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Part 1 of When Lightning Strikes
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

When Lightning Strikes


Arriving in a new town, Kid and Heyes gets involved in a transfer of a bandit, and with a female deputy along on the trip, who's temper even beats the one's of a wildcat's, Heyes finds himself, literally, struck by lightning.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text


”Will you please put that down ??” Hannibal Heyes looked at his partner Kid Curry and frowned.

For at least the fourth time since they had stopped for the night, Curry had cleaned his gun.

Heyes shook his head.

”I can see my own reflection in that one now.....Lucky for me the sun's not up anymore, or it would blind me....” he reached for the coffee pot that was next to the campfire. He poured himself a generous amount of coffee in the cup and eased back down.

Curry ignored the irony from his friend.

”I want it clean....”

”It became clean the first time......” Heyes glared at him.

Curry looked up and met his friend's glare.

”I missed a spot...”

”Missed a sp.....” Heyes blurted out, then he sighed in defeat, ”Missed a spot ? You know you are driving me crazy, don't you ??”

Curry smirked at him. Then he shuddered a little. The warmth of the day, had turned into an evening chill as the sun had set and they'd stopped to make camp for the night.

They had found a spot near a small creak, and after a whole day of being saddleworn, they had welcomed the idea of making camp. Their horses grazed a few feet away, neatly tied to some trees.

Heyes wrinkled his nose and snorted at his partners unerring accuracy about cleaning his gun. But that was somehow the Kid. If he did not clean his gun with accuracy, he practiced shooting with the same precision. Nothing was half way with the Kid.

Pulling their blankets around themselfs, they shared some hardtack and whiskey besides the coffee, the evening getting colder as the stars were beginning to show.

”I'll take first watch...” Heyes declared and slowly stood up, gulping down the last of the whiskey, humming as the liquid slid smoothly down his throat ”I'll wake you later......”

Putting his gun back in it's holster, Curry settled with being at second watch and made himself as comfortable as he could on his bedroll on the ground.

As the full moon were up, Heyes had a fair view of the whole camp, even the horses a way back were visible.

How many nights had he been on watch like this? Hundred, thousands ? He didn't know. During their outlaw days there had been more than plenty, off course, then they had been a few more to share watch. Wheat, Kyle, Lobo to name a few. Thinking back, he kinda missed those days, even though he was glad they were over.

Glancing over at his partner and best friend, he realized he was soo gratefull to have him in his life. The Kid was his family, his friend, his partner........his salvation.

The need of taking care of Kid were firmly rooted since way back in their childhood, and looking at him now, made Heyes aware that he would probably never give up on that need.

Grabbing a small bransch lying on the ground, Heyes used it to poke around in the fire, then he added the bransch to the fire in order to keep it going as long into the night as possible.

* * * *

The dawn of next morning, sent a promise of a clear blue sky and possible high temperatures. Curry awoke with a start, sitting himself straight up, looking around all drowsy.

As his eyes got used to the morning light, he saw his friend gathering more kindling to the recently started fire.

He raked his fingers through his hair, giving away a loud yawn.

”You were supposed to wake me....” he mumbled as he stood up.

Heyes moved back, sitting himself down by the fire, all the kindlings put to rest by his side.

”I couldn't sleep anyway...” he admitted,” And you were sleeping so sound.....didn't have the heart to wake ya'!”

Curry grumbled something for himself and motioned to the coffee pot.

”Is there any....” he grabbed his cup, but then he hesitated, ”...drinkable coffee in there ???”

Heyes gave him a smirk as he stood up, grabbing the coffee pot and poured the remains into Curry's outstretched cup.

”It'll wake you up.....” he said, then he seated himself back down, ”Good and strong.....!”

”Thought it might be.....” Curry mumbled under his breath, knowing there were a lot of things his partner could do better then to make coffee.

Heyes ignored any possible witty remarks about his coffee, and instead he started to pack his stuff and check on his gear. Giving Curry some time to gulp down the liquid, he then urged him on to do the same.

Half an hour later they had broke camp and were once again up in the saddle and on their way.

With no particular destination, they rode east.

They had finished two well paid jobs four days ago, delivering supplies to a mine up in the mountains, and they were now more or less just relaxing, enjoying the peacefullness. No bullets flying their way, no posses chasing them, they had not been held up and there was not a sheriff for miles around. Heyes leaned on the pommel of the saddle and admired the view ahead of him, the dusty road, being framed with thriving bushes and trees, all with leaves changing into autumn reddish colors, and the grass, down by the side of the road, softly billowing from a gentle breeze.

They had ridden in silence for the last our, not because any differences or so, but just for the good of it.

Next thing they knew, they were coming up on a fork in the road.

Curry pulled up on the bay's reins, stopping as he viewed the signs ahead. Heyes rode up and stopped alongside Curry.

The signs said Crookstone and Valentine. Curry grinned a little.

”You of them signs fits us pretty well!” he said, getting a chuckle from his friend.

”I suppose it does....” Heyes grinned back, then adding serious, ”I think we ought to go south from here on.....let's stay on the road a little while longer,”

”Then what ?” Curry wondered.

Heyes shrugged his shoulder, then furrowed his brow.

”Well....our finances allows us to take it easy for a while....” he started, ”so, if we just happens to stumble across a small enough town that's lacking sheriff, I'd say we stop there for a while. Is it allright with you ?”

Curry pondered the idea, then he smiled and nodded.

”I like the lack of sheriff part....” he admitted, ”The small enough part is good too....”

For days they kept on riding, heading more south than east this time, occasionally stopping by in a town, just to keep on riding the very next day. This was now taking it's toll, as they deep down inside wanted to stay put for more than just one day at the time.

Curry wrapped his sheepskin jacket more tightly around himself as the wind had picked up the last hour.

”I'd say we stop in next town, I need a bath....” he grumbled and rubbed his bristled chin, ”and a shave...!”

”I guess we have to get a word through to Lom too.....” Heyes said a little weary, not at all alien to the thought of stopping in the next town.

With a silent understanding, they decided to stop in the next town, no matter what the size, no matter if there is a sheriff or not.