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Take Me As I Am


KITT becomes 'Kitt' and Micheal struggles to deal with a mission that gets personal.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Complete disclaimer here. I don't own the characters, just borrowing them for a bit. This story should only be about three parts but I'm not even sure yet. Something that I've been working on for a long time now, have set it aside, and now I'm working on it again.

Chapter Text


Look at them.”

Micheal drew his eyes away from the dealership's office they were staking out and let his gaze wander about the lot and the surrounding area, “Look at who?” He asked, a measure of concern coming into his voice at KITT's tone. His partner sounded subdued and depressed all of a sudden. But then again he had been quiet all day.

“All those cars. Just siting there... Abandoned and forgotten. Passed on from one person to the next without thought or care. Will I be one of those cars someday Micheal?”

Now Micheal was concerned and it was approaching alarm. Forgetting all about the dealership and its dubious owner Mr. Ted Jamenson he looked over at KITT, “Never.” He swore passionately, almost angrily. The very thought of KITT being abandoned like just another hunk of metal and wheels was infuriating.

“You can't promise that.” KITT said very quietly.

“I can because I love you and because I would never let anything happen to you. Especially that!” KITT fell silent but this didn't reassure Micheal any, “You got that?” He asked.

“Yes Micheal.”

Micheal sighed, “Talk to me pal.” He said gently, “C'mon you got me worried.”

“Think about it Micheal. You can't do this forever. And when that happens and you leave they'll pair me with someone else. And then someone else when he or she leaves. And when I've outlived my purpose or perhaps sooner – when FLAG is decommissioned – I'll no doubt be packed away like KARR or scrapped for parts –”

“I would never let that happen –”

“How long have we been doing this Micheal? Six years? I could tell you the exact dates. Six years, four months, nine days, fifteen hours, and thirteen minutes – fourteen. FLAG isn't going to last forever and neither will you. And you can't stop it. You've grown tired of this life before and tried to leave with... I won't mention her name. FLAG has also been nearly shut down twice. And you can't stop it. Can't control what they do to me after that or –”

“I'll find a way.” But the truth of KITT's words were sinking in like heavy weights into his heart. He knew it was the truth. Once this was over he couldn't keep KITT. He could try but even if he managed the legal ramifications he'd never be able to afford to take care of him properly. But he outright refused to think that he and KITT would ever be parted –

“There he is Micheal.”

No excitement. Just a flat comment.

Micheal found himself lacking any enthusiasm himself, starting up the car and watching as Jamenson left his office, “Let's nail him.” He said softly.

After the cops arrived to take away Jamenson and his goons Micheal paused to wearily gaze over at his partner, hands on his hips. KITT's words were echoing in his head and he could sense his partner's depression and sadness. It was weighing down on him with enormous pressure. He wanted KITT to be happy. When KITT was happy he was happy and he'd do anything to make sure his lover didn't hurt. But to see him like this...

He felt so helpless to do anything.

Because KITT was right.

Feeling more than just a little desperate and more than a little angry at the whole situation he quickly got back into the car, renewed determination coursing through him.

“Micheal?” KITT asked, sensing his partner's shift in mood.

“I'm going to find a way.” Micheal murmured.

“Micheal you can't –” KITT said, sounding immensely weary and pained.

“I am going to find a way.”

KITT went quiet once more and the rest of the drive back to FLAG headquarters was a silent one.


Devon looked up from his paper work, surprised to see Micheal enter into his offices with such urgency, “Micheal? How did bringing in Jamenson go? Everything all right?”

“No everything is not all right. Jamenson and his goons are in jail but KITT brought up something that I find very depressing and something very, very urgent. Something we need to do something about. Right away.”

“What Micheal?”

“His future.” Micheal said, pained, “We were looking out at Jamenson's used car lot and he asked me if that was going to be him next.” He said, holding out a hand, “Devon what will happen to him if FLAG goes under? When all of this ends? He already told us and you personally that he's not taking another partner after me.”

Devon drew in a breath and moved back around behind his desk, sitting down.

“Well?” Micheal asked after a moment of silence, “He's not just a car or some high tech piece of machinery that can be scrapped when it loses its value or sold to the highest bidder!”

“I agree!” Devon said, “KITT is a sentient being. But...”

“But corporate execs and other people higher up don't agree.”

“That's because they haven't been involved with him as we have. They haven't spent time with him.” Devon let out a slow, deep breath, “I'll work on something.”

“I already know I can't support him like he is but promise me something.”


“I know that's a tall order but please Devon. I need your help. KITT needs you.”

Devon nodded, “What?”

“Promise me that you'll put him in my custody. Do what ever you have to do legally but please... I don't want anything to happen to him. I don't care about the car. Just him. I mean we could put him in the body of another car. Something that can be maintained within a normal budget.”

“I'll do whatever I can. I promise you.”

“Thank you.”

“I know that gives you little piece of mind but...” Devon stood and stepped around his desk, putting a hand on his arm, “I promise you Micheal I'll do whatever I can. I know... you're tired. And I can't expect anyone to live the kind of life you've been living for very much longer.”

Micheal nodded quietly. He was already getting tired. Very tired. And the thought of retiring to a quiet life started appealing to him more and more as days went by.

“Take some time off. I think its long overdue. And I promise no interruptions. Neither of you can work the way you are.”

“I don't know if a couple days off or even a couple months is going to change KITT's attitude. I think he's a lot more tired than me.”

Devon nodded solemnly, “If that's the case... this may be ending far sooner than we would have imagined.”

“Yeah.” Micheal said quietly, looking over at the man who had become so much like the father he had never had. He hadn't seen it coming. Never thought he and Devon would even be friends. But now he was family.

“Maybe if we find a way to straighten this matter out it'll cheer him up.” Devon said.

Micheal nodded, “I hope so.”

He headed back down to the garage area, trying to put on the best smile he could. They'd have some time off and things would start looking a little better after they got away from all the stress and pressure. All he had to focus now was giving his partner some much needed TLC to get him out of his slump. And with Devon working on his end things were starting to look up. It was just convincing KITT of that.

“Hey pal. Ready to hit the road?”

“Another mission so soon? I haven't even seen Bonnie... and you promised me a bath.”

“Bonnie first then and then we'll hit the road.” To soothe any hurt feelings he sat back on his heels next to his partner and planted a tender kiss on his hood, rubbing his fender, “Don't worry pal. I made you a promise I'm gonna keep.” He smiled.

He just wanted to keep that promise in private. Baths between them were personal. Often a time for healing. A time for touch and a time to just focus on the bond between them. It had been that way before they had transcended from just partners to lovers. It was something Micheal had always taken very seriously and with extra care but only after a fight with KITT had made him realize that treating KITT the way he had in the beginning had been wrong.

It was KITT's body after all and that had made him realize just how personal a bath could be. And it made him understand why KITT was picky about his appearance and cleanliness.

“Well... all right. But where are we going?”

“Devon has given us some time off to ourselves. And he's working on what we discussed. If he can legally hand you over to me, your AI–”

“Not my body or parts?”

Micheal winced, “I'm afraid not. But we could put you in a new body. One that I can hold together myself.”

“Could I... still have auto function?”

“I'm sure that couldn't be too complicated to work out.”

“As long as I'm with you Micheal I'm happy.”

Micheal smiled, touched by KITT's warm tone, “Love you partner.” He murmured, “Everything will be okay.”

“I love you too.”

Micheal bestowed another kiss on KITT's glossy black hood and then stood up, patting his fender, “I'll go get Bonnie. Why haven't you called for her? I'm surprised she's not down here already.”

“I... told her I wanted to be alone for a bit.”

Micheal winced sympathetically and nodded, rubbing KITT's fender, “All right pal I'll go get her.”

Bonnie looked up as he entered the labs, putting down the papers and blueprints she was looking over, “Oh hey Micheal. How's KITT?”

It was the friendliest greeting he had received from her since she had found out about his and KITT's relationship a month ago. Every interaction between them since had been icy and cold. He was glad to see she might be turning around... but wary. He doubted very much her opinions had changed since then.

“KITT and I are going to head out soon for a little R and R so could you look him over before we leave?”

“Sure. I would have done it sooner but...”

“I know.” Micheal said quietly, “Did he tell you why he was upset?”

“A little. Enough to understand. He's... afraid of everything I've been fearing since I first activated him.”

“Well Devon is working on and it and so am I. I'm not going to let anything happen to him.”

Bonnie glanced over at him and gathered up her supplies, “I'll go see to KITT.”

Micheal sighed and watched her leave. He wanted to confront her about the rift that had formed between them but every time he opened his mouth to he thought of KITT. Bonnie was in all the respects that mattered most his mother. And he didn't want to hurt her or KITT. But it was a lot like living under the disapproving stare of an in law all the time and it was starting to get to him. He felt like he was being wrongly judged and harshly so. It had been like that before he and KITT had become lovers and that had changed over time. But now they were right back to where they had started.

He decided to confront her about it before they left for their much needed vacation. He was sick and tired of this and he didn't want to have something to dread coming back to after a nice vacation.

Micheal packed while Bonnie took care of KITT, watching TV for about fifteen minutes and then heading down to the garage. She was just finishing up as he entered, shutting KITT's hood and glancing over at him.

“He's all ready to go.”

“Can I have a word with you? Outside?”

Bonnie gave him a look that border lined on a glare but nodded, “Sure.” She said but her tone suggested she'd rather do anything but talk to Micheal at the moment.

Micheal sighed and walked out with her, leading them far out into the parking lot. KITT would still be able to overhear but he felt better putting as much distance between them as possible.

“Okay I'm tired of the attitude Bonnie. What's your deal?” He said, getting straight to the point.

She opened her mouth but for a moment appeared speechless, “I don't have to answer to you Micheal –”

She turned to walk away but Micheal grabbed her by the arm, turning her around, “No you don't but I'm sick of this. We used to be good friends before KITT and I –”

“Don't.” She said, closing her eyes for a moment, “Don't put it like that.”
Micheal sighed, setting his jaw, “You know I had a feeling you might react like this but I can't help but say that I'm a little disappointed.”

“Disappointed?” She asked, eyes flashing angrily.

“Yes! You should know more than anyone that KITT is a sentient being with feelings and thoughts and needs and he deserves to be loved just as much as you and I!”

“That's exactly why I'm mad at you Micheal!” Bonnie said, wrenching her arm from his grip angrily and rounding on him. But she quickly lowered her voice, glancing over towards the garage where KITT was, appearing reluctant to have this discussion in the middle of the parking lot, “I'm mad at you exactly for that reason.”

Micheal frowned in partial confusion.

“Oh don't look confused.” Bonnie said, “I've been around you long enough to know your track record with women-”

“Oh come on!”

“I've seen you date a whole grocery list of blondes, brunettes, and everything in between and I've never seen you spend more than a week with any one of them so don't tell me for a second that I have no reason to be angry about you and KITT! When you get tired of him I'm going to have to pick up the pieces!”

Micheal was shocked to see tears forming in her eyes but was too angry at the moment to address it, “You think that's what's going to happen? That I'm going to get tired of him?”

“I know that will happen! And on top of everything else I know for a fact that you aren't the slightest bit interested in the male gender! And since KITT for all intensive purposes is male I just don't understand what you think you're feeling for him. I know for a fact its not love!”

“You can't know that!” Micheal said, “You don't know a damn bit about how I feel! I love KITT more than I've loved anyone else in my life –”

“Spare me Micheal. I bet you've said that about Cindy, Cheryl, Donna, Monica –”

“I haven't!” Micheal snapped, “I've only said it to two people. You know the first one. You've met her.” Micheal's voice momentarily broke at the surprising flash of pain those memories evoked, “And KITT is the second! So don't think for a second I ever use that word freely!”

“I was there Micheal when you two first paired up. I was the one KITT called after the first night while you were sleeping – upset and shaken and lost. He told me all about how you treated him that day! He was convinced you hated him and you know what he said to me? He said 'I'm programmed just for him Bonnie. What if he never likes me? What if he never wants me? What if he leaves me?'. Don't you get it Micheal! Don't you see?” She said, tears starting to fall, “His sole purpose is to be yours. What if you get tired of him? What will happen to him when you go running into the arms of the first brainless bimbo after you get tired of it all? What then? Well then he doesn't have a purpose. He has nothing.”

Micheal looked up abruptly, surprised, watching as KITT rolled forward from behind Bonnie. He had apparently let himself out of the garage and had decided to speak for himself.

“I love Micheal not because its what I'm programmed to do. I love him because its what I feel. Its what I choose.”

Micheal was supremely touched and smiled at the car.

Bonnie looked cornered but rounded on KITT, “You don't understand KITT –”

“I understand perfectly Bonnie. I have the ability to learn and reason just as much as you or Micheal. I know that for all intensive purposes Micheal shouldn't be able to love me considering his preferences towards the female gender and the fact that my body isn't even human. But all I need to know is that when he says he loves me I believe it. I feel it.”

Bonnie looked stunned for a moment, bewildered, looking between the car and the man. Finally she backed away, both hurt and betrayal in her eyes, “You'll regret this KITT. When he leaves you... you'll regret it.”

Micheal watched her go, torn between being furious and pained. He was hurt that this was no doubt hurting KITT. He hadn't wanted him to hear any of his conversation – confrontation – with Bonnie. He hadn't expected the AI to get involved either and couldn't help be feel touched.

KITT had every right to stand up for himself as a sentient being. And he also had the right to love. Micheal was pained that this wasn't Bonnie's problem with the idea of his and KITT's relationship. It had come down to the fact that she simply didn't trust him with KITT's heart. That he was using him and would grow tired of him. More than anything that hurt Micheal.

“You okay?” He asked the AI, wincing slightly as he looked over at him.

“I'm fine.” KITT said quietly, “I... suppose we should leave now.”

Micheal sighed, “Yeah.”

The trip up to their private beach bungalow was a quiet one. Neither one said a thing and although Micheal longed to say something to comfort his lover he didn't know where to start.

“KITT...” He said quietly, “You know I love you... don't you?”

“Of course Micheal. Or I wouldn't have so adamantly stood up for our relationship.”

“Do you... have the same fears that Bonnie does?”

“Yes.” KITT admitted quietly.

Micheal sighed, “I know I can't change that. I know I can't change... my past. I can never change any of that. I just hope that I can show both of you that I'm here to stay and that this isn't just a fling.”


“Yeah KITT?”

“Can we... go somewhere else this time? For some reason I don't feel... in the mood for our beach vacation spot. Could we go somewhere else?”

“Sure.” Micheal said, eager to please his lover, “Name it.”

“The cabin?”

“Sure.” Micheal agreed, “But its a ten hour drive from here. You won't get that bath I promised right away.”

“I want to be there Micheal. I suppose more than anything I want the seclusion. We were always free to be ourselves there. To be... us.”

“You got it pal.” Micheal smiled gently but it was slightly pained. They'd never live a life where they would be able to love as freely as everyone else. It was more than loving your own gender. It was loving someone who wasn't even human. KITT was in an entirely different class than anything else on the planet. And that made it all the harder. To Micheal that seemed to make it only sweeter.

Micheal drove the first five hours and KITT took over for the rest. Usually Micheal had the endurance to drive longer but he was exhausted from the past few days. When he awoke next it was morning – a little after eight AM – and they weren't in California anymore.

Micheal recognized the rolling trees and majestic woodland beauty of Washington immediately. The think forests that seemed to go on forever, the winding roads. It was colder during this time of year than it was the last time they had visited and Micheal knew he'd have to get some warmer clothes. He hadn't packed for this trip whereas KITT could be comfortable just about anywhere and anyplace. All except a plane ten thousand feet up or in the middle of the Bayou swamps.

“Good morning.” KITT greeted him warmly, softly.

“Good morning.” Micheal smiled, giving a slight stretch. A gesture now easy whereas in the past it had taken some thinking. He had had to carefully calculate where to stretch his limbs and how far. KITT's cabin was limited as far as space but then again to Micheal it was completely comfortable. KITT had been built just for him, solely designed for his comfort and safety. And now anything between them was very easy and nothing was awkward.

“How did you sleep?” KITT asked.

Michel made an appreciate sound and stroked his hand over the dash, “Very good. How close are we to the cabin?”

“We'll be arriving in approximately seven minutes.”

Micheal smiled at the beauty of the untamed landscape passing by his window, “It's been too long since we've been up here.” he mused.

“I agree with you Micheal. Its been far too long.”

Micheal smiled at his AI lover, directing it towards the voice modulator and dash, “I remember the first time we came up here like it was yesterday.”

“So do I.” KITT said, his own smile evident in his voice.

“Our first Christmas together.” Micheal smiled, “It was perfect.”

“I remember very fondly that we tried to go out walking and I got stuck in the snow. You had a terrible time getting me out.” KITT said, his tone suggesting anything but fondness at the memory.

Micheal laughed, remembering how they had done their own version of 'ice skating'. It was one of the fondest memories of his life.

Christmas, 1983

Micheal hadn't even thought of bringing ice skates. He wasn't even aware that the cabin had had a lake until they had bothered to head this far back. After KITT had gotten stuck yesterday it had taken a whole lot of convincing to get him to try it again. This time Micheal had preplanned their route with his lover in mind and had brought some wooden boards and a chain he had found in the garage just in case. But he was sure they would be okay. Just like previously if KITT did get stuck they could always resort to his grappling hook.

He slid out onto the ice on his boots instead, laughing boyishly, feeling giddy. It was something he hadn't done since he was sixteen and the memories were fond ones. He would have never thought that instead of having a girlfriend like he had then that he would be in love with an AI in the body of a car instead while he did this. But the simple act of skating along in his boots along the ice while KITT watched on was – beyond words.

Micheal was so happy he was beyond giddy.

Speaking of KITT, Micheal looked up at the thought of his lover, wondering exactly where he was –

A streak of black shot past him, the tell tale sound of something more akin to a jet engine than that of a car rushing past him so fast he almost missed it. Micheal almost fell, waving his arms to steady himself, laughing at the site of KITT sliding around on the ice as he found his footing.

“I was beginning to wonder where you went!” Micheal laughed, skating over to him.

KITT did a graceful slow turn, sliding a full circle around him, and Micheal laughed – awe struck by the AI.

“You're beautiful you know that?” Micheal chuckled, long lashes blinking as snow started to fall, petal soft snowflakes starting to decorate his hair.

“If you say so.” KITT said nonchalantly, doing another slow circle, fish tailing a bit but quickly steadying himself, “But not nearly as beautiful as you Micheal.” He said as he came up behind his human lover.

Micheal turned, skating backwards as KITT propelled himself carefully on the ice towards him, “You are. Every inch of you is perfect.”

The snow was starting to fall on that sleek, glossy black hood, falling around the car in such a beautiful contrast that Micheal was nearly left speechless. He stopped suddenly, KITT hard put to do the same without running him over.

“I love you.” Micheal said before KITT could protest.

“I love you too.” KITT said in a hushed voice.

Man and AI stood there for long moments, facing each other in the now steadily falling snow. It was a quiet, serene moment, filled with love and no small amount of awe.

It was KITT that broke the silence finally, softly.

“It's getting colder Micheal. We should be getting inside.”

Micheal hadn't even realized that he was only wearing his jacket. He hadn't even cared and still didn't. But the fact that KITT did was heart warming. The AI was programmed to serve him and see to his needs but Micheal knew there was more to it than that. KITT had not been programmed to love him and yet he did.

“Let's head back then pal.” Micheal said softly, smiling gently.

KITT opened the driver's side door, beckoning him into the warmth of his cabin, and Micheal gladly moved to get in.


“Six years...” Micheal smiled, “Has it really been that long? It feels like a lifetime instead.”

“In many ways it is a lifetime for you Micheal. Your new life. And I was activated around the same time you were 'reborn'.”

“A lifetime for both of us then.”


“I couldn't have a better one KITT.”

“No regrets?”

“Absolutely none.”

“But... all that you lost...”

“All that I lost was to find you. Without going through what I did... we wouldn't have become one man's dream. We wouldn't have found each other. No pal I wouldn't trade the life I have now for all the stars in the universe.”

“Neither would I Micheal.” KITT replied warmly.

Micheal looked up from the dash in surprise as the surrounding area became very familiar and he smiled at the familiar drive they were approaching. It had been so long but the area had been well maintained. It was if they had never even left that day after Christmas so long ago.

As the cabin came into view Micheal rested his hand lightly on the wheel and smiled at the sight of the cozy but luxurious building. The feeling of KITT turning the wheel himself under his hand wasn't an uncomfortable one. It was something that he was very used to. And the sight of the cabin was heartwarming.

“This was a great idea KITT. Coming here. I'm glad you mentioned it.”

“I'm glad I mentioned it also. I... felt the sudden urge to return here. I'm not sure why.”

“We've got memories here pal. That's why.” Micheal smiled tenderly, running a hand over the dash, “Beautiful memories.”

“You couldn't have spoken more truer words.”

“Oh I could say plenty.” Micheal said as he got out, “And they all start and end with 'I love you'.” He leaned down and tenderly kissed KITT's glossy black hood. To think they had almost decided to change his color to red last year. To say both of them had thrown a fit would have been an understatement.

Micheal smiled as he withdrew, “Bath?”

“Sounds wonderful Micheal.”

“Wait here then.” Micheal smiled, heading towards the cabin. Once he stepped up to the door however he remembered suddenly that they didn't have a key. Hardly a problem though.

“KITT? We kind of left without thinking.”

The door popped open immediately and Micheal flashed his lover a smile, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome. I've also placed a call to Devon telling him where we are.”

“Good thinking pal.” Micheal gave him a wink and then headed into the cabin.

Everything was nearly as they had left it and that observation gave Micheal a sort of sad sense of nostalgia. All signs of Christmas decorations were gone but a picture of Micheal and KITT taken by Bonnie was still sitting on the mantle above the fireplace. Next to it was the group shot of Bonnie, Devon, Micheal, and KITT.

Micheal touched the picture fondly and then headed into the kitchen. They had no food of course but that could wait. He had to go into the town just down the mountain anyway to get warmer clothes and other much needed supplies. KITT's bath however could certainly happen now.

Micheal took off his jacket to prevent it from getting wet, rolling up his sleeves as he waited for a bucket of water to fill. He kept his and KITT's preferred soap and wax in the trunk along with other essentials like a pair of clothes..

Micheal carried the bucket of water over to KITT and set it down by his right front tire, unraveling the house from around side the cabin and also bringing it over after turning it on.

“Sorry the water isn't warm pal.”

“That's all right Micheal. Cold water doesn't affect me negatively as it would you.”

“I know buddy but you and me both prefer the water warm.”

“I also prefer your shirt off when you do this.”

Micheal laughed, “Little too cold for that.”

“I was merely stating a fact. It wasn't a suggestion. However next time...”

“Oh I promise. Next time my shirt is off. Scout's honor.”

KITT gave a soft chuckle.

Micheal grinned up at him as he bent over to soak the clean sponge with soapy water, grinning all the more. KITT didn't need to have eyes for Micheal to know he was looking at his ass. He could feel it and calling the AI out on it once before had only confirmed it. KITT had been reasonably abashed until Micheal had assured him of just how much he didn't mind it and actually enjoyed it.

Micheal soaked the sponge with water, quickly bringing it over KITT's hood and wringing the soapy water out of it. He watched the water cascade over KITT's hood and smiled, wondering how they ever got a bath completely accomplished. There was something arousing to Micheal about seeing his AI lover soaking wet, water dripping off his sleek, black form.

And even though many baths had started something far more intimate Micheal sensed neither one of them were in the mood today. KITT was far quieter than usual and Micheal's concern for his lover was turning this bath into more a time for healing than anything sexual.

He desperately wanted to make KITT feel better but even he was worried about the situation. He didn't know how to reassure the AI when he himself was depressed about the whole thing himself. He kept telling himself that Devon would find a way. They all would.

Micheal used his hands far more than he used the sponge, running his hands over KITT's sleek lines, following the curves of his body. He felt more in tune to his lover during these moments than most others and he cherished the oneness he felt.

“I love you Micheal.”

Micheal looked up at the front windshield, surprised to hear KITT speak. They rarely said anything during these moments but he smiled and gently stroked his hand over KITT's front left fender, “I love you too pal. I'd kiss you but you're all soapy.”

KITT gave his own unique 'chuckle' and Micheal grinned.

Micheal washed KITT thoroughly, running his hand over every inch of his surface. It was easy to do considering Micheal's height. In extreme circumstances he had even launched himself over the top of the car. He was so low to the ground that Micheal could easily reach clear across his top and jumping over him was easy if he had the right amount of leverage.

Once he was finished cleaning the road dust off of KITT's body, his wheels, and everything else that he could reach he just as thoroughly rinsed him off, lovingly paying attention to each and every detail. He even gently and carefully washed some of KITT's under body, being extremely careful not to get anything wet that would be important. While a the splash of a puddle into his undercarriage certainly would not hurt KITT in the slightest, the misplaced spray of a hose just might, and Micheal didn't want to harm his sensitive computer components.

He stepped back, hose in hand, to admire his work, and smiled, “Perfect. How do you feel partner?”

“Wonderful Micheal. Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” Micheal smiled, reaching down to turn the hose off, “I'm going to go put this away.”

“Micheal? A call is coming in.”


“Yes Micheal.”

Micheal frowned slightly and tightened the valve on the end, making sure the hose was completely off before setting it down. He opened the driver's side door and got in just as Devon's face appeared on the screen.

“Hello Devon. Is something wrong?” Micheal asked, slightly concerned by Devon's expression which was a well formed frown.

“The Foundation recently received a call by a young woman in need of some assistance. She's in a legal battle with Intellicorp and she's suspecting that they're using back door means to try and sway the case in their favor. I hate to interrupt for your vacation Micheal however...”

“I understand Devon.” Micheal sighed, reaching out of site of the monitor to stroke his hand over KITT's dash in what he hoped would be a consoling manner.

“I don't think you do Micheal. Her name is Cynthia Long.”

There was a long moment of silence in the car. Micheal felt as if all the air had been removed from the cabin. He had always been very close to his sister. Leaving his entire family behind had been difficult when he had found out that with the birth of Micheal Knight, Micheal Long could do longer be. Leaving the past buried had meant leaving everyone else he had ever known buried as well. That had included his sister, Cynthia. She was the only one he was close too. Most of his other family he barely knew.


“I understand your position Micheal. But you are our only operative. I can't assign someone else.”

Micheal drew in a slow, deep breath, trying to remain as neutral as he could. But he was failing miserably.

“Intellicorp... what legal battle is she in with them?”

“Her real estate company recently bought some land from them. Four houses were built and sold to various people when Intellicorp decided they wanted the land back. And so far they're winning the suit.”

“But how? I mean if her company bought it than it should be final unless she says otherwise.”

“Yes. So you see she has good reason to suspect trouble. And I find her concerns valid. Even though she owns a decently sized real estate company she is no match for the overwhelming size of Intellicorp and the... means they could employ.”

“Have there been any threats against her life?” Micheal asked quietly.

“Not directly. But two of the four homes have been tampered with. There have been two power outages reported, suspicious persons spotted on the premises, and in instance an electrical fire.”

Micheal let out a deep breath, slowly, “Where is she?”

“Salt Lake City, Utah. She'll be expecting you.”

All Micheal could do was manage a solemn nod, watching as the screen faded and Devon's face disappeared.

“Micheal?” KITT asked softly a few minutes later, “Are you all right?”

“I'm really going to need you on this one pal.”

“You have me Micheal. Always.”