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Like A Life-Sized Barbie Doll


After she had finished her chores,Jo spots Natalie still making Halloween costumes without help from anybody...including Blair.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"Well,I'm done with cutting the grass.How are doing with the costumes,Nat?",that was what Jo Polniaczek had asked her roommate Natalie Green after she had stepped inside the house and noticed that Natalie was still making Halloween costumes for them and the other girls and before Natalie had looked at Jo and said,"Doing pretty good so far,Jo.Of course,I could do better if I have some help!"That was when Jo had scratched the back of her head and said,"Sorry,Nat.I didn't mean to upset you like that.",before Natalie had sighed and said,"I know,Jo.It's just that Mrs. Garrett is not home yet and I don't know where Blair is."

But before Natalie could say another word,Blair Warner had walked down the stairs with a chair in her hands and said,"Okay,Natalie.I'm ready."And when she had placed one hand on the chair and the other hand on her hip,Jo had looked at Blair straight in the eyes and asked,"What are you doing,Blair?",which had made Blair point her finger at Natalie and answer,"I am helping Natalie by modeling for my costume."

And after Jo had rolled her eyes and shaken her head in disbelief,she had laughed a little bit and said,"You know,Blair.It's too bad that you're not made out of plastic.",before a confused Blair had asked,"Why do you say that,Jo?"That had made Jo put her hand on Blair's shoulder and say,"Because if you are,it would be easier for us to dress you up like a life-sized Barbie doll."That had forced both Jo and Natalie to let out the biggest belly laugh in all of Peekskill at Blair Warner.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Andrew Troy Keller.
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