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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

In a Cabin


rating: pg13
main characters: Joyce Summers, Logan (Wolverine of X-Men)
disclaimer: you know they aren't mine.
distribution: Twisting & Mental Wanderings
notes: Twisting's FfA pairing # 802.

Work Text:

In a Cabin
by Lucinda

Joyce tossed another log onto the fire, and tried not to let herself cry. Hank had sworn that he was meeting some of his college buddies to go fishing up at the lake, where they'd stay in the cabin that they'd bought a few years back.

This cabin. The one that had a foot of snow blocking the door and pristine, untouched roads when she'd arrived. The one with an empty pantry and a fireplace that hadn't been used in a long time.

So much for their fishing trip. Hank clearly hadn't been here. So much for her idea of surprising him. The surprise had been hers.

Something thumped on the door.

Joyce could feel herself trembling as she walked towards the door. Was someone in trouble, or was she about to be in trouble? There had been dozens f stories and movies about people killed for doing this exact thing... Her hand curled around the cold doorknob, and she twisted it, pulling the door open. "Hello?"

A man stood there, swaying in the cold, his shoulders covered in snow. One hand looked pale and frozen to a line of fish, and he blinked, jaw working as if he wanted to say something. Then, he half collapsed, falling into the doorway.

With a squeak, Joyce tried to catch him, only to be dragged down to the floor by the sheer unexpected weight of him. With effort, she dragged him entirely inside, and forced the door shut. "Wake up, mister. You're too heavy for me to drag around."

The man groaned, and raised up on one arm, blinking at the cabin. "Where..."

"My cabin. You must have walked into the door." She tugged at the fish. "Maybe I can fry these up for something hot to eat... some of them at least."

"Good. Taste better that way." He shook his head, and lurched upwards, staggering towards the fire. "Too damn cold out there..."

Joyce put the fish in the little kitchen area, and brought out a thick blanket, holding it towards the man. "You might warm up faster out of those snow covered things."

He accepted the blanket with a smile, and nodded.

"I'll just work on the fish, so you can... umm... right." Joyce could feel herself blushing. God, this sounded like some sort of tawdry romance novel, where the lovely heroine finds the half frozen man, shares a few days of wild passion, and goes away, only to meet up again later, carrying his child and... Never mind. It wouldn't happen like that.

Glancing over, she caught a glimpse of his now bare chest as he pulled the blanket around his shoulders. Then again, maybe she should help warm the man up. And sharing body heat was considered a classic survival technique...

Fish first, Joyce decided. Maybe, depending on what she saw over their shared dinner... If Hank could slip away for his affairs, then why couldn't she? And it wasn't as if she'd probably ever see this man again anyhow. "I'm Joyce, by the way. What should I call you?"

"Logan." He'd settled on the floor close to the fireplace, the blanket pulled close around his shoulders. The frost that had turned his hair to shadowed gray had melted, revealing a wild mass of dark hair that drooped to the blanket.

Smiling, she brought the platter of fried fish over, along with a pair of forks. "I've got some of those fish ready to eat. We should have you warmed up in no time."

His smile made it apparent that he'd been considering a few other ways 'to warm him up' as well. "Thanks."

Almost exactly like one of those romances, in the end. Except that it was assumed by both of them that they'd probably never meet again. And some things were just better in the firsthand experience than set to paper.


end In a Cabin.