Get A Clue

by Nancy

Fandom: Law and Order – Criminal Intent

Pairing: Bobby Goren/Alex Eames

Rating: PG

Five Minute Challenge – Get a Clue

Disclaimer: Bobby Goren and Alex Eames as well as the entire Law and Order
Franchise belong to Dick Wolfe.


Get A Clue

by Nancy

"Hey, Eames!" Bobby Goren shouted to get her attention before she got on the elevator. // Alex, my name is Alex. // she thought, annoyed as always that he was addressing her by her last name. // Just one of the guys. // she grumped. So okay, it was wrong on so many levels to be thinking naughty thoughts about her partner (and wishing he would have naughty thoughts about her too). It was even more wrong on even more levels to be thinking naughty thoughts about a big doofus like Bobby Goren. What did that say about her? But even that line of reasoning wasn't enough to keep her wayward mind from doing it anyway.

Which was why she was going out with Conklin; going out with Conklin dressed in an outfit that would turn a gay man straight and still he hadn't noticed her. Phooey! Alex decided that she was just going to have to quit –

Whatcha doin'? Bobby asked cheerfully. // And where are you going dressed like that? //

"Going out with Conklin, you know – a date." She pointed out in case he had forgotten what dates were.

"Conklin, why?" he asked. // Not that I care or anything…// he tried telling himself and immediately recognized it for the lie that it was.

"Um, because he asked me out." she answered, still not gritting her teeth

"Oh," Bobby couldn't think what else to say, and what could he say, after all it wasn't like they were seeing each other. He so had to quit getting jealous like that, she was his partner.

"Yeah, oh." Alex couldn't keep the sulk out of her voice. // Big doofus! //

So what did you want anyway?" she asked – still patient.

"What – oh, just this -" and as they got on the elevator to go down, he took her in his arms and kissed her silly.

He grinned at her shocked expression. "Just wanted to tell ya you look great." The elevator door opened and he turned back to his still stunned partner "I'm not that clueless Alex."

He grinned and went on his way home while poor Alex was left to recover as best she could.