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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Stagecoach Round Robin


I thought I'd start the Stagecoach round robin. This does not mean that the other stories can't also be written. Here's four hundred words of Stagecoach; if anyone want's to run with it, go for it!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a round robin, if you would like to add to the story, simply log in, click on Str Trek, Stagecoach Round Robin and add your bit, or send it to the archivist if you would rather have it loaded for you.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Stagecoach Round Robin
Part 1 by Karmen Ghia


"What nice places you bring me to, Spock." McCoy observed, surveying the craggy barren landscape of Arla 15 before him.

Spock chose not to state the obvious: that the miners at Xchim Inc. required merely a routine check up that could have been conducted by Nurse Chapel. McCoy had rejected this idea, saying that he needed an 'outing'. The captain had agreed. It was the Vulcan's opinion that Kirk indulged McCoy's whims too often, but this was another subject he chose not to comment on. At that moment. Instead he swung into the rudimentary quadruped drawn coach and watched Scotty give McCoy a hand up.

Xchim Inc. Mining and Exploration was the Federation's most reliable supplier of dilithum crystals. The Company, as it was known informally, had an admirable record of sensitivity to the local populations needs. The rulers of Arla 15 were willing to take the Federation's money in exchange for what the Company could dig out of the ground but only under certain conditions. Xchim had to have keep it's offworlders away from the locals. Only cargo could be transported from the mining site and from the capital city, Irith. Shuttlecraft could land in specified areas outside Irith and personnel must be transported by local means, stagecoaches, to the mine.

The ruling class of Arla 15 sought to keep their power by keeping the technology to themselves. Yes, there were rebels but these people were of no consequence even though they had the education and good health to organize a
rebellion. There weren't very many of them and it was widely assumed that the militia had the situation under control. However, there were huge areas of the planet the militia didn't patrol but these areas were of no consequence.

Neither the Federation or Xchim Inc. liked the way the ruling class of Arla 15 ran their planet but they liked their dilithum mines well enough to agree to the terms. The Federation and Xchim Inc. were, however, very stingy about giving technology the them for this reason.

This was not uppermost on the landing party's mind as they set off for the mines that morning.

McCoy would run medical checks on the mining personnel; Spock and Scotty would run extra maintenance tests on the mining and environmental computers and equipment. Scotty would also pick out the best of the crystals to replenish the
Enterprise's supply.