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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Prophecy Boy


A travel to the past to see the truth of a future

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Title: Prophechy Boy 1?Category: Romance/Crossover
Genre: Crossover
Summary: All of Angel and Buffy season 2. A travel to the past to see the truth of a future
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made we am just poor.
Feedback: Yes please!

This is a collab with a friend

Part 1


Cordy walked into the library smiling; she just spent the afternoon cheerleading, it was something she enjoyed doing, it gave her tremendous satisfaction, it was something she was good at and now after that she had to force herself to go to the library. She's looking for a book for homework she wants to be out of here as quickly as she can trying to get away before she gets dragged in to the research.

"Cordelia is there something that I can do to help you?" Giles asked after seeing her walk in .

"Giles I came looking for a book of poetry. Any book will be great, I am doing this assignment on poetry for English and I don't know who author to choose is there anything you can suggest?" Cordelia knew that Giles would be the perfect person to help her with this.

" Just one second and I will get it the perfect book for you." Giles said while walking into his office. Giles thought it was nice to see someone actually use the library for the real reason study, expanding one's knowledge.

"So Cordelia how have you been?" Buffy said with annoyance in her voice.

"Good Buffy, how have you been?" Cordelia said trying to be polite but without wanting to talk with her. So much had happened since she Buffy had moved here, she had been dragged into the nightmare that was Sunnydale and she also dated Xander which brought down her popularity and the worse thing was that being popular didn't mean what it used it, she had changed seeing with the Scoobies went through not that she would actually tell them that.

"Good too, I'm preparing my birthday party..." Buffy begun before Giles came back.

Giles walks back in with the book and hands it to Cordelia.

"Thank you Giles I will get it back to you as soon as I can, and I will take good care of it."

"You're welcome."

Cordy walked out of the library.

"Cordelia" Giles called after her.

'Damn' she thought, Cordelia hoped that she managed to escape "yes Giles" she asked without turning to look at him.

"Aren't you going to help to research tonight?"

"What?" Buffy asked not wanting to have her here.

"Hmm... sure, but if I end up needing glasses it'll be your fault!" Cordelia said, not wanting to be here, but feeling that she had to be here Buffy had saved her life so many times. "so what do we have to do?" she asked the obvious lack of excitement could be heard in her voice.

"If you don't mind, we'll wait until the rest is here" Giles said gently, knowing she wasn't prone to research, but also knowing that they needed all the help they could so, while he went back to his office to get some books.

Giles came out of his office to find Buffy, Cordelia, Oz, Xander, and Willow waiting for him, "So I see that we only have to wait for Angel and Jenny"

"No, I'm here" Angel said walking in, suddenly appearing as he normally did)

"Me too" Jenny said walking in after him.

"So, G-man, what's the matter?" Xander asks.

"I asked you not to call me that." Giles said automatically. "I found a prophecy about a powerful being and I searched every prophecy I could find. And I got the same… The child is called Tro-Clan or The Destroyer. It is an abomination, a threat to the future and must be destroyed…"

LA (present time)

Angel sat watching them for awhile he didn't want to disturb neither the sleeping woman, nor the sleeping bundle in her arms. Kissing her forehead he ran his hand through her hair and tucked it behind her ear uncovering her face so he could just stare at her, Angel had never met anyone quite like her. His gaze then fell onto his son. He'd never loved anyone as much as he loved his son, and he'd though he never was going to be able to love anyone with so much intensity and passion as he loved Cordelia. The two of them made him happy and then with Gunn, Wesley, Fred and Lorne and now even Faith, who has been paroled four months ago and was working towards redemption as well, he had his family never in his wildest imagination could he ever have believed that he would have so much and the one thing that kept it from being perfect was the fact that he could hurt them all so he knew he couldn't be perfectly happy.

Cordelia woke slowly, her arms tightened gently around the bundle she held, she looked down and saw Connor still sleeping so she cuddled him a little tighter, she didn't know what it was but all she could feel for the little boy was love, she could never love him more to her she was his mother. She would die for him a thousand times over, just as she'd die for his father. As Cordelia looked up he saw him looking at her. She saw the love Angel had for his son, she knew that he would always protect him, protect them all.

"Hey you." He said with a smile, his brown eyes sparkled with emotion.

Cordelia noticed he was still in his boxers and from the look of his hair he hadn't been awake that long. Smiling up at him she turned Connor around. "You want to hold him" She asked gently as to not wake the baby up, and held him up to the vampire knowing that he would not say no.

Angel smiled down at her his whole face alight with love but instead of taking hold of the baby he climbed into bed next to her where he wanted to be forever. He loved his seer more than anything but had no idea how to tell her. Would she even love him back? He slipped his body underneath the covers and slid it next to hers, her could feel Cordy stiffen slightly and then she relaxed, he reached out and pulled her closer one arm under her and the other over her and Connor holding them tightly to him.

Angel never wanted to leave this bed if he was like this forever he would be happy. So much had changed with him and he thought that with the whole Darla thing none of them would have forgiven him but they did and everyone at Angel Investigations was closer because of it and Fred had joined their family and with her coming out of her room more and helping she had come on in leaps and bounds, she seemed to have bonded with Cordelia like an a sister to her but Cordy had that worldly aura someone she could look up to. He smiled as he thought of his make shift family flung together in extreme circumstances but they all had changed and grown together, they would do anything to protect all of them.

The vampire knew that everyone was over protective of Cordy because everything that she had been through and everything she sees, for Wes and Gunn it had because of what he did and how she seemed to avoid life and just be there for the two guys and the helpless, but Fred it was when she saw what Cordy went through during each vision but mostly when Lilah had sent visions to Cordy and Fred had to sit there and watch her friend in pain not being able to do anything and when they started to appear on her, it was the first time that anyone saw the physical manifestations of what she went through mentally and Fred sat by her side.


"What does it say?" Angel asked before he jumped to any conclusions, he looked around the room and saw panic on all their faces.

"It mentions a warrior and a seer and the tro-clan. I am not exactly sure of the rest of it as it is in a language I don't know, but I thought that we better be prepared for the worst." Giles talked as he eyes remained on the book.

"Why don't we just get rid of it?" Xander asked looking around and saw Buffy and Willow nod in agreement.

Giles took of his glasses and cleaned them on his tie. "Well I am not sure about that. We should really do some more research and make sure we have all our facts correct."

Buffy shook her head in annoyance she wanted this dealt with now and then her and Angel could go patrol and be together.

Giles continued talking unaware of the people around him. "There's a bit more of the prophecy, it's a spell to get rid of the threat, before it happens, but it can only be chanted once"

Jenny stepped forward and touched Giles on the shoulder. "When is this suppose to happen?" She asked.

Giles looked at her momentarily and then back down at the book. "Uuhh, well." He stuttered. "Tonight."

Jenny smiled encouragingly at him. "Well if we do this spell whatever happens we can deal with it and this warrior and his seer would be protected."

Giles looked at her and she could see that he was ready to argue with the point. Buffy stepped forward.

"Giles we have to stop this thing and if we do that spell we can deal with it." She spoke surely and positively.

But before Giles was able to read the spell aloud "wait! Don't you need something? Some candles, herbs…what?" Cordelia asked when she saw that the rest of the gang was looking at her, "I read in a book that for lots of spells you need some things…it's your fault Giles 'cause you make me read those books" Cordelia could hear some giggles, it hurt her because nobody thought she could really help.

"It's alright Cordelia" Giles said gently, "You're quite right, I should read a bit more of the prophecy to see if anything it's need it" He said smiling the teenager.

While Giles went to re-read the prophecy and Jenny was helping him, Buffy and the rest of them were talking and leaving Cordelia alone with her thoughts and Angel sat on the stairs, silent and brooding as always.

"Ok, I got it" Giles almost shouted "I'll be right back, don't go away" and with that Giles left the library it was the closest he ever came to running.

Buffy and the Scoobies went to their conversation, and Jenny sat herself down next to Cordelia.

"Good thinking you had there" she said to the silent teenager hoping to help her not feel so alone.

"Really?" Cordelia asked, she had been so used to attention that focused on her looks, her money and her popularity no one had ever tried to get to know her before but Xander did but then he cheated on her with Willow. Angel she had a crush on once but as soon as she found out he was a vampire she distanced herself, but not because he was a vampire but because he was so In Buffy, she had enough of that worship with Xander, she always played second fiddle to the slayer, and the only reason that they kept her around was because she made a great bait girl and any extra hands with the researching side of thing helped but that was it she had no true friend, the others that called themselves that but they were only with her because of her money and the Scoobies didn't like her, not really, and Angel…well he was confusing he sat in the shadows and followed Buffy he helped fight and he was good with information but they treated him the same as they did her, an outsider, they were not part of the Scoobies and probably never would be.

"Yes, the spell wouldn't have worked without the things Giles went to…"

"I'm back! I have everything I need, Willow will you help me? Jenny you too please, besides I need you to chant the spell" Giles said hurriedly.

That left Cordelia alone again she decided to sit on the stairs while Angel went to talk with Buffy.

Cordelia sat on the steps, watching as Willow placed candles in a circular pattern on the floor. Jenny was measuring quantities of various coloured powders into an ceramic pot on the table, Giles ticking each one off his list as she did so.

Giles shut off the library lights. Jenny moved to stand in the centre of the circle of candles, then slowly lit each one, in turn, with a long taper. Giles cautiously passed her the ceramic bowl containing the ingredients for the spell, and the gypsy placed it on the floor lowering herself to sit cross-legged in front of it. Jenny closed her eyes in concentration, lifted her hands palms facing upwards, and began to chant in a slow, measured voice.

LA Present Day

Angel had managed to drag himself from Cordy and Connor, he would have been quite happy to have stayed there for an eternity. He walked down the stairs to the lobby with his son in his arms as Cordy had a shower. He stopped as his mind wandered he wished that he could have stripped of and joined her. He shook his head mentally as he joined Wes, Fred and Gunn and Lorne downstairs.

"Where's Faith?" Angel asked.

"The basement training." Gunn said simply.

Angel placed Connor in his playpen and headed to the kitchen to heat a bottle up when suddenly a scream echoed from the lobby, it was Fred. Angel practically flew through the door, Cordy ran down the stairs clutching Angel's large robe around her and the basement door slammed open as Faith ran through.

A bright light stopped them all, it surrounded the crib and Connor laughing and trying to touch it in the middle. Everyone in the Hyperion Hotel ran to him, trying to get hold of him but a barrier surrounded the small child and threw them back and they just had to watch as he disappeared into the bright light and on the floor of the playpen a symbol was left.
