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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The 5 Times Logan Saved Remy And The 1 Time Remy Saved Logan


Remy needs to be saved constantly but Logan is not the only one capable of saving his mate

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2 weeks... it had been 2 weeks since that madman had kidnapped his Cajun. The beast inside of Logan was roaring, wanting to come out and hunt down those who dared take away its mate. Logan knew the moment he just laid his eyes on Sinister or Sabertooth, the Wolverine would come forth and not stop until there were only little pieces of the bastards left.

2 weeks... he refused to think of what the maniac might have done to his Remy in all that time. Yet the most horrific possibilities kept running through his head making him even more agitated. He barely slept, his healing ability keeping him from collapsing from exhaustion while his mind kept on picturing the horrors Remy undoubtedly had to face.

2 weeks during which the X-men were unable to locate their kidnapped teammate. With a final huff, Logan got up, took out a duffel bag and started packing the necessities. He gave the professor 2 weeks to find his lover but it was getting them nowhere. It was time to take action into his own hands lest his lover suffer longer. Not bothering to leave a note, Logan took his things, jumped onto his Harley and drove away.

3 days later, Hank was hovering over the bloodied mess that was the Cajun, trying to get him stabilized while Logan went to take a shower. Everybody decided not to ask Logan what happened when they saw the dangerous glint in his eyes accompanied by the feral growl. Logan's mate was hurt badly and the X-men hadn't been able to retrieve him. Best not to aggravate the feral by asking. Nobody wondered why Sinister and Sabertooth didn't cause any problems for a few months.


Remy was a fighter but more than that, he was a protector. It was an ingrained part of him that would never leave the Cajun. So naturally, when anybody so much as dared to look at his lover in a condescending way, Remy was the first to jump to his defence. Logan was not bothered by the others but he understood Remy's need to fight for him. However, he didn't understand Remy's complete lack of standing up for himself.

It didn't matter what Wings or Popsicle would say to Remy, how hurtful and unfair it was; the Cajun simply took it stoically and did his best to walk away. Their words were hurting the Cajun more than any weapons ever could and yet he did nothing to try and stop it. Every time Logan cornered him about it, Remy simply explained that he deserved all the punishment they could dish out and then some for the things he's done.

Logan would always give him a grand lecture on how it was not Remy's fault and to stop blaming himself for things he couldn't change. They both knew the words would never penetrate but they had to be said. After some time, Logan decided to change strategies. He couldn't persuade Remy to stand up for himself so he would just have to stand up for him instead.

Warren and Bobby didn't know what hit them until it was too late when they cornered the Cajun one day and made him relive some of his worse memories in the Danger Room. Hank might have patched their injuries up, none too gently when he heard what made Logan cause them, but Logan's murdering eyes haunted their nightmares for days.

They didn't completely ignore Remy but ever since that incident, they didn't take it far. Remy's grateful smile was all the thanks Logan needed.


Logan realized long ago that Remy was like an eager puppy trying to please his master. Perhaps it came from being shunned away by just about everyone in his short life, but Remy always did his best to please the people around him. Due to the potent combination of being a gentleman and a womanizer, women had always been high on Remy's ladder of people to please. So naturally, when Storm was having her days and her back was aching like crazy, Remy told her to lie down and proceeded to give her the best massage of her life.

Using a minimal charge in his fingertips, Remy was able to generate just the right amount of heat, which combined with perfect pressure, made the weather goddess relax in 5 seconds flat. Unfortunately for Remy, news always travelled fast through the mansion and all of a sudden, he had 80% of the female population begging for the magic touch to ease the pain.

Unwilling or perhaps unable to say no, Remy relented each and every time. At first Logan didn't mind much but gradually, it was becoming impossible to catch a private moment with his mate without one of the girls snatching him away. Even worse than that, it was exhausting for the Cajun to constantly concentrate on keeping the charge that small. On the third evening of Remy simply collapsing in their bed too exhausted to even talk, Logan formed his plan.

Remy woke up a little fuzzy and it took him a while to realize what was going on. Once he did, he smiled and leaned over to give Logan a kiss. He snuggled back into his seat looking forward to the vacation in Logan's cabin. The girls would just have to deal without the Cajun heater.


Logan had always thought that his Cajun was the strongest person he has ever known. Barely anyone could have survived the atrocities in such a tender age and come out so caring. There weren't many people Logan admired but to his great embarrassment, Remy had made it on that list. However, even the strongest people could occasionally crack and Remy did.

Sometimes, after a particularly hard mission, or whenever abused mutant children were involved, Remy would suffer from nightmares. Terrible nightmares. Logan knew that what made them so terrifying was the fact that they were actual memories. By now he was attuned to his lover so much that he woke up at the first jerk or moan coming from the younger man. Immediately alert, Logan didn't hesitate to take his lover into his arms.

He knew by now that waking the Cajun up would be pointless; he was trapped far too deep in his memories to snap out of it, awake or asleep. The only cure was to simply hold his lover and whisper encouragements into his ear. To open himself up completely to their shared empathic link, fight against the terror and disgust and let Remy feel all the love he had for him.

Eventually Remy would wake up and cling to Logan while the last of his memories washed over him. He would soak Logan in his tears but using the love as his guide, he would eventually find his way back home. The moment he saw recognition in Remy's eyes, Logan would allow a tender smile to slip as he kissed the Cajun's sweat covered brow.

"Welcome back darling."


Remy was the epitome of a sensual creature. He was tall and sinewy, sleek and fast. His face belonged to a model, chiselled cheek bones sharply framing the narrow nose resting above oh so full lips. Whenever let loose, his hair would frame his face in liquid fire, cascading down his shoulders and inviting everybody around to touch and caress. But it was his eyes that were sin incarnate and not only because of their unique colouring. Remy was the lucky creature balancing between feminine beauty and masculine strength to be simultaneously neither and both. He was breathtaking and everybody wanted him.

Logan knew this and accepted it as much as the territorial beast inside of him would allow. It was easy to fall for the Cajun and he had long gotten used to smelling the arousal in those Remy passed by. Logan was secure in the knowledge that while almost everyone was interested in Remy's body, it was Logan who had been gifted with not only the body, but the heart, mind and soul of the man. It was that knowledge of unlimited love Remy felt for Logan that kept him from tearing apart all those idiots trying to get Remy for at least 1 night.

However, sometimes, Remy would get far too lost in the empathic bliss of the want and lust around him while dancing in a club and let his guard down. It was then that some dirty assholes occasionally tried to pull shit with his mate. Logan trusted Remy with everything but he didn't trust the others and so always made sure to come to the clubs with his lover to keep a watchful eye on him. Remy accepted this and often used it to rile Logan up with his seductive dancing to a point where his lover would grab him and all but carry him back to the car. If they were lucky, Logan's restraint would somehow last until arriving to the mansion where he would fuck the Cajun through the mattress. If they weren't so lucky, Remy would need 2 days to get rid of the leaves in his hair and grass in places better not mentioned as Logan took him in the forest.

However, at times there would be the idiot who would try and drug Remy hoping to take him home for a ride. It was those times that Logan sprung from his seat and stood between Remy and the intruder making it clear to everyone in the club that the beauty was very much not single and up for grabs. Most of the cowards would run away after one look at Logan's vivid face but occasionally one of them would try and fight the feral. Of course, Logan would always come out victorious and take his drugged lover home. Those nights, he wouldn't even dream of getting lost in carnal pleasures, he refused to anytime Remy was under such a substance.

Logan had no need to get the Cajun drugged if he wanted to get some.


It was the mother of all failed missions as Cyclops sadly surveyed his team. Not only were they stopped from completing the goal, at least half of his team was injured, Betsy was unconscious and Logan had gone completely feral with no signs of turning back. For the time being, he was locked up in the Danger Room customized into a forest to make sure he wouldn't attack anyone.

Discussing what to do about the whole situation with Hank, they were interrupted by heavy footsteps as Remy limped his way into the control room, leaning into the wall for support. The Cajun had been hurt bad in the fight, his right wrist broken in several places, bruises littering his body and several deep cuts needing stitches. By all means, he should be resting in a comfortable bed right now though neither mutant was surprised to see him here. His lover had gone feral so it was to be expected Remy would come unless unconscious. However, neither expected him to offer what he did.

"Let me go to him, I can bring him back."

"Absolutely not! Have you gone out of your mind Gambit?! It is not Logan down there but the Wolverine on the loose!"

"Cyke, this Cajun knows what awaits him down there. It is still a part of Logan. He won't hurt moi."

"I'm afraid my Acadian friend that Fearless is correct in his albeit vocal assessment of Logan's current condition. I cannot in my right mind let one of my patients, who shouldn't be out of bed by the way, go in there for the time being."

"Henry, I know him. He won't hurt me. I know it's the Wolverine right now mais to him, I am still the mate. If anything, he'll try to protect moi. S'il te plaît, let me go to him."

Unable to say no to those eyes, Hank gave his approval which ultimately persuaded Scot. Of course they would monitor the whole situation from above and if there was so much as an attempt to harm the Cajun, they wouldn't hesitate to attack the feral. Remy agreed knowing perfectly well that there would be no reason to do that.

He didn't feel even an ounce of fear as the door opened and he limped his way into the artificial forest. Letting out a calculated whimper, it wasn't long before the feral came running. Stopping just short of the injured man, the beast sniffed at him and let out a whine of its own. The Wolverine could smell the pain on its mate and hated it. It wanted to take it away.

First things first though, it needed to protect the mate from possible intruders or the people that put him here in this oddly smelling forest. Gently taking the mate into its arms, the feral carried him deeper into the room and laid him down on the ground. Gathering enough leaves and moss for a comfortable bed, it once again lowered the injured mate onto it and proceeded to sniff every part of his body gently licking at the cuts.

Remy smiled at his lover and petted his jet black unruly hair all the while letting out a soothing noise he knew always worked on the feral. Before long though, the pain and medication became too much to bear and he fell asleep in his mate's arms.

Shrugging off the disbelief, Scot and Hank were forced to recognize just how serious the relationship was between the two. Logan was known for attacking his team members when feral, he would even growl threateningly at Jean. And yet, he was nothing but gentle and caring with Remy. Perhaps they truly were meant for each other.

The next day, Logan woke up with no memory of yesterday only to find a sleep warm Cajun in his arms. Slowly memories started appearing and he realized what happened.

"Welcome back mon amour."

"I didn't hurt you darling, did I?"

"Non. The beast could never hurt moi anymore than the man. Mais, wouldn't mind relocating to a more comfortable bed non?"

Kissing Remy on the lips, Logan once again took him into his arms and carried him to their room. As much as he was used to saving the Cajun, he knew Remy had his back just as much.