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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Five First Dates That Never Were + The One That Finally Was


Teaser: 5. Klingons. Why did it always have to be Klingons?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

5. Klingons. Why did it always have to be Klingons?

4. It was supposed to be a movie date. No pressure there, right? What could be bad about popcorn, Coke, maybe some Junior Mints? It was a zombie movie, damnit. Seeing a horror movie with the kid couldn’t be too bad.

That was before Cupcake and three other security red shirts came back to Enterprise as zombies.


3. Dinner for two, they decided, with each selecting their three favorite dishes to share with the other. The doctor chose fried chicken, cream potatoes and green beans. Chekov’s offerings were borscht, pelmeni and his favorite apple pirozhky.

“Don’t worry, Pavel. We’ll get Dr. McCoy off the ventilator soon. Then you can try that date again.”

“I do not know if he will want to try, Christine. Third time was not charm.”

“Yes, well, who would have thought the Doctor was allergic to beets?”

2. “Oh, hell no! I am not puttin’ elf ears on the kid! Besides, we’ve got plans for the weekend. Come on, Jim. If you have to do this… Take Cupcake. Take, oh, I don’t know, Spock? He’s already got the necessary equipment.”

“I wish it was that easy, Bones. But they’re expecting a human with a female Orion and a young Vulcan slave. We’re lucky Gaila agreed, or you’d be dyeing Rand green.”

“The kid volunteered, I bet. Didn’t he, Jim?”

“Yeah. He did. Look, Bones, do this and I promise you two a whole day for a date.”

“A whole day? You really promise?”

“On my mother’s…”

“Jim, Winona is still alive.”

“Okay. If I swear on the Enterprise?”


1. They had planned be at Talan Prime for three days. The first two days would be filled with diplomatic talks. The nights with feasts honoring both the Talan and Federation Ambassadors. The third day was set aside for shore leave, and was the day Kirk had sworn McCoy and Chekov would finally have their date…

“Klingons. Why do there always have to be Klingons? Rogue Klingons!” McCoy moaned.

+ 1. Mid ship’s week. Gamma shift had just started. The door to the doctor’s quarters opened, and he looked out into the corridor. No one was there. He checked out the soft, worn jeans and the black henley he was wearing, then slid a pair of black, thick frame glasses on. It was the best disguise he could come up with at short notice.

He stepped out into the corridor and slouched as he headed for the turbo lift that would take him down to Deck Eight. He stepped out and looked around. There were a few people heading towards the gym, but they were too focused to notice who was around them. McCoy went past them towards the arboretum. The door slid open for him, and he stepped in far enough for it to close behind him.

“Whoa…” Before him was a broad expanse of lawn that boasted a small waterfall and pond. All around were small groves of several varieties of trees. On the other side of the waterfall was a miniature bamboo forest.

“Is beautiful. Reminds me of Botanical Garden in Moscow.” Chekov stepped out from behind a small stand of poplars. He smiled at the doctor, and went over to him. “Come with me, I want to show you something.” He held out his hand.

Without thinking about it, McCoy took Chekov’s hand. He allowed himself to be led away from the door. In moments they were hidden from view in a tiny grassy meadow. A quilt was spread out, and a picnic basket was set beside it.

“What do you think, Doctor?” Chekov asked shyly. “Will do for first date?”

“Kid, this is terrific. Nobody knows, right? Nobody saw you hauling things in here?”

Chekov snickered as he sat, and pulled McCoy down beside him. “No one. Arboretum is considered Rec Room. Quilts in locker. Replicator over there, is disguised.” He pulled the basket close and started unloading it.

“Is that fried chicken?” McCoy gleefully grabbed a leg and started munching.

“And -- coleslaw, da?” Chekov had stumbled over the word‘s pronunciation. “Is like cabbage salad Mama makes. And pirozhky. With peach,” he added with a grin as sweet as the pastry itself.

“Ya done good, kid,” McCoy said happily as he dug into the coleslaw next.

Spasiba, Doctor.”

“Kid, what, we’ve known each other a couple of months now? Don’t you think you could call me something besides ‘Doctor?’”

“In Russia I would call you, Leonity.”

“My friends call me Leo.”

“The Keptin calls you ‘Bones,’” Chekov said mischievously, smiling up at the doctor.

“That’s Jim,” McCoy said with a frown. Then he grinned as he realized he was being gently teased.

“Eh, da, I will call you Leo. And you will call me Pavel. Not ‘kid’ any longer. “Horosho? Okay?”

“Okay, okay, Pavel,” Leo assured him with a laugh.

They finished the chicken and coleslaw in short order, then relaxed over the peach pirozhky and iced tea. Their conversation was varied. Topics ranged from medicine to transporter mechanics. Then on to the Captain’s penchant for coming back from Away Missions with some kind of injury.

They had grown quiet for a moment. Leo was stretched out on the quilt watching and smiling while Pavel repacked the picnic basket. Things had gone great. He would have to ask the kid -- Pavel, to do this again.

“Leo, you have something, there.” Pavel pointed at Leo’s face.

“Where? Here?” Leo rubbed across his mouth. “Did I get it?”

Nyet. Nyet.” He pointed again.

Leo rubbed again. “Get it now?”

“Ah, let me…” Pavel leaned in…

And then there were soft, warm lips on Leo’s and without thinking, he was kissing back. They were kissing and smiling and everything that had gone wrong before was forgotten in the sweetness.

The End


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author ReneeMR.
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