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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Uther falls ill and only abdication will save his life. He steps down and becomes a new man, much to Merlin and Arthur’s horror.

Work Text:

by Lilithangel


“Your heart sire, is worn out,” Gaius said, arms behind his back and his face solemn.

“What does that mean?” Morgana demanded from the other side of the bed where the king lay. She had stayed with the king when Arthur had to make an appearance to the court to ease their fears and ensure the kingdom didn’t crumble.

“Gaius?” Uther said. His face was grey and his breathing laboured.

“You have pushed yourself too hard for too long sire,” Gaius said, “your heart cannot cope. If you do not take things easier it will stop for good.”

For two days the king had lain in bed dancing with death after collapsing during court. He’d clutched at his arm complaining it was numb and then tumbled to the floor.

Cries of sorcery had echoed until Gaius had declared it was his heart and not a magical curse.

“The king can’t die,” Arthur said forcefully from beside Morgana.

“How can I take things easier?” Uther said testily. “I am the king.”

Gaius signed heavily. “If you continue on as you have you will die sire, I’m sorry.”

“Maybe Arthur could take on more,” Morgana suggested, “and I could help with the daily running of things.”

“I will be fine,” Uther insisted.

“No sire,” Gaius said, “you will not. You must rest.”

“Leave me,” Uther said, “all of you. I am still king.” His roar ended in a cough and they all left at Gaius’ urging worried they would stress him further.

Merlin jumped up from where he’d been leaning against a wall waiting. He opened his mouth to speak but the expression on Arthur’s face stopped him. Gaius shook his head quickly at the unasked question.

“Call me the instant anything changes,” Arthur said to Gaius and swept off with Merlin hovering anxiously beside him.

“If he steps down he’ll live?” Morgana asked Gaius softly.

“It’s the only chance he has,” Gaius said sadly.

Arthur waited until they were in his chambers before throwing his gloves across the room and glaring moodily out of the window.

“Gaius is doing everything he can,” Merlin said to Arthur’s back.

“What if it isn’t enough?” Arthur said softly.

A week later the king was out of bed and back in his throne to accept the well wishes of his court. Finally he stood and his gaze sweeps over the gathered crowd to rest on Arthur. His skin was still pale but had lost the grey cast that had terrified Arthur so much.

He had refused to discuss his illness or Gaius’ words with Arthur or Morgana and spent long hours in conference with Geoffrey who resisted every wile Merlin had used on him (and some that Gwen had tried) to find out what about.

“Thank you all for your concern,” he said. “It has been an honour to serve Camelot and be your ruler but my physician has assured me that it would be my death to continue.” He paused to allow the murmurs of distress to settle before continuing. “Dying to protect this land was always my expectation but it is perhaps better to live to protect it. So it is with that in mind that I hereby abdicate the throne in favour of my son, Arthur.”

Arthur led the chorus of denials that rang out striding forward to protest.

“You are my son and crown prince,” Uther said, “I have trained you for this day. I just never expected to see it but now I shall.” His smile was for Arthur alone. “I will be here to see you take your place in history. I have checked everything with Geoffrey and there is precedent and it is legal. There will be no further discussion except to arrange the coronation,” Uther finished with rather more enjoyment than was seemly. He clapped Arthur on the shoulder and left the throne room.

“Nothing will be done until I have spoken with Geoffrey myself,” Arthur roared over the chaos. “I will sort this out.”

* * * * *

Two weeks later Arthur knelt before Geoffrey and accepted the crown of Camelot with a beaming Uther beside him and a confused court behind him.

“Congratulations my son,” Uther said after, “you will do a fine job. After all you have me here to advise you.”

* * * * *

“You’re absolutely certain it isn’t sorcery?” Arthur said to Gaius plaintively.

“Absolutely sire,” Gaius replied with a quick glance at Merlin who hovered behind Arthur, “your father simply came to terms with his own mortality and wished to see you reign.”

“But he smiled at me this morning,” Merlin said nervously, “the last time he smiled at me was during that troll incident and he was definitely bewitched that time.”

“Exactly,” Arthur said, “and he sits in on the council meetings and keeps making suggestions,” his face screwed up in despair, “and telling stories about what I was like as a child.”

“He’s proud of you sire and now feels free to express it,” Gaius chided him. “There is no spell or curse.” He looked significantly at Merlin causing Merlin to nod and then shake his head and then nod again in a confused muddle.

* * * * *

“This is why you should only inherit on death,” Arthur said resting his head on the table. “You can’t have two kings and father is trying but people keep looking to him as well as me, everyone’s afraid to make suggestions in case they offend one of us and he keeps smiling at me.”

Merlin patted Arthur’s shoulder awkwardly. “It will get better,” he said, “the cooks are already making your favourites first and there was barely a stumble over precedent at the last feast.”

“He talked to me about urges yesterday,” Arthur whimpered, “how he’d got things out of his system before marriage and it was completely natural. That choosing someone unable to get pregnant was a wise move, but I had to be careful not to show too much favour unless I intended to make it formal with you.”

“He knows?” Merlin squeaked.

“I don’t know how he found out.” Arthur said, “We’ve been discreet, only Leon knows because he covered for me last week.”

“And Gwen,” Merlin said, “she helped me clean your coat after that time in the pantry and I think one of the guards saw us but I’m sure he hasn’t said anything.”

“Oh god,” Arthur said, “and Geoffrey after the incident in the library and I’d forgotten about Gaius walking in on us.”

“Did you have to remind me of that one?” Merlin said with a shudder. “Everyone knows don’t they?”

“I would have preferred everyone but my father,” Arthur said with a groan.

“How long do you think he’s known?” Merlin said in a panic, “Is he going to send me to the dungeons or banish me or put me in the stocks again?”

“He congratulated me Merlin,” Arthur reminded him, “I think he insinuated something about Gaius that I am refusing to even consider further.”

“Why did you have to tell me then?” Merlin said in horror. “I didn’t want to know that. Ever.”

“I don’t want to be king anymore,” Arthur said, “I liked being Crown Prince. Nobody congratulated me on despoiling my manservant while discussing my marriage options.”

“Despoiling your manservant?” Merlin said indignantly. “I seem to recall being the despoiler on several occasions.”

“Shut up Merlin,” Arthur said, “that’s another thing kings don’t do.”

“He didn’t?”

“He did. I don’t know if I was more afraid of him bringing out diagrams or recounting more escapades from his youth.” Arthur shuddered.

“I don’t want you to be king either,” Merlin said firmly, “forget destiny, I’m not giving up your arse for anything.”

“If I’m king I can give my arse to whoever I want,” Arthur said with a pout, “after all what’s the point if I can’t do what I want?”

“King’s can’t do what they want,” Merlin said morosely, “you told me that yourself when you took the crown. Camelot demands your loyalty first.”

“Well it can’t have my arse,” Arthur said with another pout.

“Because it’s mine,” Merlin said looking suddenly interested. “And behind closed doors we can do what we like.”

“You’re right,” Arthur said. “I’m the king, if I want to be despoiled by my manservant I can be.”

“Thank heavens for that,” Merlin said. He pushed Arthur upright so he could straddle Arthur’s lap and kiss him.

“Behind closed, locked doors,” Arthur added once the kiss ended.

“Right,” Merlin said stumbling to his feet and heading to close the door.

Arthur shrugged off his jacket and shirt and climbed onto the bed, shedding his pants and shirt as well.

Just before Merlin could reach the door it was flung open sending him tumbling backwards.

“Arthur, I’m glad you’re here,” Uther said beaming at his son. “Merlin, what are you doing down there?” he added looking down at Merlin.

“Father,” Arthur squeaked clutching a sheet to his chest.

“I had a thought about the west wing,” Uther said perching on the edge of the bed, “it’s about time the nursery was restored, I’m looking forward to bouncing grandchildren on my knee and regaling them with stories of their father when he was young.” Uther waggled his eyebrows at Arthur and Merlin mumbled something under breath that would have sounded like a spell if anyone was paying attention.

“I’m not even betrothed yet father,” Arthur protested.

“There’s no harm in being prepared,” Uther said. “Why are you still lolling around on the floor Merlin?” he added. “Hop up and get comfortable, I’ll let you both get back to what you were doing. I was just going to suggest we go through the west tower together Arthur. All your baby things are up there, I’m sure Merlin would enjoy seeing some of your toys and things, he can help us bring down anything that needs mending.”

Merlin hovered near the bed, unable to get any closer with Uther perched there smiling jovially at them both.

“Of course father,” Arthur said, desperate to get rid of him quickly.

“Excellent,” Uther said, “don’t wear him out now Merlin, we’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

Merlin carefully locked the door behind Uther and then collapsed onto the bed next to Arthur.

“He shouldn’t be so chipper,” Arthur said with a groan.

“I am never touching you again,” Merlin said, “I’m going to keep hearing him telling me not to wear you out.”

“You know you don’t mean that,” Arthur said, “you can’t resist this.” He gestured to his reclining body now minus the sheet.

“I can,” Merlin insisted even as his body drifted toward the bed.

“You’re sure you’ve locked the door?” Arthur said.

And Merlin made sure he locked the door every time he and Arthur rediscovered how good it was that Arthur was king.

Merlin was dragged through the west tower with Uther and Arthur, and gathered enough blackmail material for twenty more years. Arthur had snuck away early claiming affairs of state after bribing Merlin with offers of perversion in return for keeping Uther occupied.

“Hello little dragon,” Merlin said with a wide smirk when Arthur finally made it back to his chambers.

“It was my godmother’s idea,” Arthur said defensively before realising Merlin was surrounded by small wooden creatures. “My armies,” Arthur he added with surprised delight.

“Armies?” Merlin said. “Why am I not surprised that you would make woodland creatures into an army? You are supposed to play with them not declare war.”

“I was raised to be king,” Arthur said. “They started off as my subjects,” he reminisced, “before we were invaded by the kingdom under the bed and I drafted them all into the army.” His fingers caressed the small figures.

“And Sir Bear was your commander,” Merlin said holding up one figure.

“Sir Bear,” Arthur said with delight before his eyes narrowed. “How do you know about Sir Bear?”

“Your father told me all about him,” Merlin said with a grin.

“He remembered,” Arthur said his voice soft with surprise.

“He remembers lots of things little dragon,” Merlin said with another smirk.

“I think I need to remind you that I’m not so little anymore,” Arthur said with a growl. He put Sir Bear aside carefully and pushed Merlin onto the bed.

“I seem to recall you promising me something perverted for saving you from your father,” Merlin said as Arthur landed on top of him.

Arthur proceeded to demonstrate how little attention he must have been paying in council because he’d been planning just what perverted things he was going to do to Merlin, and then he did them all again.

The Dowager King (as Merlin called Uther when nobody was around) saw his son, King Arthur; unite Albion under the Pendragon banner before taking to his bed for the last time. A mighty warrior who could have been remembered for all the horrors inflicted in his hatred of magic instead was remembered by his grandchildren for tales of Sir Bear and his faithful servant Bird who fought dragons and griffins and rode unicorns off on adventures.

King Arthur’s reign continued for many years to come, he ruled wisely with his sorcerer and his Queen beside him, and nobody asked too many questions about where the children came from and why the royal chambers had so many bedrooms attached to each other. He was their king after all and he was much beloved.