
Work Header

Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Lost and Found


A lost son is found

Disclaimers and Beta list can be found on my author's info page.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Miami Rain

Chapter Text


Chapter One: Miami Rain

Horatio woke with a start. He sat up looking around the darkened room, trying to figure out what had woken him. He heard the sound again, a loud thumping. He pulled his gun out of the nightstand drawer, ears trained to the silent townhouse. Horatio eased his way down the stairs and towards the front door. The only sound was the rain beating against the windows, a flash of lighting showed a silhouette outside the door.

Horatio stepped up to the door gun raised, “Who’s there?”

He barely made out the pained, “H.”

Horatio laid down the weapon on the entry table, quickly unlocked and opened the door. He barely caught the rain soaked figure as it fell into the entryway. He pulled the barely conscious man into the house slamming the door behind him. Blood and rainwater dripped onto his tiled entryway, as he half dragged and carried the now unconscious man farther into the house. Making a quick decision he lifted the man onto his shoulder, wincing at the man’s pained groan, and carried him up the stairs. Laying him down gently on the bed quickly getting towels.

He noticed that the young man wasn’t wearing shoes; his feet were dirty, bruised and bloodied. He carefully slipped off the wet dirty jeans, setting them off to the side to be collected for evidence. He picked up a pair of scissors and cut away the soaked shirt, the blood was coming from a gunshot wound in the shoulder. He placed a towel on the wound to curb the blood flow. He grabbed a warm blanket out of the closet and covered the shivering form; he quietly stepped out of the room and headed back downstairs.

He picked up the phone, but couldn’t stop shaking. He stood there in the middle of his kitchen shaking. Emotions overpowering him, the last twenty minute he had been running on pure adrenaline. He gave into the emotions, leaned against the kitchen wall and slid to the floor. His world had been turned upside down, in one single moment. He closed his eyes, took a slow deep breath to gain some ounce of control and dialed.

“Alexx…I’m sorry to have woken you, but…no, actually I’m not fine.” Horatio paused, taking a deep breath. “I need you to come over here…bring your medical kit. No, I’m physically fine…just get here as soon as possible.”

He clicked off the phone, and then picked himself off the floor. He laid the phone down on the counter and walked to the cupboard where he kept the alcohol. He poured himself a generous glass of scotch, downed it, and then picked up the phone.

“Eric…get your kit and come to my house.” Horatio voice was now firm and in control. “I’ll explain when you get here, hurry.”

Sighing as he dialed the last number, “Calleigh…I need you…Grab your kit and get here…my house not the lab…don’t call in. I’ll explain when everyone is here. I already called Eric and Alexx…Please, Calleigh just get here.”

Horatio set the phone down and poured another drink. He sat down on the couch and waited for his team to arrive. He glanced up at the dark bedroom, listening to the rain outside. The loud knock startled him; he quickly looked at the clock noticing a good twenty minutes had gone by since he sat down.

He opened the door to a worried Calleigh, “You’re the farthest away, yet the first one here?”

“What can I say, when you said hurry I broke speed records.” Calleigh smiled, then faltered at Horatio’s serious expression. “What’s going on Horatio?”

“I’ll explain when Eric and Alexx get here,” Horatio motioned for her to come in.

“We're here,” Eric ran up the stairs and into the house, Alexx right behind him.

“Horatio, what’s going on?” Alexx laid her hand on Horatio’s arm.

Horatio looked at his team, the three people he trusted the most in the world. His eyes darted upstairs all three following his gaze. “This can’t leave the house.”

Eric nodded with the others, “H?”

“It would be easier to show you,” Horatio turned and headed up the stairs.

He walked into the bedroom, crossed over to the bed, sitting gently next to the figure laying in it. When he turned on the lamp on the nightstand; he heard a gasp and a loud thud of a heavy case hitting the floor. He turned to see Calleigh standing at the doorway her hand covering her mouth, tears in her eyes. Horatio moved out of Alexx’s way as she removed the towel from the wound.

“H?” Eric’s soft voice sounded loud in the quiet room.

“I don’t know how,” Horatio, answered the unspoken question.

Alexx pulled her medical kit onto the bed, and then looked back at Horatio. “I’m going to need some wet towels to clean this wound. It’s not a through and through so I’ll have to dig out the bullet.”

Horatio nodded and stepped out into the hallway leaving the others in the bedroom. Calleigh walked up to the bed, her hand reaching out but not quite touching.

“Honey, what did they do to that untamable hair of yours,” Alexx cooed, her hand sliding over short-cropped hair. “What happened to you? What took you away from us? And what made you come back home?”

“God, how is this possible?” Calleigh kneeled on the floor next to the bed. She took his hand in hers, it was chilled but warm. Without thought she checked for a pulse and let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding when she felt the strong beat under her fingertips.

“I don’t know, but right now we have to get that bullet out of him,” Horatio stated walking in with towels and a clean sheet for Alexx.

“I might need help holding him down, if he wakes up while I’m removing the bullet.” Alexx took the towels from his hands.

Horatio nodded then turned towards Eric and Calleigh, “There’s blood in my entryway, and the clothes he was wearing are on the dresser. Treat it as evidence.” He paused making sure he had their attention, “Then I want you to go to the lab and pull all evidence from the shooting. Process as if it was a new case.”

”What should we say, when asked?” Eric asked his eyes never leaving the figure on the bed.

“You don’t. Keep this under wraps; do not go through proper channels. We don’t know what’s going on, and the less people that know the better.” Horatio stepped up to the bed and looked at the young man asleep on his bed. “As far as the world is concerned Timothy Speedle is dead.”

Eric nodded as he grabbed the clothes and bagged them. He walked over to the bed and looked into the face of his friend, emotions threatened to overwhelm him. He felt a tug on his arm, and looked down at Calleigh, she gave him a half smile and pulled him out of the bedroom.

“Alexx, after we get the bullet out, I need you to treat his feet. He wasn’t wearing any shoes.” Horatio laid his hand on the ME’s shoulder, “Are you okay?”

“No, Horatio I’m not, but I will be.” Alexx caressed Speed’s face. “Sugar, you’ve been through so much, but your home now.”

”Alexx?” A soft whisper came from the bed.

Alexx looked down into pain filled brown eyes, “I got you honey.”

“My shoulder…” Speed grimaced as he tried to move.

“Speed you need to relax, you're safe and Alexx will take care of you.” Horatio leaned over the bed, trying to calm the young man down.

“Tim, I have to get the bullet out,” Alexx ran her hand along his forehead, “Hold onto Horatio, but try not to move.”

A slight nod, his hand reached out for Horatio’s, “I’m sorry.”

“Shhh, we’ll talk later,” Horatio gripped Speed’s hand looking him in the eyes. “You’re home.”

Calleigh and Eric worked quietly in the entryway, both lost in their own thoughts. A pained scream tore through the townhouse, both looked up the stairs with trepidation. Neither moved from their spot, until Horatio walked down stairs ten minutes later with two small envelopes in his hand.

“He’s asleep, Alexx is watching over him at the moment.” Horatio eased their worries, noticing they both looked pale. “Calleigh, here is the bullet from his shoulder,” He handed her one of the envelopes; her hands shook as she reached out. Horatio grabbed her hand and held on to it, “It’s going to be okay, we will find out what is going on.” She nodded, tears in her eyes. She gave him a strong smiled and took the envelope. Horatio turned to Eric, “We took some swabs of debris and dirt we found on his feet…”

“Has he said anything?” Eric asked; he still hadn’t fully dealt with loosing Speed let alone having him come back.

“Nothing much, just that he was sorry.” Horatio looked away focusing on the window, he closed his eyes. This was a lot to take in, no matter how strong the person. He turned back to the two CSI’s, “I’ll be in later, see what you guys can find with the evidence.”

“You'll page us, if something comes up?” Calleigh asked as they walked to the door.

“I’ll keep you informed. Remember this stays here; don’t talk about it at work. It could mean his life.” Horatio grew serious, his blue eyes locked on to each of them.

With one last look up the stairs the two CSI’s left. Horatio closed the door, leaning slightly against it letting out a haggard breath. A soft hand made soothing circles along his mid-back. He looked back gave a small smile to Alexx.

“I left some clean bandages, antibiotics, and a few pain pills. Let me know if he gets a fever or the wound looks affected.” Alexx informed him, she stepped forward to open the door. “I’m going back to the lab, and pulling my autopsy report. I want to know who I examined.”

“I’ll be in later,” Horatio stepped back holding the door open. “Alexx…”

“Don’t worry, everything will be just fine.” Alexx patted his lower arm, turned and walked towards her car.

Horatio closed the door, letting the stillness of the townhouse wash over him. He ascended the staircase, stopping at the bedroom entry. Leaning up against the door jam he studied the young man.

Timothy ‘Speed’ Speedle was alive and sleeping in his bed. Horatio feared for the young mans safety, worried how he had come to be in this position, but more importantly relieved that his lost son had come home.