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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Bet


Abby and Ducky try a little...meddling.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Tony was reading a file walking down the hall. Suddenly an arm shot out of the storage closet dragging him in. He blinked in the darkness trying to get his bearings. After a second he smiled as he recognized his 'kidnapper'. " Abby, dragging me into a dark storage closet so we can be alone. What would McGee say?"

A light popped on and Tony could make out Abby's smile. " How'd you know it was me?"

Tony grinned. " Why'd you drag me in here?"

"It's time to grow up and be a man Tony," Abby said looking grim. It was an unusual look for the normally happy-go-lucky-goth lab tech.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

She looked at him. " You need to ask Gibbs out."

He blinked. " Excuse me?"

" You need to ask Gibbs out," she repeated.

" Are you insane?" he asked. " Why are you telling me this?"

She sighed. " Come on Tony, he likes you, you like him. He's Gibbs, he's not gonna do it. You have to make the first move."

He shook his head. " How many Biggies have you had today?"

" Three but that has nothing to do with it," Abby grabbed his arm. " Give me one good reason."

" I'm not a curvaceous red head?" he asked.

" I said a good reason," Abby crossed her arms.

Tony sighed. " And it will make you give up the idea?" She nodded. " We work together, he's my boss, he's a Marine." He ticked the reason's off on his fingers. " He barely puts up with me at work, and he's my friend."

" Gees all right I get the point," she sighed. " I'll drop the whole thing."

" Does this mean we can go back to work?" Tony asked.

Abby opened the door and let him out. Tony headed in one direction, Abby in the other. Ducky met up with her at the elevator. " Abigail?"

She sighed. " No luck."

He smiled. " My turn then."


Gibbs walked into the morgue. " Ducky?"

" In here Jethro," Ducky called from his office.

Gibbs stuck his head in. " You wanted to see me?"

" Indeed," the doctor waved to the seats. " Sit down."

Gibbs eyed him. " What is this about?"

Ducky gave a small smile. " I wanted to speak to you about Anthony."

" Why what's he done now?" the younger man asked sitting down.

" Nothing apparently," Ducky said. " But the question is why haven't you."

Gibbs didn't understand. " What are you talking about?"

Ducky looked at him disapprovingly, the short man having a way of making the Marine feel as though he was looking down his nose at him. " Jethro don't be coy, you know exactly what I'm talking about."

Gibbs sat down with a sigh. " Ducky it's not a good idea."

" It will never be a good idea, but it would be good for you." Ducky smiled slightly. " A relationship with him would work."

" And why do you say that?" Gibbs leaned back interested.

Ducky sat on the edge of his desk. " Well you wouldn't have to avoid work talk. He understands just what this job in tales."

Gibbs shook his head. " Sounds like you've thought a lot about this."

" One must always have a plan," Ducky said.

" I'm his boss," the younger man reminded. " He annoys the heck out of me most of the time. He's my friend, Duck. And that's all."

Ducky shook his head. " It's more then mere friendship that had you terrified when he disappeared, or on his part when you were shot."

Gibbs stood up. " It's concern for a co-worker and a friend Ducky nothing more. Are you finished?"

Ducky sighed. " Apparently." He watched him walk out to the elevators. " Well I tried."


Gibbs rubbed his eyes as he walked down the hall. Suddenly an arm shot out of the storage closet dragging him in. He blinked in the darkness, and smirked at his 'kidnapper'. " What are you doing?"

Arms slid around his waist pulling him closer to the hard slim body. " What do you think?"

Gibbs ran his fingers through his lover's hair. " What are you doing Tony?"

" Abby gave me the idea," he kissed the older man's jaw. " She pulled me in here earlier."

" Really?" Gibbs pulled in the other man for a kiss. " Should I be jealous?"

" Jet," Tony warned. " She told me that I needed to ask you out." Tony turned on the dim light.

Gibbs pulled back to look at him smiling. " She told you?"

Tony grinned. " Yep." Gibbs closed his eyes and shook his head. " What?"

Gibbs opened his eyes and looked into Tony's. " Ducky just called me into his office to basically do the same thing."

" You think we should tell them?"

He shook his head pulling Tony in for another kiss. " Nah, they'll figure it out eventually."

There were two quick knocks on the door, " The director is on the phone for you Gibbs." Kate's voice said quietly.

Gibbs wide eyed looked at Tony. The younger man shrugged. " She knows. Flat out told me that two days ago."

" Smart girl," Gibbs kissed Tony once more, then straighten his shirt and opened the door. " Kate." He walked on to his desk.

Tony came out and grinned at her. She rolled her eyes at him and reached up to fix his hair slightly. " And tuck your shirt back in."

He actually blushed. " Thanks by the way." He fixed his shirt just in time as Abby and Ducky appeared at the other end of the hallway. The partners watched as the lab tech and doctor spoke quietly. " So who do you think will figure it out first?"

Kate watched them. " Abby."

Tony looked at her and raised his eyebrows. " Really?"

" Defiantly," Kate looked back at him.

" Ten bucks says it's Ducky," Tony bated.

Kate smirked. " Make it twenty."


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author angelh2o.
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