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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Coffee Break


Londo is jonesing for...

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Coffee Break


The coffee supply had dried up three weeks ago and Londo was not doing well with the chicory substitute that Rebecca had managed to scrounge up somewhere. James had found this vile state of affairs something to give himself a great deal of amusement and served up great heaping helpings of coffee topics.  Londo had never known, or cared to know so damn much about his precious life-giving brew, so this afternoon when James had begun yet another fountain of little known coffee trivia, Londo broke.

His cup of tepid chicory sailed at James' head with deadly accuracy, only missing him by scant millimeters. James was nothing if not agile on his feet...or in this case seat.

Growling his displeasure, Londo bolted from his own hard backed chair and stalked across the bunker.

Owen plucked him up in his arms and slammed him backwards into the wall, getting nose to nose with the smaller man and pining him with hard eyes.  "Where the hell do you think you're going, Londo?"


"Out?" Owen repeated softly. "Out where?"

Londo scowled, his angry frustration burning through his common sense. "Around."

A smile ghosted over Owen's lips, but failed to touch his eyes. "Too dangerous."

Londo snorted. "Like I care."

Owen's knuckles brushed Londo's cheek, startling the smaller man. "I care."

"You..." Londo's voice cracked and he swallowed hard, trying again. "You do?"

Owen shifted slightly, bringing his lips closer to Londo's.

Londo sighed, breathing Owen's very breath into his own lungs.  And froze.

He sniffed, short and quick.


His eyes speared into Owen's.

Owen met his suspicious gaze and breathed out in a huff.

A dark richly coffee scented huff.

Londo's lips parted and he sucked in the sweet ambrosia on a harsh gasping breath of his own.

Eyes suddenly sparkling with devilment, Owen pursed his lips and blew into Londo's mouth.

The coffee scent sent a jolt to Londo's brain, and lower regions, squeezing a needy groan from him.

Londo would never know who moved first.  The brush of his lips against Owen's seemed natural, almost necessary for  his survival.

Owen's body pressed into Londo's at first brush, his groin hard and demanding against the other man. Londo wrapped his arms around Owen, clinging to him as if the bigger man was a lifeline. Owen's lips crushed Londo's, demanding admittance. Londo accepted him sucking on Owen's tongue with practiced ease.

The taste of coffee crashed over him, making Londo's knees weak.

Grinning, Owen hugged him to his chest and kissed the top of his head. "I have a little something for you, Londo."

Londo's hand crept to Owen crotch, squeezing the hard flesh he found there. "I so you do."

Laughing, Owen brushed his and away. "Later, sweetheart." He raised his voice, calling for James, who had mysteriously vanished.  

The curious frown brightened when James came back into the room, bearing a steaming cup in one hand. A sterling silver coffee server in the other.

The scent of rich coffee drifted from the cup.

Londo's hands shook violently as James delivered the cup to Londo. "Its real?"

"I called in a few favors." Owen grinned, guiding Londo into a soft chair. "Drink."

Londo sniffed the dark brew, sighing softly, his eyes closed in absolute bliss. "Heaven," he sampled a small sip, rolling the liquid around in his mouth like it were the finest wine. "Pure heaven." He tossed a glance at the wickedly grinning James. "Sorry I tried to deck you, James." he swallowed deeply, whimpering his delight. "But you sure as hell deserved it."

James laughed softly. "finish your coffee, little man. Owen and I have some interesting ideas on how we'd like you to thank us for getting that for you."  His eyes dipped to Londo's groin. "Which involve us sipping at the fountain of Londo."

Londo gulped the last of the coffee in his cup and shot out of the chair, hurtling into Owens arms even while he reached out for James.

The man didn't wait for a second invitation to bliss
