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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Me It's What's For Dinner!


The Doctor has a strange method of finding his kidnapped companions.

Work Text:

Me, It's What's For Dinner!
by Lopaka Tanu


"Well, this is certainly an interesting predicament." Hands and ankles bound together in front of him, the Doctor had no choice but to watch straight ahead. His cage bounced as it was carried through the market stalls. Unpleasant smells wafted up to assault his nose in passing.

He sighed, wishing he had at least a perfumed scarf to keep out the stink. These people really were quite pungent with their cooking. Then again, what did he expect from a species that ate whatever creature unfortunate enough to cross their paths?

The cage was suddenly jostled to the side while they rounded a corner. It was hard to see beyond the behemoth at the front, but the Doctor had a suspicion he had arrived. How did he know?

"Let us out of here, you bloody bastards!" Mickey's annoyed voice suddenly rang out. "If you eat me, I swear, I'll give you such indigestion it'll put you out for a month!"

"Ah, still as cheerful as always, I hear." The narrow corridor he was being carried down widened in to a brick chamber. His nostrils were assaulted once more, but this time by the stink of unwashed flesh and filth. Looking to his right, the Doctor found his companions. "Hello, Mickey. Hello, Rose!"

"Doctor! You came!" Rushing to the front of her cage, Rose reached out for him. The joy on her face was short lived when she noticed his vehicle of arrival. "Oh, they caught you too, did they?"

"Don't worry, I wanted them to." Smiling, the Doctor settled back in to his cage a little. "It was the fastest way to find where they had taken you."

"Yeah, well that's all good for you, but one quick question." Mickey glared at the Doctor through the bars of his cage. "But how are you going to get us out of here when they've got you locked up?"

The smile slipped from the Doctor's face. "Well, I hadn't thought that far ahead."

"Brilliant." Sighing, Mickey slipped back from the bars. "Well, you're in luck. You're just in time for dinner."

"Oh? Splendid, I wonder which of us is on the menu tonight?"


THE END.................