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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Snooper


Blair thinks he's being sneaky.

Work Text:

The Snooper
by tonyajot



Blair thought he was being very discreet in his early search for his Christmas present.  Even though, being a lapsed Jew, he could still find a lot of merriment in the festivities.  So far, Jim had managed to outsmart him year after year.  He was bound and determined that THIS season would be different.

All of the usual hiding spots were quickly dismissed.  He'd even checked in Jim's underwear door - a clear violation had he been discovered.  Cursing silently as his luck run out and he beat feet down the stairs and tried an innocent expression, so as not to reveal his gift digging.

"Hey, Chief!  Smells good?  That the veggie lasagne of yours?"

"Yeah.  Thought it would be a good warm-rib-stickin' meal on a day like today."

"Look, while don't I run down to the bakery and get a loaf of fresh Italian bread to go with it?  Maybe a decent bottle of red wine?"

"Sounds perfect.  Drive safely, though, it's really starting to snow out there."

"I'll just walk.  It'll be fine, Darwin.  Just keep it on hold for about twenty minutes or so."

"Okay, if you're sure."


Blair waited a whopping whole ten minutes, before appropriating the keys to Jim's 'Sweetheart', determined that his gift have been left there to prevent his snooping.

What he found, made his jaw drop open in disbelief.  It was a genuine Teddy Ruxpin and the whole series of books, all brand new from a collector, who never removed them from the box.  How had Jim known?  How could he have guessed that all he'd wanted as a little boy was something soft and warm that he could hold and would tell stories to him?  Heart-filled with joy, he practically bounced back upstairs and into the kitchen.  Moments later, Jim came back with the appropriated items.  "They didn't have any decent looking red, so I went for a Merlot.  A bit richer, but it should work."

"So, Jim?  Finish your Christmas shopping, yet?"

"No, I haven't had the chance.  Why?'

"No reason."

"I did manage to track down a Teddy bear on e-bay to give to the Make a Wish Foundation.  Some poor kid with leukemia put that down as his only request."

Blair felt his heart plummet to his feet and he couldn't even get righteously angry about any of it.  He'd been wrong for snooping in the first place and he certainly wasn't going to begrudge some dying kid his last wish.  "That's great, Jim!  Really, great!"

"Of, for Chrissake, Sandburg, I could see your footprints in the snow outside the truck AND the entire cab smelled like that funky hemp-cologne you wear.  The bear''s yours, Blair.  I did some research.  Spoke to some of your mom's old friends at the commune-"


"Whatever.  You still should have waited."

"I've waited too long already, man.  Thank you!  You're the best friend a guy could ever have!"


The End