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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

You Can't Escape Your Destiny


Stiles and Cora find out some interesting facts when looking at their family trees. She can't wait to tell the others, and Derek understands why he has certain protective feelings. No one expected that Scott becoming a werewolf meant that danger would be coming at them. It also meant that Beacon Hills needed King Arthur and Merlin

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Title: You Can't Escape Your Destiny

Author: Wereleopard58

Rating: T/Teen and up audiences (at the moment, it could change)

Show: Merlin (BBC TV show)/Teen Wolf

Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Derek/Stiles, Slash,

Warning: Mpreg is talked about, anti-Scott

Summary: Stiles and Cora find out some interesting facts when looking at their family trees. She can't wait to tell the others, and Derek understands why he has certain protective feelings. No one expected that Scott becoming a werewolf meant that danger would be coming at them. It also meant that Beacon Hills needed King Arthur and Merlin

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Merlin or Teen Wolf, I am not making any money, and I am just doing it for fun.

A/N It's an AU, and the timelines aren't going to be followed at all. The story of Merlin and Arthur in this fic will be considered actual history. Quotes from the shows will be used, where I think they will fit g. Lastly, my Teen Wolf fic has been completed lol. I hope you enjoy


Scott lay on the cold hard ground, in the middle of the woods; blood seeped from the animal bite on his side. The night breeze blew the leaves from the ground all over the body as if endeavouring to hide it. Theo looked down at the prone figure and his mouth curved into a smirk, as he ran one of his hands through his perfectly styled hair. He then turned and walked away.

"It's begun. Scott McCall will be the reason that Beacon Hills will be the first to fall." He whispered exhilaration thrummed through his body. Tomorrow he would make his appearance and make friends with the new werewolf. There was no doubt that Scott would survive, he could already hear the changes happening to that once purely human body.


The magic that kept King Arthur in his eternal limbo began to dissipate. A hint of colour appeared on his face. His chest began to rise and fall as life began to flow through his veins once more.


Merlin frowned as he glanced down at his hand. A tingling feeling has started at the tips of his fingers and then had spread until it covered his whole body. He could feel the other part of his soul begin to awaken. His heart pounded how he longed to see Arthur once more. Immortality could be a blessing, but it was also a curse when you couldn't be with the one you loved, not that Arthur knew this. He'd never been able to move on knowing that this day would arrive. They only had that one night together before any talk about being together. Gwen was his friend, but he couldn't help his feelings. Then Mordred happened and the revelations of him being a sorcerer, and finally, he had to send his king away to a never-ending sleep.

Even though he was happy, there was also a healthy dose of fear. What had come so King Arthur needed to be awake? Merlin walked over to the mirror and took a deep breath before he glanced at his reflection. The old man he'd become had already started to fade and the servant Arthur remembered began to appear. All this time alive vanished from his face.


"Beacon Hills is cursed," Stiles muttered to himself, it was the only thing that made any sense.

It had been two weeks since Scott had changed and he wasn't just talking about the werewolf thing, other things had happened as well. Firstly, and which seemed to be the start of the extra weirdness was Peter, Derek and Cora Hale turning up looking for their missing family member, Laura. Unfortunately, it was too late, and her body had been discovered.

One of the good things was the friendship that had quickly grown between him and Cora. They had met at the station and just snarked away at each other, it was a bonding experience. Peter was an arrogant asshole, but he oozed charisma. Derek, what could he say about him? He was gorgeous there was no doubt about that, but there was more to it. He was drawn to the other man no matter how much the argued, they just seemed to gravitate to each other. Then there was this protective vibe all of them had towards him. It seemed as much a shock to them as it was to Stiles.

Next the arrival of the Argent's and after what he heard about Kate, well Stiles had a whole lot of revenge waiting if she ever turned up. He was a genius after all, and there wouldn't be one drop of guilt.

Allison Argent made Scott more stupid than usual. She's one of the reasons that the two of them are no longer best friends. The other one is Theo Raeken who had taken Stiles' place. Something was wrong, and he had a feeling it was going to get a lot worse.


"The half cannot truly hate which makes it whole." Derek sat up in bed, his chest heaving as these words echoed from his dream. One in which he couldn't remember who spoke them to him or why, but it made him think of Stiles. He climbed out of bed to stare out of the window and into the darkness of the woods that was situated around the house. It seemed Laura had always meant for them to come back and had it rebuilt. She never told them. He hoped that she had no idea she was going to die. Something was coming, he didn't know what, but what confused him more was the urge to go and check on Stiles. What was that all about?


Jackson's back slammed against the locker; he looked down at the petite hand that held him there. He really shouldn't find it attractive, but he did.

"Asshole, leave Stiles alone," Cora growled, he'd become her best friend since she came back to Beacon Hills and no one was going to hurt him.

"Fine." He winked at her. "I'll leave Stilinski alone."

She moved back so he could walk away.

"You really don't need to protect me you know. Scott didn't, and I survived."

"Scott's a self-involved jerk; if it doesn't revolve around Allison, he won't notice a nuclear explosion."

Stiles opened his mouth to argue and then slammed it shut because it was the truth. "Fine, let's get to class."

She chuckled as she took hold of his arm. "I wonder what our family trees will say."

"Do you think they would show if people were werewolves?" He wondered.

"I'll guess we'll soon find out."


Cora grinned over at Stiles; she couldn't wait to find out what their teacher had found out about their family trees. He did this for every student that was in his class.

"Well, today we have some interesting family trees. I have files for you all, I will send your thanks to the college students who did this for extra marks. There are only two that I really want to talk about today, the most fascinating ones, which are also linked."

Scott smiled at Allison; one of those had to be hers. Look at her family history; they were the reason why people believed silver killed werewolves. It could be the two of them, wouldn't it be wonderful to know that they'd been joined together forever.

"Ms Hale and Mr Stilinski, in all my years doing this I haven't had histories that are this interesting."

Stiles turned to Cora and held his hand up in a fast, which she bumped with hers and laughed.

"He has an interesting family history?" Jackson's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Mr Whittemore please be quiet and do not talk to a classmate like that."

"Sorry, Mr Cole."

"I'll start with you Stiles; we can trace your mother's family all the way back to King Arthur and Merlin."

"Cool, so who am I descended from?"

"King Arthur and Merlin."

Scott looked around a little confused. "But there, like, both dudes?"

"Yes, no one is quite sure how it happened, but magic was involved."

"Or someone's got his family tree really wrong," Lydia muttered, he couldn't be related to them. It was the geek who had a crush on her, or use to something had changed since the Hale's had come back to town.

"Well according to this that is who his ancestors are."

"How is Cora linked to me then?" Stiles couldn't believe it, and he wanted to know more.

"This one is just as strange but still fascinating. The story goes that when Merlin came to Camelot, he found out his destiny was to serve and protect Arthur. The druids at that time new the young Warlock as Emrys, which means immortal and that he was going to become the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth. They felt the need to protect him, so they decided to create a creature, one that would protect Merlin. It was a werewolf, and the symbol from those druids became a kind of crest for that werewolf line. That line leads straight to the Hale's and the symbol was the triskele."

"So our family was created to protect Stiles?" Cora asked it would explain why they were protective over him including Peter and that was the weirdest thing. "If the stories were true of course." She added quickly.