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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

She Believes


She believes they can work, but life has a way of dashing belief.

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Title: "She Believes"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: She believes they can work, but life has a way of dashing belief.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, names, codenames, places, items, fandoms, titles, and etc. are always © & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Any and all original characters and everything else is © & TM the author and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express, written permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

        This time will be different. She tells herself that every time, yet it never is. She tells herself the law will not stand between them, that he will accept her for who and what she is, that he will love her, and with every kiss that passes between their lips, she believes. She believes they'll have a chance this time. She believes they'll finally be able to be together, that she'll finally get the happily ever after ending in which she's always claimed not to believe and which caused her to hate fairy tales growing up. She believes he'll love her.

        They fall into the sheets, or against the bricks, or down onto the roof. She's in his arms. His hands are all over her, claiming her as his, stroking her with love, and she believes again. She believes things will work out for them. She believes he wants this as badly as she does. She believes she's finally found a place where she can stay, a person with whom she can stay, a home. She believes he loves her.

        They dance through rooms and through crimes, through bullets firing and others' lives. They dance, and they return to each other again and again. She stops stealing. She gives back to him what she took from him. She makes him smile. He makes her laugh, and she believes. She believes it can work, they can work. She believes her heart will finally be mended. She believes nothing will tear them apart again. She believes he loves her as much as she knows she's always loved him.

        But then, some one's in trouble. Crimes are sweeping across Gotham City again. He's pulled back into the fray, but some one she cares for is in trouble, too. Her cats are in danger. Her life's at stake. She's back to work, back against him, back to fighting him for her life as well as her sanity.

        Fists strike where once lips met flesh. Tears are kept at bay. Angry words hiss. Eyes glare with hatred. He doesn't love her. He's not capable of loving her. His only love will always be Gotham. She knows all this, and yet she knows, too, as she runs away yet again, her babies mewling all about her, that there will come a time when they meet again and she'll believe in him again. She'll believe he can love her, but yet, the only love she'll ever have is that of her own and her feline children.

The End