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Archive Warning:
Part 5 of Criminal Minds After Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

After Safe Haven


small scene takes place right after ep "Safe Haven"

Work Text:

Derek waited at his desk until he saw Ellie and her mom heading to the elevator. Ellie made a detour, ran over to him, and threw her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek and whispered, “Thank you.”

Derek hugged her back and nodded to Ellie’s mom over her shoulder. “You’re welcome. Remember, I’ll be around whenever you need me.”

“I’ll remember.” Ellie pulled away. She flashed him another grin and ran to join her mom in the elevator. The doors closed in front of them.

Derek smiled to himself. He grabbed his bag and took the stairs down. He took his time walking out to the parking lot.

He got into his truck. He didn’t bother with the radio and pulled out onto the street. He kept seeing Ellie’s tearful smile and, in his gut, he knew he made the right decision.

He stopped at a red light and suddenly realized that he was on his way to Dave’s instead of his own apartment. He rolled his eyes at his reflection in the rearview mirror. He’d learned a long time ago not to argue with his own psyche.

Fifteen minutes later, Mudgie greeted him at Dave’s front door. Mudgie pawed him and licked his hand. He locked the door and rubbed Mudgie’s head. “Hey, Boy. I’ve missed you too. Where’s Dave at?”

Mudgie turned away, tail still wagging. Derek chuckled and followed the dog into the living room where he found Dave dozing on the couch. There was a half empty bottle of beer on the coffee table and the TV droned on in the background.

Without looking at it, Derek switched the TV off. He knelt next to Dave. He watched the steady rise and fall of Dave’s chest.

Derek leaned in to lightly nuzzle Dave’s throat. He untucked Dave’s shirt and ran his hand underneath to touch Dave’s stomach.

Dave moaned softly. He tilted his head back.

Derek rubbed Dave’s chest. He trailed his lips along Dave’s jaw and up to his ear. “Dave,” he whispered.

Dave turned his head to face Derek. His voice was a low sleepy rumble. “Derek.”

Derek teased Dave’s bottom lip. “I’d better be the only one touching you like this.”

Dave didn’t open his eyes but he smiled lazily. “You’re the only one I like touching me like this.”

Derek gave Dave a soft kiss. He ran his free hand through Dave’s hair. “Oh, Dave,” he sighed against his lips.

“Everything go okay with Ellie and her mom?”

“Yeah.” Derek rested his head on Dave’s chest. He took a moment to listen to Dave’s heartbeat. “Part of me wanted not to like her for abandoning Ellie, but seeing her reach out to Ellie helped. I think they’ll be okay.”

Dave ran a hand over Derek’s smooth head. “I thought you wanted to be alone tonight.”

“I changed my mind. Is that okay?”

Dave rubbed the back of Derek’s neck. “It’s more than okay. Should we move this to the bedroom?”

Derek gave Dave another quick kiss and stood. He held out his hand. Without another word, Dave took it.

Series this work belongs to: