Title: Destiny's Choice
Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: mine? I wish but no; Cole belongs to whoever owns Charmed, the Legacy belongs Donald Belasario and Sci-Fi and Buffy and Angel belong to Joss. The Gods as they appear are the images of renaissance pictures but you can't own a divinity so they belong to themselves. And Highlander belongs to Davis/Panzer

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Angelus/Wes (Not sure of anyone else)

Fandoms: Buffy/ Charmed/ Poltergeist the legacy/Angel/highlander/hercules/Harry Potter/Ghostbusters/The Sentinel/Dark Shadows

Notes: Total AU

Summary: Cole is The Source. A Source of Power but power is neither good nor evil really so will he save the world…or destroy it?

Destiny's Choice
by Kate R.

He was watching the skies darken and the ground shake. Hearing in his mind the cries of the dying and the dead that he knew all soon would hear. Or... would they? He had power. If he wanted to he could use it. But he had been told he was evil. Then he was told he was good and then evil again and then good. Who was he? Was he Balthazaar or Cole? What was he? Was he Demon? Human? Witch? What was the true person? What was this power he had and how was he to use it? So many questions and none of them seemed to have answers. Cole Turner was lost.


In the upper plains, the elders were watching the world confused. How had this happened? What had they missed? They had trained their warriors to stop this sort of thing but it appeared something had gone terribly wrong.

Elder Daniel watched as White-Lighter Leo Wyatt appeared for the emergency meeting, as did Kristin Adams, Joe Dawson, Tara McClay, Severus Snape and Cordelia Chase. But Cordelia was a surprise. She had someone with her. And that someone appeared to be Angelus himself.

"What in the hell happened?" Cordelia demanded as she sat down. "Who in hell lost their Champion?"

"Derek is fine," Kristin said. "A bit with the major headaches as you say Cordy because of his visions being non-stop if we don't find a way to fix this."

"The Ancient Bastard is or at least was in position before this hit. Darius is protecting him now. Why didn't anyone bother to tell me Darius was Merlin by the way?"

"Percy is well and waiting," Severus said. "He wonders, as all our champions likely do, what has gone wrong?"

"Wes is great," Cordy said. "We're all wondering in LA who screwed up."

"Dawn is fine," Tara said. "She was waiting to do her part."

Everyone looked at Leo who looked confused.

"Champion?" he asked although he had a bad feeling. "You told me to watch the Charmed Ones."

"And anyone associated with them," Cordelia said. "Kristin doesn't just watch Derek you know. Joe doesn't just watch Methos. I don't just watch Wes, Tara doesn't just watch Dawn. Who else was in the group or near it?"

"Only Cole," Leo said. "But he was half demon, Balthazaar. And he's the Source of All Evil now."

"Evil?" Angelus asked as with Leo's thoughts had come an image of Cole as he was now, sitting looking held by indecision. "He looks more like a confused man who has no idea what to do with his...Oh Hellfire."

"Angelus?" Cordy asked as the dark vampire began to laugh uproariously.

"What is it Captain Evil?"

"It's...it's ob-ob-obvious...Cordy," he got out between guffaws. "The Source...The Source of Power that our team is supposed to have. It's him. And...and Blondie there m-missed it. Totally missed it."

"What did I miss?" Leo asked.

"A very simple fact," Kristin said.

Severus and Tara both sighed.

"What fact?" Leo asked.

"The fact that Cole was the Champion you and your charges were supposed to protect!" Cordelia yelled.

"But he's the Source of All Evil," Leo said. "He took the power to gain the help of the Seer to stop the Hollow."

"Power is neither good nor evil," Severus said.

"It's neutral," Tara said completing his thoughts. "It's user decides what it is."

"What did you do, Leo?" Joe asked. "What did you and those children do?"

"I think that's fairly obvious as well," Angelus said finally getting himself under control. "Why isn't Cole with the rest of your charges? I will lay odds because you all pushed him away didn't you? Rejected him, vilified him, spat on him and ridiculed and ignored his attempts to do good. Christ you're supposed to have the best of the heroes, the Power of Three and you can't even tell what is evil from what only looks like it?"

"Shit," Leo whispered. "I didn't know. I didn't get orders that I was supposed to look for a champion..."

"We figured it out, Leo," Tara said. "You assumed it was one of your charges though and you screwed up. Everyone does. I just hope we aren't too late to fix it."

"How do we fix it?" Leo asked.

"That too is obvious," Severus said while Cordy fumed over the stupidity of rookies. "We have to bring all of our champions together in the place, city if you will, where Cole is and hope one more of them can reach him. He has built walls around himself that most people would not be able to breach. Where are you Leo? Still in San Francisco?"

"Yeah," Leo said. "Why?"

"Because Derek is the closest and he can get to you the fastest. Then Joe and his group, Cordelia and Tara and I will Apparate in with my charges immediately. Go back and warn the others. Elder Daniel, send Prue back with him. If anyone can get through to the other Charmed Ones, it will be her."

"Yes," Daniel said. "A wise idea Severus."

Prue appeared by Leo's side and as he orbed them back to earth, everyone heard his muttered, "Oh, shit."

Part 1

Angel Island, San Francisco

"Derek," Kristin said orbing into his study.

He looked up from where he was lying on the couch with a cold cloth over his eyes. "Did you get answers?" he asked the former member of his house.

"Yes," she said. "We as in all of us, have to go to Halliwell Manor in the city. The Charmed Ones screwed up. Leo didn't know he was supposed to look outside the Power of Three for his Champion."

"Shite," Derek muttered. "What did they do?"

"Drove him away making him think he was evil. Derek, we all saw him, he looks so lost. So very lost and confused but no one can reach him alone. We're hoping the Champions together can get through to him," Kristin said. "We all have to go though, the Champions as we call you all, need their teams, their support groups as it were. Please?"

"All right," Derek said getting to his feet. He felt Kristin touch his temples and his visions calmed and went away.

"You'll need the quiet to get through this, Derek," she said. "Cole can help you more if you all can get through his walls."

Derek nodded and hit the intercom that would let him speak to everyone in the House.

"Everyone pack for a trip," he said. "I do not know how long we will be there or what will be required of us to fix this but we are all needed so everyone pack."

He then let Kristin help him to his room where he threw some clothes into a duffle bag. This mess did not require Derek Rayne: Rich Man or even Derek Rayne: Precept. No, this required Derek Rayne: Champion. So it was Derek Rayne as he dressed on field expeditions in Anthropology and Archaeology who exited his room and picked up his leather jacket and his fedora hat on the way out. He saw his daughter with his granddaughter, Philip and Kat, Nick and Alex and then himself and Kristin and they all went out to where the Chopper was waiting. Derek's sword was in his bag as was his gun. They all strapped in and Nick flew them to the mainland trusting Derek as he trusted no one else.

They could all tell this was champion business and he was angry as hell about something.

"What is it, Derek?" Philip asked as Derek looked out the window.

"Stupidity," he said. "Three stupid, selfish, stuck up....


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland

"....Brats!" Severus Snape growled as he and Percy packed the young man's things. Remus Lupin was also packing, as were Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger and Sirius Black as well as Nymphadora Tonks. Severus' bags were already packed and it did not take anyone else very long either.

When Severus had returned from his meeting and told Percy they had to pack, he had not seen the others in the room. But once they all insisted on coming along he knew he really couldn't say no. Percy would need the support. And at least one of them was his own blood although Severus had sent an owl to Bill and Charlie to ask them to come to San Francisco as soon as possible.

They knew Percy was a Champion the same as Ginny, Harry and Hermione did. Ronald seemed to be in denial and Fredrick and George had their heads in their asses. What they didn't see, what no one else saw, was that Percy was part of a group. His skills were required for the group to work. He did not need to be like Harry to be a Champion; all he had to be was Percy. Severus was hoping Percy and the other Champions could convince Cole of the same thing.

"They judged him because of the circumstances of his birth?" Percy asked, as they got ready to go.

Severus nodded as he fastened Percy's cloak on the younger man's shoulders. Percy was more boy than man, Severus knew and yet he had been forced to grow up before his time. Maybe when The Source was on their side things would be better.

"They thought he was Evil because the Source in him was awakened by a creature of Evil. I have never heard of such blind stupidity in my life. Not even Black's joke equals this level of foolish stupidity and prideful arrogance."

"This is bad, huh?" Harry asked as he came back in with a bag over one shoulder. Severus nodded as Ginny joined them next followed by Hermione, Tonks, Black and Lupin.

"We have to pray the other five Champions can get through the walls the Source has built up around his broken heart or the world will end in darkness and evil will reign supreme."

"Holy shit," Percy muttered. "They just have to make things hard for us don't they? Can I hex the stupid twats?"

"After we save the world," Severus said. After we stop..."


The Hyperion Hotel, Los Angeles

"...The world ending," Cordelia Chase told Wesley as he tossed his weapons and books into the three bags sitting by him. Angelus was packing his clothes, Faith was making sure all the weapons landed in the bag, Gunn was locking all the doors and windows while Fred was getting the cars ready and Lorne was doing everything in between.

"So these three girls did something stupid and assumed he was evil because he was part demon and male with power?" Wes asked as they hurriedly packed what he would need. Cordelia nodded and watched as Wesley's eyes frosted over. Wesley Wyndham-Pryce did not get angry often and when he did, like now, it was on behalf of someone else.

"Stupid, self-righteous little snots," the ex- watcher turned Champion snarled. "What in the hell is their problem?"

"He was powerful and his mother was a demon," Cordy said.

"So was Doyle's father," Angelus growled as he set Wes' clothes bag down.

They were all packed and ready to go as they made their way out to the cars.

As they got into the car, Cordelia looked towards San Francisco and sighed. "I hope you're children are ready for a major ass chewing, Leo," she said. "Because they..."


Seacouver, Washington

"...Deserve it," Joe Dawson snarled to himself as he watched Methos pack all his weapons and journals and beer. He also packed his clothes and a few other things.

"I actually met him once," Methos said as he packed. Duncan and Darius as well as Richie and Jenny were getting him a few more weapons and things he'd asked for. They were already packed and ready to go. "He was very efficient as a killer but something told me part of him was confused even then."

"Doesn't shock me," Joe told Methos, as he made sure he had all the things he would need as well as more of Methos' favorite cheap beer. "From what I understand, Cole has been the focus of a tug-of-war between light and dark since the day he was born. They knew he would be key so both sides played with him instead taking care of him."

"No one ever said your bosses were the sharpest tools in the shed, Joe," Methos said. "But we'll fix it aye? Me and the other Champions?"

"I hope so, Old Man," Joe said. "The fate of the world rests on his shoulders."

"Oh, that ought to make him feel really calm," Methos snarked as he tossed his last journal in the bag. "We'll just calmly go up to him and ask him if we can please use him like everyone else has because the fate of the world depends on it. Like he hasn't had enough being used?"

"I never said use him, Adam," Joe said. "I said you and the others are the only ones who can get through to him and it is a statement of fact, the Fate of the World does rest on the choice he makes. No one can force him or compel him to choose one way or the other which is why Jenny is not to be allowed near him. We can't take the chance she'd whammy him into doing what we wanted. That would make it worse for him once this was over and that we can't afford to have. He has major trust issues as it is."

"Jenny would never," Methos began and then stopped and shook his head.

"Wait, of course she would," he said to himself. "She's more of a pragmatist than I am and if we need to win she'd make sure we do. But you're right; Cole Turner has to make this decision with his own free will. Whammying him will be worse in the long run. Make sure someone explains that to her and lets go."

"Yeah," Joe said. We have some witches to smack down. Or...."


Sunnydale, California

"....Kill!" Tara McClay snarled as she helped Dawn pack her things for this trip. Giles was packing for both himself and the unconscious Ethan Rayne whose magic was the only thing shielding them while they were on the Hellmouth.

Dawn had to be protected and Ethan, being a Chaos Mage, had set wards nothing could pass through unless he willed it. Unfortunately the cost of doing so had been high: his own essence was what kept the wards so meticulous so he'd put himself in a coma so he could focus everything on sustaining them. Tara was vowing to kick some major ass before this was finished. How dare they judge someone like they had? How dare they assume something like this?

"I don't think I'm going to like these three people," dawn said as she made sure she had everything including a gift for Cole. It wasn't much but it was something she thought might help bridge the gap and maybe crack part of one of his walls.

"I'm not sure I do either," Tara said. "I pitied Leo when he drew that job. Everyone thinks Buffy is the worst to watch but they are wrong. Leo has to deal with three people who have magic and think it makes them all that. They aren't Goddesses and they have no right to judge no matter how powerful they are."

"Can I kick one of them?" Dawn asked as she slipped her teddy bear into her bag.

"Once I'm done," Tara said as Xander came in with his bag.

He, like Willow, was jealous that Dawn was the Champion instead of one them who was older and wiser. Buffy had been proud Dawn was chosen for this. She'd said Dawn was the perfect person and it gave her little sister a purpose. Tara knew Buffy was making sure they had things to remind them of their mother since they did not know how long they'd be gone.

"San Francisco," Giles said as he started the van they were going to use. "We're..."


"Coming to stay with us and fix the mess we made," Leo told Piper and Paige as they sat in the kitchen. "We screwed up royally. Cole was the Champion."

"Our Cole?" Paige asked. "The Source?"

"Yeah Paige," Leo said. "Our Cole. We were wrong. He isn't the Source of All Evil. He's the Source of Power. Or he's supposed to be, for the Champions who can beat this darkness back. And thanks to us, he hates everything about himself and ash no idea of the true potential of his powers. So, Prue is right. If the world ends tomorrow, it's our fault."

"Shit," Piper said summoning up what they all were feeling about this. "Goddamit."


Two hours after Leo returned from the meeting there was a knock on the door.

Piper opened it to find a man with graying brown hair and a group behind him. Something Leo had told them let her identify him as the champion and he looked angry.

"Be glad I have more important things on my mind right now," he snarled quietly. "Or I would make you all pay for what you've done as the world is already paying."

Piper swallowed and led the group inside. She had a feeling all of the other groups were going to be as hostile if not worse than this one was and she had a feeling from what Leo had told her that they deserved it.

"Welcome to Halliwell Manor," she said trying for civility and normalcy.

The man inclined his head. "Thank you," he told her. "Well just crash someplace. We're used to crowded places.

"Well, I was told the Champions will need to be together but we can double up in the guest rooms for everyone else that is coming."

"Fine," the man said in Dutch accented English. "We will attempt to stay out of your way so none of us touched by darkness taint your pristine world."

"We deserved that," Prue said quietly from the doorway when Piper was about to respond. "Do you think you can help him?"

"Not alone I cannot," Derek said. "When the others get here we shall see but we can only try. We can only give him something to reach for but we cannot force him to choose."

"Then the world is doomed," another voice spoke.

Derek turned to it but was halted from having to actually respond by a popping noise as a group appeared.

"What makes you say that?" the leader of that group said.

"Hi Sev," Kristin said. "This is Derek and the rest of the Legacy house."

"Kristin, Leo," Severus said. "This is Percy, my Champion and Harry, Hermione, Draco, Ginny, Tonks, Remus and Sirius. Tara says the other three groups are on their way and should be here late tonight or early in the morning. Where is Cole?"

"At his apartment," Piper said. "He locked himself in and refuses to answer us. Leo can't orb there and neither can Paige."

"Why should he let you all hurt him again?" Percy asked. "By what cracked reasoning do you presume to think you have the right to go near him ever again? Personally I think you've done more than enough."

"But," Phoebe began from where she was standing on the steps. "He's evil."

"Who says? Your paltry little book?" a new voice asked from the door. "I hate to say it but books can and have been wrong."

Everyone turned to look at the new comer who raised a sardonic brow at them.

"I'm the eldest of the champions," He told them. "Ringing in at over 5000 I think I win the prize for eldest. And my name is Methos."

"Nice to meet you in person," Percy said.

Methos nodded. Derek shook his hand and they sat to wait for the others after the rest of Methos' entourage had been invited in. Derek's entourage was looking around shaking their heads as they were told what had happened with Cole. Little Katherine and little Cassie just rolled their eyes.

"Jeez, you guys were stupid," Kat, said. "If I had a guy who fought his very nature for me I'd grab a hold and never let him go. You're family is biased and stupid it isn't funny."

"Yeah," Lissa, Derek's daughter said. "I'm not real happy right now. Do you know the migraines my father has had because of your screw up? Because you can't see what's in front of you because 'Mother said...' mothers don't know everything and your mother, grandmother and everyone else was wrong. Champions are not always innocent."

"No shit," Methos said. "I was Death for a thousand years and I mean that in the biblical sense. I'm no innocent but I AM a champion. You girls need to learn that you can't always judge someone because of their birth or what they do or where they come from. So he killed in the past? We've all killed too. Well, Percy hasn't yet but Dawn has staked vampires, I have killed thousands, mortal and immortal alike. Even Darius was not always the Apostle of Peace. Darius killed. He torched your holy city of Rome. There is no champion not possessing a little darkness. Even young Percy who hasn't had his first kill yet."

"Yes I have," Percy said quietly. "Sirius got off because of me, because of something I did. Pettigrew was going to kill Ginny and I threw a knife at him. He's gone and he's never coming back."

"You took a life?" Phoebe asked.

"We all have," Derek said. "Real Champions will do whatever is necessary to save the lives of those around them. The Greater Good as we call it. To us the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or, as in the case of you all, the morals of a line of witches who had no idea what they were doing. Do you know how many of those supposed demons you vanquished were harmless? No? I'll tell you about half."

"Derek," Kristin said, "Don't, they aren't worth it. And if they are, can you at least wait until Cole can see you hit one of them?" She turned to the Charmed ones then and shook her head.

"I've been Derek's White Lighter for a few years now," She told them. "And I have to say I have never seen so close to physically hitting anyone. You all did it but good this time. And Derek is the nicest of the bunch, he was actually raised a gentleman. Young Dawn will hurt you, Percy will hex you, Wesley will shoot you, Methos will rip you apart verbally before he cuts your heads off...you see, our champions aren't spoiled, self-righteous snots, they are true Warriors, true Children of Ares. And that is what the world needs."

Piper gawked silently as Kristin walked to the door and looked out.

"Tar is almost here, as is Cordelia. Joe, wait on the introductions until everyone is here. I want everyone to know everyone else. Then we have to plan how to get to Cole."

Joe nodded and they sat to wait. About an hour later, a group of cars pulled up. It was a large group that got out, one that had obviously worked together in the past. They came to the door and Prue invited them all in.

"Prue!" Phoebe whined, "Vampires!"

'Champions," she said. "In the day-to-day War they are all fighters against darkness. There are others who will come and help us and they are coming now but these are the last two Champions. Now, everyone come and lets introduce everyone."

"But..." Piper began.

Prue gave her a vicious look that had her and Phoebe as well as Paige shutting up. They knew they had already made a big mistake and pushing buttons was not going to do anything to fix it.

"Okay," Tara said once everyone was seated. "I'm Tara McClay, White-Lighter to Dawn Summers, The Key."

"Joe Dawson," Joe said. "White-Lighter to Methos. Died in Vietnam when my legs were blown off. Uncle to Jenny MacLeod and Richie MacLeod, Guardian of the Joining. That's Connor MacLeod, he'll introduce himself, same as everyone else will, later."

"Cordelia Chase," Cordelia said. "White-Lighter to Wesley Wyndham-Pryce and Seer to the vampire with a Soul Angel and his Evil twin Angelus."

"Severus Snape," Snape said. "White Lighter to Percy Weasley, potions master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Spy for the Order of the Phoenix."

"Kristin Adams," Kristin said. "White-Lighter to Derek Rayne, the Precept of the San Francisco Legacy House and guardian of one of the Hell Portals."

"Leo Wyatt," Leo said. "White-Lighter to Cole Turner if I'd been paying attention."

"You're our White-Lighter, Leo," Phoebe said. "Cole needs a dark lighter."

"Oh, that's it," Methos growled. His hand was in motion before anyone could stop it and Phoebe's head snapped to the side. Blood trickled from her split lip. "He is NOT, spell it with me little girl, N-O-T NOT evil. He's a man. Half demon but still a man."

"And I thought I was supposed to be the one with the pissy temper," an as yet un-introduced girl said. "Calm down Old Man. Lets finish the introductions and then someone can explain this to all of the rest of us. I know you're mad and Uncle Joe's mad and apparently everyone not native to this house is mad so if we can meet every body maybe someone can tell the rest of us just what the frick is going on here?"

"Okay," Methos said sitting back down. "I'll start. I'm Methos, Formerly known as Death on a Pale horse. I'm the Age for our group."

"Dawn Summers," Dawn said next. "Key of All Time and key to Unlocking The Source's power."

"Percy Weasley," Percy said. "Focus of our power, I'm the like the prism you shine light through to concentrate it."

"Derek Rayne," Derek said. "Seer of our band. I can see when and where and how we are to use our powers."

"Wesley Wyndham-Pryce," Wesley said. "I am the knowledge of how to use our powers. Methos is our wisdom but I am our knowledge of how to do things."

"So what's Cole the Evil?" Phoebe asked.

Prue winced seeing not only Methos and the other Champions bristling but also everyone who'd come with them.

"Phoebe, shut up," Paige hissed.

"Cole is our well of Power," Derek supplied ignoring what Phoebe had called Cole. He is our power source. Cole has more power in him than the power of three could ever dream of touching."

He did not give the tile any worship and Phoebe wondered why.

"Jenny MacLeod," the girl who'd spoken to Methos said. "Heart of the Immortal Joining, Daughter of Darius and Dark Queen Eternal among other things. Sweetie, if you think Cole was evil, you've never seen me on a bad day."

"Richie MacLeod," the other young person with Joe and Methos said. "I'm her twin and conscious. She isn't kidding about the evil sweet heart. She makes whatever Cole did seem nice I'd bet money on it."

"Cassandra of Troy," Cassandra said. "Next oldest immortal and Witch and Seer. I hate Methos but I'm needed here."

"Connor MacLeod," a man with light brown hair and intense green eyes said. "Immortal trucking service and reality bender. I have the gifts of the sorcerer N'Kano."

"Darius: Son of Ares," a tall man said. "Anyone in this room who uses magic and doesn't know me by one of the many and varied names I've used in 3500, yes Duncan I lied about my age, years is too stupid to have power."

"Duncan MacLeod," a tall man with dark hair said. "I'm here as moral support for the Old Man."

"Rupert Giles," a man with brown hair and glasses said. "Watcher to Buffy Summers, The Slayer."

"Ethan Rayne," a man with dark hair and olive skin said. "Chaos mage first class."

"Xander Harris," a young man said. "All around construction worker, comic relief and best friend type person."

"Anya Emerson, ex vengeance demon."

"Spike, William the Bloody," one of the three vampires said.

"Angelus the butcher," the coldest looking vamp said. "Great job on almost wrecking the world, girls."

"Angel, ignore him he's in a pissy mood." The third vamp said.

"Gunn," a black man said. "You name it, I've met it."

"Willow, witch still learning," a red haired girl said.

"Fred, physicist," a brown haired girl said.

"Lorne, empathy demon," a demon with green skin and red eyes and horns said.

"Clem," a wrinkly demon said.

"Doyle," an Irish man said. "Seer to Angel helper and lover of Cordelia. Oh, and I'm part demon as well so shove it up yer cement sealed arses about Cole.

"Faith, Wesley's slayer," a petite brunette said. "There are two of us, deal."

"Buffy Summers, Slayer," a petite blond said. "Sister of Dawn and protective of anyone Dawn says is family. The ghost is Phantom Dennis, right Cord?"

"Yep, thanks Buffy," Cordelia said.

"Harry potter, wizard," a boy with wild hair and glasses said.

"Draco Malfoy," a pale boy with white blond hair said. "You don't need to be a demon to be evil."

"Ginny Weasley," a red haired girl said. Sister of Percy and willing to kick anyone who hurts someone he cares about. Oh, and I'm a witch too."

"Hermione Granger," a bushy haired girl said. "Witch in her sixth year."

"Remus Lupin," a man with graying light brown hair said. "Werewolf."

"Sirius Black," a man with long black hair said. "Convicted killer, acquitted, and animagus."

"So," Jenny said. "Now that we're all introduced, what the hell is going on?!"


"Okay," Tonks said. "I should have introduced myself sooner. Nymphadora Tonks, Auroror. That's magical cop to you not in the know. I guess we ask the White-Lighters what's going on. By the way, Halliwell? Was kicked out the mainstream wizarding world or fanaticism. And he was a Wizard with a psychotic bent. Anyway, I think the White-Lighters should explain this Champion thing to everyone who doesn't understand."

"I'll do it," Severus said. "You see that mess out there? That is what happens when even one of the six Champions is not protected or with a group. A Champion is someone who, with a group of like people can deliver a blow to evil that gives the good side time to catch it's breath. The Champion is made up of six people, each with unique skills and traits. Percy has been driven all his life. He is the one who focuses. He works to concentrate all efforts on one thing. That is his purpose in the pattern of Champion. Next we have Derek who is the vision of how things need to be done and when and where. He is also a father figure. Wisdom and life experience is Methos. He would keep the power from being abused by someone or used by anyone. Wesley is the knowledge of how to use the power. He knows things he has learned through life and through books. He was forged in the fires of the Hellmouth whether anyone in Sunnydale knew it or not. His purpose was beyond your fight with the mayor. Dawn is the key to unlocking the Heart of this group, their Source if you will. Cole is the Source or at least, he was supposed to be. But he's damaged thanks to this group constantly refusing to accept him totally. Normally, the Champion Pattern is made up of people from all one place, time or race but in this time, in times like now where Darkness looms and things are bad, the Champion pattern chooses six people who have the greatest potential and all the things needed to make a Champion Power. The Dark knew Cole was important; therefore he has been in between the fighting two sides for years. Without the Heart, the Champion will falter. Thanks to you all, the Champion is hurt. The Heart is not dead yet for if it were, darkness would have swarmed the land, but it is hurt. Unless he chooses to ally himself with the other five however, we will not win. He is key."

"I could make him," jenny began.

Darius shook his head. "No, Jennifer, you cannot and will not. Cole has to make this choice. Not Jenny-through-Cole. You cannot interfere and you cannot attempt to whammy him. This is not your battle to fight, much as you may want to. This is a battle only they can win."

"I don't understand," she said. "We need to win. I can make it happen."

"NO!" Darius barked. Then sighed and gentled his tone. "Let me try to explain again. You cannot win this fight. You cannot influence his choice. To do so would destroy him utterly. You do not have that right in this battle, Dark Queen or no. Think of the challenge I accepted; think of an immortal challenge, you cannot interfere there. It is not your right. You are immortal Queen, someday Queen of the Gods but you cannot take a person's free will or you become a dictator. You were brought to help us give them time to reach him but you yourself cannot and will not try to interfere. If you do, you will meet the one thing that can destroy you utterly."

"I didn't think there was anyone but you and Grandpa," the girl said. Darius shook his head.

"Live and learn," Darius said, "Do not interfere. Your vow."


"Your word of honor, Jennifer. Do not interfere. This is one of those battles you cannot win."

"Yes Padre," Jenny said. "So how do they reach Cole?"

"They try to reach him physically and mentally. They go to him and see if he will at least listen to them. They try to unlock his heart."

"He doesn't have one," Phoebe said.

"The hell he doesn't," Derek snarled. "You wouldn't know true caring if it bit you on the ass you spoiled little ingrate!"

"GUYS!" Buffy yelled. 'Come on, we're all tired and on edge. Lets all just pick a place and lay down cause I'm busted."

"Fine," Derek said coldly. The five of us here will take a place where we may talk. This battle, the private one for Cole's heart, that is our war to plan."

Prue nodded and led them to a guest room. Everyone else found places and lay down to sleep.

In the room the Champions had chosen, the five of them sat and talked.

"What should we do?" Percy asked.

"I'd suggest sending you and Dawn first," Methos said. 'From what Leo told me, Cole cares about youth and their future."

"Yeah, I guess," Dawn, said. "But what if that doesn't work? I mean, it sounds like no one has ever given him anything without taking all he had in return and then spitting on him and throwing him away."

"Maybe we need to do that then," Methos said. 'Give him things without asking anything in return. Perhaps what he needs is to be treated like a person and not an animal?"

"That sounds right," Wesley said. Percy, you can Apparate, correct?"

"Mmhmm," Percy said. "Do you want me to Apparate in with Dawn?"

"Yes," the world's oldest man said. "I think you two should go in first. He's less likely to bar-b-q you."

"Okay," Percy said standing and pulling his wand. "No time like the present. Come on, Dawn. I promise I wont let you go."

Dawn took Percy's hand and there was a sound like a whip crack as they vanished. Derek chuckled at Dawn taking her bag with her. There was something in it she wanted. Something she did not want to leave.


In his apartment, Cole Turner was still staring out the window. Still thinking, still trying to chase the answers to his questions down. When he heard the noise, his hand came up but he retracted the orb or power before it hit the two people who'd appeared. Not White-Lighters.

"What do you want?" he asked. There were two children in front of him. Well, not children but not adults either.

"Uhm, hi," the girl said. "I'm Dawn. You don't know it but you're one of six Champions. And we need you."

Cole stared at her for a moment before the rushing in his ears got bad and he felt the world graying out. It was either shock or not having eaten in awhile or maybe both but he knew he was going to hit the floor and it was going to hurt. Not that anyone cared.

Funnily enough, he heard someone, probably the boy, say 'Wingardium Leviosa' right before the world went black.


"Shit!" Dawn exclaimed when she saw Cole faint when she told him.

"I've got him," Percy said pointing his wand. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Cole was caught mid fall and gently lowered to the ground and Percy looked down at him.

"He hasn't been eating," he told Dawn. "We need to call the others. I don't know how to cook the muggle way and I don't know where to go to buy anything."

"Right," Dawn said. "Can you Apparate back and get them? I'll stay with him. Maybe Derek or Wes or Methos can move him to his bed? Or should we change it first?"

"They can decide when they get here," Percy said. "Back in half a tic."

And he was gone and Dawn looked down at Cole.

"Well, it's just you and me for a few minutes," she said. "Let's have a look at your aura."

And Dawn activated her key power and touched Cole. What was revealed shocked her. Over 100 years in the middle of a tug of war between good and evil and he was still sane. Damn, Dawn was impressed.

"It's okay now, Cole," she said. "You aren't alone anymore."


"Christ I feel like shit," was the first thing Cole said when he woke. It hit him a moment later he had not imagined the two he guessed teenagers appearing in his room and the number of people seemed to have multiplied. The one taking his pulse that looked up when he spoke chuckled.

"Well," he said honestly, "That's two for two because you look like shit. When was the last time you showered or ate?"

"Uhm.." Cole said.

"Thought so," the man said. "Well, breakfast is almost ready. You slept through the night you know. Wesley is cooking and Derek is finding this place fascinating with all the old stuff you have around. Derek is an anthropologist and a seer. Course, I'm living anthropology, I'm older than the dirt in some countries."

"I'm not...I haven't finally gone round the bend, have I?" Cole asked. "I could have sworn the girl told me I was a Champion but that can't be. I'm evil. Evil Cole, Dark Cole, Bad Cole, Kill Cole. Go away Cole..I hate you, Cole."

"We don't," the man said. "We've been waiting to meet you for awhile you know. Since we were first made aware of who and what we were. I'm Methos by the way. It's my real name. Not many people get to know it."

"Balthazaar," Cole said. "My demon name is Balthazaar."

"Nice to meet you, Cole Balthazaar Turner. Tara said Leo was green. Joe wanted to whack him really hard for missing you. Mmm, smells like the food is done. You want to eat here or meet everyone?"

"Everyone?" Cole asked. "There are others?"

"Derek, Wes, Percy, Dawn, me and then there is you, our heart, our Source if you will. We can't do anything without you."

"But I'm evil," Cole said. "I'm bad, I make people disappear and no one likes it. I am evil no matter how good I try to be."

"Who says? Those three Charmed brats?" a new voice said. The accent was Dutch and Methos chuckled.

"Cole, meet Derek. Derek, this is Cole," the Old man said.

"Pleasure to meet you, Cole," Derek said. "And about them, do they really think they are 100% human? Because I hate to disappoint them but they are not."

"Part angel, then," Cole said. "Still higher than me, the half breed demon bastard."

"All right," Derek said. "Now I'm really sorry I didn't hit one of them. Come on, get dressed and come have breakfast. Wesley is a good cook. Or at least, he was after we cleaned this place up."

"Sorry," Cole muttered. "Haven't been at my best lately."

"We've all been there," A new voice said.

Cole looked and saw a man he hadn't met yet. "Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. You met Dawn and Percy earlier. They are setting the table. We're using the dishes from the cabinet because we couldn't find anything else."

"I'd just as soon destroy them all," Cole said. "Reminders of my marriage to Phoebe."

"The skank?" Dawn blurted before she could stop herself.

Cole felt laughter escaping and tried to repress I but that just made it come out sounding like he was choking on it.

"I was too nice to say it," Derek said.

"You are aware she dresses like a two dollar whore, right?" Methos asked.

Wesley shook his head as did the young man Cole recognized guessing hew as Percy.

"I noticed, yes," Cole said. "But I'm just a half-breed, what do I know of fashion?"

"You are a man," Percy said quietly. "So what if half your blood is demon?

Several people at Hogwarts have Veela, Siren, Centaur, professor Lupin is a werewolf, I'd swear Professor Sinestra has Vampire in there somewhere. So you aren't 100% human, big deal. Neither are they. No one who was purely human could hold that much power. I'm not purely human either. Neither is Methos. Wes is bound to angelus so he as a touch of a demon and Dawn is The Key."

"You aren't fully human?" Derek asked. "I know I am not but you aren't?"

"Uh-uh," Percy said. "Weasleys have unicorn blood in them. I don't know how. Legend has it one of our ancestors was hurt badly and a unicorn willingly gave its blood to them to keep them alive until help could be reached. The blood stayed in the family. We don't know how or why but it stayed. What about you, Derek?"

"Sidhe," Derek told him. "It's why I can live over a hell portal and not get twisted by it. Wesley?"

"Bound to a majorly Evil vampire. He's so evil we nicknamed him Captain Evil. He laughs. He may be evil but he's a better man than most," Wesley said as Methos and Derek helped Cole dress. "He did not want to use magic today. It'd hurt too much."

"Okay," Cole said feeling a bit awed. They weren't human either. Not totally. Methos was an immortal, Dawn was The Key, Wes, Derek and Percy all had other bloods in them. Maybe he wasn't such a freak?

"Don't ever call yourself that again," Derek said firmly. "You are not a freak."

Cole stopped realizing he'd voiced that aloud and kind of stared at everyone. Wesley shook his head and led them out to Cole's dining room where there were places set out and food.

"You need to eat Cole," Wesley said as he made him sit. "Normally Angel cooks and he cooks great but we thought it should just be the six of us for now. We have things to discuss."

"The darkness," Cole said softly. "I know it's there. I can feel it coming. I'm Evil but I don't want it to get loose."

"You aren't Evil," Methos growled.

"Power is neither good nor bad," Dawn, said.

"It simply is," Percy finished.

Derek watched them all and shook his head. "Whoever told you that needs a good clip around the ears, Cole," he told
him. "You may be dark but you are not evil. You are Cole and Cole is a man, no worse than any other. Come now, eat and then we shall talk."

"About what you need to use me for" Cole asked as if used to having to give everything to get anything.

"Nope," Dawn said. "Just talk. Like, about what you like, what you do, how you live, dress, eat and all that other stuff I bet no one has ever bothered to ask."

"You...want to know?" Cole asked in awe. He looked at the table hopefully and saw them all nodding.

"Of course we do," Methos said. 'Trust me, Cole, whatever you did as Balthazaar can't even begin to compare to what I did as Death."

"But I..and they said..."

"Forget what those three morons told you," Dawn said. "We aren't going to tell you, we're going to show you."

"Show me?" Cole asked. Dawn nodded with a grin.

"We have time," she said. "Others will make sure of it. But, you aren't going to do anything unless it feels right to you. What we're going to show you is the beauty of your own soul, and Cole, you do have one. Trust me...or not...but you do have one. And one day, you're gonna believe me abut it."

"Believe us, you mean," Percy said. Dawn nodded.

"Yep," she said. "Believe us."


After breakfast, Cole stood at the window looking out at the city. He could hear the screams getting nearer and louder and he did not want them to come. He did not. didn't want to hear them or see the blood he knew he would but he was afraid, so afraid to open up again. The last time he'd been rejected so completely he was still in pieces over it. It hurt so much. He'd tried so hard to be good but it wasn't enough apparently.

The phone rang and Methos answered it. Cole wondered who it was and why they were not letting him speak to whoever it was. He did not have it in him to care right now. He hadn't cared in a long time it felt, not since his heart went away.

"Cole?" Wesley asked.

"What?" he asked coolly. He wasn't ready to trust yet. He saw Wesley back away with a look of understanding.

"Nothing, Cole," Wesley said. "When you're ready. Not before."

Wesley left then and Cole returned to looking out the window. He did not understand that last comment because no one ever waited for him to be ready. But maybe this time...maybe this time... but why would they care? Why would they want him? What did they want him for? What did they? What...


"...Do they think they are doing going to see that...that...monster without the rest of us? This fight involves us too," Phoebe whined as she hung up the phone.

Methos had been insulting to her and she didn't like it.

"It does not concern you half as much as you wish it to," Darius' melodious voice said. "It concerned you more until you destroyed a part of your Champion, the most important part actually, and sent the balance off."

"But it's just Cole," Phoebe whined. "My evil, bastard of a half-demon ex-husband. He's not really that important and..."

"Evil and demonic?" one of the people who'd come with Derek but not introduced themselves to the Charmed Ones interrupted. "If you want to see real evil and demonic come to the state-pen with me one day and I'll introduce you to true evil. Your Ex-husband can't help how he was born. He doesn't have a choice. Humans, those so-called Innocents you are so gung-ho about saving, do. Cole, from what the visions Kat and I have had since we got here show, was a perfectly good, decent man. He had a dark half but really, who doesn't? You threw away someone who rejected everything they'd eve known for you. If that's what you do about someone who you supposedly love, I'd hate to meet someone you hate."

"You don't understand," Phoebe yelled. "He betrayed me!"

"You betrayed him first," Angelus spoke from the doorway. "You could not accept all that he was, you forced him to deny half of himself, and you forced him to live a half life."

"But he's Balthazaar!" Phoebe cried.

"And I am Angelus," the dark vampire said. "Angelus the cruel, Angelus the Unholy, Angelus the Vile, Angelus the Hated and my personal favorite: Angelus the Butcher; The Scourge of Europe. I am also, by the grace of whatever divinity is watching over all of us, Angelus the Loved. Loved by one of those Champions who are trying to fix your mess. And he loves ALL of me. Not just the part that can look human but the part that drinks blood, the part that thrill in the hunt and the chase and the kill, the part that revels in bloodshed and death, yes, Wesley loves all of the things about me, all those things my favored Childe Spike once referred to as 'Eyeballs to Entrails.' He does not say 'this part is good so I love it and that part is bad so I hate it,' no, he loves all there is about me and he accepts me totally. You are the ones who have no idea what you're doing. You are the ones who do not know how to truly love and accept. You are the ones who have no true place in our family but as you are fighters we have to tolerate you. I warn you though, hurt any of us, and I include Cole in that warning, and you will learn why they call me The Butcher."

He walked away then, leaving Phoebe gawking in shock. There was a dark haired young man watching and he was smirking at her.

"I don't like him," the boy said quietly. "Actually, I pretty much loathe him. But in this case, I agree with him completely. You are a bitch who doesn't know the meaning of the words Unconditional Love. You didn't deserve the treasure that is Cole. And if you hurt him ever again, I'll kill you."

The young man walked away and the man with the graying brown hair introduced as Remus Lupin, Werewolf, simply looked at her.

"And I thought Death Eaters were bad," he said quietly. "At least they are honest enough to admit their hate."

The look on his face as he walked away was pure disgust and Phoebe stared wondering how those people could say such things about the Charmed Ones. They were Heroes after all; they had the Power of Three. What did they need Cole for?"

"Survival," a voice said.

Phoebe turned and saw her grandmother standing there. "You may not like and you don't have to but the Oracles have said Cole was the Champion you all were supposed to take care of. I do not like him and I do not agree with them but we cannot kill the half-breed. He is important. And a warning for you and your sisters: Do not anger Darius. He has more magic than any witch or combination of witches ever will. He is, indeed, the Son of Ares."

Grams faded out and Phoebe stared.

'Oh, well, she thought. 'At least Grams said I didn't have to stop hating the bastard. I don't have to...'


"...Stop the demons!" The young man who'd said he agreed with Angelus shouted suddenly a day later.

Everyone moved, Phoebe saw. All those who'd come with the other five champions moved into a battle position. They were all armed and they all had those weapons out in a matter of seconds, moving to attack the demons attacking them and getting into a bloody fight.

"Darius, Flame Thrower!" Lissa yelled.

It hit Phoebe that the ones referred to as The Legacy had introduced themselves to everyone but the Charmed Ones.

And Phoebe stared as from Darius' hands were thrown balls of fire. But that wasn't the most incredible thing. No, Darius stopped for a moment and just looked at the field of battle and his eyes turned gas light blue and suddenly the demons began to burn. Demons and other things that were evil were suddenly burning from the inside out.

"Darius, look out!" Duncan called.

Darius turned and took a hit to the chest that had him staggering backwards but he wasn't down, not by a long shot.

"We need back up!" Connor growled as he fought bending reality around demons and twisting them to pieces with the moving waves of power.

There was a flash of light and a demon screamed.

Connor grinned.

"What the hell kept you, Spengs?" he asked one of the four people with the packs on their backs that were firing streams of concentrated energy that was decimating the demons.

"Traffic was a bitch," the man said in a deep voice. "Get the wards up if you would?"

"On it," Giles called.

He joined hands with the man called Ethan and they concentrated. There was a rushing noise and suddenly nothing evil was making it through the fields.

"Everyone catch your breath," Darius called as he looked at the demon horde.

"Anyone who knows anything about strategy join me here."

Nick, another Legacy member joined Darius and they began to look over the way the demons had attacked.

"We need more help to cover all these areas," nick said.

Darius nodded.

"Maybe we can help," a voice said. Everyone turned to look and saw three men standing watching them.

"Jim Ellison," one of them said. "Sentinel of the Great City. This is my guide and Shaman, Blair Sandburg and our Captain, Simon Banks. Who're they?"

"Those are the Ghostbusters," Darius said. "Egon Spengler, Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore and I believe the lady is Janine Melnitz."

"There are others coming," Lissa said. "Dad said a man named Barnabas Collins and maybe others but definitely a vampire who also fights evil."

"That would be a great help," Phoebe said. "Another demon..."

"Do you want to lose your teeth?" Darius asked as he saw Jenny fuming.

"This whole mess is your fault. You're arrogance led to this mess. Try to keep your mouth shut and a respectful tongue in your head or I promise you will lose it."

"And I thought jenny was the major tude, dad," another new voice said.

Darius turned and smiled.

"Hello, Kermit. Are your brothers coming?"

"On their way now," Kermit said. "As well as the others of your children and grandchildren. The Eternal Sons of War will ride for this fight."

"That's nice to know, Darius said softly. "It really is..."


"...Nice to know," Cole said as he looked at the others gathered in the room.

Two days they'd been here together. He was actually eating and sleeping and showering often. And every night, every free minute, they just sat around him, including him, welcoming him, if he just wanted to speak or listen. They had not forced him to talk about anything, just sat and talked about the stupid things they'd all done in their lives. Some of it he had not been able to help laughing at. It was down right funny.

"I don't think I've ever been in on a conversation like this," he said quietly in the silence that succeeded Methos' tale of drinking and wenching in the Middle Ages. "Usually I was sent to run errands. Not really apart of the family."

"That was wrong of them," Dawn said. She ignored that this was the first thing he had said actually joining their conversations and focused only on the pain never being allowed in had to have caused him.

"They didn't seem to think so," Cole said unable to hide the pain the rejection had caused him.

"They don't matter," Derek said. "They were wrong. "You are important, you are deserving and you are a good man. You have a dark side, Cole, but then, so do we. Dawn opens portals to both heaven and hell. I have killed, Percy has killed, Wesley has killed, Methos...well..."

"I speak for myself," Methos said. "You are a good man, Cole Turner, A Great man. And you have so much to give if people would just see you."

"How can I be a great man?" Cole asked. "I'm not even a whole man."

"Yes, you are," Percy said. "Human doesn't always rely on your blood or your parentage, human, man is how you act, and how you think and feel and what choices you make. You are a Man, Cole. A Man, like any other with the same choices to make and the same dreams and fears and longings. Whoever told you different was wrong. So very, very wrong."

"You....really believe that?" Cole asked as if afraid to believe it himself.

"We know it, Cole," Dawn said. "You are a man and far more human than those who said you weren't. You care, your heart feels pain, you eel joy and sadness and all those other Human emotions. You are a man. Believe us, trust us, and let us in."

"I...want to," Cole said. And it was true, he did. And part of him was starting to. Two days of being included if he wanted to be, being helped, cared for and, dare he believe it, loved, had started to make him think that maybe, just maybe, what they said was true. Maybe it was possible that he was, indeed, a Champion. And if he was...if he was then there was something he had to do. Something important...

"Could you give me some privacy?" he asked going into his room to think. "Please?"

"Sure Cole," Dawn said. She saw the considering look in his eyes and smiled. They were doing it, they were getting through. Thank Ares. Thank....


".... Ares, have mercy," Darius said as he saw the horde rising. "Ares, Lord and Defender, have Mercy."

Part 6

The horde was approaching and Darius raised his father's sword, The Great Sword of War, and waited. A flash of power preceded the arrival of the sword's owner: Ares himself.

"I will stand with you in this fight, my son," Ares said. "I cannot guarantee a victory over Dahok but we will fight this war and pray the Champion of Light rises in time."

Darius nodded and waited for the start of the battle. It was coming, he knew. It was coming. He just had no idea where or how they could find a weakness. No idea at all of…"


"…Where am I?" Cole asked as he looked around the dark area he found himself in. Something told him this was ad ream but it was more. "Is anyone here?"

"I am here," a voice said and then there was bright light and Cole looked up seeing what he imagined the Source of Light would look like. He was in awe of it, this incredible, shining, bright thing.

"A-are you…real?" Cole asked. He hoped it was. He did not want to be alone in the dark here alone anymore. "I don't want you to go away. The world needs you."

"The world needs You, Cole," the being said. "You're blinded by the hate of others but here, look inside yourself. I am there, Cole. I am nothing new. The Source of Light is You, Cole, I am You. And it is You the world needs."

"Me?" Cole asked softly. "Really?"

"Come Closer, Cole," the voice called.

Cole found his feet moving towards the being and he felt his breath freeze when he saw the face of the being. It was his face.

"I. Am. You, Cole." The being spoke again. And it reached out and wrapped its arms around him. "You are the Light Cole. You are the Source of Light. AND the world needs you. Time is running out, Cole. Time is…"


"…Running out," Wesley told Dawn as the five other Champions looked out at the sky. It was growing darker and colder. And the shadows themselves seemed to be moving, grabbing people who were running down the streets seeking shelter and taking them who knows where. "We need to take Cole to the others soon."

"What if he isn't ready," Dawn said. "What if…"

"I am ready," Cole's voice said from the door to his bedroom.

Everyone turned around and saw him standing looking out at them. He still looked unsure of himself but he was there and he moved to stand with them. "I don't know if the Charmed ones will tolerate me but I will stand with you. Even if no one else likes me."

"Everyone else will love you," Percy assured.

Methos chuckled and nodded. "No one in our groups is going to throw any stones physical or verbal. And I have a feeling they will hurt any of those three or four who were supposed to take care of you. We've seen evil, Cole, and as bad as you have been in the past, as evil as you could be now, you are not. You are a man who has to make a choice."

"The choice has been made," Cole said. "Now…Now I have to find a reason to stay with it, even after this. How many will believe me evil because of the part of me that is Balthazaar?"

"My daughter and granddaughter," Derek began. "My daughter was raped by her step-father. My granddaughter is that bastard's daughter. Should I hate her for her conception? It is not your fault that you are half demon any more than it is her fault that her mother was raped. Any more than it is Lissa's fault he raped he because he hated me and her mother both. I could not hate you Cole as I have seen this before and I will not do what was done to my daughter. I will not condemn out of hand."

Cole was silent for a few moments before he spoke again, looking out at the darkening sky.

"How old is she?" Cole asked quietly.

Derek looked at him.

"Your granddaughter," Cole qualified. "How old is she?"

"Eight," Derek said. "She's eight. Why?"

"I'd like to meet her, if I could," Cole said. "I'd like to…"


"…Meet Cassie," Derek said an hour later as Percy apparated them all to the charmed ones' home. The three witches had recoiled from Cole but he shrugged that hurt off. He was not here for them.

"Hi," the little girl said shyly.

Cole knelt down so he was her level and she smiled as she touched his face.

"Are you Cole?" the young woman he took to be Lissa said.

Cole nodded.

She smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you, Cole. Three witches aside, everything I've heard or seen about you says you're a good person."

"You can't be serious," Phoebe snapped. "How can you let your daughter touch that half-breed freak?"

The little girl cringed against Cole as if afraid of Phoebe and Cole's eyes turned. But not black this time, no, this time, they turned white.

"Do not forget who I am Phoebe," he growled. "I may take your shots about me but I will not hear you insulting this Child or her mother's intelligence."

And his voice came out the low rumble that Phoebe associated with Balthazaar but his eyes were not black and his skin had not turned red. He took the child's hand and then turned her back to her mother, seeing the anger pouring off he the girl.

"If you want to see real evil," Lissa hissed. "Come with me the next time Sandi and I do rounds at the State Pen. I'll introduce you to true evil. He may be half demon but he's behaved more human than you will ever be."

"Mommy," the little girl, Cassie said, "Why do they hate Cole so much? What did he do?"

"From what we can guess," Jenny said looking at Angelus who nodded. "He didn't acclimate to the human world fast enough for her. Never mind that he spent over 100 years in hell. Never mind that he tried his hardest, it wasn't enough for them."

"Berks," Giles muttered.

Ginny muttered a curse and pointed her wand and the chair Phoebe was sitting on collapsed. Remus choked on a laugh at the look on her face when she hit floor.

"Not every spell has to rhyme," Sirius said as Ares roared with laughter.

There was a lull in the fighting while both groups prepared for the next battle.

"Why are you here? Aside from letting a child near demon-boy?" Paige asked.

"We're here to figure out where to go to form the Champion of Light," Methos said coldly. "Cole has agreed to help us."

"Really?" Phoebe asked and Cole looked at her, seeing the manipulative light in her eyes.

"Yes," he said. "And before you assume it has anything to do with what I once felt for you, let me make it plain that I am doing this for this child and that one, all hurt children, children who will suffer more if the darkness rises any further and is not beaten back. Derek? Can anyone tell us where we have to go to do this?"

"Golden Gate Park," Ares said. "We'll need all of you to cover them while they join to bring The Champion of Light into being."

"Right," Buffy said as she hefted an ax. "Lets get this show on the road. Dawnie, you'll do this. I know you will."

"I still say she's too young," Willow said nastily. "It should have been one of us.'

"Not so," Ares said. "We needed representation of all pieces of life. From wisdom of the Ancients in Methos, to the Dark Side of life from Cole, to Wealth from Derek, Poverty from Percy, harsh life from Wesley and Youthful innocence from Dawn. They were chosen because what they make up is greater than the parts they represent. Xander has a lot to learn before I let him anywhere near the Champion of Light. He hates too easily and lets bitterness hold him to tightly. Now, if you won't help, you can stay here but you will not harm anyone."

Willow stalked off to gather her spell equipment. She would help, jealousy aside she didn't want the world to end, but she still resented being passed over for Dawn.

"Lets do this," Cole said. "I have a new life to start after this and I'd rather it not be in this house."

Derek nodded and looked at the others. It was time to begin. It was…"


"…Going to be one hell of a fight," Egon Spengler thought as they found the clearing where the Champion of Light was to be formed. They'd been fighting non-stop since they'd arrived three days ago and now they were entering the end-game stage. He trusted Darius and Connor and Methos. If thy said this was one of those 'Battles to end all battles' he was there to help. And s his team trusted him, they were all here.

"Lets hope this works," he heard Leo say as they watched the six champions take their places.

Cole moved first, stepping into the area where the lines of the pentacle crossed to make the center. Tara had drawn the pentacle with her own power and Willow, the red haired witch, was watching angrily as she was told she was not to cast the circle or the pentacle. They weren't trying to contain this power; they intended to throw it out like a blanket. "All right," Darius said. "Everyone not a champion face out and get ready to fight. You six know what you have to do. Do it."

And it seemed a wave of darkness suddenly crashed down on the park, in the clearing in which they all stood and Cole tensed, fearing it would swallow him.

"Relax," he heared whisper through his mind. 'Relax and let go. Let the light shine through, Cole."

Cole took a breath, not trusting himself totally but trusting the faith the others had in him, and he let go. When the darkness was about to crash down on them all, it was suddenly expelled. And Cole stood in the center of the pentacle glowing like a nova star. He was the being of Light.

First his light hit Methos, the age and wisdom of their group. From Methos it went to Derek, the Father/Protector of them all. He who had offered Cole a place to live if he so wished it. Then the power flowed on to Dawn, her youthful innocence the first thing that had touched him aside from Phoebe's hate. When the light touched her, she would know that she had unlocked his heart with her simple hug the night before. From Dawn it flowed on to Wesley, taking from him the knowledge of how to use it as it ha taken the Key top unlock it from Dawn, the vision of what way would be best to strike from Derek and the wisdom of the past battles from Methos. Finally, it rolled into Percy, the one who focused it all and sent it back to Cole. Now driven by purpose and focus and knowledge and strength and love and Cole accepted it back in and then pushed it up and out.

A pillar of light formed around the champions and then it grew out into the shape of a phoenix: That which rose from the ashes of the old and was new again and it was a rebirth for them all. The Phoenix screamed it's rage and the darkness and flew at it, burning through it with the cosmic fire of light and shredding it's curtain of hate and pain and Darkness…the darkness that moments before had been about to wipe them all off the face of the earth, retreated. Fleeing the light of the mythic firebird and its power and force of Love.

For that's what the Source was. The Heart of the Light was…Love.

"Holy shit," Nick cried as the white fire burned the shadows away.

"They did it," Buffy cried hugging Xander and Giles. "They really did it!"

"The fire burns brightly," Angel said as he looked at the sky. "Let it keep us warm."

"What is it?" Piper asked.

And Darius laughed. "The Ancient Fire," he said. "There is a Hebrew song that goes: That Ancient Fire is set before us still see it burn until forever. And Light the world, as thought it always will from now, 'til dreaming's distant dawn."

Finally, when the last trace of darkness was washed away and it had been chased back to the shadows where it belonged, the light dimmed and then the firebird returned to he pillar of fire which had given it birth. That returned going back into to Cole, then out to the others and then back to Cole from Methos. Only, when the fire cleared, Cole was lying on the ground, his yes closed and a look of peace on his face.

"Is he…" Piper asked.

"No," Methos said. "He's sleeping. He's very tired after that. He'll be fine."

The Charmed Ones watched as Derek lifted Cole into his arms. Derek was a strong man, it seemed. Far stronger than they were.

"I think we're going home now," Derek said quietly. "We've had a long battle and we need rest. Dawn? Percy? Are you coming with us? Methos? Wesley?"

"I have to get back to Sea Couver," Methos said looking at his mate, Jenny. "But I will be around when you need me. Take care of our heart, Derek. He needs it."

Derek nodded and looked at Dawn and Percy. Percy looked at Snape who nodded so he walked over to the Legacy team. Dawn made her own decision and her sister, Buffy, smiled and watched her. Wesley shook his head no quietly. He was needed in LA for a while longer but he would come when called. Everyone knew that.

"Buffy," Willow began.

"It's Dawnie's choice," Buffy said. "I love her, Willow. So, I'm letting her go."

Dawn hugged Buffy and they left with The Legacy. Giles smiled as he hugged his Slayer and they watched Dawn vanish over the hill in the park, going to where Nick had left the chopper.

The Charmed Ones stared as they realized Cole was being taken away from them. Angel clapped his hand on Wesley's shoulder and Angelus led him away. Buffy knew Spike would be staying in San Francisco. Dawn was here and Spike was her protector.

"Good luck to you all," Severus Snape said before gathering his group together and then orbing them all back to Hogwarts. "Good luck to you all."

Fin: Destiny's Choice.

Fin: Destiny's Choice.