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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Someone Else's Love


What happens when Jack's dreams come true?

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'How can five people go through so many cups in half a day?!?'

Ianto stood in front of the Hub's kitchen sink, cleaning the seemingly endless supply of dirty mugs produced by the employees of Torchwood Three. Normally, this mindless activity would allow him the time to contemplate other, more important, matters - such as future modifications to the archives' online filing system or, well, Jack. But Ianto simply was not himself today; he felt decidedly . . .odd. Had done for several weeks now, although no one in the Hub would know it. Perhaps Jack, if he was paying attention. And Ianto could assume that he was. Jack might appear carefree and flighty to those who didn't know him, but Ianto knew the Captain was always assessing, always taking in what was happening around him. It was one of the qualities that drew Ianto to the man, in fact.

Ianto couldn't stop the small smile that came to his face when he thought of his lover. Jack was a force unto himself, that was for certain. Irrepressible, emotive, in-charge. And, of course, sexy as hell. Ianto treasured the time and intimacy he and Jack shared; they had been his salvation after Lisa, and he found himself decidedly sappy these days when it came to his Captain.

Shaking his head to clear it of such ruminations, Ianto became aware of an odd noise and raised voices in the central part of the hub. Putting the last mug in the dish rack to dry, Ianto wiped his hands off before heading out of the small kitchenette to determine the source of the commotion. Looking into the center of the hub, Ianto saw Tosh and Gwen scurrying around, frantically checking monitors.

"Is there a problem?"

Tosh answered in a worried tone, "'Ianto! There's some sort of energy surge right here at the hub, but I haven't been able to pinpoint the cause. Could you notify Jack and ask him to come down? He's on that call with Unit, so he's off comms."

Nodding in response, Ianto hurried to Jack's office, rapping once on the door before pushing it open. Jack looked up with pathetic hopefulness; really, any crisis would be better than this damn call.

"Sir, we've got a spike in energy centered on the Hub. Tosh is requesting your presence."

The smile that lit Jack's face was blinding. "Gotta go, Colonel. The Rift waits for no one." With that, he slammed the phone down and made his way over to Ianto, keeping the smile on his face but turning it into something more sensual. Ianto's pulse automatically quickened in response. 'Like Pavlov's dog,' he thought ruefully.

"Making friends, Sir?"

"Oh, they love me. They just don't want to admit it." And if that sentiment didn't sound familiar to Ianto, nothing did. "So, what's up?"

"We'll have to ask Tosh for further information. You know as much as I do, at this point."

As they descended to the main floor of the Hub, an odd rushing sound seemed to come from everywhere around them. The entire team looked on in astonishment as a bright light suddenly filled the space, dazzling in its intensity.

Owen was the first to react. "What in the hell is that?"

"Kind of looks like a big-ass light, Owen." Jack could be very snarky when he wanted to be.

"Yeah, thanks, Jack. Wanker."

At that moment, the light faded and standing in the middle of the Hub was a man dressed in vintage military clothing. Ianto noticed immediately the similarity in style to Jack's own usual attire of choice. Turning to the older man to make note of that fact, Ianto's words were halted before he'd even given breath to them. The look on Jack's face . . . . He appeared stunned, but a glimmer of joy was emerging on his handsome visage.

"Jack?" This from the Captain, obviously speaking to the surprise visitor. "Jack Harkness?"

The man looked up cautiously but then broke into a smile. "James. James Harper."

Ianto watched the man he had known as Jack Harkness jump from the stairs and rush to grab the visitor in a close embrace. Framing his face in elegant hands, Jack proceeded to bring their lips together, initiating a kiss that ranged from tender to passionate. Frozen on the stairs, Ianto's only thought was, -Oh.'