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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Enigma Variations


SUMMARY:  "What happens to everybody when the Game finally ends?" 

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A "Harsh Realm" story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
*   *   *   *   *

It was weird, felt odd, and not at all as he had expected it would feel. Santiago was out of the Game and he still could not believe the whole place was still standing.  As solid and real as the world he was now returning to. He looked at Pinocchio and Florence, tears forming in his eyes.  How could he leave them?  He could almost hear Pinocchio's voice in his head *you put one freeking foot in front of the other, Hobbes*.  Pinocchio gave him a hug then stepped back, his blue eyes cloudy with emotions he could not put into words.  But Hobbes knew.  Florence kissed his cheek and gave him a little smile. Her eyes sad to see him go but happy that he would finally get what he wanted and be reunited with Sophie.  When he still hesitated Pinocchio frowned at him.  "Get going, Hobbes!"

Hobbes shook his head.  Oblivious of the people leaving the Realm behind him, stepping happily through the glitch to their homes and loved ones back in the Real World.  He knew now why it was so hard to go.  "I'm not going without you."

An incredulous look spread across his friend's face.  How many times did he have to tell Hobbes?  "Don't you get it?  You can't save me but you can save them.  I'm staying because that's what I want to do Hobbes."

"Is that why you stayed with me, protected me, for them?"

"What does it matter why?  You're going home, Hobbes.  Back to Sophie. Back to the Real World."

"Come with me."

He shook his head and took a step back, closer to Florence.  "No."

Hobbes was giving him a curious look.  Some of the people were hanging back, waiting for him.  He was their saviour.  They would not go without him and he would not go without his friend.  He just had not told him that part. "You told me VCs know nothing about the Real World.  It's not even a concept."

Pinocchio looked confused.  "So?"

"Do you believe that?"

"What is this crap, Hobbes?  People are waiting for you.  Go!"

He shook his head.  "After you answer the question."

"I don't know what you're freeking talking about."

"Why are you so afraid?  I know you're not a coward."

His friend was starting to get pissed off.  "Thanks.  I think."

"What's the real reason, Pinocchio?"  He paused, his voice quiet.  "You can tell me now, it's over.  The good guys won."

Pinocchio swallowed.  He wanted to go with Florence, but he could not do that until he knew Hobbes was safely out.  It had become the single most important thing to him.  Hobbes started to walk back towards him.  Pinocchio felt a moment of panic.  <Oh God, no Hobbes.  You've gotta get out.  Get out now>

Florence was looking at him, picking up the frantic thought and wondering what he was frightened of.  Hobbes stopped in front of him and looked at him for a moment.  "Come on, let's find somewhere a little more private and talk."

His heart sank.  He did not know anyone who could out talk Hobbes.  At this rate he would never go home.  "Can't do that, Hobbes.  You have to go. Now.  Just do it and don't look back."

Hobbes frowned.  "Why?  What happens if I don't follow the plan?"


He shrugged.  "Plan, prophecy, blueprint, rules.  Call it what you like."

"Don't you want to go home, Hobbes?"

Hobbes smiled a little.  "That's supposed to be my line."


"Yeah, I want to go home, more than you'll ever know.  I want to see Sophie, hold my baby in my arms.  Walk down the aisle and be the happiest freeking man alive."

"Then go, Hobbes.  Do it.  Be happy.  Be happy for all of us."

He looked suddenly sad.  Wistful.  A child crying for the moon.  "I want you to come back with me.  To be my best man.  I'll make you a deal.  You do this for me and I won't pressure you to stay afterwards.  You can come right back afterwards.  Deal?"

His friend swallowed.  Hard.  <Christ.  Why did Hobbes always make him want to freeking cry?>

Hobbes nodded to himself, as if the last few pieces of a particularly confusing jigsaw were beginning to slot into place.  When he spoke his voice was hushed, a bare whisper that rang in Pinocchio's ears as if the words were shouted.  "You won't come back not because you don't want to but because you can't."

"What're you talking about, Hobbes?"

"*This* is your world, isn't it?"

"You hit your freeking head?  Sure sounds like it."

He shook his head.  "No.  Just piecing two and two together."

"Yeah and making eight."



Hobbes smiled, "You're supposed to say five not eight."

For a moment Pinocchio just looked at him, his heart aching.  How could he put into words everything that Hobbes had come to mean to him?  How could he stop him going back to Sophie and living the life that he deserved?  How could he tell him?  "Go home, Hobbes."  He whispered.

"When you come too."

Pinocchio turned away from him, not wanting him to see the tears in his eyes.  The pain in his heart was almost more than he could bear.  Florence looked at Hobbes, wondering why he did not just go.  Hobbes walked around Pinocchio so he could see his face.  His tears wrenched at his heart but he had to put this last barrier to rest.  No more lies even those told out of love and affection.  To protect those you cared about.  "It's okay,"  He said softly.  "I know."

His friend managed to squeeze out a few words.  "Know what?"

"That you're VC."

Pinocchio blinked.  Sure he had not heard him right.  "What?"

"You heard.  I can't understand why it took me so long to figure it out."

"You have definitely cracked your head, Hobbes.  Any brains you did have must have drained out through the crack."

"No, I'm making sense.  Putting together all those odd little snippets of information you told me over the years.  How a VC couldn't kill Santiago, couldn't take him out of the Game because a VC can't over ride his programming.  It has to be someone from outside the Game.  Me."

"You're delerious, Hobbes."

"Why else look for me?  Why not take him out yourself?  No one was in a better position.  Santiago's right hand man.  But what did you do?  You left Santiago, spent months roaming around staying out of his way until you found me."

"It wasn't like that."

"Why me?  Because I'm the One?  The One what?"

"You're crazy, Hobbes."

"I know the truth now.  I'm the One Real player in the Game, aren't I? Everybody else is VC.  The whole lot of you.  Players in the most elaborate show I've ever freeking seen.  You had me fooled for the longest time."

"Don't say that Hobbes.  Just go."

Hobbes sighed.  "I'm not angry with you.  I could never be that.  You've done too much for me, both of you, and I love you for it."

Pinocchio stared at Hobbes.  Florence stared at Pinocchio.  <He thinks you're a VC>

<I know, Florence>

<Is it true?>

He turned his head in surprise and looked at her.  <How can you ask?>

<Is it?>

She noticed he had gone pale.  <It's true, isn't it?>

<What do you think?>

She touched his face gently.  <I think maybe that's why we have a connection.  Why I can hear your thoughts, know how you feel almost before you do.  Why I love you so much>

<Love me?>

Florence smiled gently.  <Who else?>

For a moment they both forgot that Hobbes was there.

*   *   *   *   *

Inga Fossa was on the field telephone.  The voice at the other end was impatient.  "Is he gone yet?"


"What's the hold up?  He should have gone ages ago."

"He won't leave Michael."

A pause.  "Can you still see them?"


"What is Hobbes doing?"


"And Pinocchio?"

She paused, not really wanting to tell him but having no option. "Crying."


She paused again.  "Looks like."

There was a long silence.  So long that she wondered if he had hung up. "Shit."

She frowned but before she could ask what he meant the line went dead. He had hung up.

*   *   *   *   *

Sophie Green was so excited she could hardly stand still.  Her mother and father were beaming and happy for her, but also excited that Tom was at last coming home.  For good.  They waited for hours.  Smiles starting to slip, eyes glancing anxiously at watches.  Sophie kept asking the soldiers if something had gone wrong but they assured her nothing had.  Everything was going according to schedule.  Then the glitch warped and Thomas F. Hobbes stepped back out into the Real World.  The military band immediately sprang into life with a selection of music from Sousa.  His face broke out in a happy smile and tears ran down his face when he saw her.  Oblivious of everyone standing around, all the dignitaries, the military chiefs, his parents, Sophie's family, and almost everyone he had ever shaken hands with. He took her up in his arms and kissed her.  Everything else becoming inconsequential.  Sophie.  His Sophie.  His girl.  He was home.  Life did not get better than this.

They had to tap his shoulder, gently ease his arms back to prise them apart so everyone could formally greet him and welcome him home.  Then he was whisked off to the celebrations, speeches and toasts.  Long into the night. It was not until 4am when he and Sophie finally had time to themselves.  He was keen to get home, spend his first night in her arms, renewing all the vows their hearts had made three years ago.  They made love slowly then lay content and quiet, too full of joy for words.  Sophie was so happy.  The next morning they rose to find Mrs Green cooking breakfast for them and her father humming as he laid the table.  Hobbes stared.  He had not realised they had spent the night in the spare room, he had been too wrapped up in Sophie. After breakfast he fell silent.  Content to let the babble of conversation slip over him.  After a while Sophie nudged him and he looked up.  She was smiling indulgently at him.  "You were miles away."

He nodded.  "Sorry.  I was thinking about Harsh Realm."

Mr Green nodded.  "Must have been one hell of a nightmare, Tom.  Can't imagine how you survived three years in there."

"I had help."

"Help?"  asked Sophie's mother.

"Yeah."  A gentle smile crept over his face.  "Friends.  A guy called Mike Pinocchio.  Another soldier.  And his friend Florence."

Mr and Mrs Green looked at each other.  Hobbes looked at Sophie, holding her hand under the table.  She smiled back at him.  "I want to get married as soon as possible, Sophie."

Her parents beamed at him.  Sophie's eyes were bright, shining with happiness.  "So do I, Tom."

Hobbes took a breath then looked around the table.  "I don't want to get married here though."

Sophie's mouth formed a perfect o.  "You don't?"

He shook his head, his look tender.  "I want to ask a very big favour of all of you."

Mr Green frowned slightly then braced himself.  Whatever it cost he would find the money somehow.  "Just name it, Tom."

Hobbes smiled slightly at his confidence.  "I want you come back with me to Harsh Realm.  I want to be married there."

Three mouths dropped open in stunned silence.  Sophie could not believe her ears.  "You want to go BACK?"

"Just for the wedding."

Mrs Green found her voice.  "Why?"

His smile became a grin.  "Because my best man is there."

*   *   *   *   *

Pinocchio was nervous.  He hated these things but Florence had insisted he wear a suit.  And not just any suit but tails.  He felt like a freeking penguin.  It didn't help that with all the starch in the damn collar he couldn't breathe either.  Florence hid a smile and helped him dress, brushing him down and planting a kiss on his lips whenever he looked like he was going to rip the whole outfit off.  She thought he looked handsome and so smart. He thought he looked stupid.  People would laugh at him.  Florence did his tie for him.  <You look perfect>

"Don't know why Hobbes wanted to drag everybody back here anyway."

Florence smiled.  <You know why>

He grumbled and muttered but he was not really cross.  Not really moaning.  He was trying as hard as he could to hide the fact that he was as proud as punch to be Hobbes' best man, and more moved that he could say that Hobbes had dragged everybody back from the Real World for the ceremony.  Only a crazy lunatic like Hobbes would do a daft thing like that.  *And* pull it off.  He looked at Florence and gave her a long slow kiss smudging her make up.  She pulled away gently.  <I have to get dressed now>

"I prefer you undressed."

She grinned at him and left to change.

The ceremony was beautiful.  Seeing Hobbes standing so proudly by his bride brought a lump to Pinocchio's throat.  Sophie looked like a dream in her wedding gown.  Fairly took his breath away.  The whole thing passed in a crazy wonderful blur.  He could not remember the speech he gave afterwards or what Hobbes said or any of the details.  The pounding of his heart drowning out everything but his happiness.  When it was all over, Hobbes took Pinocchio aside.  He wanted to have a little time with him before he had to leave.  Pinocchio knew he had something on his mind but this time let him pick his time to speak up.  They walked in companionable silence for a while.  The little vc copy of Dexter trotting at their heels.  For once no one was firing at anyone and Hobbes could almost believe he was anywhere back in the Real World.  He did not even have to close his eyes.

"I wanted to thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for, Hobbes."

"I disagree."

Pinocchio did not argue.  Did not want to spoil Hobbes' day.

"I wanted to ask you a couple of things before I go."

His friend resisted the urge to groan out loud.  "Hobbes, this is your wedding day.  Take a freeking break."

Hobbes smiled.  "I wondered what had happened to Santiago."

"Santiago?  What, you wanted him at the wedding too?"

He laughed as Pinocchio had intended.  But Hobbes was not diverted. "Where is he?  He didn't go back to the Real World did he?"

"What do you think, Hobbes?"

Hobbes voice was quiet.  "I think he's still here."

"Why do you think that?"

Hobbes smiled slowly.  "Because the Realm is still in one piece.  Just like you, Florence and everybody else."

For a long while Pinocchio said nothing.  "And if I agreed with you, what then?"

He shrugged.  "Nothing."

"You said you had a couple of things to ask me, that was only one."

"What happens now to you?"


"Yeah.  You.  Florence.  The others...."

"We carry on.  Lead our lives, Hobbes."

"Does the Game start all over again, Pinocchio?"  He asked very softly.

Pinocchio just looked at him for a moment.  "What Game?"

"Harsh Realm."

"What do you think?"

They walked slowly back to the house.  People were everywhere, contently talking in hushed tones, the music in the background making a wonderful backdrop to what had been a perfect day.  As they stepped in the house Pinocchio cocked his head, trying to identify the music.  "What's the music, Hobbes?"

Hobbes smiled slowly at his friend.  "The Enigma Variations."

For a moment Pinocchio just looked at him.  Hobbes smile became wider.

"Somehow I thought it would be appropriate."

Pinocchio chuckled getting the joke.  "You never give up, do you Hobbes?"

Hobbes grinned happily at him.  "I had a good teacher."

Then everybody was packing up, going.  They made their goodbyes and Pinocchio watched his friend go with mixed feelings.  Glad that he was going home, that he would be happy, but sad because he would never see him again. Florence came and found Pinocchio.  He looked thoughtful, a strange wistful look on his face.  She linked her arm in his and lay her head on his shoulder.  They watched the last of the guests disappear through the glitch then Santiago crossed the lawn towards them like a vulture waiting to pick the bones of what was left.  He was smiling.  Inga Fossa followed a pace behind him.

"What are you doing here, Santiago?  Run out of food in your own pantry?"

"You know it doesn't end here, don't you?"

Pinocchio looked at him but did not rise to the bait.  For today everything was perfect.  He was not going to let a stinking VC mess it up for him.  He felt Florence stir and amended what he was thinking.  He felt her smile in his mind.  Forgiving him.  She loved him too much to hold a grudge.

"Hobbes guessed in the end, didn't he?"

Pinocchio said nothing.  Santiago nodded to himself.  "It doesn't matter anyway.  The Game will restart again tomorrow.  We'll find somebody else."

He said nothing but watched as Santiago turned slowly and left the grounds.  Inga paused and smiled at him.  Then her mask was back in place and she was gone.  Pinocchio gave Florence a kiss then tugged at his collar. "Come on, Florence, I want to get out of this penguin suit and get the hell out of here."

She grinned at him.  As they walked out of the grounds he fancied he could still hear the strains of the Enigma Variations running through his mind.  Hobbes had got most of it right except for one thing.  He was no VC. He was in the Game out of choice.  He had won the first Game when it had gone online and his prize was the choice to return home or stay inside Harsh Realm.  His arm tightened around Florence and his heart sang with joy. Hobbes was clever but sometimes he could not see what was under his freeking nose...

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