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Part 3 of Captain Stanley - Leader, Mentor, Friend
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Right Choices


A sequel to Seeking Solace. "Couldn’t it be possible that the spirits wanted you to be reminded that you have made the right choices and are doing what you were born to do?" Johnny returns to work to test Cap's theory.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

The Right Choices

A sequel to Seeking Solace


Emergency is not mine and neither are the characters. I don't make any money from them, but I do borrow them for entertainment.

"Well John consider this. Maybe the spirits thought you needed to be reminded how important you are to the rest of us. You are like a son to me John. I like having you on my team. You are very proficient at your job as both a fireman and a paramedic. I consider you and the rest of our crew to be the best LA has to offer. Couldn't it be possible that the spirits wanted you to be reminded that you have made the right choices and are doing what you were born to do?"

It was a long eight weeks, but John Gage finally got his authorization to return to work. Extremely excited and more than ready to report for duty he stopped by the station after leaving Dr. Brackett's office. The A-shift was on, and he hoped they would not be out on a run. It was still morning, and Johnny wanted to surprise his friends. He stopped at his favorite donut shop and in a few minutes came out with the treats in hand a Gage grin plastered across his face.

Although he still needed to gain some of the weight back that he had lost and still had spells of extreme tiredness, he was ready to get back to his life. The injury to his side at the warehouse that day had healed nicely. The scar was fading some, and he was back to running at the high school track near his home. Right at this moment Johnny thought life could not be better.

Whistling as he entered the back of the station glad to see both vehicles in their spots he first went to the dayroom to share the epicurean delights he had brought.

"Hey Gage!" Chet was first to greet him. "If I'd known you were coming I would have told the Phantom to be ready." Chet chuckled as he rose from the sofa to shake Johnny's hand.

"Amigo it's good to see you," Marco patted him on the back.

Mike looked up from the paper and smiled at his friend, "Coffee?"

"That would be great Mike, if you made it that is. Chester B can't make a decent cup to save his life." Johnny shot back at the Phantom as he ruffled Chet's curly hair. Chet ducked from Johnny's touch.

"Hey, hey don't mess with the hair Gage. Our next run might be some beautiful damsel in distress. She could be the first Mrs. Kelly."

"In your dreams Kelly," Johnny laid the donuts on the table and reached for the coffee Mike had poured for him. "Where's Roy?"

"He's cleaning the dorms. Man he sure will be glad to see you. He's had to work a lot with Brice, and it's really got him on edge." Marco explained.

"Who's he working with today?" Johnny asked looking around the room.


"Where's he?"

"Well our latest temporary partner got into some trouble with Cap on his last visit here, and he got the honor of the latrines this shift," Chet chuckled and twirled the end of his mustache.

"Latrines huh?" Johnny shared a laugh with the rest of the guys. "What'd he do?"

"Well you know what a slob he can be, right?" Chet continued the report.

"Yeah, yeah, get to the point Chet," Johnny knew how Chet could drag on a story trying to make it more entertaining and he really wanted to get to see Cap about returning to work.

"Okay, okay, it was like this ya see. He kept leaving dirty dishes around the station. He left a plate on the back of the squad, and when they were called out it broke all over the floor of the bay. He left a coffee cup on the sink in the locker room. He even left chicken bones on the bench. Cap was furious. You know how he likes a clean station just in case the chief stops by unannounced." Chet scratched his head. "I'll never understand why he is so afraid of the chief."

"Chet!" Johnny was growing impatient for Chet to finish the story.

"Oh yeah anyway, the last straw was when Cap found him in his bunk. He had gotten up in the night and made himself a sandwich. He fell asleep with a half eaten sandwich on his pillow."

"Oh man," Johnny ran his hand through his hair. "Cap must have been furious."

"Yeah, you know how he's been since we had that mouse in the station." Marco agreed.

"He told Bellingham he would have the latrines for the next three times he covered for anyone on this shift at 51's. I didn't think he would ever agree to work with us, but here he is doing the latrines." Chet finished his little tale.

"I guess he needed the money," Marco finished the conversation. He and Chet were best friends and spent a great deal of time together at work and on their off time just as Roy and Johnny did. Mike and Cap were pretty close too. Sometimes Marco and Chet could finish each other's thoughts. It was kind of uncanny since they were so different. No one could possibly be like the Phantom.

Just as they finished their conversation about Bellingham and began reaching for donuts Roy joined the group, "Junior!" He went over to Johnny and pulled him into a quick shoulder hug. "Man it's great to see you at the station!"

"Thanks Roy, it's great to be at the station!" Johnny smiled. "I got my authorization to return to work right here in my pocket," he patted his shirt. "I'll be back next shift." The group of men surrounded Johnny again with congratulations.

"I sure am glad to hear that," Roy looked happier than he had in months. "I sure am glad."

"Thanks Pally, it's good to hear that. I'm gonna go tell Cap."

"Tell Cap what?" Captain Stanley said entering the kitchen. "John it's good to see you."

"Cap I have my return to work papers," he fumbled with the papers in his pocket handing the wrinkled wad to his superior. "I can be back next shift."

"That's great news John. How long have you had this waded up bunch of important documents?" Cap smiled at his junior man knowing that he had probably nearly crushed the documents with excitement when he got them. The truth was he had already spoken with Dr. Brackett and knew Johnny was cleared for duty.

"Uh sorry Cap….I….just got them a little bit ago…I…g..guess I was just a little excited." He ran his hand through his hair and looked up at his boss sheepishly.

"It's okay John. I think we're all a little excited too." Hank walked over and took Johnny's hand shaking it as he planted the other hand on his shoulder. As a father might do he pulled Johnny into a quick manly hug with a couple of slaps on the back. "It's good to have you back son. Now what kind of donuts have you brought for us?" He turned and reached into the box.

Johnny's smiled spread completely across his face and his eyes danced with happiness. "Everyone's favorites Cap."

"Did I hear someone say donuts?" Bob Bellingham asked as he joined the rest of the group. "Gage, good to see you up and around, I hope this means you'll be coming back soon. We're all getting tired of covering your butt," Bob said good humouredly as he patted Johnny's back and then grabbed for the donut box.

"Bellingham," Captain Stanley interrupted the man. "Just one."

"Yes sir," Bob's shoulders slumped.

"After we have all gotten some you can have more, understood?" Captain Stanley would never understand why he had to treat grown men like children sometimes. The rest of the men laughed. Bob smiled at them and joined them in their laughter.

They all visited over coffee and donuts for the next half hour until the tones called them out. Johnny was left alone at the station. He felt at home here. He gathered the coffee cups and filled the sink with suds. He washed the dishes and coffee pot. He started a fresh pot to leave for the guys, wiped the table with the damp rag, rinsed it and hung it over the faucet to dry.

Looking around the dayroom he felt a sense of belonging. His smile spread across his face. He was back.