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Archive Warning:
Part 1 of Roommates
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Oh Where Oh Where


Summary: The search begins for a new roommate.
Author's Note: Circa 1992, two months after Dorothy moved out.

Work Text:

Oh Where, Oh Where.
by Lopaka Tanu


"Thank you, we'll be in touch." Smiling as she closed the door, Blanche let it slip the moment it was shut. "Like hell!" She turned to glare at Rose. "I thought you said this one was a keeper."

"She was, a light house keeper." Rose had to frown at her own words. "I guess I forgot to mention that part. I know, bad Rose." She smacked her hand holding the clipboard.

"Forget it." Picking up her teacup, Sophia swirled the contents around. It wouldn't do to let the vodka settle at the bottom. "We've still got three more people to interview today."

Putting a hand to her face, Blanche groaned. "Oh, god."

Sophia clapped her hands at Blanche to chastise her. "Hey! That's exactly why the last one moved out."

"Don't start with me, old woman. I've had a splitting headache ever since Ms. Sunshine started to play her Tambourine and burn that horrible incense." She cast another glare at Rose.

Much to her credit, Rose kept her head down. There was already enough tension in the room. Checking the information sheet from the rental agency, she looked for anything that might disqualify the next applicant. "Wow, there sure are a lot of stipulations on this next one. I thought we said no high-maintenance."

"We did." Checking her own copy, Sophia frowned. "How did this one get by the agent?"

"I approved her." Blanche's tone indicated there would be no arguing with her Royal Highness. Adjusting her shirt over her bra strap, she gently eased herself down in to a chair. "She and I have a lot of things in common, I figure it's time to have someone around here who knows my pain."

This made Sophia roll her eyes. "Knows it, we can hear it every night at precisely ten."

"That's strange." Raising her head, Rose frowned at the girls. "It used to be later. What's the matter, Blanche, is your back bothering you again?"

Touched, Blanche nodded with a warm smile. "It's just a minor spasm. The doctor said it will go away if I keep seeing my physical therapist." Realizing what she said, she raised her pencil to point at Sophia. "Not a word."

Mouth half open, Sophia shook her head and looked to Rose. Before she could make a comment, the doorbell chimed. This caused her jaw to drop. "It's like a conspiracy."

Chuckling, Rose stood up. "I'll get this one. You gals prepare your opening questions." She glanced over her shoulder with a big smile. "I already have mine and it's a doozy."

This caused the other women to close their eyes.


THE END..................

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