section of wall, closing his eyes. The first touch of a finger made him flinch and hiss loudly. "Feels like you broke a couple bones."

"Figured... that'll happen when flesh meets lath and plaster. Stupid...."

"Slightly. I can't blame you, though. I've been wanting to do that ever since I saw Greg.... only it wasn't a wall I wanted to hit."

"Didn't look much like a wall to me.... I can't work this investigation, Cath."

"Somebody's got to. It'll be hell for all of us, but...."

"No... you don't get what I'm sayin'. You know my history. I told you about what happened to me. If I have to see the slime that hurt Greg.... if I even have to be in the same room, I'm afraid of my stuff gettin' mixed up with the case. If I lose it an' hurt one of 'em.... it'll screw any chance of them payin' for what they did."

"That's a long time off, Nicky. We haven't even started yet. Right now, you have other things to worry about." She teased lightly, gazing at his bloodied hand.

"Yeah, like the fact that rage temporarily shuts off the male brain." he chuckled, wincing again as she placed his wounded left hand into his right.

"Trust me, anger makes idiots of both genders equally. Stay here, okay? I'll go find somebody to fix that."

Nick nodded and shifted his gaze to the makeshift room where Greg lay. "I won't kill 'em, buddy. I won't even hurt 'em. Not 'till after they're convicted anyway.... then all bets are off."


"Sara. Sara? You with us?"

"Huh? Yeah... yeah, I'm here, Warrick."

"Okay. I know focus isn't the easiest thing in the world right now, but..."

"Focus isn't a problem. I said I'm here, mind and body."

"Then gimme a prelim."

"No extensive bruising. No visible dents or defects in his head. The body looked positioned, not natural. They'll spot any fractures in post, but with the roof being eight stories up, I doubt that's where he came from."

"Yeah, I gotta agree. One theory down, eight-thousand to go."

"Not necessarily." She corrected, holding up a small plastic evidence bag. He took it from her and examined it closely with his flashlight.

"Tinted glass?"

"It was all over him. I pulled samples from his hair, his ears, his clothes..."

"Tinted glass like from car windows."

"That's what I was thinking, but if it is, whoever was driving wasn't about to stick around."

Gazing back and forth from the parking lot to the placement of the body on the grass, Warrick frowned.

"You got a tape measure on you?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

With Sara holding one end, Warrick took the other and walked to the edge of the lawn that faced the parking lot.

"Thirty-five feet. And I don't see any tire damage on the grass." He called back to her, making a thorough search. "You think a car could've tossed him that far?"

"Possible, but not likely. And he wouldn't have ended up flat on his back, arms at his sides."

"So he was hit, then dumped?" He posited as he strolled back, rolling up the tape and handing it and the evidence bag back to her.

"Could be. We won't know till we get him back. Hey... how long have we got left on shift?"

"Two hours."

Crouching by the body with a camera, Sara sighed heavily and ran a hand over her face.

"I really hate this. If I didn't know Grissom would kick my ass...."

"Nick and Cath are strong. They can hang in. Besides, Greg's not critical. He's hurt... but he'll be okay. We got work to do here."

"I told Gris I want in on the investigation. I mean.... God, Greg's like my little brother."

"An annoying, freaky kid you think you'll never completely understand?" Warrick joked gently. Sara laughed and swiped at an errant tear with her sleeve.

"Sometimes.... but he's family. Nobody hurts my family without payback."

"Trust me, I'll be right beside you. For now, though..."

"I know, I know. Pictures."


"Your hand isn't badly damaged, Mister Stokes, but you did break two of the small bones." The nurse informed Nick as she finished drying his cast. He flexed the fingers cautiously and was grateful to find that the pain was more than bearable.

"Yeah, not to mention your wall."

"Not a big deal. Everybody working in the ER tonight understands your motivation, believe me. You'll have to wear this for the next two weeks, but it should heal fine." She told him, gently turning his hand over and checking her work.

"Do you know if they've taken him upstairs yet?"

"A few minutes ago. Your friend went with him. She asked me to tell you that she'd be back down in a little while to let you know his room number."

"Have they scheduled his surgery yet?"

"That I don't know, but I can find out. Hang out here for a minute and get used to that cast. I'll be right back, okay?"

Nick nodded distractedly, studying his hand and flexing the fingers again. When someone stepped in a few minutes later, he looked up in anticipation, but it wasn't the nurse.

"Damn. Hey Gris."

"Nick. What happened?"

"Punched a wall. Twice. Go on, I know you wanna say it. I can see it in your face."

"Say what?"

"That it wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done."

"Why restate the obvious? Any more information on Greg?"

"Yeah. That's why I punched the wall. The tox report said he was drugged. GHB."

"Any alcohol in his system?"

Nick frowned, kicking himself for not checking that. Realizing his friend had been so fundamentally betrayed had driven all other considerations out of his mind. He reached for the sheaf of papers beside him and searched them quickly, holding them in his injured hand and turning the pages with the other.

"Not a drop. No booze, no other drugs."

"I didn't expect there would be, but...."

"I didn't even think about it. He may be a little flaky, but he's the best at what he does and he loves doin' it. He'd never risk his job by drinkin' before he came on shift."

"I don't think so either. He's also a veteran at the clubs. He knows the rules."

"Never put your drink down and walk away. Yeah, he does.... God. You're sayin'...."

"Whoever did this was someone he trusted."

"But... he was found by the janitor *before* the club opened. So it's likely nothing happened there."

"Which means he was moved after he passed out. Since Greg can't help us just yet, it's up to us to find out his point of origin."

"Gris.... I'd feel like crap doin' that. He can't consent...."

"We'd do it for any other victim, Nick. Searching his apartment is just another step. It may lead us to who did this."

"He's right, Nicky." Catherine agreed, stepping in to join the other two. "I don't like it much either, but we have to. If he has a day runner or an address book, maybe he wrote something down.... I'll take any lead right now."

"No. What you'll take is eight hours of sleep." Grissom corrected her, touching her arm lightly. "You both need to rest. I'll stay until Sara and Warrick get here. You two go home."

"Gris..." Nick started to protest. His boss shut him down.

"You've done all you can and more than I should have asked of you. Go home."

Nick's expression said he wanted to ruin his good hand in the same manner he'd broken the other one.

"It's not right. We can't leave him alone...."

"He won't be."

"But you can't be in there with him." Catherine reminded him.

"I have a theory about that. I need to talk to the doctor before I test my hypothesis, but I'm hopeful."

"Okay. So, give. What's this theory?"

"It may not be all males that set him off, just ones he isn't familiar with. If even one of the rapists was a stranger to him, he'd consider all male strangers a threat."

"But faces and voices he knows might not trigger the extreme reaction. It makes sense." Catherine agreed.

"I'm glad you think so. Now go home, both of you and get some rest."

Nick chuckled wearily.

"That an order, boss-man?"

"I can make it one, if you like, but it's more like advice."

Nick sighed heavily before looking up at Grissom.

"Soon as the nurse gets back, I'll take it."

She returned just then, smiling gently as she handed Nick a short page of instructions.

"You probably know most of this, but I'm required to give it to you anyway."

Nick favored her with a small smile and recited the two most important parts of the litany an energetic, athletic child learns by heart.

"Don't get it wet, don't use anything too sharp to scratch underneath it. I remember. So when's Greg's surgery?"

"As soon as they can get everything ready and the surgical team arrives. Less than an hour, if it all goes as planned."

"It's that serious, then." Grissom asked tensely.

"I'm afraid so. The doctors don't want to wait much longer to repair the internal damage. Mr. Sanders is stable right now and there's no sign of infection yet, so it's a good time."

"That means he'll be asleep until tomorrow morning at least."

"Probably longer."

Gazing up at his boss, Nick could almost read what his next statement was going to be. He thought about fighting him, but his hand was beginning to ache faintly and he knew Catherine was wiped out, so he surrendered.

"You think we should *all* go home, right?" he asked Grissom.

"We can't do anymore good here."

"Maybe.... okay. But I'm comin' back soon as I wake up tomorrow."

"That's your choice, but I'd rather have you in the field helping us look for the men that did this to Greg."

"No. I already told Cath I can't risk that. When we find 'em my ancient history could get dragged up again. I don't want that clouding my judgment or... or makin' me do somethin' stupid that lets the SOB's walk."

"I understand. We'll talk more about it once you've gotten some sleep. C'mon. I'll drive you both home."

"I have my car..." Catherine began, but her sentence drifted into silence when a wave of dizziness overwhelmed her and she came very close to passing out. Nick was on his feet instantly and had one arm around her back and a hand on her elbow, supporting her weight until she recovered a little. "On second thought... I'll take you up on that offer."


Somberly, the three friends trudged out to the parking lot side by side.


"Okay. Yeah, that's probably for the best. Alright. Hey, he's got reason.... I know. I'll try, but no guarantees. Nick knows better than we do what he can and can't.... Okay. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Tonight? He's that bad off? Oh.... yeah, that sounds right. Room 521. Got it. We're about done here. See you back at work after you drop Nick and Cath off. Bye."

Warrick folded up his phone and stored it back in his pocket, gazing sadly at Sara as she approached him.


"Yeah. He says not to bother with the hospital tonight. He's takin' Catherine and Nick home to get some sleep and he'll meet us back at work."

"Not bother? Why?"

"They're doin' Greg's surgery tonight so he'll be out of it 'till sometime tomorrow."

"Is he okay? He's not going downhill, is he?" Sara asked anxiously.

"Nah. Actually he's pretty stable so the docs figured it was better to do it now instead of waiting. Look, I've been ready to jet for ten minutes. Let's get outta here, okay?"

Sara smiled and stared at Warrick curiously. "What?"

"I've never actually seen you anxious to get *outta* the field. Guess there's a first time for everything."

"Yeah, well the sooner we get this case cleaned up, the sooner Gris will let us in on Greg's."

"True. I want that. I wanna be the one who finds the one piece of evidence that locks up those pieces of garbage for the rest of their lives."

"You an' me an' the rest of CSI."

Sara laughed darkly.

"For once... I don't think I'll begrudge anybody else a little competitive spirit."

"Hell, there is a first time for everything." Warrick teased. Sara smacked him on the shoulder and shoved him lightly toward the SUV.

"You wanted to get going, so go."


"You got something?" Warrick asked brusquely, striding into the lab.

"Kind of. I can't exactly tell you what the glass off your vic *is*, but I can tell you what it's *not*. It's not from a car. It's way too thin, and it isn't polarized. Maybe hand blown. Also, it's covered in... something. Looks like wax, but I can't be sure yet."

"Wax... okay, that's weird."

"Gets weirder. You've got three distinct colors of glass in the samples you brought me. Red, green and violet. The red and green are probably dead ends, but the violet might just get you somewhere. More difficult to create, not as commonly seen."

Warrick held still, thinking deeply, then looked at the tech again.

"When'll you know if the substance is wax or not?"

"Another half hour. Maybe a little more."

"I'll be here. Page me the minute you get the results."

"Will do. Hey.... is it true? Is Sanders really..."

"Yeah. He's gonna be okay after a while, but he was hurt pretty bad."

"Again? Damn. Not fair."

"My sentiments exactly."


"Warrick. Warrick, wake up."

"Huh.. wha... What is it, Sara? Is Greg okay?"

"I haven't heard anything new. I woke you 'cause your pager's been wailing for ten minutes and you were out like a light."

"Oh.... yeah. Thanks." He said sheepishly, reaching to silence the offending object. He looked up from the device to see Grissom standing in the doorway to the break room.

"Is that from Trace?"

"Yeah. I told him to page me when he had the results on those glass fragments."

"Once you get that taken care of, both of you go home."

"That where you're heading?"

Gil merely looked at him in silence. "Right, I should know by now not to ask." Warrick commented with a wry smile as he rose to his feet. "You will get some sleep in the next twenty-four hours, right?"


Warrick shook his head and slid by his boss on his way to gather his test results. Sara leaned back against the wall, eyes on the floor and mind far from the spot where she stood. "You alright?"

"I passed alright a couple miles back. Right now I'm coming up on ' pissed enough to break bones with my bare hands '. "

Grissom studied her carefully.

"Your anger is justifiable. We're all fighting that right now, but you can't let it get in the way of your objectivity."

"It won't."

"Good. Nick's already trying to back out of the investigation. If I can't change his mind, I'll need your clear head and solid case-work even more. I need to know that you can put aside your emotions long enough to help me break this case..... to get justice for Greg."

Sara straightened up, hands rubbing up and down her arms as if an unpleasantly cool breeze had touched her skin. In Grissom's eyes she watched the worry and fear surface for a moment before he submerged them again, and she suddenly knew Warrick had been right; the emotions were as close to the surface for Gil as for the rest of them. He was simply far more practiced at shunting away everything but what was relevant in the moment in order to focus and see what others often missed. At the same time she admired the quality in him, she acknowledged a crumb of regret at the lack of it in herself.

"You got it. I won't let you down, boss."

"I never doubted that. Good-night, Sara."



"Candle wax. So the glass was from..."

".... candle holders. That's the most likely answer anyway."

"Anything special about the wax?"

"Afraid not. It's typical commercial grade wax. It's sold in hobby stores and new age places all over the country to people who dip their own candles."

"They still exist?" Warrick replied, laughing slightly. "I thought that was strictly a Seventies thing."

"Are you kidding? The anti-tech, militia and back-to-God's-country demographic is threatening to become a majority. Candle making is more popular than ever."

"Hmmm. So if the wax is a dead-end, the glass is still the best lead to follow."

"I'd say so, yeah. If the candle holders were hand blown, like I suspect, the maker won't be hard to find. Anyone who can get violet has been at their craft for a long while. You're looking for a master." The tech informed him, handing Warrick the printed sheets containing the test results and his conclusions


"No problem. Hey, have you heard when Greg can have visitors?"

"He's in surgery about now. He'll be out of it most of the morning tomorrow.... might not be a good idea to try an' see him for a couple days. He's been through a lot." Warrick fudged, too physically and emotionally drained to go through the full explanation of why no men were being allowed to see Greg.

"Yeah. I get that. Just... if you could keep us updated? It may not seem like it, but most of the night shift techs are a pretty tight group. Something like this happens to one of us.... we'll do anything we can to help."

"I'll see you get any news the minute after I do. Right now, I'm goin' home to bed. It's been a long, nasty night."

"I hear that. See you tomorrow night."

"Yeah... see you."


Two hours after being driven home, Catherine lay in bed, cursing a brain that simply would not take the hint that it was time to shut down. The all-too real images of Greg's injuries insisted on mixing with conjecture from her vivid imagination and the pairing was slowly driving her insane. She couldn't stop wondering what he'd gone through and whether the drugs would truly keep him from ever remembering the assault. His unconscious reaction to men made her think he remembered every moment, but all she'd heard and read about GHB seemed to say the opposite. On the other hand, none of the studies she'd seen had focused on men or male physiology.

Sighing, Catherine sat up and threw the covers off. How could she not sleep when she was so tired every bone in her body seemed to ache? Surrendering at last, she headed for the bathroom and the bottle of over-the-counter sleep aid she kept there but rarely used. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she sighed a second time and brushed disheveled hair away from her face. She gazed a few seconds longer then drew half a glass of water and downed the pill.

Moving back into her bedroom, she stopped at the small stereo on her dresser and powered it up, lowering the volume on her favorite oldies station almost to inaudibility. Despite this, she still caught a few notes and a word or two as she collapsed into bed again. It was enough for her to recognize the song, which only brought more thoughts of Greg, and as she pulled the covers back over her, she began to softly weep.

*.... if the skies above you turn dark and full of clouds and that old North wind should begin to blow. Just keep your head together and call my name out loud, now, And soon I'll be knockin' upon your door.

You just call out my name,
and you know wherever I am
I'll come runnin', oh yes I wi
ll, To see you again....*


Water dripping from his cheeks and forehead back into the men's room sink, Gil reached up blindly to the paper towel dispenser and retrieved two sheets. Once his face was sufficiently dry, he looked up and confronted himself in the mirror. What he saw made him wince internally, though little outward reaction was visible. He had never been overly vain about his appearance, or at least he would never admit to what vanity did exist, but he had to admit he vaguely regretted that he was beginning to look his age.

Turning away from depression inducing contemplations, he left the rest room and walked back to his office. For a moment, he stood in the doorway, leaning heavily on the frame and wondering why he wasn't at home asleep. The thought process didn't take long to complete. Sleep led to dreams and his dreams were never pleasant experiences, therefore he stayed at work and he stayed awake. At least awake he could somewhat control his mind's ramblings and keep it from producing depraved pictures of what Greg *might* have gone through during his attack.

Moving into the room finally, Gil sank down into the chair behind his desk. Closing his eyes briefly, he leaned forward and interlocked his hands on the desk-top. For the next few minutes, his face became mobile and expressive and his carefully controlled emotions were allowed a rare period of freedom as he quietly prayed for Greg's recovery. When he'd finished, his eyes slipped open again and the intense passion he considered a pre-requisite for prayer was tucked back into its hiding place.

Smiling lightly, he leaned sideways and touched the power button on the small stereo he kept in the office, re-starting the "Touched By An Angel" soundtrack CD he'd been listening to a few nights before. He was fully aware that if anyone who thought they knew him heard him playing this particular music, it would create confusion and unwanted questions, so he only played it on nights like this, when fear of sleep led to embracing paperwork and he felt sure he'd be uninterrupted for a while. The current track was one of his favorites and as the chorus began, he pulled a file in front of him, paging through it slowly, taking notes on a pad and tapping his foot in time to the beautiful, stirring melody.

* For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love. I'll be the witness in the silences when words are not enough. With every breath I breathe, I will give thanks to God above. For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love....*



Startled out of dark, morose thoughts, Nick Stokes instinctively batted away the gentle hand on his shoulder and swiftly rose to his feet, sending his chair skittering toward the wall.

"Grissom. Hey... I'm so sorry. You caught me off-guard."

"No harm done. At least you struck with the un-casted hand."

"Yeah." Nick said, gazing briefly at his injury.

"Preoccupied.... or something else?" Gil asked as he retrieved the chair and both men sat down.

"Else... I guess. Wishin' I'd said no to the pain meds last night. They.... they make it hard to wake up."


"Nasty suckers, too. I haven't had these ones in... almost twelve years. It's funny how your memory kinda.... puts bad stuff in storage after a while, at least while you're awake. The colors get dimmer, details get fuzzy..... when you sleep, though, it comes back clear an' bright... sickening as the night it happened."


"Why does shit like this have to happen, Gris? An' always to sweet kids like Greg...."

"And you."

"I'm no kid." Nick sighed, sweeping his uninjured hand over his face.

"You were when you were assaulted. Greg will come back to the world eventually, Nick. When he does, he'll need someone who understands what he's feeling and thinking."

"Not if he's thinking what I was after... after it happened."

"Which was?"

"Verbatim? The way I remember it, there were two or three cops standin' around, and my first coherent thought was 'I wonder if I'm fast enough to grab one of their guns and blow my brains out before anybody can stop me?' "

Grissom dropped his chin to his chest for a moment, absorbing the frightening statement, then he glanced up again.

"I'm glad you suppressed the impulse. You're still not coming with us tonight?"

"Nah. I told you, I'd feel like I was violating him all over again."

"I understand, but this may be the only way for us to find out where he was last night, which could lead us to his rapists."

"I get that. I just.... can't. I'm gonna switch out with Warrick and take over the case he was workin' with Sara."

"He's brought you up to speed?"

"As of start of shift tonight."

After a deep breath and a few seconds of silence, Grissom nodded, rose and left the break-room. Nick followed a few minutes later, intending to hit the morgue for an update on the body, but his distraction caused him to literally bump into the person he least wanted to see.

"Sorry, Hodges."

"I doubt it." the other man grumbled. A smile soon broke out on his face, however. "Hey, how's heavy-metal boy, anyway?"


"Sanders. I heard he ended up in the ER. Did his bong explode or was it his eardrums? I wouldn't be surprised if it was both simultaneously. Maybe the Hell's Angels beat him up for daring to listen to anything but techno...."

Silent, Nick turned to face Hodges squarely and expressed his displeasure by thrusting his cast into the other man's midsection. After a moment to appreciate the reaction, he used the cast to uppercut, then forcefully back-hand the irritant into submission. Hodges crashed into the wall then dropped to the floor, wheezing and bleeding from the mouth. Nick spat a few terse words, stepped over the inert form and continued on his way, shaking his hand and cursing under his breath.

"He was raped you ignorant, arrogant asshole! Stupid son of a bitch...."

Hearing the blows and the thump of someone hitting the ground, Sara came running from a nearby room and stopped dead at the sight of Hodges laid out in front of her.

"What the hell..."

"S... Stokes.... he hit me!"

"And your contribution was..."



"I made some comment about... about Sanders. How was I sh'pposed to know wha' happened to 'im? Noone bovered to tell me!" he slurred, his words swiftly losing their form as his jaw swelled.

"Yeah... I can't understand why." She snapped, turning to walk away.

"Hey.... help me...."

"There's a first aid kit in the break-room. Go clean yourself up and quit blocking the hallway. Better do it soon, too. The janitors might recognize you for the garbage you are and toss you in the dumpster out back."


"You know I sent the report up a while ago."

"I know. I skimmed it. Thought I'd come down and see if there's anything new that didn't make it in there."

"Not really. How's the hand? Looks like you ran the cast into something."

"Nothin' I regret..."

"Uh-hmm. Somebody make a ill-considered comment about Greg?" the other man asked, tension suddenly coloring his voice.

"Yeah.... how'd you..."

"You're generally good about holding back on your anger. Situation like this.... might be the only thing that could get you to react without thinking it through or counting to ten first. Is the cast badly damaged?"

"Nah....just a little crack. It'll be okay. So there's nothin' more recent on the post? Nothing I need to know before I go out and do more work at the scene?"

"As I said in the report, there was very little damage to the body, internal or external. If he did fall, it wasn't from very high up. No higher than the second story probably. Cause of death was a massive heart attack."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem...." the older man replied, turning away to answer the phone. Nick hung around in case it was about his case, but when the ME hung up, Nick wished he'd left when he had the chance. "Grissom and Brass. They want you upstairs, pronto."

Nick grimaced and swore softly.

"I shoulda run like the wind right after it happened...."

"Yeah, you should have. Hodges.... he'll see you in a cell. Good God man, are you insane?"

"No. Tired and pissed and scared for Greg.... not much difference, I guess."

"At least you won't be alone."


"Sara found him in the hall and apparently she wasn't much kinder verbally than you were physically."

"Crap...." Nick said, turning to head back to the upper level.


Gently brushing a few strands of hair off Greg's forehead, Catherine glanced at her watch and frowned. Having only had an hour or two with him, she hated that she had to go but she was already late for shift. If Grissom hadn't allowed her to join the team examining Greg's apartment, she might have called and said she wasn't coming in, but her eagerness to catch the young man's attackers was almost as strong as her desire to stay by his side. Leaning in to place a soft kiss on his brow, she smiled at Greg and gripped his hand.

"I have to leave now, sweetheart. The investigation's kicking into high gear tonight. We'll get whoever did this, kiddo, I promise. Don't give up, okay? You hang on as tight as you can. You're gonna be fine..... just fine. I'll see you soon."

As she moved to lay his hand back on the bed, Greg's palm curled slightly around hers, anchoring her to the visitor's chair. Catherine suddenly gasped, wanting to believe what she'd felt, but not daring to think it might be real.

{God... can it be? It's too soon.... and he's too young to be so strong. Just maybe.... C'mon Greg.... if you're there show me....}

The questioning rasp of her name forced from a dehydrated throat confirmed the evidence of her fingers and her expression was a strange mix of joy and sorrow as his eyes found hers.


"I'm here, Greg. I'm right here.... you're alright. Thank God..."

"Everything hurts.... I'm thirsty...."

"I know... I know. We'll fix that in just a minute. Hang on..." she reassured him, reaching for and pressing the button that would summon help.

"Where... where am I?"

"In the hospital."

"Hospital... what...."

"Shhhh. Don't try to talk too much, yet, okay?" she advised, stroking his forehead and cheeks with her free hand to calm him. He still had a fierce claim on her other hand and she was determined not to make him relinquish it, but the nurses bustled in and she was gently ushered out into the hall, despite her protests.

Reluctantly suppressing an urge to rush back in and demand her right to stay with him no matter what, Catherine headed for the nearby bank of phones instead.


"He is? That's excellent, Catherine. Right. We'll meet you at his apartment in half an hour. I know. I know, but you can't do anything there right now and you're needed.... Alright. Yes. Fine. Good-bye."

Nick and Brass both stared at Gil until he put the phone down and turned to them. They had heard the hope and relief in his voice and it had buoyed their failing spirits as well. His next words did that twice over. "Greg is conscious, coherent and talking, though not much of the latter just yet."

"Thank God..." Brass breathed. "I hated leaving like I did last night..."

"You had another case. There was no choice."

Nick slumped in his chair, both hands over his face as he absorbed the good news and struggled with his emotions. When he gazed at the other two again, his joy was tempered by being reminded why he was really there. "Greg's recovery is a wonderful thing, Nick, but you have more to think about than that right now."

"I know..."

"If Hodges decides to press charges you could be knee deep in cow-pies by this time tomorrow, Texas." Brass warned him.

"The little butt-wipe as much as admitted he goaded Nick into it." Sara interjected in defense of her colleague.

"You weren't there to hear the exchange."

"No, but..."

"And Nick, for some reason, won't tell us what Hodges said."

"There's a good reason for that."

"Which would be?"

"I'm embarrassed, okay? The guy was bein' a major jerk, like always, an' in the heat a'the moment.... I felt like I was standin' up for somebody who couldn't stand up for themselves."

"And in retrospect?"

"What he said sounds as stupid and childish as it actually was. I know it was wrong to punch him, damn it.... it just felt so *good*!"

"I'm sure it did, but you know how it works. Whoever gives us the full story first, with details, will likely be the one to get the benefit of the doubt. Just tell us what he said." Brass told him, smiling lightly.

Nick hesitated, a flush of renewed anger rising in his face, but he surrendered eventually.

"He.... he asked me how Greg was doing, except he called him "heavy metal boy", with that same sneer that always makes me wanna smack it off his face...."


Nick stood staring up at the apartment building, carefully studying the second floor windows while Sara did a quick re-examination of the area immediately around the crime scene. She didn't really believe the other investigators had missed anything, but it never hurt to be thorough and she also sensed that Nick needed a little space.

Glancing back and forth from the taped off area on the ground to the apartment balconies above, Nick sighed and rubbed his forehead with his good hand. As his partner for the night strolled up beside him she followed his gaze upwards.

"It's not that bad. Judging from where he ended up we've got at most three tenants to talk to."

"I know. It's not that. I've got a wicked headache comin' on.... an' I think I busted somethin' else under this dang cast."

"Dang? Did I just hear a touch of Texas-speak in there somewhere?" Sara chuckled in surprise.

"It happens more when I'm stressed." He admitted. "It'll probably get worse over the next few days."

Sara sobered instantly.

"Hey, he's aware and talking. That's a big improvement. For it to happen this soon just shows how strong he is."

"The explosion taught us that. He didn't have to be put through somethin' so much worse...."

"Nobody *put* him through it, Nick. Not in the cosmic sense you're thinking of, anyway. It happened. Shit does, you know? We endure."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the author of "My Fifteen Second Philosophy", Miss Sara Sidle...." Nick joked. She lightly shoved his head sideways and smiled at him.

"Funny. C'mon. We have potential suspects to interview."


Catherine growled, blew out a puff of air and tossed down the day-runner she'd been paging through. Turning momentarily from the spot where he stood lightly sifting graphite dust over a bedroom doorknob, Grissom addressed her obvious annoyance.


"No. Except for a reminder to get groceries, Thursday is totally blank. There's not a damn thing in here that points to where he might have gone last night or why."

"Relax, Catherine. We've just gotten started. Big or small, directional arrows have a way of turning up when we need them."

She stared at him, briefly incredulous. Feeling her eyes on his back, he responded without letting her distract him from his work a second time. "What?"

"Directional arrows turning *up*.... did you mean to do that?"

He finished lifting and preserving the fingerprints then turned fully around to face her and flashed her a quick smile.

"Huh. No, actually. I don't think I could if I tried. It's the nature of moments like that to be spontaneous. You feel like taking the bathroom?"

Soothed somewhat by the familiarity of Grissom's logical thought processes, she returned the smile.

"Why not?"

An hour later, the team had amassed a good-sized collection of potential evidence, but had found not a trace of the tangible, pen- and-ink clues they had hoped to come away with. Snapping off her gloves, Catherine ran one hand through her hair and groaned.

"Damn it. This was a waste of time...."

"Not at all."

"We didn't really find anything, Gris." Warrick commented tiredly.

"Finding nothing is something. It means it's likely the attack didn't happen here."

"And where does that get us? We still don't know where it *did* happen."

Gil looked from one to the other.

"That's not the point. If the attack occurred elsewhere, it means Greg doesn't have to be afraid to come home."

Closing his kit, Gil strode out of the apartment to store the heavy box in his SUV. Catherine and Warrick traded numb looks.

"How did we not get that?" she asked quietly.

"We're so tired our brains are deep fried?"

"Possible.... I didn't think I was there yet."

"We're insensitive and obtuse?"

"Definitely not. As usual the truth is probably somewhere in the middle...." she replied, leaning on his shoulder as they left together.


Sara released a fatigued breath and quickly ran a hand through her hair.

"Last of the three."

"Yeah, an' it better bring us somethin', 'cause the other two were complete washouts." Nick replied.

"I don't know.... the woman in the last apartment was trying to scope out your ass pretty much the whole time we were in there."

"She was ninety-two years old!"

"Old doesn't mean dead, Nicky...." Sara giggled, grinning wickedly at him.

"Yeah, yeah. I appreciate you tryin' to keep my mind off... other stuff, but let's just finish this, okay? I need to get the paperwork done, go home an' grab a bottle of somethin' ice cold an' strong enough to kill brain cells on contact."

"Yeah... when this is over an' the bastards who raped Greg are behind bars.... I might join you. Long as you promise to stock enough mind eraser to last a couple days."

"Maybe.... you're probably right. Let's wait an' make it a team party. With a theme..."

"Blacking out can be fun?"

"That'll work. Though I can't see Gris drinking at all, never mind doin' it 'till he passes out."

"Trying to get him plastered could be another party all by itself..."

"Yeah. Can you see him after three or four cocktails?"

"Talking everybody's ear off." Sara conjectured, beginning to succumb to a bout of laughter as she visualized the scene.

"About bugs, most likely..."

"Nobody'd be able to eat...."

"Right, liquor only.... pigs in a blanket are out..." Nick added, fighting desperately not to let the mirth bubbling up inside him escape. "Okay... okay." he finally managed, swiping at his eyes. "I won't say I didn't need that really bad... but we have one more apartment to check."

"I guess we do." Sara responded, regaining control as well. "Let's get this over with, huh?" she said, snapping on gloves.

"Yeah.... let's." he said, doing the same just before strolling down the hall a few feet and knocking on the door. A moment later, the door opened a crack and a woman peered out through the gap allowed by the security chain.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Nick held his ID up so that the woman could see it.

"Las Vegas Crime Lab, ma'mm. We're investigating a suspicious death in the building. May we come in a have a quick look around?"

"Death? Oh.... of course. Wait just a minute..." she said, closing the door in order to release the chain. She then opened it again fully and allowed the pair inside.

"I don't know what I can tell you. I don't know half the people in this complex. I had no idea someone had died."

Sara moved immediately to the area in front of the balcony doors and crouched, closely examining the floor. Nick moved slowly around the living area, checking out several sets of shelves and the top of the small entertainment center.

"Ma'mm... do you live here alone?" he asked, switching his gaze from her to various items in the room.

"Actually, yes."

"How long have you been in this apartment, Miss..."

"Carstairs... Sheila Carstairs. I've been here about two years." She replied nervously, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

"This is beautiful." He commented, picking up a candle in a sunshine yellow glass cup and flashing her one of his patented charismatic smiles. "My girlfriend loves this kinda thing. Do you mind if I ask where you got it?"

"Oh... oh, not at all. Here. This is where I get all my candleholders. She's an incredible glass artist." The woman said, visibly relaxing. Moving to a desk by the door she retrieved a business card and brought it back, handing it to Nick. He looked for Sara, who was just coming back in from examining the balcony railing. As she returned to his side, he replaced the candle.

"Thank you, Miss Carstairs. I'll check her out. We all set, Sara?"

"Yeah. Thank you for letting us come in and look around, ma'mm."

"No problem. Good luck with your investigation."

Nick nodded and preceded Sara out. Once the door was shut and they were waiting at the elevator, he spoke quietly to her, head bowed and his good hand in his back pocket.


"The floor just in front of the balcony was swept and washed recently, but I think I caught sight of a few shards she missed, pushed into the cracks along the baseboards. The railing's got signs of damage. Subtle, but they're visible if you know what to look for. You?"

"She's got the right kind of candle holders. Plus I spotted some cleaning she forgot to do."


"Oh yeah. I saw at least five places with no dust in them where it's obvious something used to be."

"So she's our suspect."

"Looks like. Now we go do a background check and find out what else she isn't telling us."


"Hang on.... where's that list of tenants again?"

Sara handed him a sheaf of stapled papers. "She was in 2-F, right?"


"This lists the current tenants as Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Carstairs. In the apartment since 1997."

"Lie number one and number two." Sara replied.

"And there're probably more we haven't dug out yet." Nick responded with mild satisfaction. "You wanna hit the computer or should I?"

"I'll take care of it. You go take a break. Get something to eat, rest the hand...."

"You're being nice to me. Should I be scared?"

"You performed a public service tonight. You deserve a reward." She commented, adjusting the computer chair in front of the glowing screen.

"That so-called public service could get me arrested."

"Maybe, but Hodges won't be able to talk for at least two weeks. I heard a rumor the rest of the shift is taking up a collection to buy you a plaque."

Nick grinned as an evil thought occurred to him.

"We should make it one of the ones with lots of spaces for the little brass rectangles. That way the next time somebody cleans his clock, we can put their name an' the date up there. Wonder if we could convince Gris to hang it in the lobby.... call it the "I Smacked Hodges And I'm Proud" hall of fame."

Sara laughed out loud.

"An' a display case off to the side.... to hold the doctor's reports.... and pictures of how bad he looked."

Nick joined her gleeful chuckles as he walked away, but part of her last statement stuck with him all the way to the break room. As he walked he repeated one word a few times, musing on how it could be accomplished:
