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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Sweet Revenge


Spock, bonded with Kirk, decides to marry Christine, if only to have children--and Kirk reacts predictably, as does Christine once she finds out their true relationship, particularly when Spock comes to her with his proposal.

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Paramount except the story and my imagination. I love to give the characters the fun that they wouldn't. It has both het and slash elements in it...not to mention a *very* long sequel. Feedback very much sought-after and appreciated. Some who have read it (the sequel) liked it, some didn't; I leave you to judge it (this is essentially the prologue for the sequel) for yourselves.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Part 1

Chapter Text

Sweet Revenge
by JM Lane


"Fleet Command will drum them both out of the service if they ever learn of this," a young lieutenant from Security was telling a crowd of interested crewpeople down the hall from where the medical personnel's quarters were located on B Deck. "Just how long would Captain Kirk and Spock last if it became known that the two of the so-called 'finest commanders in the Fleet' are nothing but a couple of flaming faggots?"

Dr. Christine Chapel had just left her quarters and happened to walk by at that moment, her blood boiling when she realized who the lieutenant was referring to. Why, that little-- He had no right! He could be drummed out of the service himself for such gross character assassination!

His claim was preposterous, for the romantic involvements of the men in question had all been with women for as long as she had known them...or at least the ones she knew about. She intended to see that the perpetrator of such vicious innuendo was punished within an inch of his miserable life for spreading such nonsense!

It was all she could do not go up and slap him in his filthy mouth for saying such things. How must it make the Captain and Spock look in the eyes of the crewpeople listening? Not that they were any less guilty for standing and listening to such hogwash for even a moment! She turned on her heel and headed into the turbolift which would take her to G Deck and Sickbay.

//I can't believe it. I won't! It's got to be a mistake,// she told herself, refusing to even consider the possibility that it might be true. //No! It's insane, impossible!// She shook her head violently. //Spock isn't like that--and the Captain's fondness for a pretty face and shapely female forms is well-known. This is simply a vile rumor that young troublemaker concocted in order to get attention.//

By the time the car stopped at G Deck, Christine had convinced herself that the latest rumor she had heard about the Captain and Spock was a total fabrication. Just wait until she told Leonard about this. He would tell the Captain, and he would see to it that this vicious and untrue story was nipped in the bud!

Upon arrival at Sickbay she located McCoy, told him all she had heard and insisted that he take steps to make sure that the instigator of that filthy lie was severely punished. The Chief Surgeon paled, suddenly looking twenty years older in the space of thirty seconds.

"So you finally heard," he said quietly.

All the blood seemed to leave Christine's heard as his words sank in. What was he saying? She couldn't have heard right. He couldn't possibly be telling her what he was telling her! //It's all a nightmare,// she told herself. Yes, that was it. This was all a bad dream; she would wake up soon and everything would be as it was before.

"Leonard, what are you saying? It can't be true. It *mustn't* be!"

"I'm afraid it is, Chris. It has been for twenty years." His reply was like a cold slap in the face, shattering her fragile dream-cocoon and bringing her back to cold, hard reality.

"No, I don't believe it! I can't. *I won't!*" Her voice sharpened with hysteria. "No! No!" she screamed, becoming so wild that McCoy had to sedate her. For a long time the female physician just sat in the chair in front of the Chief Surgeon's desk, her face buried in her arms, sobbing and moaning. "Oh my God, no. It can't *can't* be!"

McCoy simply sat quietly, one hand stroking her hair, knowing that there was nothing he could do or say which would ease the impact of such devastating news. But how could Chris not have figured it out for herself a long time ago? All the signs were there--the extraordinary closeness of the Captain and First Officer, as well as their lack of concern over having no marriage partners or children.

Not to mention Christine's own failure to attract Spock. She had obviously attributed their behavior to "being married to the service" or in Spock's case, part of being Vulcan...never anything even remotely like this. Finally her sobbing and moaning ceased, and Christine lifted her head. Her smoky blue eyes were swollen and red, her cheeks flushed...but her voice was clear as a bell.

"How could it be possible?" she asked, numb with shock.

"I don't know, Chris. I was just as shocked when *I* first learned of it. First from Jim, then Spock confirmed it later. Soon after Jim took command of the *Enterprise*, they realized that they were 'in love' and became lovers shortly thereafter...a relationship which still exists today."

"But they've both had their share of romances with women. The Captain was even married once."

"A smokescreen, for the most part, except for the times on Omicron Three, the Amerind planet and Sarpeidon."

Christine chuckled wryly. "I can just imagine what Spock's parents would say if they knew."

"You think they don't? Well, Amanda does, anyway. Has almost from the start...but it would kill Sarek if he ever learned that his son was in love with his Commanding Officer and has been his lover for twenty years."

"Well, if *that* isn't a kick in the head--or in my case, the heart. I always figured that the reason I never got anywhere with Spock was because he was Vulcan... and now this." Christine bowed her head, clasped hands resting on the desk and eyes closed in pain.

McCoy nodded sympathetically, then reached out and covered her hands with his in a gesture of comfort and friendship. "I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way, Chris. I can imagine how badly you must be hurting right now."

Chapel raised her head to look at her friend and colleague, eyes once again filled with tears. "Leonard, hurt doesn't begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. I've loved Spock for twenty years--and now to find that he's had another lover all that time... How could I have made such a fool of myself all these years? They must have laughed themselves sick about it--well, the Captain anyway." She again bowed her head, intently studying her hands. "I doubt I'll ever be able to look at either of them in quite the same way again."

"Chris, they're still the same people. Is Spock any less deserving of your love and the Captain your loyalty than they were before? It would destroy them if Fleet Command ever got wind of this, so despite the hurt you feel or your desire for revenge, you owe it to them to keep your silence."

"Leonard, you know I'd never tell anyone, especially Fleet Command. What the Captain and Spock do in private has no bearing on their command abilities."

"I'm glad you think so."

"Be that as it may, I'd rather have Spock bed every woman aboard ship than have this be true."

"I know...and it's good to know that you're beginning to accept it, though it can't be easy for you."

"Death would be easier right now, I hurt so much. My heart, soul and mind *hurt*. So much that every thought, every breath, is painful. Leonard, please hold me. I need the arms of someone who cares."

McCoy came around and gathered Christine into his arms, holding her head close to his heart and stroking her hair with a soothing hand, finally brushing her temple with his lips. "I feel so bad for you, Chris. If only there was something I could do to help."

"Don't talk, Leonard. Just hold me." Christine couldn't help thinking of how good it felt to be held by a man again. It had been so long. She and Leonard had always been friends, but only now was it beginning to dawn on her just how special he really much he cared for her. If only she could have realized this a long time ago!

If Spock could love someone else, what was there to stop her? She had as much right to happiness as he did. Almost before he realized it, Leonard McCoy found himself on the receiving end of a passionate kiss. Christine's arms locked around his neck as her body pressed close to his.

"Chris, *no*--"

"Love me, Leonard. Make me forget," she entreated, her lips brushing his cheek and ear, fingers stroking the back of his neck. He grabbed hold of her arms, summoning all his strength even as his body trembled at the nearness of hers, pushing her away from him.

"*No*, Chris. You don't know what you're doing. You don't know what you're saying!"

"Yes, I do!" She struggled in his fierce grip.

"No, you don't! You're turning to me on the rebound because you're hurting so much over Spock--but this isn't going to change anything. I can't take advantage of you, even as much as I want to. I'd jump at this if I thought you meant it, because I've been attracted to you for years...but never said anything because you could never see any further than Spock." His voice was laced with regret. "Now that you think he is lost to you, I've suddenly become very attractive-- but I know you still love him in spite of everything."

Christine stopped struggling; McCoy released her and she seated herself again, quiet tears the only indication she had heard him.

"Listen to me, Chris. There may still be a way for you to have him."

"Still have him? By sharing him with another lover? You call that 'having' him? That's sick, obscene--" She glared at McCoy.

The Doctor went on as though she hadn't spoken. "Spock recently confided to me that he wants children, so that means he will need a wife."

"No! Don't you understand? I couldn't accept him as a husband now, knowing he was thinking of someone else when he has me in his arms. Yes, I *do* still love him, but don't think I could bear to have him touch me, kiss me or make love to me with that knowledge."

"Chris, if it's any consolation, I happen to know that Spock *does* care for you--at least as much as is possible under the circumstances. At least consider giving him a chance. If you can accept the feelings he *does* have for you and not expect total, absolute devotion, maybe the two of you could work something out."

Tears again misted Chapel's blue eyes. "And you really think knowing that would make it any easier to bear? The problem is that I could never say No to him...even now, God help me!"


NEXT: Christine considers the option McCoy has given her--but in the meantime, has a most distressing nightmare involving Spock and Kirk.