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The Stuff


"Kinda looks like the stuff from that old movie "The Stuff"

Work Text:

The Stuff

By Mickey


Status: Completed 11/15/2008

Word Count: 276

"Kinda looks like the stuff from that old movie "The Stuff"," Jack commented as he stared in horror at the bubbling glob Carter was trying to pass off as a stew.

"Hey," Carter protested, "it doesn't look that bad. Besides, I made it exactly how Léndal said to."

Ignoring her, Daniel commented, "I remember that movie." He shivered involuntarily "Freaky."

Carter pretended not to him and concentrated on their dinner as Teal'c spoke.

"I do not recall that particular movie, O'Neill."

"I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet. It's a so-cheesy-and-stupid-you-can't-help-but-watch-it-at-least-once sci-fi movie from the mid-eighties about some miners who find this white stuff coming out of the ground. They taste it," he held up a hand to stop stall his friend and answered the question he knew was coming, "because if they didn't there wouldn't have been a movie. Which probably wouldn't have been a bad thing." He added with a grimace. "Anyway they taste the stuff, like it and decided to market it as a desert called - surprise - "The Stuff". Long story short, it's some kinda sentient evil thing that takes over people's minds and devours their insides. It takes an ex FBI guy, a kid whose name I forgot and a woman to stop it."

Teal'c pondered what Jack had said for a moment. Then, wisely, merely said, "Major Carter's . . . stew is not white."

"Thank you, Teal'c." Carter said then yelped. "Dang it!" she cried out as her "stew" bubbled over the makeshift pot and smoldered the fire beneath it.

"Better out here in the middle of "Planet No Where" than in my kitchen." Jack mumbled. Once again, he was a little two loud. He cringed at the look on Carter's face.



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