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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Nutcracker Ballet


rating: pg13
main characters: Kate Lockely, Alex Summers (Havok of the X-men)
disclaimer: you know they aren't mine.
distribution: Twisting & Mental Wanderings
notes: Twisting's FfA pairing # 169.

Work Text:

Nutcracker Ballet
by Lucinda


Kate tapped her fingers against the railing, watching the street. There was a particular car that she was waiting for, and had been for the past fifteen minutes. "You're running late, Summers."

Considering the whole mess that had been last year, with meeting Angel, discovering so many freaky things were real, and nearly dying, she'd hoped that if she found herself a nice, normal guy to date, things would get better. She'd met Alex Summers, and he wasn't exactly normal, though he was fairly nice.

Finally, his car pulled up, a line of scorched paint crossing over the trunk, and another along the rear passenger side door. There were still heat ripples rising from both of them. She wasn't surprised by these things anymore.

Shaking her head, Kate walked down to the car, letting herself in on the passenger side. "Work followed you home again?"

"It's not too bad. Lorna and Guido were taking care of the guy." He smiled, his blond hair tousled, and the tie of his suit crooked. Holding up the pair of tickets, he continued, "We had other plans for tonight."

Leaning forward, she straightened his tie, and gave him a quick kiss. "Good. I was stating to worry that you'd forgotten about the ballet."

"Kate, sweetheart, I wouldn't do that! I promised to take you to the Nutcracker ballet, and we're going to go to the ballet." He winked at her. "Now we just need to hope that we can find a place to park."

Kate laughed as she fastened her seat belt. "You fight mutant menaces and giant robots, how bad could a play be?"

Alex just shuddered, and looked at her. "Remind me to talk about some of the problems that have plagued my family. Later. But I'll be happy as long as we don't get attacked or transported somewhere else by an enemy or illegal technology while trying to watch the performance."

"You say the strangest things sometimes." She sighed, and leaned back as they drove away.

Normal was relative, she supposed. Considering everything else, dating a mutant superhero wasn't that abnormal at all. And at least he wouldn't loose his temper and try to eat anybody.


end Nutcracker Ballet.