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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



sugar shock with a side of daddy!fic. :o) spoilers for Broken Arrow.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:


by nancy


On the one hand, Tony was glad that he and his dad had come to a new kind of understanding. It was nice to know that they shared at least one good memory together, even if he'd been around twelve at the time. But there was the flip side of the coin where it didn't really matter. He still found himself rushing off to both do whatever his father said, to go after his approval even though he knew there was no way to really get it.

Sure, this kinder, more broke version of his father seemed to be accepting of his career, but Tony figured it would last only until his father's fortune returned. And like DiNozzo Sr. said, he would get back on top; it was just a matter of time. When that happened, he'd start getting pointed references to grandchildren and carrying on the family name and being able to do better with his life.

Tony parked in the driveway and yawned on his way to the front door, which was unlocked the way it always was. Some things never changed, and thank God for that. Dropping his keys in the basket by the door, he called out, "Gibbs?"

"Downstairs," came the faint answer.

Tony half-smiled and went to the bedroom first to change. He was still in his suit for work and wanted to be a lot more comfortable. He pulled on sweats and one of the sweaters Jackson had given him and a pair of warm socks. The temperature had dropped with the sunset and it promised to get into the forties that night.

Gibbs was sanding the newest boat and Tony sat on the stool to watch, rubbing at tired, gritty eyes. It had been a long three days and most of it he'd spent worrying about his father. Not the least of his worry had been Gibbs and his father being alone together, but he hadn't been able to stop that this time, either. He really wanted to know what Gibbs said to DiNozzo Sr., but didn't really have the nerve to ask.

"Did you eat?"

Tony startled a bit at the question and then shook his head. "Forgot. Dropped Dad off at the airport and got stuck there for the afternoon. Trump's plane had a problem and Dad insisted on me meeting everyone in the private lounge."

Gibbs looked over at him and Tony winced. Gibbs knew all that because Tony had called him from the airport to let him know it was going to be a lot later than expected.

"Sorry, Boss. Long day," Tony sighed.

Gibbs walked over to the work counter and dropped the planer on it. He gripped both of Tony's shoulders and squeezed before saying simply, "I figured. C'mon. Time to eat."

Tony sighed into the heavy-handed massage and then followed Gibbs upstairs. He sat at the kitchen table and watched as Gibbs heated up some soup and bread before bringing it over. Tony started eating, slowly, and suddenly realized he was shaking from low blood sugar. Trust Gibbs to notice something that he didn't, even about his own body.

Gibbs brought over a glass of milk, too, and then sat opposite him. "Eat it all, my own, and then early to bed tonight."

Another sigh escaped Tony, but it was a relieved one. Gibbs had just declared himself in charge until he said otherwise. Tony relaxed a little and even managed a smile for the other man, who just sat there, watching him. "Thanks."

A faint smile lifted Gibbs' lips and he nodded, but didn't reply.
Dinner didn't take long, even though he didn't rush. Tony let Gibbs clear the table, too, knowing to go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. It was only just nine when he was done, but he found Gibbs already under the covers, reading a book, his back against the headboard. He looked damn sexy with his glasses, even though Tony always teased him about them. He didn't say anything this time, just crawled under the blankets and wrapped an arm around Gibbs' waist.

Gibbs' hand rested on his head, fingers carding through his hair. Tony closed his eyes and relished the caress, cheek resting on Gibbs' chest. The steady thudding of his lover's heart was reassuring in a bone-deep way. The other man might be older, but he was still strong and resilient and Tony didn't have any worries that he'd be going anywhere, not any time soon. Well, barring terrorist act or bizarre natural disaster.

"Relax, my own. Go to sleep," Gibbs ordered softly. "Stop thinking and just go to sleep, boy."

Tony let out a long breath and did as he was told, letting the day fade away. He didn't have anything to worry about with Gibbs in charge. Nothing would happen to him. He was safe and loved and taken care of.

Smiling, Tony fell asleep.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Nancy.
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