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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Sins Beyond Forgiveness


The sQ crew goes to Knightton Colony to rescue the SG's grandson and stumbles across a horrible conspiracy.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Status: new
Archive: Please Archive
Series/Sequel: none
Disclaimers: seaQuest is not mine (unforunately). Everything about Knightton Colony is mine and if anyone wishes to use it (why they would is beyond me) ask and ye shall receive.
Notes: I mess around with Lucas' past, but what ELF doesn't every now and then
Summary: The sQ crew goes to Knightton Colony to rescue the SG's grandson and stumbles across a horrible conspiracy.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: First part of new fic. Feedback is demanded, or I'll send Kubi (who returned a short while ago, but refuses to tell me where he'd been) after you!
Disclaimer: Don't own seaQuest or anything related. Everything that has to do with Knightton Colony is mine. I'm not getting anything from, except for maybe a few flames here and there. *this means italics or personal thoughts*

Chapter Text

Sins Beyond Forgiveness
By Alex and Kubi


Lucas sighed as he looked around the table at the bridge crew. They had been waiting for Captain Bridger to arrive for half an hour.

"Does anyone know what this is about?" Tony Piccalo asked in an annoyed voice.

"Well, Mr. Piccalo, you're about to find out," Bridger said as he walked in.

Tony jumped in surprise, embarrassed at having been overheard. the others laughed nervously. Everybody was still tense after the whole Avatar incident.

"Captain, if you don't mind my asking, what *is* this about?" Commander Jonathan Ford asked in his usual take-charge voice.

"Good question, Commander. Micheal James was kidnapped one week ago." At the blank stares he received, he elaborated. "Micheal James is Thomas McGath's grandson." Ahh! Now they understood.

"And he wants *us* to find him, right?" Miguel Ortiz asked.

"Actually, McGrath has a pretty good idea where the boy is," Bridger answered.

"Then what's the problem?" Doctor Wendy Smith asked.

"Section Seven is involved." He didn't need to continue.

They had all heard the horror stories of Section Seven. Lucas was the first one to speak up. "Section Seven took the Secretary General's grandkid?"

"Not Section Seven, but someone who make a deal with Section Seven."

"But the Section doesn't make deals." This was from Lieutenant O'Neill

Exactly! So what does this tell us about what we're up against?"

"We're screwed?" Tony couldn't help but comment.

Exactly, Tony."

After a few minutes of contemplating, Nathan asked, "Has anyone ever heard of the Knightton Colony?" The group shook their heads. "Lucas, call up the Knightton Colony." After a few minutes Lucas looked up, confused.

"It's not there, Sir."

"Of course it's there!" Brody objected. "If it exists, it's on the map!"

"But if Section Seven is involved-" Bridger started.

"Which they are" This from Jonathan.

Bridger nodded and continued, "And if they have access to our computers..."

"they could manipulate the data and make it appear like the colony wasn't there on the maps." Lucas finished.

"They could do that?" Lonnie asked in a small voice. Everybody just glared at her. "Sorry!"

"Wait a minute! You mean Section Seven has access to all computers on seaQuest?" Tony demanded.

"Basically, yeah."

"Even our private stuff?" Brody inquired.

"Unless you have an unhackable system."

"I thought you said nothing was unhackable." Brody stated.

"That's true, But the best anti-hacker systems are built *by* hackers, and I'm one of the best!" Lucas said, defensively.

"Okay people. We're getting off track here. This is an undercover mission. Getting in isn't the problem, it's getting out safely with the kid. I can take five people with me. Jonathan, you have to stay on the ship. Tony and Brody are coming with me. That leaves three people. Any volunteers?"

I'll go!" Lucas immediately piped up.

Nathan just shook his head "no, it's too dangerous."

Lucas was about to object and Nathan knew it. "I said NO! Now, I need you to find out all you can about the Knightton Colony."

* * *

"NOOO! It's too dangerous! You might make break a Goddamn nail!" Lucas mocked, angrily typing on his keyboard.

"Lucas, can I talk to you a minute?" Nathan asked, stepping into the room.

"I'm busy!"

"I think you can take a break," Nathan said, turning Lucas' chair around. "Now, what's your problem?"

"I don't see why I can't go!"

"You know why!"

"No, I don't! give me one valid reason that has nothing to do with my age and I'll leave it alone."

"You're not experienced enough."

"Neither is Tony," Lucas pointed out, "In fact, I'm more experienced than he is."

"I need you here."


*Damn all geniuses* Nathan thought. "You're just not going, okay?!"

* * *

"Are your men idiots?!" Captain John Jameson screeched. "You kidnapped the grandchild of the leader of the most powerful government in HISTORY!"

"Calm Down."

"Do NOT tell me to calm down!"

"And you do NOT yell ant me! Must I remind you who outranks whom?" General Henry Atkins reminded him. "The UEO is powerless here. Not even seaQuest is stupid enough to attack us."

"Don't be so sure."

"I'm positive! Nathan Bridger is many things, but a fool he is not! Speaking of which, seaQuest is coming here."

"What?!" Jameson looked up, surprised.

"Yes, Apparently to check you out to see if you're right for that training job you applied for. He and five crewmen will be staying a week."

"This is a bad idea." Jameson said, sitting down in defeat.

"Now why would you say that?"

After staring a few moments in silence, Jameson offhandedly commented, "Parker had another nightmare."

"I know." At Jameson's questioning look Atkins explained, "Resh told me. He heard and came to tell me."

"She's going to take you down." Jameson commented, matter-of-factly.

"Who? Parker? She loves me!"

"Loves you?! You took away the one thing in this world that she had and made her think it was her fault!:

"W hat she doesn't know won't hurt her."

"she doesn't see it, but the other ones do. They hate you. But, in the end, she'll be your downfall."

Atkins gave him an evil smile. "Then I'll take you with me. Trick or treat." He called as he walked out of the office.

* * * *

Lucas had been searching for nearly four hours. Currently, music was blasting from the headphones on his ears. Lucas saw the message flashing, saying his search was over. Lucas pulled the headphones off his head and sat at his computer.

"Let's see what we have here." He rubbed his hands together and activated the screen. As he read, his curious expression turned to one of horror.

He reached for his PAL.


"Yes, Lucas. What is it? Did you find something?" Nathan asked, concerned. Why was Lucas' voice so shaky?

"I think you'd better take a look at this, Sir." Nathan glance at Wendy and Jonathan and saw the same concern mirrored in their eyes.

"We'll be there in a minute."

When they entered Lucas' quarters he was sitting at his desk. He was so inraptured by what was on the screen he hadn't heard them enter. Nathan gently laid a hand on Lucas' shoulder and quickly pulled bacl when the boy jumped up and screanme.

After he finally calmed down Lucas glared, Why'd you sneak up on me like that?"

Nathan smiled, "Jumpy, aren't we?"

"You read *that* and see how jumpy *you* are." Lucas pointed towards the screen. He motioned for the other three to read what was on it.

"My God!" Wendy whispered after a few minutes.

Rage raced through nathan's veins as he continued to read. This changed everything. "Those bastards. Those stupid, conceited BASTARDS!"



end part 1