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Archive Warning:
Part 9 of Criminal Minds After Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

After Out of the Light


small scene takes place after the ep "Out of the Light"

Work Text:

As usual, Dave woke with Derek wrapped around him from behind. Derek was warm and solid and Derek’s hot breath tickled the back of his neck. He sighed and didn’t open his eyes to see how little time he had left.

He was still, listening to Derek breathe. Then he heard Derek grunt softly and Derek’s arm around his waist tightened. “Morning,” he greeted quietly.

Derek nuzzled the back of Dave’s neck. “Morning,” he growled. “We’re off today. The world’s not supposed to exist this early.”

“I know.” Dave tried to move but Derek just held on tighter. “Aaron’s coming by to pick me up. If he knows what’s good for him, he’d better bring coffee.”

Derek pushed Dave onto his back. He planted a hand on Dave’s chest and slid a leg between Dave’s. He trailed kisses along Dave’s jaw. “I might have to go to Jack’s game so I can see the assistant coach in action.”

Dave smiled and cupped the back of Derek’s head. “I don’t know how I let him talk me into it.”

Derek chuckled. He nipped Dave’s bottom lip. “Cause it’s good to see Hotch let loose every once in a while.”


Derek smirked. “He’s just lucky that I’m not the jealous type. He’s ruining my plan of not letting you out of bed today.”

Dave grinned. He captured Derek’s mouth in a thorough kiss. He pulled back just enough to see Derek’s dazed expression. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

“Make it up to me now.” Derek growled low in his throat and slid firmly on top of Dave.

Any protest Dave could’ve made was cut off by Derek’s tongue sweeping through his mouth. The kisses were open and hungry. Hands roamed over hot skin.

The alarm clock buzzing was annoying background noise. They reached over at the same time and knocked it on the floor.

Dave rolled them so that they were on their sides, facing each other. He kissed Derek, hard and demanding. He reached down to take Derek’s rigid cock firmly in hand.

Derek moaned into Dave’s mouth but didn’t break away. He slipped a hand between them to return the favor. They kissed and stroked each other until they both found a shattering release.

A little while later, Aaron and Jack stood in front of Dave’s door. Aaron held a tray with two large coffee cups in one hand and kept the other on Jack’s shoulder. He wasn’t surprised when Derek answered Jack’s excited knocking. He took in Derek’s ratty, worn jeans, old t shirt, and dopey grin. “Good morning,” he said dryly.

Derek arched both eyebrows and his grin grew wider if that was possible. “Morning.” He shifted his attention to Jack. “Are you ready for the game today?”

Jack hopped up and down. “Yup.”


“Do you wanna come?” Jack asked excitedly.

“I was thinking about it.” Derek stepped to the side. “Come in. Dave will be ready in a minute.”

Aaron handed Derek the tray. “I come bearing gifts. Black and sweet just how you both like it.”

Derek sipped one and sighed in pleasure. “Thanks. There wasn’t time to make any this morning.”

Aaron’s mouth barely twitched in amusement. “I can just imagine why.”

“Did you have a sleepover?” Jack asked innocently.

Derek laughed and Aaron’s smile was unguarded. “Yeah, we did,” Derek answered without hesitation.

Jack’s brow furrowed. “Aren’t you too old for sleepovers?”

Aaron ruffled Jack’s hair. “You’re never too old for sleepovers.”

Series this work belongs to: