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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Reaction To The Destruction of the Colony Ship


What about the Cylon survivors of the human's destruction of the colony ship? This story may have the answers.


I don’t own any character that I hasn’t created.

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Inside of a basestar that were hidden from the humans fleet heading toward Earth, the Cylons assigned there couldn't believe the news that they saw on the screen. The destruction of the rebirth hub was a blow to them. Now, they were seeing the destruction of the colony ship that the hidden cameras was showing them.

"What are we going to do?" asked a still living Number Three.

"I just don't know," answered a Number One. He wasn't too pleased to see the news about the colony. The humans from the colonies has done some harm to their people again. They tried to trace the final Battlestar, but it disappear from their scanners.

"The Galactica mat have jumped into an area of space that we haven't explore, yet," guessed a Number Eight.

"We need to do something about losing the colony ship," said a Number Four.

"There is only one thing that we can do for now. We need to see if there were anyone who were downloaded from the colony ship. Then, we may have to land on the other human settled planets and search for humans who know nothing about us. Since we no longer have the many bodies that we used for downloading, we may have to mate with these human. We are a dying race. If we have any descendants, they may not know their Cylon origins," said a Number Two.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if we kept our unity. We lost it when five of the higher number models voted against peace with the humans," reminded the Number One in charge.

"If I remembered correctly, your fellow Number Ones voted against peace with the humans as well," said a Number Ten, who looked like a brown haired female.

"My fellow Number Ones were right. There can be no peace with the human race," defended the Number One in charge.

"How about the tribes of humans who know nothing about us? Are they as guilty as the humans who enslaved our people?" asked a Number Eight. The Number One in charge has to admit that this Number Eight has a point. Not all the humans are guilty of enslaving the Cylon race. If their race is going to survive to the next generation, their people may have to interbreed with the humans of this universe, no matter how much he hated the idea. Their people's future may depend on it. The end, for now.