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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Because he wasn't you...


Tony discovered something about Gibbs...and about himself

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Tony gazed at Gibbs across the crowded bar, wondering what was going through his mind. It wasn't an upscale bar like the ones Tony was used to, just a normal, below average bar with a pool table, jukebox playing quietly in the background, a bar and the haze of cigarette smoke hanging like pall over it's patrons. There were only a few guys in there, leather types and construction types who were having their after work bitch sessions.

Right now Gibbs was putting off enough 'keep your distance' vibes that the barstools on each side of him were empty. He had been quiet, too quiet for the past couple of months, when he wasn't growling like a grizzly bear with a sore head. Sorta like that very morning...


Tony was making phone calls when something about one of the suspects caught his eye, "Cait, I've got an..."


With a jump Tony stood, the phone sliding off of his shoulder and onto the floor, "Boss?" he didn't recognize the harsh tone.

"This isn't playtime with your classmate! You're supposed to be getting me information on how the two dead Marines connect!" Gibbs had barked.

"Yeah Boss, I was just..."

"I don't want to hear it DiNozzo, get me the information or be looking for your pink slip."

Tony narrowed his eyes, something deeper was going on, Gibbs wasn't normally this harsh. "You got it Boss. And before you so rudely interrupted playtime, I just saw the connection and I was going to tell Cait." His tone was this side of sarcastic, and he saw the wince in Gibb's eyes.

About to open his mouth, Gibbs was interrupted by a mild, "Jethro, may I speak with you please?" His mouth shut and Gibbs had turned to see the normally mild mannered Ducky frowning at him, "Sure Ducky, what do you have?"

"How about we go to my lab?" Ducky asked, but everyone knew that it had been an order. When Gibbs had returned, he was quiet and asked about the link and they'd solved the case that afternoon.


Now he was stalking his Boss, trying to find out what in the HELL was going on with him. He sipped his Pepsi, smiling at the waitress automatically. After a bit, a man, looked military to Tony, came up with a smile, "Hey, you here by yourself?"

Tony smiled back, a little uneasy. The guys' eyes held the same kind of flirtatiousness that women often displayed, "Um, yeah, actually."

"You want some company?"

Now Tony sat back and eyed the man more carefully, about the same height as himself, military cut brunette hair, but not a Marine, friendly green eyes and a nice smile, and yep, he was hitting on Tony.

"Um, I'm not what you think I am." Tony worded this carefully, and the other man chuckled, "Don't you know that this is a gay bar?"

"What?" Tony looked around, still not seeing it. "Really?"

The other man sat down, tilting his head thoughtfully, "You really didn't know?"

Now Tony blushed, he thought he was familiar with most of the bars in the Georgetown area, but apparently not. "Um no. I was looking for a friend and I'd heard he came to this bar."

The man held out his hand, "I'm Braeden."

Tony shook it, "Tony."

"Nice to meet you Tony. Can I buy you..." and he was cut off when a gruff voice said, "I've got it Brae."

Braeden stood and smiled at Gibbs, "Oh Jay, he's not exactly your type."

"Unfortunately, he's exactly my type." Gibbs said quietly, his eyes never leaving Tony's confused face.

"Ahhh." Braeden said, "Well, I'll leave you two. Nice meeting you Tony. Don't be a stranger."

"Um, you too Braeden." Tony said, then watched with what he hoped was heroically concealed terror as his Boss sat down at the table and stared at him. He'd completely missed the fact that Gibbs had said he was his type.


"DiNozzo, what are you doing here?"

Tony noticed that the lines around Gibb's eyes had dug in deeper, and it looked like he hadn't been sleeping for awhile. "Well, you've been..." he searched around for a word, "Difficult, lately."

Gibbs snorted a laugh, "Difficult. You mean I've earned that second 'b' in my last name."

This took a second for Tony to decipher, and then he remembered his conversation with Cait where she's been told, 'the second 'b' is for bastard', "Well, yeah. But not all of the time." He hastened to add.

"Bullshit. Now you're just sucking up."

Tony smiled, "Well, yeah."

Gibbs took a sip of his drink, "So, why are you here?"

"The music?"

Gibbs looked over at the old jukebox, "Uh huh, you ~like~ Captain and Teneille?"

Tony sighed, "Busted. Ok, I decided to follow you and see if I could find out what was up." He didn't notice Gibb's jerk when he said that, "Cait and I have been worried Boss. We can take cranky in small increments, but after that..."

"I'm fine DiNozzo. There's just some things that I'm working through."

"And you had to come to a gay bar to do that?" then Tony's mouth dropped open, "Oh. Oh shit." And suddenly Tony realized ~why~ Gibbs had gone to a gay bar.

The older man chuckled bitterly, "Welcome to one of my 'issues'."

Everything that Tony knew about his Boss tilted and perception altered radically. The three divorces suddenly made sense, if you put it into the perspective of being gay, the relationship with Burley suddenly came into crystal clear focus, and the way Gibbs had handled the cases that had involved gays and lesbians all began to make perfect sense.

"It's not a big deal Boss." Tony said staunchly. He kept his eyes on his Boss and thought he could see the big shoulders relax somewhat.

"Maybe not for you DiNozzo, but the military is still in the 'don't ask, don't tell' mindset, and I'd like to keep my job."

"But you're a civilian!" Tony said indignantly.

"Marine reserves."

The younger man nodded, "My lips are sealed Boss. Um, what about Cait?"

"She doesn't have the need to know. I'll try not to be such a bastard at work, and hopefully I'll deal with this and it'll be over." 'Hah, right', Gibbs thought, since the object of his desire and frustration was sitting at the same table with him.

"Can I, well, help?"

Gibbs groaned, he just couldn't help it. "No, you can't help."

Tony was thinking rapidly. He looked at the older man's face curiously, and wondered what kind of man Gibbs would go for. Tall? Short? Military seemed likely, though that would be a big no no. But then his Boss had never been much for rules that didn't make alot of sense.

Suddenly a memory struck, "Did you just tell Braeden that I was your type?"

Gibbs shifted slightly, "Just making sure you weren't harassed is all. Don't make a big deal of it." He lied gruffly.

"Huh." Tony fell silent. When ~he~ was bummed out like this it was usually over some girl, but with Gibbs. Oh. "Do I need to beat him up?"

Gibbs looked up in surprise, then realized that Tony thought he was upset over someone. He smiled, "No, but thanks anyway."

Tony nodded, "Ok, I've done all of the touchy feely stuff that I can take, if you're ok then I'm going home." He stood and stretched, totally unaware that he attracted the attention of most of the men in the bar.

"Be careful Tony." Gibbs stood and held out his hand, always a glutton for punishment, "Thanks."

Tony shook Gibbs hand, "Keep it real Boss." And he sauntered out.

"Fuck." Gibbs said and went back to the bar and put his glass down, "Thanks Phil, I'm headed home."

"Who was the cutie?" The buff, tall man behind the bar asked.

"No one special."

The bartender shook his head, "You can't fool me pal."

"He's straight as the proverbial arrow." Gibbs explained wryly.

Now the bartender looked to the door where Tony had disappeared, "Then what was he doing here?"

"Looking out for me."

"Ah, well, can you turn him to the dark side?"

Gibbs smiled mirthlessly, "Highly unlikely, no matter how much I'd wish for it. Good night Phil."

"Good night Jethro."


As Tony drove, he wondered about Gibbs. How long had he known that he was gay? Who did he date now, or did he consider it dating. Maybe it was just, well, the crude term for it was a buddy fuck. "Shit!" he said to himself, he didn't need to ~know~, that's for sure. And he tried to put it out of his mind. Then he remembered what Gibbs had said to Braeden, and all sorts of questions and images suddenly popped up in his mind. "Great." He groaned.


Everything seemed normal on Thursday, Gibbs was gruff, but not overwhelming. Cait was relieved, and she'd been glad that Tony had lost the coin toss. When Gibbs left the office area she stood and leaned over the divider, "So, do you know what's going on?" She hissed quietly.

Tony shook his head, "He just said it was something he'd have to work out." He replied, lying through his teeth.

She nodded and sat back down to do some more research. If Tony was ok with it, then she was too. It was always best not to ask too many questions about Gibbs personal business.

Gibbs came back in and sat down, slipping his reading glasses on, not noticing that Tony was watching him thoughtfully.

For his part, Tony was wondering all sort of x-rated things about his boss. He'd done a little research on the 'net, and now was insatiably curious. He'd always considered himself straight, but he'd always had gay friends, especially at Ohio State. There had been offers, Tony had been a friend with students from all stratas of college life, not just the jocks, but he'd never felt the urge to experiment that way. However, now...... Gibbs looked up and narrowed his eyes at him, and Tony bent to industriously type, as if he hadn't been skylarking.

Gibbs raised his eyebrows, 'What in the hell had that been about?' then shook his head and returned to his reading. It wasn't the last time he caught DiNozzo watching him during the day, and he wondered what was going on in that flexible and curious mind. Then he groaned, for he'd figured out what it was. Tony was curious, and when Tony was curious...look the hell out world.


It was later when Gibbs was about to enter the lab and caught part of Abby's and Tony's conversation, "Hey Abs, I was wondering..."

Abby smiled and twirled around on her lab stool, "About what?"

"Where's a good beginner's gay bar?"

"Why Tony, have you crossed to the dark side?" She asked gaily. Gender had never meant a thing to her.

He grinned at her; "I'm just doing a little research."

Abby wagged a finger, "Once you've crossed into the forbidden zone, beware, you might like it!"

This made him laugh, "That's what life's about, isn't it? Finding out what makes you happy and fulfilled? If I don't try, then I'll always wonder."

"Well, wonder no more my good man." She grabbed a post-it note and wrote a bar name and address, then stuck it to his forehead, "Try there. They have the best fruit smoothies, and the bartender will make sure no piranhas get ya."

He took the post-it off his forehead, "Thanks Abby, I'll tell you all about it." And he strode from the lab.

"You'd better!" She called after him. She turned back and was humming cheerfully when Gibbs voice made her jump and squeal, "Was that such a good idea Abby?"

"Bossman! You about gave me a heart attack!" She patted her heaving chest dramatically, then took a large gulp of her melting icee. "What did you mean, by the way?"

Gibbs shuffled uncomfortably, "He's really into women, you know."

Abby shrugged, sending her pigtails swinging, "Gender is just an illusion Bossman. If he finds what he's looking for, then no harm, no foul."

"We work in a pretty macho environment." He said obliquely.

She waved a dismissive hand, "Oh, Tony's macho enough, he'll be fine. Don't be such a mother hen."

He grunted irritably, "I'll see you Abs." He shoved his hands in his pockets and walking out without asking for what he'd come for originally. After a minute he was back, "Abs?"

Abby looked up, "Uh huh?"

"I need those lab results, and the name of the bar you sent Tony to."

Now the light dawned and she smiled, "You got it."


Tony ran a hand briskly through his hair, eyed himself critically in the mirror and smiled, "Well, you don't know if you don't try." He said to himself. He grabbed his wallet and his keys and left his apartment.


Gibbs looked around the bar with curiosity. It was done with bright colors, and large mural of what looked like the Italian coastline adorned one of the walls. There were some men, either singles or couples, and a few women as well, but no Tony yet. He found himself a table, back against the wall so he could keep an eye on the door, and ordered himself bourbon. He needed the liquid courage.

With an excitement he hadn't felt in awhile, Tony walked into the bar and looked around. Nope, seemed like a normal bar to him. He walked up to the bar and smiled at the bartender, "Hi, can I have a ginger ale?"

The girl with pink hair smiled at him, "Starting out easy are we?"

He grinned back, "Abby says that's always a good idea. Though I'd be drinking a fruit smoothie if I followed all of her ideas."

"Abby!" The girl squealed, then turned to the bouncer, "Adam! Come here, meet one of Abby's friends."

The tall, brawny man with red hair walked over and held out his hand, "Any friend of Abby's."

Tony shook his hand, introducing himself; "I'm Tony."

The pink haired girl nodded, "Abby's told us all about you. I'm Melissa, and this is Adam."

"Nice to meet you both. I'm here to kinda stick my toes in, see what it's all about." He looked around and saw a number of men looking back at him.

Adam grinned, "Ah, curious are we? Get a table and you'll be swamped by offers to 'teach' you everything you need to know."

Tony looked a little apprehensive as he turned back to the bar, "Um, I think I'll just look around."

Melissa grinned, "Don't you worry sweet thing, we'll keep the piranha's away."


The bar was getting crowded and Gibbs watched as Tony spoke to several men, jealousy tightening his gut as Tony laughed and flirted lightly. One of the men sat down, a blond guy who thought he was a stud and apparently he and Tony had something in common because they began to speak animatedly. The pink haired girl's face tightened slightly, and she leaned over and interrupted the conversation, but the new man just smiled charmingly and escorted Tony away to a table. Gibbs internal alarms went off and he sauntered up to the bar to grill pink haired girl, "Tell me about the blond guy."

Melissa looked at the handsome older man thoughtfully, "Why?"

He smiled, "Because I'm Abby's and Tony's friend."

This made her smile, "You must be Gibbs. She called to say that you might wander into my fine establishment." She held out her hand, "I'm Melissa."

Gibbs shook her hand, "Jethro."

"Oooh, I love Beverly Hillbillies."

He rolled his eyes, "I came before the show. So, about the Adonis wanna be?"

She frowned in the direction of the blond, "Jason Reynolds. All around slut and not a very nice guy. You might want to stake your claim on the delectable Tony unless you want him hurt."

Tony had stood up but the blond grabbed his hand, trying to move him towards the door. Tony pulled away and shook his head, and as the DJ started to play a new song, Gibbs had an idea.

"Come on Tony, I'll bet you're a virgin. I just love to teach virgins everything that they need to know." Jason wheedled, his blue eyes glittering with excitement, and if Tony wasn't mistaken, some kind of illegal substance.

"I'm not interested Jason. Really." Tony said with growing irritation.

The blond opened his mouth when suddenly Tony felt a presence behind him, "Hey, want to dance?"

Tony spun around and stared at his boss in confusion, "Gibbs?"

The blond stood up, "Back off old man, he's mine." He snarled.

Gibbs put a gentle arm around Tony's shoulders, and leaned forward, "No, he's not. Get a clue ~kid~." He gently maneuvered the shocked man to the dance floor and placed his hands on the slender hips he'd had fantasies about, "You're not dancing." He said in mild reproof.

Automatically Tony's feet began to move as he continued to stare, "What are you doing here?"

"Keeping you out of trouble." He pulled Tony closer to him as the dance floor began to get more crowded.

Tony's cock was taking all sorts of interest in the proceeding, trying to follow Gibbs hips. Tony kept his hips back as far as politely possible, "I was ok Boss." He protested, wondering when the hell his body had decided that it wanted his boss. The gleam in Gibbs eyes made sweat roll down his back.

Gibbs moved them around slightly, seeing the blond guy scowl in their direction, then take something out of his pocket and chase it down with his beer. "He's doing drugs you know."

Tony rolled his eyes, his hands moving up to rest on Gibbs shoulders, "I was in Vice, I could tell. We were just talking about football, then he started to get a little wiggy." He dismissed the other man from his mind, concentrating on Gibbs. He was kinda enjoying this guy-guy thing.

The older man nodded, keeping one eye out for the blonde, "Yeah, Melissa says he's a slut and a not very nice guy."

"What makes a guy a slut? I mean, that's usually a term reserved for women, isn't it?" he tightened his hands on Gibb's shoulders absently, his eyes alight with curiosity.

Gibbs chuckled, "No DiNozzo, not just women. If a guy sleeps around, conspicuously, then he's a slut." He was starting to feel a little light headed with Tony this close to him.

"But only if he's gay, right?"

"Yep." Gibbs agreed, placing a warm hand on Tony's back as he guided him to his table. He watched the younger man sit, then he looked over at the bar and saw Melissa nod with satisfaction. "What are you drinking?"

Tony looked over to the table where his old drink had been, "Well, I was drinking ginger ale, but I'll have a beer."

"Got it." Gibbs went up to the bar, got a couple of beers and brought them back, sitting them onto the table before sliding into his own seat. "So, DiNozzo. What are you doing here?"

He watched the younger man blush slightly, "I was curious. I mean, it's not everyday that you find out that the most straight person you know, isn't, well, straight at all."

Gibbs tapped on the table, thoughtfully watching his agent, "SO, Since I'm gay, you wanted to see the gay scene? Why? I mean, you're straight. Look at all of the women you chase."

Tony smiled, "Look at all of the women you ~married~!"

"Fair enough. You're not gay DiNozzo. Trust me." Gibbs said emphatically.

Leaning on his elbows, Tony tilted his head in that way that always made Gibbs groin tighten, "I've been doing a little research, and it looks interesting. How do I ~know~ that I'm not gay?"

Exasperated now, Gibbs poked Tony's chest, "Are you attracted to men?"

A distinctly flirtatious smile crossed Tony's lips, "Maybe I'm attracted to" He was seriously thinking about his boss in less than professional terms.

Not thinking that Tony was the least bit serious, Gibbs smiled, "See, either you are or your not. You're not even close to being gay. Go to Bennigan's and pick up some girl DiNozzo." He didn't mean for his tone to be patronizing, but he saw Tony stiffen up indignantly and winced.

"I am! But if you're going to be more of a hindrance than a help then go home and I'll meet someone back at the bar." Tony stood, and Gibbs scowled, standing as well.

"Fine. But you'll realize that I'm right." He said self-righteously.

This made Tony shake his head and head for the bar. Gibbs sighed, then grabbed Melissa's arm as she walked past, "Keep an eye on him please?" He asked quietly.

Melissa patted his hand, "Sure hon, but I don't see why you're not snapping him up?" Her expressive brown eyes were wide.

"Because he's not serious." Gibbs said quietly. His eyes never left Tony and he had to leave or do something rash.

"I'll make sure he's ok." And she watched with a half smile as he left the bar. "Oh dear, he's got it bad." Melissa turned to see Tony chatting up a young guy at the bar. She sighed and walked back over to pick up orders, anxious to chat with Abby about her hottie co-workers.

Tony had stepped up to the bar and sipped his beer, watching various men, when he noticed a guy standing by himself. The guy drew him because of his eyes, they were dark brown but sharp as if he were cataloguing everyone around him. He had a short military type haircut and was wellbuilt. Tony bet dimes to doughnuts that the guy was either undercover, or, judging by the bar, a gay cop. He eased from the bar and walked over, catching his eye, "Hey, I'm Tony."

The man smiled easily, "I'm Justin."

"You wanna get a table?"

Justin eyes narrowed as he realized that the guy was probably some kind of cop, "Sure."

They sat down at the table, studying each other curiously. "So, you a cop?" Tony asked, sipping his beer.

The other man laughed, "Yeah, I'm an...well, let's say military law enforcement."

Tony nodded, "Yeah, I work with the military in law enforcement too."

"Your haircut makes a liar out of you." Justin pointed out.

With a pout, Tony shrugged, "Not everyone that works with the military are in the military."

'Damn, he's cute.' Justin thought to himself, "You've got a point. So how about those Redskins?"

"They suck." Tony said promptly, making the other man laugh. They dove into conversation, actually enjoying each other's company. All the while though, Tony was trying to gauge his physical attraction to the other man. They'd been talking for several hours when suddenly there was a beeping noise, and both men stopped and fumbled with their belts, grinning at each other. "It's not me." Tony said.

"It's me." Justin said in resignation. He stood and Tony stood as well, "Listen, I really enjoyed myself, how about dinner tomorrow night?"

Tony thought quickly about his schedule, and nodded, "That sounds great." He pulled a pen out and took Justin's hand, writing his phone number on the back of it, "Call me tomorrow."

Justin laughed, and turned his hand to grip Tony's, pulling him close for second, brown eyes meeting blue, then Justin pressed a soft kiss to Tony's lips, smiled and turned to head out the door. Tony watched him go, a small smile on his face.


Gibbs looked up the next morning as Tony walked into the office, whistling happily, and his heart sank. He must have had a good time with someone else, and was suddenly surprised by the possessiveness, the absolute fury that he felt. His heart was screaming, 'Tony was his!', and his head was trying to remind him about rule #12 and his three failed marriages. "Sonofafuckingbitch." He said under his breath.

"Hey Boss."

"DiNozzo." It came out growled, and at Tony's startled look he forced an apology, "Sorry, long night."

A knowing look crossed Tony's face, "Fell asleep at the boat again, huh?"

"Yeah." Gibbs lied glibly. He'd actually sat in his darkened living room and thought about Tony, then cursed himself and went down to sand his boat. He'd never gone to sleep.

Caitlin came in and Tony teased her for awhile before they settled down to work. At about 10, Tony's phone rang and he perched it on his shoulder as he continued to type, "DiNozzo."

"Hi, it's Justin."

Tony leaned back from his computer, a smile on his face, "Hey, how are you?" Gibbs head came up at the unusually warm greeting, and he eavesdropped with dread on the conversation.

Justin smiled, "I'm good. Listen, how about dinner at 8 tonight? I'll buy."

Moving back up to his desk, Tony pulled out his pda and turned it on, "8 huh, yeah, barring man made disasters that would be good. Where?"

The other man frowned in thought, "Have you ever heard of Julio's?"

"Have I ever heard of Julio's?" Tony parroted, "Only the best cheesecake in the world!"

Gibbs heart sank, it was a date, and he had only himself to blame. His heart arguing with his head, making him crazy. Finally he'd had enough and launched himself from his desk, heading down to visit Ducky in the morgue. He was unaware of a pair of blue eyes watching him wistfully.

"Tony?" came Justin's voice and Tony jerked.

"Still here, sorry. I'll meet you there at 8 then?"

"Ok, see you then." Justin said, and the men hung up.


Gibbs prowled aimlessly around the morgue as Ducky examined him, "Jethro?"

"Ducky?" Gibbs replied, wandering around the end of the table before completing what must have been his tenth circuit around the room.

"Can I ask what the matter is?"

Gibbs growled, "Tony's deciding to explore his sexuality."

Ducky's eyes widened behind his glasses, "I see." He ruminated for a moment, watching Gibbs finish his fifteenth circuit around the room. "So, you're unhappy with this?"

Gibbs spun around, opened his mouth then sighed, "I pushed him away, when I wanted to teach him everything. Now he's making dinner reservations and it's not with me."

Now Ducky had the full picture. He stood up and moved into Gibbs path, stopping the younger man in his tracks, "You have to make a decision Jethro. You need to decide what's more important, your bloody rules, or your heart."

Gibbs looked at Ducky for a long moment, then nodded, "If I'm not too late."

Ducky clapped Gibbs on the shoulder, "Good luck my boy, you are going to need it."

"Thanks Duck." Gibbs snorted.


Tony stepped out of his truck, straightening his tie nervously. He looked over at the entrance to the restaurant and saw an equally nervous Justin, and smiled. The other man looked very nice too, no tie, but he had on a black blazer and a back collarless dress shirt. It kinda reminded him of Gibbs, and he sighed. "Hey."

"You look nice." Justin commented, and he was right. Tony's hair was tousled and he was wearing dark blue dress slacks, a blue and black striped dress shirt, and a dark blue tie.

Tony blushed, "Thanks."

Inside they were quiet as they ate dinner, and Tony miserably wished he were there with Gibbs. Not that Justin wasn't nice, but apparently Tony's body had a thing for a certain ex-gunny only.

They ate their cheesecake, Tony buying a whole one for home, making Justin laugh at him, "Hey, I told you it was the best cheesecake." He replied in defense, though he had to smile. Outside, Tony watched as Justin messed with his keys, "This was nice." He leaned forward and Justin met him half way, the kiss dry and sweet. Tony, desperate to feel something, took the edge of his tongue and pressed against Justin's lips, which opened for him, the kiss taking a turn towards more passionate. After a minute Tony pulled back, disappointed in his body's lack of reaction to what had been a very nice kiss. Damn Gibbs anyway.

Justin looked like he was about to say something when beepers went off. "Shit." Both men said, and laughed as they checked them.

"I have to head in." Tony said.

"Me too." Justin held out his hand, "Be careful."

Tony took it, "You too."

As he drove through the rundown neighborhood to the manned gates of the Navy Yard, Tony reflected on his life. HE was in lust, if not in love with an irascible, handsome, tyrannical and brilliant Leroy Jethro Gibbs. If anything, his little foray into gay society had shown him that. He pulled into the well lit parking lot noticing that he was the first one there, and taking the cheesecake with him, walked into the building.

Gibbs looked around for DiNozzo when he walked into the office, smiling as he saw the younger man at his desk. "DiNozzo."

Tony's head came up, his eyes warm, "Hey boss."

Gibbs stuffed his hands in his pockets, and the words came out before he could stop them, "So, how was your date?"

Head jerking towards the cheesecake, Tony said, "Short. Want a piece?"

Gibbs tilted his head to look over the cubicle wall at Tony's desk, "Cheesecake?"

Tony smiled up at Gibbs, "Julio's." His eyes darkened as he stared into Gibbs bright blue eyes. There was something about his boss that absolutely made his hormones sing.

Caitlin breezed in. "What have we got Gibbs?"

Gibbs straightened up, "A body of a female sailor was found at an elementary school. Let's saddle up, Ducky's gonna beat us there."


It was almost 12 hours later when Gibbs walked back into the office. They'd solved the case, and were supposed to be writing up reports, but Tony was leaned back in his chair, fast asleep, snoring slightly. He was terribly cute, but Gibbs would never tell him that. "DiNozzo!" He barked.

Tony jerked, flailed his arms and his chair went over backwards, "Shit!" he yelped.

Now Gibbs grinned, and there was smothered laughter from other people in the office. "You ok?" He asked, peering down at the tangle of man and chair.

"Yeah, I think. Gimme a hand would ya?"

Gibbs obliged, pulling the chair carefully back so Tony could get himself untangled. He stood up with a disgruntled look on his face, "Do you have to DO that?"

"Cheap entertainment." Gibbs replied, rolling the chair back out of the way. He enjoyed how Tony looked, thoroughly rumpled, disgruntled and looking like he'd just rolled out of bed. "Your report done?"

Tony nodded, yawned hugely and stretched, the popping sounds from the younger man's spine making Gibbs wince, "Yep, already sent it to your computer." He was about to say more when Tim McGee walked in, his computer bag over his shoulder.

"Hey, did you hear about the shootout last night? Three local cops are dead." McGee said blithely, setting his stuff down at his desk.

A hushed, "Ohgod." made Gibbs look around. "DiNozzo?" The younger man's face was ashen.

"Did they release any names?" Tony asked.

McGee sat back in his chair, "I don't think so, but.." and trailed off as Tony raced for the elevator, Gibbs hot on his heels.

The elevator doors opened and Cait got off, "Hey Gibbs, Tony. Did you hear about the..."

"Did they say any names?" Tony asked, interrupting her.

She eyed him curiously, "Yeah, but I don't remember who they were."

Gibbs grabbed Tony's arm, gentling his touch at the look of panic in the younger man's eyes, "Don't go tearing off, let me call and find out."

Tony nodded mutely, heading back into the office. Gibbs went to his desk and dialed, very aware of Tony's presence, and Cait's curiosity. "Hello? Yes, this is Special Agent Gibbs of NCIS. I'd heard about your loss last night and I thought I heard a name I recognized and hope I'm wrong." He listened for a minute, then picked up a pen and began to write, "Lance Martinez, Frederick Carson and Justin Jennings." His eyes looked up to see the devastation on Tony's face. "Tell your Captain that I was so sorry to hear about last night, and that if there's anything that we can do. Uh huh, yeah. Good bye."

He immediately stood and found Tony at his desk, head cradled in his hands. He walked over, "DiNozzo, I'm so damn sorry."

"Me too." Tony whispered.

Gibbs looked at McGee, "I'm taking DiNozzo home. If the Director asks, or if a case comes in call my cellphone."

"Yes boss." McGee said quickly, wondering which slain officer Tony had known.

Tony was silent on the ride home, and Gibbs respected his privacy though he was burning with questions. At Tony's apartment, he walked the younger man to the door, then hesitated, unsure of his welcome. Tony realized that he was home, and looked over his shoulder, "I need a drink, want one?"

"Kinda early." Gibbs replied, following Tony into his apartment. Tony shrugged, went to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey, grabbed a glass and poured 3 fingers, then brought it up to his lips and drained it in one swallow.

"God." Tony gasped, and poured himself another. Gibbs moved over and pressed his hand over Tony's keeping the glass still, "This won't bring him back."

Sad eyes met his, "I only met him the other night. We had one date, a couple of kisses, but our jobs got in the way. I'll never know if it could have been something more." He slid the glass out from under Gibbs hand and swallowed it down. Even as he spoke he knew he was lying to himself. It wouldn't have worked out, would never have been anything more with Justin, for the simple fact that he loved Gibbs.

Gibbs swallowed hard, "Did you want it to?"

In combination with his exhaustion and grief, Tony was feeling the alcohol now and spun around slamming the glass onto the countertop. He yanked Gibbs to him so that they were nose to nose, "I wanted to explore my sexsh..." he shook his head, "My sexuality with you! But you blew me off." Tony tilted his head back as he ran the last sentence through his head, "Not what I meant."

This made Gibbs chuckle, "That's ok, I knew what you meant."

"So, do you want me or not?" Tony demanded tipsily.

Gibbs raised his eyebrows, "Let's get you to bed, then we'll talk." He helped Tony get undressed and got him into bed, stroking his hair before moving back from the bed.

"Don't stop." Tony murmured, eyes already heavy from the lack of sleep and the whiskey.

"Stop what?"

Tony patted his hair, "The hair thing."

Chuckling quietly, Gibbs sat down on the bed and stroked Tony's hair, watching as the younger man fell asleep. He toed off his shoes and got more comfortable, but the lack of sleep from the previous night caught up with him and he fell asleep as well.

Tony woke slowly, feeling warm and comfortable. After a minute he discovered why, he was wrapped around his boss who was asleep in his bed. He jerked slightly in surprise, and Gibbs pulled him closer, "Go back to sleep DiNozzo." He growled sleepily without opening his eyes.

"Huh. I feel like one of the bears. What are you doing in my bed Goldilocks?"

Gibbs opened an eye, "The better to eat you with, my dear."

Tony chuckled, "I think we mixed fairytales somewhere." He felt Gibbs press a kiss to his hair, and sighed and closed his eyes. Then he opened them again, "You lied to Braeden that night in the bar, didn't you?"

"Well yeaa-ah." Gibbs drawled with exasperation.

"So, does this mean what I think it means?"

A sigh, "DiNozzo, you talk too much." He pulled the younger man closer, eyes still closed, "We're in it for the long haul, alright? Now sleep!" He could feel Tony snuggle closer and smiled. After a minute Gibbs sighed, "Did you mean what you said about Jennings?" Better to get the baggage out of the first.

Tony could hear the uncertainty in his soon to be lover's voice, and he raised himself up to look into Gibbs now open eyes, "I already knew it wouldn't work between Justin and I." He said honestly.

Gibbs gazed up at Tony, "Why not?"

"Because he wasn't you." Tony said simply. He laid back down on his side, head on Gibbs shoulder, his arm across the older man's chest, his leg entwined with the older man's.

Gibbs shifted a little, "Christ, you're all leg aren't you?" He complained lightly.

"Mmm." Tony agreed.

They were both silent so long, Tony thinking that Gibbs had fallen asleep that he actually jolted when Gibbs asked, "You want me to go to the funeral with you?"

"Yeah." Tony replied, touched deeply by the question.

"You got it." Gibbs pressed another kiss to Tony's hair, "Now sleep damnit."

A snort, "Yes Boss."