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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Team is Reborn


"It's what we're best at. What we've come to here on Seefra."

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Status: Completed 6/24/07

Season: 5

Spoilers: The Test

Arhive: Ask first.

Disclaimer: Andromeda and its characters are the property of Andromeda Productions Ltd., MBR Productions Inc, Tribune, and whoever else has a claim to 'em. No copyright infringement intended

Word Count: 519

I don't think I've ever seen, or heard, Trance so pissed. I've seen what she can do and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of anything an angry Trance would do.

That stranger doesn't stand a chance.

Dylan always put our lives and well being before his own. He would have died trying to protect us. He did die to do just that. There's no way you'll ever convince me he killed Parius, much as he may have liked to throttle him at times. I really was beginning to believe Dylan was invincible. I can't believe he's dead.

And we just stood there and watched the stranger kill him. What the hell does that say about us?

"It's not our fault." Rhade says. "It's the stranger."

Oh really. You just keep telling yourself that. Maybe some day you'll actually believe it. "Well, I know I just stood here and watched him kill Dylan. Who else can take the blame for that?"

"We all just stood here, but I couldn't move. I was in my mind."

"It's called saving your own skin. We all did it."

Leave it to Harper to put it bluntly. It's the truth though. Dylan is the only one who hasn't been concerned strictly with saving his own ass.

"It's what we're best at. What we've come to here on Seefra."

"So what are we going to do about it?"

Good question Seamus.

We all look at each other. As one, we pull out our weapons and aim at the stranger then fire.

Then stare at the ground in stunned silence as Dylan begins to move. He looks up at us from his position on the floor. What the hell? He looks as surprised as we must look.

"Somebody wanna help me up?"

We stare in shock for a few seconds longer then scramble to help Dylan to his feet.

I think it's pretty safe to say that we all feel the same sense of joy that, by some miracle, Dylan is still with us. I don't think I've ever said this to him, although I really should have, but he's the best friend I've ever had. Very few people have ever put as much faith and trust in me as Dylan has.

We get another shock when Dylan asks Harper to check Parius. He pulls back the blanket, but instead of Parius, the stranger is laying there.

I repeat. What the hell?

Dylan sent the stranger here from the future?


Harper yelps and we turn to look at him. The stranger is gone and a strange looking, kinda glowing, little box is in his place.

"So Dylan, you finally got what you've been searching for the whole time we've been here. A way to power the Andromeda."

He briefly puts his arm around my shoulder. "You kidding me? I already got what I'm looking for. A team."

As we all put our hands on top of each other, Doyle comes into the saloon. Dylan looks around at us. I get the feeling we mean more than that to him.

Feelings mutual.