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Part 2 of Death's Gift
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Death's Gift II


SUMMARY: Ares has to deal with his ecstatic family, his rebelling body functions and telling his favorite... and not so favorite mortals about the twins.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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Death's Gift II
by Scorpio

It had only been a week since Hades' visit from Asphodel. A mere week since he had found that he was with child. Pregnant with the reincarnated souls of his most loyal worshipper and his First Lieutenant. Only a brief seven days since everyone on Olympus went absolutely mad. Unfortunately, his family insisted on dragging him into insanity with them.

Understandably, Eris was the worst of them all.

His dark twin rocketed back and forth between various emotions. Each one she felt intensely and with her entire being... until the next one took its place. One moment she would be filled to bursting with joy over Strife's impending rebirth and the next she was swamped with self-loathing, berating herself for not being a better mother to him while he'd been alive the first time. She bounced from paranoia over Ares own health and comfort to a demanding bitch who screamed that no one cared for *her* feelings and concerns. She had pulled all of Strife's baby things from storage already and had gone through them, only to banish them once more. Apollo and his son finally double teamed her and sedated her.

However, Ares found he could forgive her behavior. This was very hard on her.
His blonde haired sister on the other hand...he was tempted to blast her right on her fuzzy pink backside if she didn't go away soon. It was bad enough that she was here at all when all he wanted was a little peace and quiet so that he could freak out in private, but it was *what* she was doing that was grinding on his nerves so badly. Even as she impressed him with another of her many hidden skills.

Aphrodite, who many mistakenly believed was dizzy and not quite bright, was lecturing him. To be precise, she was giving him *two* the same time.

On the surface, the Goddess of Love had brought over almost a hundred tiny bottles, wide necked jars and tins filled with herbs to show to him. As she pulled each one out of the neat pink organizer, she explained what it was, what it was used for and how you used it correctly. Ares found himself learning more about anti-stretch mark creams, tonics for nausea and/or constipation, ointments for sore nipples and who knows what all else then he *ever* wanted to know.

Just below the surface, Aphrodite was delivering a different lecture. It was one that was subtle, urgent and couched in terms and phrases that forced Ares to read between the lines. It was a lecture designed to put a germ of an idea in his head and then allow him to come to his own conclusion. It would have worked on any mortal like a charm. It most likely would have worked on the majority of his family as well. However, Ares knew Aphrodite very well, and he had seen her do this before.
He knew what she wanted of him and for once, he agreed with her. He was just...nervous about actually doing it. However, if he had to listen to her advice on what to do about hemorrhoids for one moment longer he was certain that he'd gut her with a big sharp knife. As long as he didn't use his own Sword, it wouldn't actually kill her...even if it *did* hurt like a bitch and totally ruin her day as well as her outfit. And he had learned centuries ago that you had to be careful *how* you lost your temper with the Love Goddess. Ares didn't want to spend *another* decade with no sex.

So...sit and listen to her duel lecture...or suck it up and go do what they *both* knew he should do?

Ares watched his sister pull out yet another jar. This one held some sort of oily green goop in it. He grimaced in distaste and made a decision.

"Dite? Um...I gotta go."

She flashed him a mildly annoyed frown.

"Listen Bro...this is important stuff here."

Ares doubted that, but he didn't voice that opinion out loud. If he did and then three months later he actually *needed* this stuff, she'd make his life unbearable.

"Yeah, I know, but...I think I really should go to Corinth and visit Iphicles. He needs to know what's happening and I want to be the one to tell him. He shouldn't have to hear from someone else that I'm pregnant...with his kids."

And just as he knew Dite would do, she graced him with a  blindingly lovely smile and nodded her head. That was what she had *really* wanted anyway. And he did too. In a nervous sort of way. He could handle being rejected by the King of Corinth...but it would break his heart if Iphicles rejected their children too.

As if reading his mind, the Love Goddess's smile softened and she reached out to rub his arm with one small hand.

"Don't worry Ar. Iphy's a good man. This might be a huge shock to him right at first, but he'll get over that. Once he does, he'll realize what a wonderful thing it truly is."

Ares could only hope she was right.


King Iphicles of Corinth was in the royal bedchambers getting washed up and dressed for dinner. Some people had thought it odd that he would need to do so since he rarely got dirty or sweaty during the day, but he needed that time to unwind. While his days were not physically strenuous, they were very demanding in an intellectual and emotional way. Trying to thwart the mechanisms of various scheming factions all looking for his favor, sitting judgment on civil cases and just generally making all the hard decisions was very tiring. He used that brief hour between his last official business of the day and the more social atmosphere of the evening to allow his mind to relax and his emotions to settle.

And it was into this soothing and calming routine that chaos burst into his private rooms in the form of the God of War. He was in the process of lacing up his leather pants when he saw the flash of light, smelled the scent of burnt ozone and heard his name being spoken in that deep smoky voice. Grinning, he had turned to look just in time to watch his lover turn green, spin around and get sick into a nearby potted plant.

Iphicles was so shocked at seeing his lover throw up that at first he merely stood there staring. It wasn't until Ares wiped his mouth and muttered a soft, "Note to self. Transporting is now nauseating." that he was jolted out of his stunned reverie.

"*Ares!* Are you okay?"

The War God looked over at him, smiled wanly and nodded. However, he didn't look so good to the King. Iphicles began to walk over to him so that he could help him to the nearest chair when the sound of racing footsteps came charging down the hall towards his rooms. That noise made Iphicles realize that he had shouted out his lover's name...and inadvertently alerted his other visitors as to his presence. Glancing up towards his bedroom door, Iphicles winced.

"Shit. Here comes Hercules. I'm sorry. He must have heard me say your name."

In confusion at the lack of instant violence and aggression, the King of Corinth watched as his lover went bright red, pasty white and then bright red again. At that point, Ares face simply settled into one of resigned annoyance and frustration as he began to talk to, apparently, himself.

"That's just great! Little brother is here to mess up my plans again. Why am I not surprised? He's a plague. Worse than a plague. I mean, I can't even pop in to tell my lover I'm pregnant with his kids without that idiotic bonehead rushing in to screw things up!"

Iphicles mind seized up and all higher brain functions came to a screeching halt.

"Pre...pregnant? You?, um... kids?"

Ares turned and looked right into his eyes, his face completely open for once and Iphicles thought he would fall into those deep dark orbs. Then Ares looked away almost shyly, his cheeks a faint
rosy blush.

"Um...yeah. Twins."

Iphicles didn't know what to say or what to do. Pregnant? He hadn't even realized that Gods could, you know...get that way. The thought had never even entered his mind. However, he didn't get a chance to find out what he would or would not have said, because at that point, his bedroom doors blew open to reveal Hercules and Iolaus.


The lovers turned to stare at the two heroes who had just burst into the room. They had both obviously been caught dressing for dinner as well, since they, like Iphicles, were only partially dressed. Iolaus' pants were undone and he didn't have on his vest. Hercules shirt was untied and untucked and he was only wearing one boot. The other was in his hand and he brandished it like a weapon.

The two stalked into the room, each wearing their own version of the War God's normal growling scowl. Some clinical part of Iphicles shell-shocked mind absently noted that neither of them did that expression half as well as his lover. Who was now the expectant mother(?) of his soon-to-be-born children.

Unable to move, Iphicles watched as Hercules strode right up to Ares and snarled in his face. Hercules waved his boot threateningly and Ares skin took on a greenish hue.

"What are you doing here? Up to no good, I'm sure!"

Iphicles ignored his half-brother in favor of his lover, who was looking even worse now than he had moments ago. With a flash of insight, he was just about to dash off for a basin...or even the unfortunate plant still in the corner at least, but Ares made the effort unnecessary. Without saying a word, the War God snatched Hercules boot right out of his hand and threw up the rest of the contents of his stomach inside of it. As soon as he was finished, he flashed a weary and still slightly woozy smile and offered Hercules his boot back.


Iphicles sighed softly as he took in the worried looks on the faces of the two guards who were standing outside of his private suite of rooms. He knew both of them personally, as well as professionally, and as such, he could see that they were not only waiting for his notorious younger half-brother to cause some sort of commotion, but they were also worried about *him* on a wholly different level.

Iphicles knew himself well enough to realize that he was in the grips of emotional shock and was most likely pale. Slight tremors shook his hands slightly and he was probably wild about the eyes, but did he really look that bad? If the expressions on his guards faces were anything to go by, then yes, he *did* look that bad.

However, as King of Corinth, he had long since learned to let the analytical part of his mind take control when the rest of him was a gibbering mess. And right now, he was going to be relying on that skill heavily.

"Clatious. Please go down to the kitchen and inform the Head Chef that I will be dining in my rooms tonight. Please have him send up four main courses as well as a variety of side dishes. Oh, and deliver it yourself. No one else is to come into this hallway for the remainder of the night.

After you've spoken to him, go to Ritolicous and ask him to convey my apologies to the courtiers. I have some... important family issues that need to be addressed tonight."

Clatious gave Iphicles a long searching look before he snapped to attention.

"Yes your Majesty."

Iphicles merely nodded slightly as the large man who had been one of his personal guards since the day he had ascended the throne turned and marched off down the hallway. Then he turned to the other guard, Hanicles.

"I'm going to rely on you and Clatious to not repeat anything you might hear coming from beyond these doors. The only reason I'm not sending you both away completely is that I'm not sure how bad things are going to go. I am not to be disturbed for any reason other than the castle falling down around our heads. If I yell out your name, turn and run. Begin the Palace Evacuation Procedure that we set up last year. Get everyone clear of the area as soon as possible."

Hanicles swallowed and went slightly pale at those last words.

"Yes your Majesty. you really think it'll come to that?"

Iphicles sighed and glanced back at the door leading into his private suite of rooms where his lover and his half-brother awaited him.

"I certainly hope not."


It hadn't taken very long for the palace servants to bring them a bunch of food and to set a lavish dinner atop a heavy polished table in one of Iphicles' rooms. He managed to bite off his normal comments about the richness and luxury of eating such fine and bounteous fair while many people were starving, not to mention a full staff of servants; in favor of glaring at Ares.

Normally his younger half-brother would ignore those comments, most likely brushing them aside as another example of him 'not understanding', but that wasn't why Hercules held his tongue. He
didn't want to give Ares any reason to 'side with Iphicles' and thus act as a wedge between him and the Corinthian King. Their relationship was strained enough.

Instead, Hercules fumed as he watched his Godly half-brother practically gorge himself on the food laid out before them. The War God was practically insatiable, mumbling around mouthfuls
that he couldn't believe how much energy he'd been expending recently and that because of that energy expenditure he was constantly starving.

That worried the People's Hero. What devious plan could his dark and evil brother be working on that it would drain him so much? That it would literally leave him sick to his stomach one moment
and ravenously hungry the next? And why did this plan involve Iphicles?

His good mood had been shattered earlier with the arrival of Ares to the castle. His instant anger had been shocked out of him when Ares then proceeded to empty his stomach. In his stunned state of mind, Hercules had been talked into sitting down to super with his family so that Ares could 'explain' what was happening. Now that his initial surprise was wearing off, his bad mood was returning. Of course, it didn't help that Iolaus kept glancing down at his bootless feet and giggling madly. After all, the least the blonde hunter could do was try and snicker quietly. Right?

Finally deciding that brooding while watching the War God stuff his face was getting nowhere, Hercules figured that it was time to push the issue. Picking up his mug of watered-down wine, he addressed his dark half-brother.

"Okay Ares. Enough waiting. You promised that you would explain why you were here bothering Iphicles, and don't deny that you've upset him, I can see it in his eyes."

Hercules watched an odd expression flicker across Ares face. On anyone else he would have said it was vulnerability, but he highly doubted that the War God was even capable of such as emotion. And since that look disappeared so quickly, Hercules passed it off as Ares gathering his thoughts.
"Fine. I guess it's only fair that you hear it from me personally, although I'm sure that the rest of the family would all love to tell you anyway. If for no other reason than to use your gratitude as a weapon against me."

Hercules frowned slightly. What was Ares babbling about? His family didn't use him as a tool or a weapon. His hatred and distrust of Ares was all his own. Wasn't it? Ares cleared his throat, pulling the People's Hero from his inner thoughts.

"It's quite simple actually. I'm pregnant with twins. Demi-Gods, to be exact. Iphicles here was the one who sired them on me. So, it looks like you're going to be an Uncle again."

The world suddenly seemed very surreal and disjointed. Random thoughts bounced and pinged around his head without rhyme or reason. He was vaguely aware that he had gone completely still, his hand held completely motionless in the air. Only his mouth moved, flapping open and closed, although no words left him. For in truth, he had no clue *what* to say. Not to *that*.

Iphicles, however, did have a question.

"Ares? How?... I mean, I don't understand how it's possible for you to become pregnant. Not that I doubt your word, aren't exactly plumbed for this, you know?"

Hercules watched as Ares turned to Iphicles. His smile seemed... different somehow. There was still the understated amusement that he was used to, but it also seemed softer somehow. It was missing that trademark harshness he was used to seeing. Idly, Hercules wondered if it was due to Iphicles, or the twins. He pushed *that* thought aside quickly, not sure which idea disturbed him more; the thought of Ares with children or Ares and Iphicles making love...together.

"That's an understandable question, but the answer isn't really simple and clear cut. Gods *appear* to look like mortals while in physical form, but we're not. Not really. Our physical bodies can do lots of things that mortals can't. Even Herc here has talents that mortals don't and he's only half-god. However, *this* particular ability is not something all Gods and Demi-Gods share. Only the sons of Zeus are able to get pregnant without any outside assistance."

"What do you mean 'outside assistance'? Are you saying others can do this with help?"

Ares shrugged and smiled at his other half-brother.

"Sort of. Any God can surrogate, carry a child in his body. Well, as long as the child was conceived within another. Only the sons of Zeus can conceive a child. Like Apollo did, like I'm now doing."

Hercules wasn't sure how to handle this information. To make matters worse, besides the shock of hearing all of this, he was feeling conflicted about it. Part of him was thrilled. He was excited about the prospect of being an uncle to Iphicles' children. Ever since Rena had died, he had felt terrible for his half-brother because his dreams of being a father had died with her. For Iphicles, he was happy.

But Ares?

The entire idea of Ares having or raising children, however, was a whole different matter. He was assaulted by visions of innocence being corrupted and destroyed by his evil half-brother. Abuse and neglect also featured large in his mind. Granted, every one of Ares' Godly children never uttered a single word against Ares as a father, but still... Hercules just couldn't envision his most hated brother as being a good parent. Ever.

That's when he was completely jolted out of his inner turmoil by a hard smack to his arm and a loud indignant voice yelling in his ear.

"Dammit Herc! Why didn't you ever *say* anything about this!? Huh? Why, Herc!?"

He turned to face Iolaus just as the hunter's face went pale and then red with anger.

"Is *that* why you never let me top?!"


Ares leaned back in his chair as he watched his annoying lunkhead of a half-brother and his little pet mortal dash out of Iphicles' suite and back to their own rooms, yelling at each other the entire way. Idly, he wondered if the discordant and chaotic energy and emotions pouring off of the Demi-God and his lover were as nurturing to the spirit of Strife as an unborn Demi-God as it had been to him as the fully-grown God of Mischief.

He figured that he should check with his mother and brother. Ares had weekly appointments with them so that they could monitor the  progress of his pregnancy. It was only good sense that he find out which activities would help or harm his unborn children. That way he would know what to avoid...and what to encourage.

His hand unconsciously rubbing at his still flat abdomen, Ares glanced over at his lover. Iphicles was a very beautiful man, much like their shared half-brother. Ares figured that both of them owed their handsome looks more to their mother than either of their fathers.

While it was Iphicles' beauty that had originally attracted Ares to him, it was what was inside of the mortal that had kept his attention. The King of Corinth had many interesting and fascinating qualities that had allowed their relationship to flourish beyond mutual lust and bonding over the fact that the Demi-God had managed to overshadow them in both of their parent's eyes.

Iphicles was intelligent, loyal, practical and not afraid to make the difficult decisions that all leaders eventually faced. He had a  deprecating sense of humor that often had morbid undertones and he was his own worse critic. Unlike the half-brother they shared, the King of Corinth faced his own personal failings head on instead of shifting the blame to the Gods.

All in all, Ares had a great deal of respect for him and more than just a little affection. And as such, Iphicles deserved to know the rest of the story.

Standing, Ares reached out a hand to his lover, his heart beating madly in his chest as he waited for Iphicles to take it. After a brief pause, the King took his hand and Ares pulled him up out of the chair and away from the remains of dinner.

"Come on. Let's go sit down in the other room for a moment."

Guiding Iphicles into the next room, he sat his lover down on a big overstuffed chair and then sat down across from him on a low divan. Sprawling out slightly to get comfortable, Ares waited silently while Iphicles finished fidgeting.

"There's more to this pregnancy than meets the eye, Iph. As the twin's sire, you have the right to know. Normally, this whole thing wouldn't even be an issue. I'm usually too careful for this to happen. But there wasn't anything I could do to prevent this."

Iphicles looked up at him sharply. Ares watched as his lover tried to push aside his swirling emotions in order to listen attentively. That was another quality that Ares had always admired, his lover's ability to focus on what was important, no matter what else was distracting him.

"It's all Hades' fault."

Confusion and jealousy(?) swarmed over Iphicles' features and Ares hastened to explain.

"You see, he judged a soul worthy for rebirth. One of my worshippers, in fact. However, while this man was being sent back to the mortal realm, back to life... something unexpected happened. My nephew Strife interfered with the ritual in such a way as to *also* be reborn."

Iphicles' lips formed a slight frown as his mind tried to process all that he was hearing.

"Strife? The God of Mischief?"

Ares nodded and grinned with pride.

"Yeah. The little sneak managed to find a way to get sucked back to the mortal realm along with my worshipper. One mortal soul and one godly soul, entwined as twins. In order to have them *both* be reborn, they needed to be Demi-Gods. Mortal blood to sustain the mortal soul and godly blood to sustain the godly soul."

Iphicles gestured between himself and Ares.

"And these two souls choose *us* to be their new parents?"

Ares nodded.

"Yes. That's basically how it worked. Hades thinks that they were both drawn to me due to my past relationship with them, but *we*... you and I, provided them with the physical materials needed. Our timing for wild sweaty sex was... perfect, so to speak. They took advantage of it and they will be reborn as *our* children."

Ares waited patiently as his lover tried to absorb it all. He could practically hear the thoughts swirling around inside the King's head. Finally, Iphicles turned back to gaze at Ares.

"Will...will they be the same? As before, I mean. Or will they be different this time?"

Ares frowned as he considered this question. He knew that the actually mechanics were important to his lover, but he also realized right away that the *real* fear Iphicles had was if the twins would *really* be his children or not, and that gave Ares hope. Hope that Iphicles wasn't going to reject them.

"They'll both be different. The mortal soul was originally Joxer, my daughter Xena's friend. He'll be a Demi-God now, so right there is a *big* change. Also, he won't have any memories of his original life beyond some vivid dreams and what Hades calls deja- vu. That's when a person thinks something new feels familiar, but can't recall or explain why.

As for Strife, he'll also be a Demi-God, not a full God, so once again, that's different. Hades seems to think that as Strife gets older, he might begin to recall his old life, but as he won't be reborn a God, no one is sure how much or how clearly his memories will return.

Not only that, neither of them had very good or happy lives the first time around. We can change that. We can ensure that this time they both have *good* childhoods."

At that, Iphicles glanced at him sharply once more. Ares felt his lover's emotions swell up in a tumult of conflicting urges and extremes. The War God knew, better than most, that the King of Corinth had his own personal demons and inner scars to bear. And this whole situation poked and prodded at a majority of them.

What's more, Ares was also aware that it was simply a lot of information to take in and digest. He had known for a while now and was just at the point of being comfortable with it himself. Now, Iphicles would need that same time. Time to understand intellectually and emotionally. Time to let all his swirling thoughts play across his mind, time to be able to accept.


His lover looked up. Confusion hovered on the surface of his eyes.

"I know this is... difficult. Trust me, I had to have my mother and uncle confront me with it not that long ago. I'm going to go now. Think about all that we've discussed and all that I've said. I'll be back within one week to talk. I'll answer any other questions you might have and we'll decide what we need to do next. Okay?"
The King of Corinth offered a weak and wobbly smile, then nodded. Smiling back, Ares flexed his powers and transported himself back to his Temple on Olympus.

Where he promptly threw up his dinner into a Grecian Helm.


Cupid flashed into his father's Olympian Temple and looked around. He didn't see the War God anywhere around, yet the Love God knew that he was there because of the energy signature he could feel in the air. A tiny frown on his handsome face, Cupid turned down the main hallway towards the less public rooms.

After a few brief moments of searching various rooms, Cupid found Ares in his small private dinning room. The War God was sitting down at his table and staring into a silver goblet with obvious mistrust on his face. Cupid instantly smelled roses and lemon and then noted that the smoke bubbling up out of it was pale green in color. He cringed in sympathy.

"Hey Dad. That one of Mom's potions?"

Ares let out a soft and pitiful sigh that practically *screamed* 'why me?' into the silent room. It was all Cupid could do not to snicker. Instead, he bit the inside of his cheek and walked around the table to sit across from his sire.

"You should drink it...whatever it is. Mom's potions never taste good, but they *always* work great."

The War God glared at the merrily smoking goblet and grunted in grudgingly admitted agreement. However, he *did* grab up the silver cup, screw his eyes tightly shut and quickly swallow it all down. Then he inadvertently entertained Cupid by spending the next ten minutes making hilarious faces and inventing new and interesting profanity on the spot.

Finally, Ares recovered enough from the lingering aftertastes of the Love Goddess' potion for Cupid to broach the topic he had come to talk to his father about.

"So... Dad. It's been several days since you've told the good news to Iphy and Uncle Herc... but you haven't talked to Xena yet. Have you?"

Just as he had expected, Ares' head shot up and the War God glared suspiciously at him. It wasn't easy for Cupid to not appear smug at how he could predict his father's actions. However, this was too important to blow it over something that trivial.

"What do you care about it?"

Cupid crossed his arms across his chest and glared back. Anyone watching would have been amused to see how much they resembled each other right at that moment.

"Why *wouldn't* I care? After all, she *is* my *sister*! She's going to be the *twins* sister too!"

Ares sputtered, but Cupid knew that there was no real reason *not* to tell Xena. He also knew that he was right, she *did* deserve to find out from Ares. However, Ares and Xena's relationship was strained at best, non-existent at worse. The Love God was aware that things between father and daughter had been quiet lately, their last parting on almost good terms, and as such, Ares probably didn't want to disturb the status-quo.

The thing was, Cupid knew his half-mortal sister well enough to know that she would be angry and hurt if she found out about their father's pregnancy at some random Inn or from some nameless warlord. The news had to come from Ares, or the closet possible relative, which was *him*. While he didn't mind telling her, he would prefer it if Ares himself told Xena.

And that meant pulling out the big guns to get the War God to do what he wanted. Guilt.

"After all, it's not like we can go visit our *other* brother. And *no* I don't mean Demios and Phobos. You know that Xena doesn't get along with either one of them, and frankly, neither do I. And let's face it, even if Xena lives long enough to die of old age, she *still* won't be around when Harmonia is finally old enough to leave Olympus and visit the Mortal Realm."

Cupid sat there, calmly waiting for his father to realize what he was talking about. Or rather, *who*. There was only one other of Ares' children still alive.

The War God's face became haunted for a long moment, and when he spoke, it was with an oddly soft and sorrowful voice.


A mini-flash of guilt streaked through Cupid at the obvious pain that name still invoked in his father, but he had no choice. Ares would never see his point unless he was reminded of how much it hurt to be cut out of a child's life.

"You know that Nemesis won't even let me and Bliss visit him, right? Well, it's the same for Xena, even though she knows that they are brother and sister."

Ares' frown deepened and he growled with anger.

"What?! That's ridiculous! Xena would rather cut off her own hand before she hurt her brother!"

Cupid nodded his head in complete agreement. There were some things about his mortal sister that drove him batty, but her devotion to the safety of children wasn't one of them.

"I know. That's what I'm talking about here. You need to tell her. Soon! She has to know that even though you and her might not always see eye to eye, she's still a part of our family."

Cupid then offered up a truly wicked smirk.

"Besides, you might need her to baby-sit sometime."


Static electricity shimmered through the air and Xena felt the little hairs on the back of her neck stand instantly on end. Standing up from her seat by the fire, she drew her sword and twirled around. A mere heartbeat later, a sizzling cascade of red-tinged energy sparks appeared before her. Seconds later, her father was standing in their place. Tightening her grip on her sword, she planted her feet solidly on the ground and challenged him.

"Ares! What do you want?!"

The War God, however, wasn't really paying any attention to her. In fact, he looked sort of... ill. But the Gods didn't get sick, did they? Xena lowered her sword slightly and peered closely at her father.

Ares was swaying slightly on his feet and his forehead had broken out in a fine sheen of sweat. His normally bronzed skin seemed to be alternating between pasty white, and then a faintly greenish hue. Neither look was very attractive. The War God clutched at his stomach and a mild flicker of panic raced across his features only to be replaced by one of extreme shock... and then pleasure.

Finally, his color evening out, he stood up straight, took a few big droughts of air into his lungs, and chuckled in what seemed to be amazement.

"Well, what do you know? 'Dite's potion actually *worked*. No psychedelic yawn this time!"

Confusion and suspicion battled within the Warrior Princess. Ares was acting very un-Ares like.

"Xena? What is Ares talking about?"

Xena risked a glance over to her lover and shrugged slightly. Gabrielle was holding her staff in a defensive stance behind and to the left of Xena, but her face spoke eloquently of her distaste for the dark haired and dark eyed God. Xena silently agreed with that opinion.

"What I'm talking about is not throwing up. Again! I've been tossing my cookies all over Greece for about four days now. It's not as fun as it might sound, let me tell you."

Xena blinked in astonishment. Apparently she'd been correct in assuming that Ares was sick. But how? She was about to ask when she was cut off by a flurry of giggles from Gabrielle.

"Tossing your cookies? Oh my... That's... that's..."

Then the bard broke out into even harder laughter. Xena couldn't help but share the humor, just a bit, so she smirked at her father. Ares on the other hand, just glared at them both.

"It's *not* funny you know? It's a perfectly *natural* symptom! Ask Xena, she knows."

That sounded a bit more serious to Xena. She didn't know that God's could get sick, but she *did* remember when Ares had lost his sword. If this illness would affect his powers to control the world's aggression, she wanted to know. Maybe she could do something to stop chaos from erupting.

"Symptoms? Symptoms of *what*, Ares? Are you sick? Did you catch some God-disease or something?"
Somehow, her father managed to look shocked, offended and amused all at once. Some vaguely cynical part of her mind dryly wondered how he did that. Right before his answer knocked the breath out of her lungs.

"Sick? No, I'm not sick. Don't be silly. I'm pregnant!"

For a second, Xena felt her heart stop beating and then suddenly, her blood was pounding in her ears and she feared that she was going to faint dead away. She gasped and panted for breath violently for a moment, but then slowly, ever so slowly, she began to calm down and the world settled back into focus.

That's when she heard it. Wild hysterical ribald laughter echoing throughout the entire forest. Turning her head, she was greeted with the sight of her lover lying down on the ground, tears of mirth streaming from her eyes as she gasped and hiccupped past her giggles and chuckles.

Ares growled low in his throat, the menacing sound an odd counterpoint to Gabrielle's hilarity.

"It's *not* funny!"

Xena tended to agree with her father for once. This was very serious. She didn't understand why her lover found it so funny. Did she think Ares was lying? She knew her father wasn't to be trusted about most things, but he was *always* serious about his children.

Finally, the blonde Amazon calmed down enough to be able to speak.

"Yes. Yes it *is* funny. A *pregnant* God! Whoever heard of such a thing?"

And that's when Xena realized that Gabrielle didn't understand the truth. Turning, she sheathed her sword and reached down to pull her giggling lover back to her feet.

"Gabrielle, *Zeus* can get pregnant and give birth, you *know* that."

Gabrielle's laughter trailed off suddenly and her eyes began to open wide as Xena spoke to her with a quiet and intense voice.

"So can his sons."

Her lover's mouth formed a silent "O". Turning back to face her father, she gave him a pained and embarrassed expression.

"I... I... I'm happy for you Ares, but I have to say, this is quite a shock."

She watched a slight frown of confusion wash over her father's face.

"A shock? Why? You obviously knew that it was possible for me to get pregnant. Why didn't you think it could happen? You don't honestly think that I'd not have lovers, did you?"

Xena grimaced. She could feel the wash of embarrassment deepen and turn her cheeks warm, but she pushed it away.

"I never doubted that you had lovers, Ares. You've probably got an entire stable of men and women fawning for your attention. I just never thought you'd be in... uh... *that* position. You know. To *get* pregnant. You gotta admit, you're not the submissive type."

Ares snorted in what could have been either amusement or disgust. It was sometimes hard to tell.

Suddenly, Gabrielle's eyes got very very wide and she clamped a hand over her mouth and turned bright red. Then, she pulled her hand away only to smack Xena in the arm with it.

"Agh! Mental images! Mental images! *Way* too much information! Bad Xena! Bad, bad, bad!"

Then it was Ares who was laughing loudly, and even she couldn't help but smirk at Gabrielle's reaction. It was kinda cute and funny after all.

Finally, Ares laughter fell away and his face became serious once again. Xena could tell by his look that it was important. She tried to glare at him, but the idea of being a big sister had grabbed a hold of her brain and she couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"What Ares? There's more, I can tell. Just spill it."

After a pause, her father shrugged slightly and made a vague gesture.

"Two things actually. One. I'm pregnant with twins. Two. Hades judged a soul worthy of rebirth and one of the twins *is* that soul. He'll be different and he probably won't remember much, if any, of his previous life, but..."

Ares stopped, suddenly cautious, as if the news wouldn't be handled very well. Silently, Xena tried to encourage him by nodding and smiling.

"Well. The reincarnated soul of one of the twins is your friend. Joxer."

Xena felt as if she'd been sucker punched in the gut. Guilt and pain and grief lashed through her like a poison coated whip. Stumbling, she lost her balance and suddenly found herself sitting on the hard ground.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered Gabrielle's shocked squeal of their dead friend's name and then her subsequent fussing and mothering over the War God. It would have been funny at any other time to see her lover treat Ares as if he were made of brittle glass and it was her sacred duty to protect him. However, right now she was simply too busy trying to desperately process all she had just learned.

Her father was pregnant.

With twins.

One of which was the reincarnation of Joxer.

Joxer whom she'd failed to protect.

Joxer, who would now be her younger sibling.

She was going to be Joxer's sister.

It was that last thought that broke through Xena's mental and emotional fog. The vague sense of unease and depression that had dogged her these last six months was suddenly lifted and the air
seemed sweeter and life was once more a joy, instead of a chore.

She was going to be Joxer's sister.

Smiling widely, Xena looked over to see a confused and slightly frightened look on her father's face as Gabrielle fussed about him, badgering him with a dozen and a half questions about his health, even as she demanded to know what she could do to help Joxer be reborn.

And it was only with the greatest of restraints that she kept herself from jumping up and dancing around the campfire while singing to the stars, 'I'm gonna be a sister, I'm gonna be a sister.' over and over again.


Thanatos shifted his leathery wings slightly in the still air, stirring up both dust and the ash from when he had burned frankincense earlier. His forked tongue slithered out between his razor sharp teeth in a silent giggle. His pale eyes crinkled with mirth, Thanatos watched in his scrying mirror as Ares battled with a queasy stomach when the War God translocated into the King of Corinth's

Death Incarnate had been one of Ares' occasional co-workers ever since the Olympian had taken  up his Sword and his duties. In fact, he had been charged with teaching the younger God several aspects of War and Violence, specifically, those things that involved the death of both warriors and innocents. Over time, they had become a sort of friends and from there, their relationship morphed into that of lovers.

Thanatos was well aware that they couldn't have any intimate contact now that the War God was with child. The Demi-Gods would never survive his touch. However, as much as he would miss curling up against Ares' heavily muscled body, it would be more than worth that sacrifice. Strife would be reborn. And any sacrifice, any pain or loss, would be worth the return of his best friend.

Wearing a soft smile that none would believe he was capable of, Thanatos watched and listened as Ares and Iphicles sat down to a cozy candlelight dinner for two. The lovers talked about the twins and what they would grow to become.

Death Incarnate was almost as thrilled as the War God when Iphicles made it clear that he had never had any intentions of rejecting his children, that he wanted them, not just to know he was their sire, but *in* his life. As Demi-Gods, the children would be welcome on Olympus, but couldn't *live* there permanently, so Iphicles wanted them to live with him in his palace in his Heirs.

Ares went on to explain that many of the Gods and Goddesses, especially those of the Houses of War and Love, were pushing for Zeus to allow them to have Ambrosia after they were born, so that they would be full Gods. The War God went on to say that he didn't think that would happen since the other Houses were against that idea. They weren't thrilled with the return of the Mischief God even in Demi-God form, let alone offering him back his true Godhood.

Iphicles frowned and began asking if the other Gods would try to hurt the children, but Thanatos knew that would never happen. Zeus' law would protect them and fear of Ares' wrath and vengeance would stay even the most rabid hands.

It was other concerns that captured Death's attention. If the twins were refused Ambrosia, then *he* could never ever touch them. Even if they were gifted with immortality, his touch would be harmful to them, not fatal perhaps, but definitely painful. And that was not something he wanted to have happen. He had risked too much to insure his best friend would have a change to get his greatest wish, and he wasn't willing to give up on him or lose him altogether.

Then a nasty evil horrible and absolutely *delightful* thought entered his devious mind.

If Zeus refused the twins *Ambrosia* then they would never become Gods of Olympus... however, Ambrosia was *not* the only way to become a God... only an *Olympian* God... He himself had access to *Blood Wine*, which was what gave *Asphodelian* Gods their power and strength.

An evil and merciless gleam in his pale eyes, Death Incarnate smiled a shark's grin at his scrying mirror and the image of the lovers that it showed him. He would give Zeus a fair chance to do the right thing... and if he didn't, it was okay. Thanatos had a back-up plan.


Iolaus walked behind Hercules, a scowl on his normally sunny face. He was still angry with his lover and had refused to even share a bedroll with the Demi-God, let alone a kiss. The only reason he was even with the big idiot was because it had been painfully clear that Hercules was upsetting Iphicles. So, Iolaus had taken Hercules off to find Xena under the pretext that she needed to know what was happening.

Now, here they were, just topping a rise that gave them a perfect view of the two women below. Both of them were smiling and Gabrielle was, as always, chattering away at top speed. Suddenly, Xena stiffened and looked up, but when she saw that it was them, she visibly relaxed and waved them forward.

Iolaus was relieved that they found them so quickly. The air between he and his lover was almost unbearably tense and it was his hope that this would provide a much-needed distraction so that tempers could calm down and fences could be mended. Feeling a smile stretch his face for the first time in several days, Iolaus veered around Hercules and bounded down the slight hill.

Gabrielle, as bubbly as ever, dashed away from Xena and Argo to meet Iolaus halfway. The hunter suddenly found himself caught up in a huge hug even as his ear was pierced by a high-pitched shriek of pure happiness. Before he could get his bearings, the bard pulled back and grasped his hands. Then she danced him around and around in a dizzying circle.

"Oh! Did you *hear* the news?! Xena's gonna be a big sister and it's someone *special*!"

Iolaus was about to answer her when Hercules voice cut through her excited babbling.

"We heard. And it's a *lie*! You should both know better than to trust Ares. I can't believe you two fell for his story! There's no babies on the way, he's just saying all that to try and hurt *me*! His lies have managed to tear Iolaus from me and I won't even go  into all of the things that *Iphicles* said to me. Ares just wants to see me hurt and he wants control of Corinth's Army. You've *got* to see that."


However, whatever else he was going to say to his longtime friend and lover was cut off by the suddenly furious blonde woman that he had just been dancing with. Even Xena appeared stunned by her reaction.

Gabrielle had pulled away from his hands, gripped her staff tightly in both fists and swung it in a low sweep, knocking the startled Demi-God off his feet and onto his ass. The long staff has swirled around in her hands, it's twin tips whistling in the air, only to come to a jarring stop, one end slamming into Hercules' stomach. His breath whooshed out of his lungs violently.


"Shut up and listen up!"

Iolaus blinked in shock. Rarely could anyone bring Hercules down and the fact that Gabrielle *could* was both unexpected and unnerving. How much had they all underestimated the bard simply because she didn't *like* to get violent?

"Don't you *dare* do anything to disturb Ares *or* his unborn children!"

Hercules began to sputter. Iolaus didn't blame him, he was surprised at her vehemence as well. Gabrielle had *never* had a good relationship with the War God. However, the bard didn't give any of them time to question her before she was off on her diatribe.

"Don't ever forget that I *am* Queen of the Grecian Amazons. Just because I rarely use that power does *not* mean that it doesn't exist. If you go against Ares, I will call down a Blood Hunt on you the likes of which have *never* been seen before. I will also invoke our recent treaty and alliance with the Centaurs, sending *them* after your head as well. I will do *anything* to protect and ensure Joxer's Rebirth! Do you understand?!?!"

Her last question had been screamed and punctuated with another slam of her staff into Hercules abdomen. Turning, the blonde bard swirled away, stomping off the path to go calm herself down. Iolaus stunned eyes tracked from his lover lying in pain on the ground up to Xena who sat in astonished stillness upon Argo's back.

"Uh... Xena? What was *that* all about?"

Sadness suddenly washed over the Warrior Princess' face and a haunted look entered her bright blue eyes. With a long look in the direction Gabrielle had marched, Xena sighed once and then turned to face him.

"About six months ago Joxer finally found the courage to confess his love for Gabrielle. He knew that she and I were lovers, but he wanted her to know. His idea was that, if he could sit down and talk to her about it, maybe he would be able to put his feelings for her into perspective... so that he could learn to love someone else. Instead, they ended up in a huge fight, yelling and screaming at each other. It was... bad. Very bad."

Iolaus swallowed hard, a sinking feeling in his gut. He had an idea where this was going, and it was not a nice place.

"Finally, I demanded that they stop fighting. That they either find some way to work it out or that they separate. Gabrielle agreed that was a good idea, that perhaps if they had time apart to think on things, that they could work things out. So, Joxer left our camp. He said he would head towards the nearest village and wait for us to catch up."

Xena's voice hitched slightly and Iolaus was suddenly certain of what she was going to say next. It didn't make it any easier to hear, though.

"The very next morning, Gabrielle felt awful about the whole thing. She told me that she had blown everything way out of proportion and that she wanted to apologize to Joxer. She could see now that he *wasn't* trying to come between the two of us, that he wished us well. He just wanted help to find that same type of love for himself.

So, we set off to the town he said that he'd wait for us in. We found his body about one hundred feet from the village borders. Apparently, he had been attacked by bandits before he even got there and they had killed him."

Iolaus had an epiphany at that point and he suddenly understood why the bard was so willing to throw away all her ideals regarding peace and non-violence.

"Gabrielle is waiting for Joxer to be reborn so that she can protect him and love him in a way she never could before, isn't she?"

Xena's grim visage softened and she smiled slightly.

"Yeah. She's been babbling for days about being 'Aunt Gabby' and being able to baby-sit for him."

Iolaus shared a smile with Xena, thoughts and images of the blonde bard running around after toddler aged Joxer and Strife dancing in his mind. Then as one, they both turned to look down at Hercules where he still sat upon the ground. The Demi-God was scowling in anger and annoyance.

Iolaus sighed.


END: Death's Gift II

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