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Archive Warning:
Part 65 of Criminal Minds After Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

After The Black Queen


small scene takes place after ep "The Black Queen"

Work Text:

JJ and Alex turned away from the board when Penelope rushed back into the police station. JJ was the first to speak. “So, we got Nichols.”

Alex followed a few seconds later. “And Shane’s okay.”

They both noticed Derek trailing behind Penelope, a shell shocked and almost disturbed look on his face. Before either could ask, Penelope put her purse on the table, on top of the files. She smiled. “Yup. Really bad guy is going to jail and the rebel without a clue is going to the hospital but he’ll be fine.”

JJ smirked. “Rebel without a clue. I’m sure someone like Shane would love that description.”

Penelope waved that off. “He just doesn’t get it. He’s lived in cyberspace too long.” She sat down and motioned for them to do the same. “He’s the last thing I need in my life. That hasn’t changed.”

JJ sat next to Penelope while Alex was across from her. Alex pursed her lips in thought. “High profile case, a man on death row, hacking the DOJ. It’s all over the top. Shane used this case to get your attention.”

JJ nodded in agreement. “And he didn’t care if Russell was innocent or not.” She folded her arms across her chest and bared her teeth. “Russell is guilty as sin. I’m glad we got him when we did ten years ago. I have no doubt he would’ve kept killing.”

Derek glanced at Penelope one last time, shook his head, and started towards the office where Dave and Aaron were on the phone, reporting in with Cruz.

Penelope ignored Derek. “Shane was looking for the woman from ten years ago. He wanted to draw her out. He told me he misses her, but I’m not her anymore. I’m not the Black Queen and I don’t want to be. She was the strength I needed after my parents died. She was piss and fire and vinegar and I don’t need her anymore. She wanted to see the world burn.” She reached out to squeeze both of their hands. “I’m the Goddess of Light and Love now.”

JJ squeezed Penelope’s fingers. “And we love our Goddess.” She tilted her head in the direction of Derek’s retreating back. She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “What’s his problem?”

Penelope glanced over to see Derek slip inside the office. She blinked at JJ and Alex innocently. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Alex leaned forward. Her eyes darted towards the office. “What did you do?”

Penelope barely turned her head. Derek’s back was to her but his shoulders were tense. She snickered. “Nothing.”

Out of the corner of her eye, JJ saw Aaron cover the receiver of his phone and roll his eyes. She swallowed a laugh. “Come on, Garcia.”

Alex watched Aaron hurry out of the office, pulling the door shut firmly behind him. He rolled his eyes again and put the phone back to his ear. She arched an eyebrow at Penelope. “Spill it.”

Penelope giggled and nodded towards where Derek was sitting next Dave and burying his face in the side of Dave’s neck. “I answered his question.”

Alex’s brow furrowed in puzzlement. “What question?”

Penelope couldn’t stop giggling. “I told him what flarpy blunderguff is.”

JJ laughed. “You overloaded the poor guy’s brain. No wonder he’s taking refuge with his man.”

Alex looked from one to the other. “The sexual harassment seminar woman mentioned that. What is that? What am I missing?”

JJ took a deep breath. “Not here.”

Penelope’s eyes sparkled. “Girls night when we get home. I’ll explain it all then. I promise.”

Series this work belongs to: