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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Ghosts of Christmas Past


rating: pg13 - mentions of character death, a bad word, and mention of teen hormones
main characters: Jesse, Richie Ryan
disclaimer: Jesse was created and killed by Joss of BtVS. Richie was created & kiled by Panzer/Davis (Highlander).
distribution: Mental Wanderings, Twisting - anyone else ask.
notes: for TtH FfA. Post Ahrimane arc for Highlander.

Work Text:

Ghosts of Christmas Past
by Lucinda


"Mac? Come on, can't you hear me? If you can't pull out of this, you're toast." Richie glared at his friend and mentor. The fact that Duncan MacCleod had also bee the one to take his head didn't mean that he worried any less about him. It had been that demon's fault anyhow.

"He can't hear you." The voice was young, no more than fifteen.

The guy actually reminded him of the way he'd been when he first met Duncan, actually. Except that he looked more innocent, as if he'd never experienced the same hardships and trials.

"What do you mean, he can't hear me? If he doesn't deal, he's going to lose his head." Richie paused, thinking about the dangers of immortality. "Literally."

The other guy shrugged, hands tucked in the pockets of a light jacket. "I know. But hey, I've been doing this dead guy thing for a while, and right now, he can't hear you. Most you'll be able to manage is to cause him to notice something, think of soemthign the pair of you did. Memory trigger kind of thing. I bet Willow could explain it better, considering her parents..."

"You said right now." Richie considered the words carefully. "Does that mean there's a time or a place that I can make him hear me?"

"Yeah." The other guy nodded, grinning a little. "So, you're Richie, and I'm Jesse. I guess I'm your ghost mentor or whatever."

"Can ghosts cut each other's heads off?" Richie muttered, rubbing at his neck.

Jesse grinned for a moment before answering. "It's a lot harder, and it sort of itches, but it doesn't do much to you. Unless you get dizzy or hurl from seeing things that aren't where what feels like your body is. It feels really weird."

Richie shuddered. "I'll pass on that one. So, how do I talk to him?"

"Ever watch that movie about Scrooge? Not the McDuck one, the one by that English guy? Dickens?" Jesse asked.

"Parts of it." Richie frowned. "Old cranky rich guy who didn't spend his money, gets haunted, turns into a nice guy overnight? Unrealistic bullshit sort of story?"

"Yeah, that one." Jesse nodded, looking amused. "It never seemed very likely to me either."

"What's that got to do with us?" Richie grumbled.

"Dude, we are the ghosts of Christmas Past. Nothing in the rules say we have to be the ghosts of the you-screwed-up-here past."

"Really?" Richie rightened, his mind going over all the things that he'd wanted to say to Mac. Things that he'd never said when he had the chance.

"Yeah." Jesse nodded, and then gave a smile that was entirely teenage boy. "As opposed to the dead guys hanging out in the girls' locker room."

"What, that's the rest of the year?" Richie joked.

Jesse shrugged, as if not quite willing to protest. "I got to do something with my time, don't I?"

"Thanks, man. I'll have a talk with him tonight." Richie said, feeling serious for just a moment.


end Ghosts of Christmas Past.