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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

His first love


Your first is always a memorable thing. A story with a difference..


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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Title: His First Love

Author/Email: Shewolf >>

Pairing: none

Rating/Type: PG, remorse

Beta: Blaxkdragn >> Who is my inspiration, thankyou darling.

Disclaimer: This is mine wholly and solely.

Notes: My stuff can be found >>

Summery: Your first is always a memorable thing. A story with a difference..


Everyone remembers their first or so they say, it is one of those things in life that remains with you, no matter what else the years ahead may bring.

Yes, he will have more, many more, some of much better quality, and some that will snap in two with the first lunge.


She was so sweet and special, it filled him with a warmth and a pride that he had never felt before and had only had visions of.

He had worked on her for weeks she had a glow, a special aura around and about her. She was arm length, and with three different widths down the blade.

Her hilt was just the right thickness and length, to accommodate his long slim fingers and strong hand. And to make it 'just that bit' extra, he placed a large, deep blue stone, from his home planet at the top her hilt.

Whilst laying in his bed on those cold nights, staring at his cold stone ceiling, he had dreamed about it's creation.

Every time he hit her metal hard with his hammer, sparks flew from his anvil, he would then thrust her again and again into the searing, skin burning fire, only to strike her once more.

She occupied his mind, his breath and his very being.

He wondered what Boon would think of her? He already knew what Doc would say, even before hearing the words “It's a sword... just a sword Z-man” Zylyn smiled to himself, for he knew in himself that she was more than 'just a sword'.

“I know I will always remember my first” he thought, “It will hold a special and deep-rooted, hidden spot in my heart”

Some priests have said that, their first was precious, a deadly combination of strength and sex appeal. With just the right amount of shine, to catch the eye of any poor observer that had the misfortune of finding out just how lethal she was.

“It is the ritual passing into manhood” A priest once said, “No longer a sapling, now you are a warrior, and everyone will know it”

There are very few things in life that come close to offering the same pleasure to the average male, and certainly, nothing that can equal the pride and bragging rights attached to it.

He knew that he would brag about her, extol her virtues, profess time after time his undying devotion to her, promise to never forget her and the pleasure and pain that she gives to him.


As day after day passed, his attachment grow stronger, his dependence on her becomes a power that he never knew existed, she took over his thoughts, she gave his arm that extra and added bit of strength.

The first time he 'used' her to kill, was a moment that was lodged deeply into his mind. He remembered the feel of the warm blood, that ran down her hilt and over his hand. He will never get the dying smell of his 'prey' out of his nostrils, or that 'feeling' from out of his system of his 'preys' life slipping away into oblivion.

Zylyn sighed, he hated killing for it was not the way of a priest, but it was the way of a warrior and he was both.

“You will learn to balance both” His teacher had told him. “You will learn embrace both”

He did not want to learn or embrace it but he knew that he would, he had to or die under the burden of it.

~*~ *~

Boon leaned against the warm rock and watched his friend, he wondered what he was thinking, whilst holding a candle in each hand and speaking those words, so softly that Boon could not fully hear them, let understand them.

“What brings you here my friend?” Zylyn asked softly, as he placed the candles on the rocks ledge.

“What makes you come here?” Boon questioned.

With out turning around “I need to empty my self”

“Empty? Why?” Now Boon was curious.

Zylyn sighed, he turned slowly “We are taught to kill but I do not like to” He moved stealthy down his temples steps and rested against the rocks next to Boon, “From the beginning of time we were warriors, killing with no remorse”

Boon sighed and nodded, he pushed his hands deeper into his pockets. He had heard the stories, the tales of Grakka, he also knew that it was hard for Zylyn to tell him about his life and of his planet. So he would not ask, he would just wait for his friend to continue.

Zylyn watched Boon from the corner of his eye, his lips curled slightly “If I had my way, I would 'talk' my way out of a situation, but alas that can not always happen. And being an empath I will always 'feel'” Boon waited, “I need to empty my mind, my soul of it all or it will be become to much”

“And if you do not?” Boon finally asked.

“I will explode”


There in his dark room, cold and stony, she waited, so patient and so still, waited for him to come to her, to lift her gently and embrace her.

And as he always did, he held her softly and tenderly, he wiped her with so much love that she sang. And as always he placed her in her bed, and prayed that he would not need to use her but knew that he would.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author shewolf.
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