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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Propensity For Trouble


This is a Bonanza story set back when the boys were younger.

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Propensity For Trouble
by Ciejye


Ben Cartwright, silver haired patriarch of the Ponderosa Ranch, leaned back in his leather chair and fixed a look on each of his sons in turn as they stood before him.

Adam, his eldest, so serious and determined at 21 had only been home a few months from college. He still chafed at the restriction of ranch life after the freedom he had enjoyed at college. Ben knew his son was more than ready for this next step. And the responsibility just might be beneficial in the long run. The raven haired, black eyed, man still had some wild oats to sow, but that would have to wait, for a few days at least.

Ben turned his eyes to his middle son Eric, "Hoss". At 15, his fun- loving nature was already serving him well. He had worked at his fathers side while his elder brother had been away at college and longed to be out of the schoolhouse himself now. Bigger than both his elder brother and his father, Hoss was broad as well with light. Light brown hair and gentle eyes. He was very much at home at the ranch and didn't have his brothers wanderlust. Still, Hoss could be a handful at times, especially when he got sucked into his little brother's scams.

Finally Ben looked at his youngest. At 10; Little Joe had the right mix of mischevousness and innocence that made him both adorable and infuriating at the same time. His dark curly hair and impish green eyes had saved the boy's hide on more than once but his dare devil attitude and recklessness had also given his father many a sleepless night. Slightly built, Joe looked younger than his ten years.

Ben sighted softly, this was not going to be easy on any of his sons but even more so on his youngest. Ben cleared his throat and spoke. "While I am away Adam is in charge and I don't just mean of the ranch. Hoss and little Joe, your brother has my full authority to discipline both of you if its needed, and boys if it should be required I will reinforce his discipline with some of my own when I come back."

"That's not fair!" Joe cried out, he still hadn't come to terms with his eldest, bossiest brother being home and now he had this to deal with.

"Joseph! You will not take that tone with me young man!" Ben spoke sharply to his youngest son.

Joe swallowed, disrespect was one of the big no nos right up there with lying and disobedience, "Sorry Pa." Joe said contritely, "But Why?"

Ben stopped the words with a glare, "Because I am your father and I said so and that is all you need to know boy."

Joe closed his mouth, that was the tone that did not bode well for his bottom if he persisted.

"As I was saying, Adam if the need arises you may discipline Hoss and little Joe, but only with your hand, if physical punishment is called for, understand?"

"Yes sir" Adam said, he had used his hand on little Joe once before and found it to be very effective.

* * * * * * * * * *


It had been just before he had left for college. Ben was in town for the evening at a school board meeting and Joe was supposed to be in bed but, when Adam checked on him the bed was empty. A quick search of the house didn't turn up the child and Adam began a search of the barn and yard. He found Joe in the corral, a carrot in his little hands, as he inched his way closer to one of the wildest stallions on the ranch, oblivious of the danger.

Adam's heart stopped and leapt into this throat at the sight of the tiny, nightshirt clad child just a few feet away from the snorting animal. Adam vaulted over the fence and snatched up his baby brother, and was then was back out before the child could do more than give a shout of protest.

Once out of the corral Adam shook the child "You know your not supposed to go in the corral with that horse!" Adam shouted angrily.

"I just wanted to give him a carrot." Joe protested as his eldest brother carried him to the porch and sat down on the chair there. Adam placed the small child over his lap, up went the stripped nightshirt and down came Adam's hard work callused hand. There was not much force in the swats, just enough to leave a small sting. It left a red print in its wake. It was soon joined by half a dozen other stinging swats as the child's bottom went from pink to red. He was sobbing by the time the last swat landed.

Adam felt terrible as he lowered the nightshirt over the sore bottom but it had needed to be done. Adam gathered the crying child into his arms for a hug, soothing the baby boy for a long time as she gently scolded. "Never again little buddy, you stay out of that corral. Those horses are too dangerous for you to be around them."

"You spanked me Adam" Joe said tearfully.

"Yes I did and I would do it again if I had to, you must never go in the corral with the horses, Little Joe, you could have been seriously hurt or even killed!"

"I'm sorry." The tot sniffled, "Are you going to tell Pa?"

"I think I have to for this one little brother. Its one thing to cover for you when you skip out on chores though you know you shouldn't do that either, but I can't cover for you when you risk your life. You are too precious to us to risk losing you." And, Adam though, there was the matter of the spanking to be atoned for. Not that Adam felt the need to tell on himself for most things, but this was not something Adam wanted his father to find out about second hand.

Adam had told his father about the spanking that night, and, while he got a lecture on leaving the discipline to Ben for now, Ben did agree that the spanking was justified and the next day Little Joe found himself over his father's knee for a reminder of on obedience to the rules.

* * * * * * * * * *


Now Adam had his father's blessing to discipline his younger brothers but he also had responsibility as bend Ben told him later when they were alone. "If you need to spank them or rather if you need to spank Joe, only use your hand. I don't think its necessary to spank Hoss any longer and a simple hand spanking wouldn't have as much effect as sending that boy to bed without his supper" Adam smiled, Hoss' appetite was legendary and for him missing a meal was worse than a tanning.

"Don't abuse this Adam be firm but fair. I am counting on you son."

"I wont let you down Pa," Adam said with more confidence than he felt.

The next day Ben stood before his sons again, this time to say goodbye, "Behave yourself and mind your brothers Little Joe." Ben said as he crouched down to the child's level, "Do your chores and no more fighting at school"

"Aww Pa," Joe squirmed with all the instructions, then flung his arms around the older man, " I'll miss you Pa!" He sniffed; ever since his mother died he hated to be parted with his father. It was always hardest on Little Joe when Ben) was gone.

Ben hopped Adam being home might allay some of his youngest's fears during his absence.

Ben hugged the child tightly then turned to his middle son "Same goes for you too. Mind your brother and do your chores," Ben smiled at this gentle giant of a son, and was nearly crushed in bear hug from the lad, Hoss was easily led astray but there wasn't a mean bone in his body.

"I will Pa, you have a good trip now." Hoss said with a smile.

Ben turned at last to his eldest some, they shook hands and hugged, "Don't be too hard on them son, remember they are just boys" Ben whispered.

"I know Pa, be firm but fair."

"I'll be back in a few days" Ben said as he turned to mount his horse, a small bundle attached itself to his leg.

"Don't go Pa!" Joe cried out. Ben lifted the boy in his strong arms "I'll be back before you know it." Ben reassured the child. "Now you go on and get to school before your late, I expect to hear a good report Son."

Ben tried to remove the boy's chokehold on his neck but Joe was not having any of it, he hung on tighter. Ben tried to comfort the boy with soft words but that did not lessen the grasp the boy had on his neck, "Mind me Joseph!" Ben commanded sternly. When he wasn't obeyed a stern "Joseph!" but Joe didn't listen. He just didn't want his father to leave.

Adam tried to help but Joe's hold on his Pa was too tight.

"Joseph Francis Cartwright, you turn me loose this instant! I don't want to spank you boy but I will if you continue to disobey me."

Joe shook his head, a moment later a sharp swat on his bottom made him gasp and loosen his hold enough for Ben to pry him free. Ben then placed his foot up on the horse trough and placed his youngest son over his knee. "I expect obedience when I say something, boy." Bend scolded as his work hardened hand landed on the child's seat twice more, "I know you don't want me to go but I must, and spanking you for disobeying me is not how I wanted to spend the last minutes before I left." Ben felt the three swats were more than enough on the poor little bottom to make his displeasure known. His love for this boy knew no bounds and while he would not accept disobedience, he didn't want the last few moments filled with anything but love.

When it was done he held the sobbing child up at eye level "don't you ever disobey me like that again little boy." Then Ben hugged the remorseful little boy close to him, it hurt him to have to be so strict with the child, but he had to maintain discipline. "I'll be back in a few days child."

"I'm sorry Pa, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to leave." Joe sobbed more from his fathers departure rather than his bottom stinging from the three swats.

Too soon for Joe, Ben handed the child to Adam. "Joseph, you are restricted to the yard until I get back."

"Yes Sir," was the tearful replay as Joe clung to Adam.

"Adam get Joe's face washed and ride into town with him and Hoss. Explain to the teacher why they are late."

"Don't worry about a thing Pa, I'll take care of it." Adam said and with a last smile and God bless, Ben rode out of the yard.

* * * * * * * * * *


True to his word, Adam washed Joe's face and rode with the boys to the school. Joe slid into his seat, his eyes down while Adam spoke to the teacher quietly, then with a squeeze to Joe's shoulder and a reassuring smile to Hoss, he left.

Joe really did try to behave. He paid attention in school and, even though it was a beautiful Indian summer day, he and Hoss went straight home.

Adam was waiting for him when Joe burst though the front door "Hi buddy, how was school today? Any notes I need to see?"

Joe laughed as his eldest brother caught him and tossed him up in the air. "Nope, no notes, I was perfect angel all day."

Adam laughed, "That will be the day when you are a perfect angel."

Joe laughed as well, he knew his eldest brother was only teasing him. Still, that didn't stop him from sticking out his tongue.

"Joe," Adam reproved his youngest brother for the disrespect and then gave chase. Joe shrieked with laughter when Adam caught him up and tossed him on his shoulder. They went together out to the barn to do the chores.

Joe behaved himself though supper and even ate a good meal, good for him that is, His appetite was never big but he did make an honest effort. After supper, Joe sat at the table with his schoolbooks and did his homework a nd then Hoss challenged him to a game of checkers. The evening passed quietly and all too soon for Joe the clock chimed eight times.

"Bedtime Little Joe," Adam said as he checked his pocket watch with the grandfather clock in a gesture that was reminiscent of their father.

"Just 5 more minutes please Adam?" Joe tried to wheedle extra time, a tactic that he often tried with his father but generally without success seldom bought him more time.

Adam chuckled at the antics of the little boy's antics. "Tell you what Little Joe, you go up and get in your nightshirt and then I will read a story down here, how is that?"

"Wow that's great Adam," Joe squealed and ran up the steps.

Hoss grinned at his older brother's leniency.

The story didn't progress very far before Adam heard the soft snores of his youngest brother. He continued to read for a few more minutes to be sure the child was properly asleep before he put down the book and carried Li ttle Joe up to his bed. As he tightly tucked in the little boy and tousled his curly hair, Adam smiled as he remembered how lucky he was to have such a precious little brother.



Little Joe woke up in a bad mood. He was normally not an early riser and this day was no different. For some reason he had just not been able to wake up. Adam called him three times to get up, there were chores waiting. B ut Little Joe just turned back over and burrowed under the quilt. After the emotions of the day before, he just didn't want to get out of the warm bed. He pulled the patchwork quilt up higher around his head and snuggled down in, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

He was wrong, 15 seconds later a giant hand pulled off the covers while a second one found his most ticklish spot and worked it mercilessly.

"WHAT . NO. Stop!" Little Joe squirmed around on the bed and giggled, "Let me up, I have to PEEEEEEEEEE."

"I said its time to get up, chores are waiting, we have a lot to do today." Adam said with a grin as he let his little brother go and headed to the door.

Little Joe muttered, "When don't we have a lot to do?

"Do you have something to say young man?" Adam turned back around and fixed the boy with a glare that was ruined by the grin on his face.

Little Joe had the good sense to blush, he shook his head, "no Sir, Adam Sir" then giggle and pulled the chamber pot from beneath the bed."

"Good then rise and shine, the chores won't do themselves." Adam winked and headed down for his own breakfast.



"So what do we have to do today Adam?" Hoss asked a while later as he took the last biscuit from the plate and spread it with sweet butter and jam.

"First you have to go to school, then there is a hole in the north fence that needs to be patched, and the tack room needs to be cleaned out." Adam stated and watched his brothers' faces fall at the sound of the work. Ada m relented, "But if you are both good at school today we can go fishing for a while after."

The whoop that filled the air nearly deafened Adam as his brothers let their pleasure be known in a very vocal way. "Go on now, get to school before you're late."

Adam laughed as his brothers headed out of the house at a run.

* * * * * * * * * *


Their return to the ranch house that afternoon was considerably slower.

"Do we have to tell him Hoss?" Little Joe asked his older brother.

"Now Little Joe, you know we can't lie. Anyway, Adam is going to have to sign the note." Hoss said, he was a dejected as Joe was. Dadburnit anyway, why did he have to listen to Joe about the prank? It seemed funny enough at the time. Just stuff some paper in the stove pipe, then the schoolhouse would fill with smoke and be dismissed for the afternoon while it was being aired out. No problem.

Big problem. The paper caught on fire and flames shot up the stovepipe, they caught the roof on fire and, had it had not been for a passing rider, the whole school could have gone up in flames. Miss Jones was beside herse lf with fury at the dangerous prank and only let the boys go home alone because she had to take home several of the girls who were nearly hysterical at all the excitement. Her last instruction was to have the note signed when they returned to school on Monday.

Joe and Hoss knew they were sunk, the minute Adam read the note not only would the fishing trip be cancelled, but they could expect a tanning on top of it. Plus another one when their Pa came home on Sunday.

"No, just don't tell him about the note," Joe pleaded with his older brother. "We're gonna get a lickin' when Pa gets home no matter what, so why volunteer for one from Adam as well. If we don't tell then we only get one from Pa and we still get to go fishin'."

Hoss thought on this logic, he didn't want to get a tanning from anyone, but to have to endure two was more than he could stand, and to not get to go fishing, plus the look of disappointment on his brother's face. But sti ll, to lie to his brother.

Joe watched the myriad of emotions cross his older brothers face and decided to play his trump card. He screwed up his little face and began to cry. "I am always in trouble, I can't take anymore spankings, please Hoss, no t right now, please, not another one, my bottom still hurts so much from the last one. Please Hoss, please."

Hoss was powerless to resist both (the) tears and his little brother's pleading. He moved his horse closer to Joe and placed a large hand on the small shaking shoulder. "Don't cry punkin, I won't tell until Pa gets home o n Sunday, but I gotta tell then, we have to have the note signed for Monday."

Joe made a great show of drying his tears and sniffing. "Hoss, do we really have to tell Pa? I mean, couldn't we just sign his name to the note. Then he wouldn't be disappointed in me anymore."

Hoss looked at his younger brother in shock. "Joe! That's forgery and its illegal. If Pa were to find out he would do more than just give us a tannin."

Joe pulled his horse over to the side of the road and dismounted, he flung himself on the snowy ground and sobbed for all he was worth. "You don't understand Hoss I can't take another lickin, please Hoss please, Pa will h ate me forever!!" and with that Joe began to sob again, he even squeezed out a few tears to make it look more real.

Hoss dismounted and pulled his little brother into a hug, he held the little shaking body close and soothed his brother with soft words. "Now Joe you know Pa could never hate you, no matter what you done."

"He will, you saw what happened when he left, I didn't mean to cling to him but I couldn't help myself, please Hoss, please just try, if you can't get the signature right then we can tell him. Please Hoss, please."

The pleading was more than the gentle boy could take and reluctantly he agreed to the plan. He would try to copy his father's signature and if he could then he would sign the note, if not they would tell their father Sund ay night and face the consequences.

"You just keep yourself out of trouble until then little buddy." Hoss admonished as they remounted.

"I will Hoss, I promise." Little Joe agreed with a bright smile on his face.



When they arrived home Adam was in the barn. "How was school today?" He asked with a smile.

"It was school Adam, how else would it be." Joe answered quickly before Hoss could say anything. "When are we going fishin?"

Adam chucked at his littlest brother. As much as he wanted to instill his love for learning in his two brothers, he feared they would never have the same passion for it that he did. Still they had their own paths to foll ow.

"As soon as you both go change clothes and get your poles," he said with a fond smile.

Little Joe whooped and grabbed Hoss by the hand as he ran to the house, "Come on Hoss before the fish stop biting." Joe knew that Hoss wouldn't hold up to any pressure right now and certainly didn't want to leave him alon e with Adam.

Hoss went with his little brother, but the note was weighing heavy in his pocket. He was not a dishonest child by nature, and the thought of deceiving his brother and father and teacher was almost more than he could take. Still he didn't want a tanning, let alone two of them, and he did promise Little Joe. Hoss would not go back on his promise, he was committed now.



That evening his conscious was hurting him even more as he practiced his father's signature over and over again trying to get it right. The three brothers had had a wonderful time fishing. The weather was cold but the lak e was not frozen over and the fish were biting. They caught more than enough fish for supper before they had to head home to do the evening barn chores. Adam was in a good mood and even engaged in a brief snowball fight w ith the little snow on the ground. It was a good time, one that bonded the brothers even tighter than before.

Hoss loved it when he could be with his brothers, but the note kept him from having as much fun as he might have. Oh he had tossed the snowballs, and caught fish. He even laughed when Adam threatened to toss Joe into the lake when Joe stuffed a handful of snow down Adam's back. Hoss knew Adam would never do that, Joe knew it too, but that didn't stop his squeals of mock terror when Adam pretended to swing him out.

Hoss tried the signature again, it wasn't quite right. The C was wrong in Cartwright and Hoss couldn't remember if Pa signed his name Ben or Benjamin when he signed the notes for school.

Hoss expressed his concerns to Joe the next day as they cleaned the tack room together. "I just don't think I can do it, Pa has a hard signature."

"You just gotta Hoss," Joe stopped wiping the bridle. "If you don't then Pa will find out about the fire and he will hate me forever." Joe worked up a tear in his eye as he turned to face his brother. "Please Hoss."

Once again Hoss was taken in by the tear and pleading. "I'll try again when we're done here, but I don't know if I can do it."

"Do what?" Adam asked as he walked in the tack room. For a moment the boys thought he might have over heard more than the last line but when he didn't get angry, they knew he hadn't really heard anything.

"I bet Hoss could lift two bales of hay at one time." Joe thought quickly and flashed a smile at his eldest brother. "But he doesn't think he can."

Adam rubbed his jaw as he pondered this. "I don't know, that's a lot of weight little Joe." Then Adam grinned, "but I reckon Hoss could lift that if he wanted too."

Hoss laughed, "thanks for the vote of confidence big brother, but I ain't fixin' to lift nothing 'til I get me something to eat. A feller could waste away to nothin' tryin' to do all this work on an empty stomach." Hoss turn ed before Adam could see the guilt in his eyes for the lies that were told.

Joe saw it and hurried his brother out of Adam's sight before anything bad could happen. This was not going to be easy but every day that Hoss didn't tell was one less day of having to eat standing up.



That night Hoss got Ben's signature just right and signed the note. His stomach fell though the floor with the overwhelming guilt that filled him and he nearly went to Adam to tell him the truth. But then he thought of th e look on Little Joe's face and remembered the cries the last time the little boy was spanked and just couldn't do it. He could not be the one to make that happen. No sir, he was not going to do it. He would just swallow the guilt and that was that.



In his own room, Joe was also having second thoughts. He didn't want to deceive his brother like this and, the look on Hoss' face was almost more than he could stand. Hoss was so trusting and kind. He always took Joe's si de when Joe was in trouble. And he played good games. Then Joe thought about what would happen if he snitched, Hoss would get a spanking for what they had done as would Joe himself and that Joe wasn't keen on. He didn't want to be spanked again. Nope Joe would keep quiet and not tell. He had to, for Hoss.



The brothers were unusually quiet on the ride home from church the next morning. Each lost in their own thoughts. The preacher seemed to know what the boys were thinking as he gave his sermon on truth and honesty. Hoss an d Joe squirmed so much Adam had to threaten to take them out of the service to make them settle down. Hoss and Joe had guilty consciences that were the cause of their silence, while Adam just enjoyed the peace from the co nstant chatter that usually accompanied the ride.

Adam knew something was up with his brothers. The quiet ride home was his first clue and then at dinner Hoss didn't eat much, which that was his second clue. The clincher was when Little Joe, the ever-finicky eater, ate a ll of his dinner without an argument. And neither boy wanted dessert. Adam knew then that something was up. But what could it be? Ben was due home sometime that afternoon. Perhaps it would all come out then.

Hoss and Joe ate in silence, each lost in their own thoughts but not able to speak them for fear the other one would get in trouble. When Adam suggested they head up and finish any homework they had left the boys nearly f led from the table. It was going to be a long afternoon.



The war that raged within Hoss was a thunderous one and each emotion played on his face. On the one hand he wanted to be fair to Little Joe and keep his promise. It hurt so much to see the little mite all teary eyed after a spanking. His little breath hitching in his chest, the small shoulders shaking still from the sobs. His eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot. The tracks of tears down the downy soft cheeks would make Hoss fill with rage that anyone could hurt his baby brother and sorrow at knowing it was for his own good. But on the other hand he was never much good at lying, his face gave him away even before his stammering tongue did.

Hoss envisioned the disappointment in the eyes of Ben and Adam. The stern lecture and subsequent discipline that was sure to follow. Not just the tanning, though that would be difficult to endure. Not that his Pa or older brother were abusive or anything, just that they were thorough when it came to dispensing a much needed "necessary little talk". As Pa had once said He never liked spanking his sons but if that was the reminder they nee ded, then he was going to make sure it was a reminder they would remember for a long time. Hoss knew after the tanning his Pa would hug him and hold him for a moment. Then, too soon, would come the rest of the punishment. The restriction, extra chores, early bedtimes, or worse missed meals. Hoss never liked being in trouble and getting punished, it was something he wanted to avoid at all costs, but even worse was the look in his father's eyes that said, "Son, I am disappointed with what you did." That look, more than anything else would keep Hoss on the straight and narrow.

Yet now, here he was, ready to turn in a forgery just to stay out of trouble and protect his little brother. Hoss wondered if he would make it though the night before he broke .

Joe stood in the door of Hoss' room and watched his brother struggle. He knew that if he didn't do something and fast, both he and Hoss would be sporting sore bottoms before supper. Trouble was, Joe's conscience was bothe ring him as well.

Hoss looked up, his gentle brown eyes met the green eyes of his little brother, both sets of eyes filled with tears, both so trusting in the other. They opened their mouths to speak when Adam's voice came up the stairs.

"Hoss! Little Joe! Pa's home!"

Joe's face broke out in a huge grin "Pa!" he shouted and charged down the stairs at a full gallop and flung himself into his father's arms, nearly knocking him off his feet with his exuberance.

Ben just laughed as he caught his little tornado. "Hold on there young fella" He rumbled as he pulled the precious bundle to him and hugged tightly.

"I missed ya Pa, bunches and heaps." Joe murmured into his father powerful chest. His little arms clinging as if his Pa would disappear if he loosened up on the hold at all.

"I missed you too precious." Ben whispered as he inhaled the unique scent of his youngest. Then set him down on the floor as he took off his hat, coat and gun belt. "Where's Hoss?"

"Upstairs working on homework," Adam supplied.

"I'll just go say hello to him," Ben moved to the steps.

Joe watched as his father went up the stairs and swallowed hard. Adam caught the motion and turned the small boy to him "What do you know?" Adam demanded of his little brother.

Joe swallowed again and looked into the big dark eyes of his eldest brother, ohh yes, he was gonna get a powerful whoopin but, the guilt would be gone, and he could sleep that night again. Joe took a deep breath "Adam," h e started his little hands going behind him to cover his bottom. "You're not going to like this."

Adam took in the sight before him, the protective gesture on his little brothers part, and the tear filled eyes. "Probably not, but tell me just the same.

Joe opened his mouth again and the whole story came pouring out.

* * * * * * * * * *


Upstairs a similar scene was playing out. Ben had come to Hoss' partly opened door and smiled to see his son at work at the desk. Hoss never liked school and often struggled with it. To see him working so hard at somethin g was a joy. Ben moved closer and peered over his son's shoulder, and froze.

The sight that had given him so much joy a moment ago now filled his heart with anguish and flared his mighty temper.

"ERIC GUNNER CARTRIGHT! What in thunderation is the meaning of this?!?!" Ben boomed the way only he could.

Hoss jumped out of the chair at the sound of all three of his names, not only was he in trouble, but he was in deep DEEP trouble. "P-p-Pa, your home." Hoss stammered, though he had(hadn't) heard his brother's shout.

"And none too soon from the looks of things." Ben bellowed again as he took in the evidence of his son's forgery. The papers in the waste can and on the table all repeated with the same words, his signature. Ben Cartwrigh t. Written over and over in an attempt to make them look more like his. "WHAT is the meaning of this?"

Hoss swallowed in much the same way as his little brother swallowed, he tried to think of an acceptable reason. But only the truth came to mind.

"WELL!!??" Ben bellowed again at the fidgeting boy who stood before him. "Look at me boy!"

Hoss flinched and took a step back, but raised his eyes to those of his father's. Ohh lordy he was gonna get a lickin for sure. Hoss took a deep breath and let the story spill out. His goose was cooked but even now his gu ilt was easing.

* * * * * * * * * *


Downstairs, Joe had finished his confession when they heard their father bellow. Joe flinched and began to cry. "Its all my fault Adam, please make Pa understand so he doesn't punish Hoss, please Adam," the little boy beg ged.

"I think there is enough fault and blame to go around on this one little boy." Adam said firmly as he moved to a dining room chair and pulled it out. He pulled his little brother to him and took down his britches before h e placed the boy firmly over his knees. "You lied to me Little Joe, to try and get out of an extra spanking. You got Hoss to lie for you as well."

"I'm sorry Adam," Joe choked out as he squirmed over his brother's lap as he felt the seat to his long underwear opened to expose his bare bottom. "No please Adam!" he begged.

"You can't lie your way out of trouble Joseph, it only gets you into more trouble. Yes I would have been upset about the note, and yes you probably would have been spanked for it. But I would have smoothed things over wit h Pa. But now, there is nothing I can do but impress upon you the seriousness of your actions." And with that Adam raised his hand and began to spank the small backside over his lap.

Joe squirmed and twisted, and cried out his guilt and pain as his brother turned his bottom from pale to red in the course of the painful spanking. Joe knew what he had done had been very wrong and, in one way, he was rel ieved to be punished. Sure it hurt and would continue to do so hurt for a long time. Big brother's hand was a very large, hard hand. But it was not the kind of pain that would eat at his heart. That pain was being washed away by the one in his backside and the tears that flowed down his small face.

* * * * * * * * * *


Upstairs the sounds of Little Joe's spanking were joined by another as Ben put his middle son over his knee and raised the doubled over belt in his hand. Hoss was almost too big to be over his knee. But Ben felt it was wa rranted and endured the boys weight, one hand wrapped around his middle as the belt rose and fell. With unerring accuracy he turned his boy's backside to a fiery red.

Hoss sobbed and cried almost from the first. His naturally gentle nature made him feel guilty about the whole thing and, like his brother downstairs, he was glad to get rid of the guilt and pain in his heart. That didn't really make the tanning any easier to endure. Pa was really displeased with him and was letting him know it, in spades!

* * * * * * * * * *


That evening after the punishments had been doled out and both boys were tucked into bed, on their stomachs, Ben and Adam sat in the living room before the great fireplace and sipped a brandy.

"I don't think those two will be trying their hand at forgery again anytime soon." Adam observed as he leaned back on the settee.

Ben chuckled, "No, I don't expect they will, or lying to their older brother when I am away either. I think we made our displeasure on that little fact known quite well."

Adam nodded his agreement. "I am glad Joe finally confessed rather than waiting for Hoss. It shows the little boy is growing up. Though I think they both are going to need a lot more guidance before they are done."

Ben laughed, "No more than you needed when you were their age." He teased his eldest who had the good nature to blush and duck his head.

"I don't seem to remember getting spanked twice for the same thing too much." He said softly. "Though there was that one time when you and Inger seemed to take turns tanning my hide."

"You deserved that one, son." Ben observed as he remembered. "You ran off from the wagon train following that young Indian boy and his family. Held up the whole train for nearly two days while we searched for you. And all the while you were safe eating hoecakes and venison. I don't believe I ever saw Inger as worried as she was those two days."

Adam blushed at the memory. "I don't think I ever saw her as angry as she was when I came walking back into the camp, in my new moccasins with feathers in my hair. She screamed and grabbed me up in a hug that I thought wa s going to break my ribs. Then she pulled back and shook me til my teeth rattled and demanded to know where I had been. When I told her she seemed to go all white for a moment. Then pulled me over her knees right there in the middle of the camp and blistered my backside with the wooden spoon in her hand. Then she hugged me again. She was crying the whole time."

"I remember, as soon as you got back a signal was sent up and I high-tailed it back to the wagon. You were standing there, nose pressed to the wagon just sobbing your little eyes out and rubbing your bottom. I knew what h ad happened." Ben remembered.

"That didn't stop you from tanning me again after you hugged me." Adam said with a rueful smile.

"You deserved that tanning," Ben spoke suddenly. "And the other ones you got."

"Seems like for a while there I didn't know if I was going to be hugged or spanked." Adam shifted in his seat. "Every time Inger thought of what could have happened she would either hug me tight or put me over her knees f or a reminder of what would happen if I ever disobeyed like that again. Seemed like a week before I could sit comfortably again"

"Might be that long before those two can sit comfortably either." Ben nodded his head at the stairs and the two sleeping boys. "But, you out grew your propensity for flirting with disaster and so will they eventually. I a m proud of the way they stuck together though."

Adam nodded and they both took another sip of their brandy, and let the warm feeling flow though them. A feeling not entirely from the brandy, but from the camaraderie of family too.

