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Archive Warning:
Part 4 of The TOC Files
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

March of Time


Alan and Shannon arrive in Boston on the eve of the Revolution

Work Text:

IV March of Time

The young man put his watch in his waistcoat pocket, checked his pistol, then gave a small parasol to his female companion. He looked at her simple dress and his won suit and felt that they would fit in perfectly. "Is there anywhere we can get some food, Alan? I'm positively starved," she said with a Dublin brogue.

"I'm sure we'll find a tavern or something," Alan replied, looking about the cobblestone street. "We'll just have to ask someone, tell them we're new to Boston."

"Whatever you say," said the girl as she stretched and yawned.

"Shane, you've got to carry yourself with a bit more decorum. Women here are not supposed to yawn so openly."

"Okay, Mr. Kelly. All I want is a bath and a good night's sleep. Time-travel can be tiring."

Alan Kelly smiled, remembering their encounter with the infamous and villainous. They had been "shanghaied" from a tavern in Port Royal, Jamaica in 1665. Shannon had been masquerading as a boy to avoid trouble, however, in an escape attempt, her identity had been discovered. Alan told himself that was he was glad she was from the 20th century, otherwise she would have fainted and acted weak like the women of the time.

A young man on horseback rode by and Alan approached him. "Excuse me, sir, but my sister and I have just arrived in Boston and were wondering if you could direct us to a nearby tavern."

The man took them both in. Shannon looked directly at him and he nervously turned to Alan. "Your best choice is the Afric Queen on Union Street."

"Thank you very much," said Alan.

They proceeded down the street past milling shoppers and British soldiers. They found the Afric Queen without any problem, and, upon entering, discovered it was the favourite place of the British. Alan motioned to an isolated table and Shannon walked to it. A nervous waiter came over to them. "If you please, sir, we can serve you and the lady in a room upstairs, if you wish."

It was only then that Alan noticed that Shannon was being stared at. Before he could answer, Shannon spoke. "That won't be necessary, thank you. All we would like is something to eat."

Surprised by her forwardness, the waited complied. Alan chose squabs, roast potatoes, bread, and a pot of coffee. Alan couldn't remember the last time he had tasted food so good. Plain and simple, no fancy sauces. Shannon seemed to be enjoying herself. At one point she stopped, fork halfway to her mouth. "Something's bothering me."

"What's that?"

"I feel like I should know this date for some reason. 'April 1775' wants to rhyme with 'alive'."


She was interrupted by voices in the hallway. "New evolutions? What is Gage thinking?"

"This sounds like it could finally be something."

"That's it!" she whispered excitedly. She recited a poem.

Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the 18th of April in Seventy-Five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

"It's Longfellow. Everybody knows that that that was right before the Battle of Lexington and Concord."

"April 18," whispered Alan. "Today's the 15th. We've got to tell them."

"Ssshhh," Shannon hushed him as the soldiers passed by. "How? No one will believe us as we're new arrivals."

"It's generally known in the rebel camps that Revere, Adams, and Hancock are among the leaders in Boston. We simply find them and tell them."

Shannon finished her coffee. "Whatever you say."

They paid for their meal and walked down North Square where they found Revere's shop. It was closed. Alan turned to Shannon. "So much for that." She wasn't there. "Shane, where are you?"

She came strolling back with a young merchant-type at her side. She was trying to play the coquette. "This gentleman, Mr.---"

"Wright," the man supplied with a smile.

"Yes. He told me that we might be able to find Mr. Revere either at his home in North Square, or at Dr. Warren's in Hannover St."

"Thank you very much, sir, for your information. Our father asked us to visit Mr. Revere while we are in Boston."

"No problem, Mr. Kelly. Your sister explained everything. I hope you find him." He smiled again as he left.

Alan laughed as they walked away. "What do you know, Shane, you found Mr. Wright!"

* * * *

They found themselves in front of Revere's house within twenty minutes. "How are you going to approach him?" asked Shannon.

"Honestly," he replied. "Who wouldn't believe this face? Don't answer that." Alan squared his shoulders and knocked on the door. It was answered by Mrs. Revere who told him that her husband was with Dr. Warren.

When he relayed the news to Shannon, she groaned. "That's past where the tavern is. Can't we get a cab or something?"

"Carriages are only for the rich folks, Shane. We can't..." his voice drifted off. "How do you feel?"

"Fine. Just a little tired."

"No, you're very weak and faint. We had better get you to a doctor."

She smiled when she realised what he was doing. She moaned slightly when she saw a private carriage go by. The man inside told his driver to stop. "What's wrong, young man?" he asked Alan. "This young lady looks ill."

"Yes, sir. We're on our way now to Dr. Warren's. I've heard so much about him and I know he can help my sister."

"It is far too long a walk for her." He opened the door. "Come inside, my dear. Very good." Shannon sat down opposite him and acted very light-headed. "You can ride with the driver, young man. We will get you to Dr. Warren's in no time."

"Thank you very much, sir," said Alan before he climbed up beside the driver.

He had a different view of colonial Boston now than he did on foot. Before, he had to watch his step and now he had the luxury of watching other people. Just by looking, you couldn't tell that there was revolution around the corner, but there was a feel in the air, a certain undercurrent.

"We're almost there," the driver told him.

When they stopped, Alan thanked the driver and stepped down. He helped Shannon, who was fumbling with the latch. "Thank you very much, sir, for your kind offer. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along."

"It was nothing at all. I do hope the young lady feels better."

"I'm sure she will recover quickly. She has a strong constitution."

The man waved as he drove away. "What a letcher! Moaning and acting faint was the only way I could keep his hands off me."

"At least we got a ride." They walked to Warren's front door and knocked. A black maid answered. "We'd like to see Dr. Warren, please."

"He's with someone right now."

"Mr. Revere's wife told us he was here."

"If you'll kindly wait here," she said as she let them in the hall, "I'll go fetch him."

* * * *

Both Revere and Warren had seen them arrive in the carriage of one of the staunchest Tories in Boston. "What do you make of it, Joseph?" Revere asked him.

"The girl did seem pale. Did they come as patients?" he asked the maid as she entered the room.

"No, but they knows Mr. Revere is here. Said his wife told 'em."

Warren looked at him. "Well?"

"Let them in, but treat them carefully."

Their visitors were shown in and presented the revolutionary leaders interesting sight.. The man, who introduced himself as Alan Kelly, looked to be about thirty years of age. He had brown hair, green eyes, and stood 6' tall. The girl had unusually short red hair, green eyes, and was in her mid-twenties.

"What can I do for you?" asked the doctor.

"You may not believe this from two strangers, but my sister and I heard some information that you should know."

"Go on."

"We have heard that some British troops are being relieved of duties until further instructions."

"Why have you come to us with this news?" asked Revere.

"It is known, sir," said Shannon, "that you and Dr. Warren are among the leading voices against British oppression."

The two men were surprised to have a woman speak out. "You feel strongly about this?"

"Sir, I needn't tell you of what England has done to the Irish. I do not wish the same fate to befall America."

Alan was impressed that she had curbed her 20th century idioms. "As you can see, our father taught us to speak out."

"Thank you for your information. We have received similar messages and each one adds credit to the fact," said Revere. "May I ask a question?" Alan nodded. "How did you convince Merchant Allyn to drive you here?"

"We simply told him that Shannon was feeling ill and we had to see Dr. Warren."

Revere and Warren laughed. "We could use a man like you, Mr. Kelly. Would you be willing to join our cause?"

Alan looked at Shannon. "Yes, sir, I am."

"Good man. Where will we be able to contact you?"

"Upon our arrival we discovered that there are no rooms to rent. We have nowhere."

"Nonsense. The two of you will stay here until we find something more suitable," said Warren.

"You hardly know us," Shannon began.

"I know you are patriots and that is enough."

"The question is where and how," said Revere.

"The ships in the harbour are busy, but that could be a blind."

As the two men talked, both Shannon and Alan drifted into sleep. Fighting pirates was a tiring business and travelling through time did not lend itself to sleep. Revere and Warren let them sleep, knowing that they must be tired from their journey.

They slept till a little past midnight and woke to hear the two men speaking. "It couldn't hurt to warn them," Revere said, rising to his feet. "I will go by way of Charlestown and tell them in Lexington that troops may move soon and that they had better move to a safer place."

"Who are you talking about?"

"John Hancock and Sam Adams. They are meeting with the Provincial Congress--high treason according to the Crown," Shannon answered before Revere or Warren had a chance.

"Tell them we will send word of their movements as soon as we can. We'll need a signal of sorts."

"I have a friend in the North Church. If word can be taken to him, he can place lanterns in the belfry. It's easily seen from Charlestown. If they leave by the roads, one lantern. If they go by boat, two lanterns," Revere answered.

"'One if by land, two if by sea,'" Shannon murmured.

"I'll continue onto to Concord so they'll move the stores."

"Good idea," said Warren. "I want you to take care, no unnecessary risks." Revere smiled and strode out the door. Warren turned to his visitors. "Let me show you to your sleeping quarters." He took an oil lamp from the table and led them upstairs. He showed Shannon into the master bedroom and Alan into the spare. "Please make yourselves comfortable." Alan opened his mouth to protest. "No, please, I want it this way. When we have time, we can find better arrangements. Good night, my friend."

* * * *

The man across the street smiled as he saw Revere mount up outside the doctor's house. He looked at his watch. "All according to schedule. Now, if I tell Gage about this, Warren will be arrested as will Revere upon his return. Lexington will have no advance notice and it will be an all-out slaughter." He grinned evilly. "This is so much fun."

* * * *

Alan rose early and looked out the small window onto Hannover Street. It was hard to believe that this town was thought of as the spark that set the world on fire; the first domino to topple a government. Pounding hooves sounded from down the road. That was not pleasant sound so early in the morning. Their purpose wan probably unfriendly as well. Redcoats. It had to be. He ran across the hall and pounded on Shannon's door. "Shane! Get up! C'mon, answer the door!"

"What is it?" she asked with a yawn.

"The British are on their way here. You've got to go to the doctor and protect him."

"What? Those guys are armed!"

"I thought that was the purpose of karate. I'm going to be the first line of defence and block as many of them as I can."

"Take care."

They ran down the stairs and separated at the surgery door. Alan stood at the front door. He took his knife out of his belt and put the transmuter to it, changing it to a rapier. With it, he was ready to face the British.

The soldiers stopped in front of Warren's house. The officer dismounted and walked up to Alan. "Step aside. We're here for Dr. Warren." Alan didn't move. "I said, step aside. If you don't, you will be arrested for keeping an officer from his duty, and aiding a traitor to the Crown." Alan stood still. The officer drew his sword and Alan replied in kind.

The officer was surprised, seeing a colonial with a rapier. He smiled, thinking it a bluff of defiance. The other two soldiers dismounted, but the officer waved them off. Alan made note of this overconfidence and prepared to play off it. The fight progressed and each man was pleasantly shocked by his opponent's form. Alan thought the officer would be better, and the officer thought just the opposite. Alan weakened his opponent and barely tired himself. He drew first blood and he struck the officer in the side. The man doubled over and fell to the ground. The two soldiers then fell to the task and drove Alan inside.

His arm was beginning to weaken, it was hard fighting two determined men at once. They forced him into the surgery where Shannon was helping Warren search the room for a weapon. Alan lashed out at the soldier closest to him and he fell bleeding from his chest. However, in doing so, he left himself open. The remaining soldier raised his sword to finish him off. Alan could only look at him, with no hope of blocking the blow. The soldier suddenly stopped, a look of puzzlement on his face. He fell sideways and Alan looked over at Shannon who held a smoking pistol.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, just a little shaken," said Warren. "We must get out of here. The British will send someone to find them. We must bring them in to the surgery." He turned to Shannon. "Can you manage one by yourself?" She nodded.

Alan put his sword down and went out to the front and dragged the officer inside. Warren and Shannon had the other two there already. "What about the horses?" asked Shannon. "We can't leave them tethered in front of the house."

"Lead them around back and remove their saddles and blankets as not to attract attention to them."

"What about ourselves? We know they were here for you and know they have good reason to want us as well."

"The Green Dragon on Union Street. The Sons of Liberty meet there and we can hide in the cellars. We must be quick."

* * * *

The watcher across the street saw everything. He saw them drag the bodies and move the horses to the back. "Dammit! Whenever he shows up, my plans go wrong." He saw them leave by the back gate and go towards Union Street. He pulled out a small paperback book from his pocket. The title on the cover was Beginnings of the American Revolution. He flipped through the pages and found two things that interested him. "'The Sons of Liberty met at the Green Dragon Inn as did Dr. Joseph Warren and Paul Revere shortly before Lexington and Concord.'" He smiled. "That's probably where they're headed." The other piece of information was that the Provincial Congress was meeting in Menotomy, not far from Concord. "Gage will find this news pleasing. I'll deal with Captain Kelly later."

* * * *

In the late afternoon of April 18th, Paul Revere went to the Green Dragon's cellar and greeted his friend. "It is good to see you again, Joseph. After I heard what happened, I delayed coming home as long as I could. Tell me the details."

"If it weren't for these two," Warren said, motioning to Alan and Shannon, "I'd be on my way to London."

"I've heard the British will be marching in the morning, but we still don't know where."

"What about Concord?" put in Alan. "I mean, they knew where previous stores were kept, so they might know about Concord."

"Plus the fact that Hancock and Adams are there," mused Warren. "I wouldn't be surprised. We just need more proof."

"Any word from the Afric Queen?"

"Not yet. Hopefully we'll hear something soon. We have to start planning."

There was a pounding of footsteps above their heads then a young boy came down the stairs. "Dr. Warren! Mr. Revere! I..." He stopped when he saw Alan and Shannon.

"Go on, Josh."

"I saw the general's stable boy polishin' his battle saddle and brushin' his war horse. I think they're goin' tonight. The boy said he was havin' tomorrow off."

"Did you find out where, Josh?" asked Revere.

"Not exactly, sir. The boy said that the general mentioned something about not going further than 30 miles."

Revere and Warren looked at each other. "It seems you were right, Alan," said Revere. "Concord is well within 30 miles." He turned to Josh. "You know what to do?"

"Yes, sir. Keep my ears and eyes open and tonight go to the North Church and tell Mr. Newman of the British movements."

"Good boy. Be careful." He turned to Warren. "When do we leave, Doctor?"

"I'm not leaving, Paul." Revere opened his mouth to protest. "I've made up my mind. If anything happens, send the word and I'll come."

"If you're sure..." Revere did not want to leave his friend, especially after such a close call.

"Go on. I'll be fine. Besides," he added with a smile, "I have my two bodyguards."

Revere smiled and headed for the stairs. "Good luck, Mr. Revere," said Shannon and Alan.

Warren watched as Revere disappeared upstairs then turned to Shannon and Alan. "I'm going to take a nap. You might want to do the same. It's going to be a long night."

* * * *

After he was sure Warren was asleep, Alan headed for the stairs. "Where are you going?" asked Shannon.

"Out. I can't sit cooped-up in here waiting."

"Then I'm going with you."

"Oh, no, you're not."

"You must have forgotten who saved your life the other day."

He gave in. "You have got to be the most stubborn--" He left the sentence hanging. "All right. Under one condition: when things get tough, you do what I say with no questions."

"Yes, sir." She saluted him.

The stairs came out in the kitchen. The workers paid them no heed, knowing the secret doings of the inn. They went out the back door and through the courtyard to the street. Alan strode purposefully down the street. Shannon ran after him. "What do you have in mind?"

"Haymarket Square."

"What's that?"

"Farmers' market."


"What comes in must go out." He smiled at her. When she realised what he meant, she returned the smile.

They strolled past the many stalls of the Haymarket trying to find a sympathetic farmer who would help smuggle them out of the city. They chose one and approached him with their financial offer. At first, he didn't want to risk the chance of the British catching them. But his patriotism and poverty won him over. He hid them in some barrels that smelled of cabbage. Once they were past the gatehouse, he told them they could come out. "I can take you only as far as Cambridge," he told them.

"That's fine, thank you," Alan said. "My sister and I wanted to get out of Boston without any fuss."

"Enough said, lad," the farmer said with a smile.

Shannon fell asleep leaning against Alan and he dozed off himself. When the wagon drew to a halt, he woke up in the dark. "What time is it?"

The farmer shrugged. "Near 8:00 maybe. I'm not sure."

To verify this, the town clock struck the top of the hour. Shannon stirred and let out a very unfeminine yawn. "Where are we?"

"Cambridge." He turned back to the farmer. "How far to Lexington?"

"About ten miles or so. Would you like a little something to eat along the way?"

"Thank you." The farmer gave them some bread and cheese.

"How will we get there?" asked Shannon.


* * * *

Two hours and ten miles later, Alan spotted the steeple of Lexington's church. "You'd better put your shoes back on," he told Shannon. "It won't look quite right walking into town barefoot."

"It doesn't look right walking into town at all. I don't know why I let you talk me into this."

"If you think about it, you'll remember that I asked you to stay with Warren."

"Okay, okay. Don't rub it in." She stopped by a fence and sat on the top rail to put her shoes on. "What do we do now that we're here? We can't go stealing Paul's thunder."

"We get ourselves rooms at a tavern and act as if we don't know a thing about the battle. We can tell them what's happening in Boston, but don't volunteer any information."

They went to the Buckman Tavern which faced the Green and were surprised to hear voices. They knocked on the closed door and it was opened by a middle-aged man who stared at them in surprise. "Sorry if we're disturbing you, but my sister and I need a room. We just walked from Cambridge."

"Don't leave them standing there, John," said a man with a ready smile. "Come in, my friends. You must be tired after your walk. May we ask why?"

"Um, that was as far as the farmer could take us. We had to leave Boston."

"Maybe they didn't like the way we treated them," said one man, "and are on their way to some Tory stronghold."

Shannon became indignant. "If that's the case, would we have spent the last two days hiding in a cellar with Dr. Warren?"

This set the patriots whispering among themselves. Alan didn't like some of the looks they were getting. It was at times like this that he regretted Shannon's 20th century mouth. In this time, outspoken women were rare and looked down upon or shunned. "We heard from Boston that Warren was almost taken by the British but saved by a young man and woman," said the one called John. "These two could be the ones."

The innkeeper, whose name they learned was Sam, turned to them. "Is this true?"

"Yes," Alan answered.

"If you have any doubts, Revere and Warren can vouch for us," added Shannon.

"Look, all we want is a room each and maybe some food. We don't want to cause any trouble."

Sam smiled. "Of course. Let me show you upstairs."

Alan and Shannon followed him to two rooms that overlooked the Green. "I apologise for the reception, but one can never be too careful in these times," he said as he headed for the door. "I'll bring you some food and ale--water for the young lady."

Alan pulled out his watch. He estimated that after they finished eating there would probably be enough time for a quick cat-nap. Shannon came in. "The bed's comfortable. I hope the food's good."

"It should be. Places like this pride themselves on the food." He looked out the window. "We'll be able to see Revere when he goes by. That green will be a historic sight after tomorrow."

"What do you think would happen if we tried to stop it?"

"Can't say for sure, but either it would delay the inevitable or stop it altogether. Ssshhh, Sam's coming back."

Sam knocked on the door and entered with a tray holding a plate of ham, bread, a pitcher of ale, and a pitcher of water. "I hope you sleep well tonight and may your dreams be free of redcoats."

Shannon stifled a yawn as she took a long drink of water. "I haven't tasted water this fresh in a long time," she said.

Alan sliced the bread and made a ham sandwich. "Too bad this way of life has virtually died out."

They finished off the tray and Shannon left for her room. "Wake me when Revere comes by."

"Yes, ma'am. Good night, Shane."

* * * *

At about 1:00, Alan woke suddenly without knowing why. Then he heard the pounding hooves. Revere was on the way. He shoved on his boots, grabbed his coat, and ran down to greet him. Sam heard Alan's running feet and came out with a candle to see what the commotion was about. Revere slowed as he approached the tavern. He was surprised when he saw Alan there. He stopped his horse and told Sam that the British were on the move and that they'd be in Lexington before long. "Get the men ready and find Parker. He'll want the men in position." He took a deep breath. "Are John and Sam still at the Clarkes'?"

"As far as I know."

"Good. William Dawes should be by here soon. Tell him that's where we are." He turned to Alan. "Care to join me?"

Alan would have joined him anyway, but to be asked was a sure sign of how they respected him. "Thank you very much, Mr. Revere. I'd like that very much." Sam provided him with a horse and he rode off with Revere.

If Alan thought he was awed when he met Warren and Revere, he had no words to describe how it felt to meet the two leaders of Boston's patriots. They had heard of his encounter with the soldiers at Warren's house. Revere told them that the British were on the way and that the two men should leave. They refused. William Dawes joined them as did a doctor by the name of Prescott. Revere tried once more to persuade Hancock and Adams, but they still wouldn't change their minds. The four horsemen left for Concord.

* * * *

Shannon woke when she heard men's voices and shouts. She looked out her window and saw the men converging on the Green. It was starting! Revere had come by and Alan didn't wake her! She put on her shoes and rushed to his room. He was gone. "Of all the--" She ran downstairs. No one was inside. She ran outside.

The men gathered with their rifles, most of them second-hand hunters. One man shouted orders and positioned them along the Green. He also sent scouts forward to watch for the British advance. She counted near 130 men. Her spine tingled, feeling the emotions in the air. These people were fighting for what they believed in. This definitely was the spark; the spark of the American Revolution, the French, and a million other revolutions across the world.

They loaded their guns and waited, Shannon waiting with them. At 2:00 it was reported that there were no redcoats within seven miles. Parker dismissed the men. They drifted back to their homes, still on the alert.

Shannon noticed one remained, standing off to the side. He pulled something from his pocket, opened it, and looked it over. "Looks like a book," she whispered. "But bendable? It's a paperback! That can only mean Cameron!" She slowly drifted towards the Green, trying to hide her objective. She hid behind a tree as he looked up. Yes, it was definitely him. Where the hell was Alan?

* * * *

Three miles out of Concord, the four horsemen had ridden pell-mell by all the farms, warning them all that the British were on the way. All Alan could think of was those old movies where they rode through the town crying "The British are coming! The British are coming!" The slowed their horses to keep them from going lame. Alan heard rushing hooves and looked behind him. "British!" he cried out.

"Split up!" ordered Revere. "That way one of us should make it." The British had prepared for such a move and closed in on them. Prescott and Dawes escaped the circle and continued to Concord.

A major came riding up to them. "Well, what have we here? It seems that we have the famed Paul Revere. Where were you off to, mister? To warn your friends Hancock and Adams?" Revere said nothing.

A young lieutenant came over and whispered in the major's ear. "I think he fits the description our spy gave us of the man who killed the soldiers at Warren's house."

The major looked at Alan in a new light. "So we have two wanted men." He ordered two men to take the reins as he led Alan and Revere back to Boston.

On the outskirts of Lexington shots were heard. Thinking an attack underway, the officer and his men rode off leaving Alan and Revere alone on the road. "What now?" asked Alan.

"We ride to Lexington and convince Sam and John to leave. Dawes and Prescott will have already gone to Concord. No doubt Mitchell will report he captured us and the British will realise they've lost the element of surprise. We cut across the fields here and head straight for Clarke's house."

"Let's get moving, then!"

Halfway across the fields, Alan swerved and headed for the Green. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see if Shannon's okay! Good luck!" Alan rode into the Green, his horse flecked with foam. He stopped in front of the tavern and passed the reins to a sleepy stable boy. He ran inside and found Shannon sitting at a table discussing politics. "They're almost on us," he said without preamble. "Revere and I were caught before we reached Concord. Mitchell heard gunshots and left us. You'd better assemble the men."

As if to back him up, the stable boy came running in. "Drums! I hear drums!"

The men rushed out of the tavern and Shannon pulled Alan aside. "What is it, Shane? This is important."

"This is more important. Cameron's here. I saw him on the Green."


"No more than 1-1/2 hours ago."

"I should have known he was here when one of the soldiers said that I matched a description."

"You mean he's been here all along?"

"Yep, and you can bet he's got something up his sleeve." They heard the drums getting louder. He felt for his pistol. "You set?"

"Sure thing." She pulled out her own pistol.

"We'd better leave here because the battle will take place right outside."

They ran down the road till they were in front of the church. They could see the men assembling on the field. They had an ideal position to watch the goings-on. Shannon pointed down the road where flashes of red could be seen. They heard Parker yell advice to his men. "Stand your ground! Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!"

"What a prophetic statement." Alan and Shannon turned to see Cameron smiling at them. "Isn't this nice, all together again. I will admit I've known you were here for quite sometime. That was naughty of you, killing three soldiers."

"I killed one of them," Shannon said.

"What a corruptive influence you are, Captain."

The British had arrived in town and stopped in front of Buckman's. The officer--Major Pitcairn--rode forward onto the Green and faced the colonials. Alan watched, fascinated, and didn't see as Cameron slowly pulled out his pistol. "Lay down your arms, you damned rebels, and disperse!" cried Pitcairn. No one moved.

Shannon fired her pistol and Cameron's gun went flying out of his hand. Meanwhile panic reigned on the Green. Each side thought the other had fired first and the American Revolution was underway.

Alan turned on Cameron and fought him hand-to-hand. Shannon covered them both with her reloaded gun. Alan had Cameron on his back until he was thrown aside. Alan rushed him again, but landed on his face after passing through thin air. "Dammit! I hate when he does that."

Shannon helped him up, "We stopped him from ruining the Revolution."

"For now. He could try it again. You never know." He wiped away the blood trickling from his lip. "Let's get out of here." He reached for her hand.

"What happens to Warren?"

"He dies a hero at Bunker Hill. He's the one who supposedly said 'Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.'"

He reached for the button on his watch. They disappeared into the vortex.


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