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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



"Crichton and Chiana both have trouble sleeping. Moya enters an area of space she has never encountered before  and the crew are plunged into a strange new world."

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A "Farscape" story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL

* * * * *

She could hear him mumbling, talking to himself as he squirmed and worked  on his module. It was late into the sleep cycle. He had not been able to sleep and she had been having nightmares again. Chiana watched him work from the shadows, his ever present little friends the DRDs patiently shining their little lights wherever he needed them most. It amazed her in so many ways.
The human had such a capacity for giving. Another tear slid down the chalky white plains of her face. Eyes so deep and dark it was like looking into the abyss. Something must have told him she was there because she swore she had made no sound. His head came up and he crawled out. Hair touseled, eyes tired but full of care. Was that what drew her to him? His humanity?

"Pip? Is that you?"

Chiana bit back a sigh and wiped the tears off her cheeks. Stepping out of the shadows she dipped her head so he would not see that she had been crying. "Yeah. Watcha doin', old man?" She answered softly.

He knew instantly that she was upset she could tell. Part of her was relieved, part guilty. She was not his problem, yet here she was. Needing to be close to him whenever the nightmares got too intense. Instinctively knowing that he could give her what none of the others could. His gentle concern, his open heart, his gifts of compassion and understanding. The others cared, each in their fashion, but none with the depth this simple man did. And he asked nothing in return. Would keep her secrets and not hold the knowledge over her. Yes, he was unique. A good friend. The only one she could really trust.

"What's up, Pip? Couldn't sleep?"

He was standing next to her now, wiping his hands clean on a cloth before gently placing a hand under her chin to tilt her face up so he could see into her eyes. He always needed to look at her, not in her direction, but at her. Eye contact must be very important on his distant world. Perhaps it was even a place where people did not hide from each other. Even in their pain. "Nah."


She nodded. He knew all about nightmares. Had endured more than enough of his own.

"Wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head. He folded his arms around her and just held her. The tears came hot and fast, no sound. He seemed to sense that the quiet grief was the deepest pain of all. For such a talkative man he sure knew when to be silent. She clung to him. Her rock in the constant storms of life. He felt her relax and kissed the top of her head, silent for a quarter of an arn before he spoke again.

"Think you can sleep now?" He mumbled into her hair.

She shrugged.

"What about if I hold you?"

A nod. She buried herself deeper into his chest to hide the new tears. The ones where he touched her heart so effortlessly. He walked her back to his cell and let her get comfortable while he had a quick scrub up to remove the grime from his face and hands then he stripped down to his Calvins and slid in beside her. Blue followed him into his room and took up station just inside the door. Close enough should he need him but far enough away not to intrude. Crichton knew he was there and gave a little wave to his diminutive friend. Blue waved his light stalks in response and dimmed his lights. Only a tiny fraction of his power tuned in to Crichton like some faithful watchdog, sleeping with one eye open.

Normally when Chiana climbed into his bed for comfort, she would fall into a deep sleep. His presence enough to calm the most tumultuous of nightmares. Tonight though was different. She slept but the nightmares still came. True, they were muted and less violent than normal but they
tormented her in ways that made him mad with frustration. Longing to be able to do something for her but not knowing what. All he could do was soothe her, stroke her hair and hold her trembling body safe against the intruding darkness.

* * * * *

Ka D'Argo worried about his friend. He had not been sleeping properly but whenever the Luxan tried to speak to him about it, Crichton would change the subject. Wave his concerns away. Today he looked a little better but the shadows under his eyes still troubled him. He did not know what to do so went to see Jool.

"What do you expect me to do about it?"

"You are versed in the healing arts..."

"It isn't a wound, D'Argo. He just can't sleep."

"You are wrong. It *is* a wound. A wound of the heart."

Jool shook her red hair, confusion swirling in her green eyes. "If Aeryn loves John as you say, why would she want to hurt him?"

D'Argo sighed. "Aeryn was raised a Peace Keeper. Emotions were treated as the enemy. John has no defence against the kind of life she has led."

The Interion nodded. "She doesn't know how to love? To open up her feelings?"

D'Argo grunted softly. "Simplistic but accurate."

"A lot like your human."

"Whose human?" Said Crichton as he stepped into the apothecary.

The Luxan averted his face until the sudden flush had gone. Jool seemed amused but thankfully did not give the true nature of their conversation away. She wondered for the tenth time what everybody saw in the human. He was not as strong as D'Argo, had inferior sight and stamina to Aeryn, lacked the inate cunning and trickery of either Chiana or Rygel and was too gentle and trusting by far. The only one more fahrbot than Crichton was Stark. The human's knowledge of medicine and other species was laughable and his constant talking often drove her almost to the point of killing him outright simply to get some peace. But he was also the most caring and sensitive member of this crew. Had a way of connecting with anyone he came into contact with. His speech was bizarre and almost impossible to make sense of half the time and yet they somehow intuited what he meant, what he wanted, what he so freely gave of himself. Even though she had started out hating him she found it impossible to sustain any anger towards him. Now irritation. *That* was something else.

"D'Argo is worried about you not sleeping."

D'Argo glared at her. She smiled sweetly back.

"Hey, I'm good bro'. Even got a few arns sleep last night so will you quit worrying?"

The Luxan gave him a sideways look as if checking that he really was alright. His eyes narrowed slightly. "If you are alright what are you doing in the apothecary?"

"I'm worried about Pip."

Instantly D'Argo was diverted away from his concern for Crichton. "Why?"

"She's still having nightmares. I don't know what to do. How to help."

"She will get over them."

Crichton shook his head. "No, you don't understand D. For some reason they are getting worse."

He frowned. "Chiana told you this?"

He shook his head. "Not in so many words. I could see she wasn't sleeping."

D'Argo's eyes narrowed further as his brain rumbled into gear. "You were in her room?"

"No, nothing like that, big guy."

"Then how do you know?"

"She came by my cell."

"Chiana came to *your* room?"

"Easy, D. She was upset. Had been crying."

"Why did she go to you?"

"She probably didn't want to wake anyone and she knew I wasn't sleeping."

"I was on command." Stated D'Argo flatly. Not amused.

Jool watched the interplay with interest. Could see how every time the human opened his mouth he just made matters worse. What made it all so amusing was how baffled he looked, as if part of him could not understand why D'Argo was getting angrier and angrier with him. "D'Argo will you just calm down? I don't need you going all macho on me."

"Where is she now?"

"I think she went to get something to eat."

Before he could say anything else D'Argo stomped off. Crichton closed his eyes and expelled a lungful of air in frustration. When he opened them again it was to find Jool's amused expression mocking him. A look of concern crept onto his face. "Do you think I should go after him?"

She actually smiled and meant it. "Not if you value your life."

* * * * *

Aeryn Sun looked at Pilot in concern. "What is it?"

"Moya does not know. It appears to be an empty area of deep space."

She frowned. "I don't like the sound of that, Pilot. Space is space, it isn't *empty*."

"It is some kind of void," Added Pilot slowly, his eyes on Moya's controls as he adjusted her sensors and took in what the ship was thinking and feeling as well.

"How big is it?"

"Moya does not know."

"Can we go round it? Avoid it altogether?"

Pilot shook his head slowly. He looked baffled but not yet alarmed. "Moya's sensors can only detect what is in front and behind us."

"Is that good or bad, Pilot?"

He looked up. "Moya does not know."

"That's it, we're going back!"

"Moya agrees but first we should discuss this with the others."

Aeryn nodded. "Good idea, Pilot. Ask everyone to come here."

* * * * *

The only one not to heed the call was Stark. He was sitting in Zhaan's room meditating. He could not always reach her but just knowing she would approve of his actions meant everything to him. She was in a better place. That was what everybody said. They did not know. Could not understand how wretched it was for him to be parted from her even for a microt. The mental pain and anquish was worse than anything he had suffered in the Chair. Yet now. In this one place that she had made uniquely her own he felt a semblance of peace.

* * * * *

Crichton was frustrated. He tried to heed Pilot's call but try as he might he could not seem to get to Pilot's Den. Frell. What had happened to all the other tiers on this ship? "Pilot?"

"Yes, Commander?"

"Um is anyone else having any trouble making it to your den?"

Aeryn Sun cut in, her voice sounding a little worried. "What's the matter, John?"

"I was gonna ask you guys." He paused. Scratched the back of his head. Felt so damn foolish. "You're not gonna believe this Aeryn but I can't get off this damn tier. It's like all roads do *not* lead to Rome."

"John, this is no time for playing games. We appear to have entered a void in space."

He was alarmed now. "A void? Is Moya sure? I didn't think there were any voids in space."

"Yes, Commander, Moya is sure."

"O-kay," He answered slowly, trying to get his brain wrapped round the problem. "Before we get on to that has anyone else had trouble getting to your den Pilot?"

There was a momentary pause before Pilot responded. "Ka D'Argo, Jool and Stark have not been able to get here yet."

"What about the others?"

Chiana's voice sailed over the com. "Me and Ryge are here John but besides Aeryn the rest of you can't seem to get to Pilot's den. What the frell did you do?"

"What did *I* do?" Yelled Crichton in frustration.

Chiana grinned and Aeryn glared at her. "You are *not* helping, Chiana."

The Nebari shrugged as if it made no difference anyway. Rygel frowned at Pilot. "What is this void, Pilot, and is it dangerous?"

Pilot examined his controls and lifted his great clam shell head to stare at the Dominar. "Moya does not know but it stretches in every direction now."

Aeryn shook her head. "Every direction but back. We can still go back, Pilot."

"I'm afraid that is no longer possible."

"What?" Chipped in Chiana. "Are you saying we're trapped?"

Crichton's voice sailed over the com. "Hey, guys, what's going on?"

Aeryn looked at Pilot. "Can you put the com on an open channel, Pilot? It might be best if we can all hear each other."

Pilot nodded and did so. Crichton's worried voice filled the den. "Can somebody tell me what the frell is going on?"

* * * * *

Stark was happy. Calm. Confident that he would be able to commune with Zhaan. Eyes closed he undid his mask and let the light ebb and flow through him, his energy expanding to carry his prayers to Zhaan. He sat for arns bathing in the light when slowly he became aware of a constriction. Confused, he opened his eyes to find himself being pressed and flattened to the floor. The ceiling only microdench above him, his whole body prone and elongated. His movements reduced to forward, back and sideways. There was no longer any up or down. In panic he activated his com, his head to one side, his limbs splayed out akimbo.

"Pilot! Help, help, squashed, flat, trapped!"

An oddly pitched voice that he belatedly recognised as Aeryn's came scratching back at him over the com, as if everything was distressed from organic to non-organic. "Stark, where are you?"

He tried to calm down but it would work. "Zhaan's room. Flat, flat, no up, no down. No DOOR! Help!"

Crichton's voice sailed over the airwaves, sounding too calm for comfort. "Okay Stark, don't panic."

"Panic?" Squealed Stark, doing just that. The ceiling now resting on his right ear. "Who's panicking? I'm about to become a smear on Zhaan's floor, and you tell me not to PANIC?"

A flat dark smudge with a gap slashed across one end grumbled just outside the mess hall. "What the yotz are you complaining about? All three of my stomachs are compressed into my frelling toes!"

Crichton made a face. "Thanks, Buckwheat. That was an image I could have lived without."

"Hey!" Yelled Chiana. One microt away from screaming herself to death. "How the frell are we going to get out of this, that's what I want to know."

A dark rumble presaged D'Argo's strangely subdued voice. "What is causing this?"

"If Moya knew," Said Pilot in a strained voice. "She would tell you. She is as baffled as anyone else."

Crichton closed his eyes. After counting to fifty and breathing deeply in and out to calm himself down he opened his eyes. He was lying on his stomach gazing into a grill that had suddenly become a door to another Kingdom. Odd how different the world looked when you could only view it from the ground. "Um, Pilot?"

"Yes, Commander?"

"Can you find out what tier everyone is on?"

There was a long pause before Pilot answered. "I do not understand..."

"Understand what?" Huffed Crichton. Too hot for comfort and finding breathing difficult.

"Moya no longer seems to have any tiers."

The entire crew felt their various hearts miss a beat. Crichton had to take three goes to achieve a decent swallow. "What the frell does that mean?"

"It means," Said Pilot slowly. "All of her tiers have compressed into one."

"What?" Aeryn sounded stunned. "That can't be right Pilot. If Moya were flattened like that we would all be dead."

"I did not say I could explain it, Aeryn. Moya and I are afraid. We have never seen anything like this before."

"Yeah well," Mumbled Crichton as he got a little more squashed. "Unless someone comes up with an idea to get us out of this we're never gonna see anything like it again. Capiche?"

* * * * *

Everybody was feeling the strain but at least the constriction of the ship had stopped. They seemed to have reached a limit of sorts. They could crawl around on their bellies but could not sit up, stand, walk, or do any of the normal movements that typified their former lives. Crichton felt like he was trapped in some grotesque sandwich. Or a bug framed between panes of glass. One surprising effect was the way in which it altered his feelings and interactions with the others. For one thing survival had taken on a whole other meaning. Too many people too close and he would pass out from simple lack of oxygen. His lust for Aeryn had also taken a hike. Hard to drool over someone whose wonderful curves had been reduced to straight lines and whose temper was even more ansty than before. And Rygel. He preferred not to think about Rygel. Any time he accidentally got too near to *his* space the helium and other gases expended by the Hynerian made him the most unpleasant crew member to come across unawares.

After the intial panic, Crichton tried to devise a plan where they would only approach each other face to face. But that was easier said than done. With everybody squashed into the same flat level it was hard to get a true perspective. The layout of Moya was effectively changed forever. Crichton
had not see Pilot yet but he was betting the sight would be far from pretty. He was a big guy after all and all those limbs and connections to Moya had to make for some messy readjustments. He could tell just from the change in Pilot's voice and demeanour. This could all turn ugly very fast if they did not find a way to keep cool and think of a way out. The problem was, cool was not the thing they did best. Shooting anything that upset them to hezmana was. And squashed as they were, moving out of the way of weapons fire would be almost impossible to do. Crichton was beginning to feel depressed when a pair of swaying lights shone in his face, worried chittering and beeping telling him that the DRDs were concerned as well.

Crichton stared at the blue electrical tape now hanging at eye level. It was not every day he got to envy a diagnostic repair droid. "Hi Blue, nice to know you're checking on us."

The DRD chittered excitedly then rolled back and forth mere microdench from the human's face. From his new angle it made Crichton feel sea sick.

"Hey! Will you stop with the rain dance? This is weird enough. How come you guys didn't get turned into pancakes anyway? Or is this a biomechanoid thing?"

Blue chittered back at him. Crichton was quiet for a microt. He looked at the DRD thoughtfully, one hand extending carefully to rub the rounded shell. "How are you guys doing?"

The DRD made a soft mournful sound.

"That bad, huh?"

He got a blurping sound that he took for agreement.

"We have to find out what happened, Blue, but I don't know that any of us can think straight let alone do anything."

The DRD sounded excited.

"Woah, woah, slow down. Do you *know* what happened?"

The DRD rolled back and forth a couple of times. "Blue? Do you think we could quit with the rocking and just have you blink yes and no? One blink of your lights for yes, two for no. Can you do that?"

Blue blinked his lightstalks once. Crichton chuckled which pleased the droid.

"So what's the plan?"

The droid chittered away then began to move back, swaying its' lightstalks and looking for all the world as if he was telling him to get his ass into gear and follow him.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming but I have to warn you I can't move fast like this."

* * * * *

Ka D'Argo was in such a temper he was barely coherent. Chiana chided him for the hundredth time. "D'Argo, if you don't calm down and relax you're gonna be stuck here."

He growled and hissed so loudly that for a microt Chiana slid back. Only when he managed to control his anger enough to pose no immediate threat did she cautiously crawl closer. "I will not hurt you, Chiana." Grumbled the Luxan darkly.

"Not intentionally, no."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Hey, just saying you would never hurt me intentionally."

His eyes narrowed, only slightly mollified. "Get me OUT of here!"

"I'm trying but when you lost your temper you jammed yourself in even tighter."

D'Argo snorted, his anger rising again because he could not shake his head or get himself free. The feeling of helplessness that washed over him did nothing to improve his temper. Chiana paused, unable to tilt her head, her eyes showing a concern he did not see. She knew he was microts away from full blown hyper rage. "You know D'Argo, you are really stuck and I don't have the strength to free you."

That was it. The roar of rage shook the floor of the leviathan and Chiana scurried back so quickly she could have been scalded. All D'Argo saw was a red mist. Frightened, Chiana called Crichton.

"Yeah, Pip, what is it?"

She heard the strain in his voice but ignored it. Her own situation was too perilous. "Uh, I need help John. D'Argo's stuck and he's going into hyper rage..."

"What do you think I can do, Pip? We're all in the same predicament."

She bit back tears. "Yeah, but not all of you are trapped at the end of a corridor you can't stand up in with an enraged Luxan about to turn you to squag!"

Immediately he sounded contrite. "Okay Pip, I'm sorry. Hang on, I'll be there as soon as I can slide my shiny butt to you. Um. Where in hezmana are you, exactly?"

Chiana laughed. The whole Uncharted Territories was going to hezmana and Crichton wanted directions? Trust a human to want a map to total d estruction.

"I don't know, in a corridor or what's left of one of Moya's tiers. it's hard to tell when everything is compressed on one level you know."

He sighed. "Yeah, tell me about it."

"If you get lost, just follow the screams."

For a microt there was silence then Crichton's voice sailed over the coms sounding upset. "That's not very funny, Pip."

"Yeah, well, facing death has that effect on me."

He did not say anything else. Chiana stared at D'Argo. Knew he was not actually seeing *her*. No signs of recognition lit his darkened eyes. Anger suffused him from head to toe, his impressive muscles bunched and straining as he reached for her. Wanting something to crush. The only thing saving her from certain death was the fact that he was firmly jammed between the ceiling and floor. His own exertions warping the biomechanoid ceiling and making his prison an even tighter fit. He roared and bellowed incomprehensible Luxan curses at her. The diatribe chilled her. It seemed to take forever before she heard the blessed sound of Crichton's voice. She could not see him. Could see nothing but the long wide smear that was Ka D'Argo. The Luxan tried to turn to face Crichton but it sent piercing pains shooting through his shoulder. He roared angrily. "Frell you, Crichton! If I get my hands on you I will make you sorry for this."

"Hey, D, this is *not* my fault."

"It is *always* your fault."

"That is *not* fair, D'Argo, and you know it."

"I know nothing of the sort."

"Do you want me to help get you out of there or not?"

D'Argo grumbled something darkly in the back of his throat.

"What was that? If it was an apology I didn't quite hear it. You'll have to speak up."

The Luxan's response was suddenly lost as the leviathan shuddered hard, the floor and ceiling vibrating as the whole vessel shook and rang like a bell that had been struck. The tier tilted suddenly and Crichton found himself sliding towards the trapped Luxan. "What the hezmana was that?"

"I do not know John but I think something hit us."

Crichton groaned and closed his eyes a microt. "As if our day couldn't get any worse." He mumbled.

There came a loud sickening crunching sound then something was popping all around them. Crichton's eyes went wide. Chiana wriggled back, away from the sound. Her limited view not enough to tell her what was going on. Her mind filling in the blanks with increasingly dire scenarios. She closed her eyes and began to pray frantically. D'Argo suddenly felt himself freed, the ceiling flexing up and releasing him with a pop. He was about to thank Crichton but the human was crying out in pain, his hands over his ears as the ship began to screech. D'Argo swore and tried to plug his own ears while ooking round for Chiana. The noise was terrible. The stress on the
leviathan so intense that Crichton was amazed the ship did not split into a thousand torn pieces leaving her crew floating in the vacuum of space and longing for the former constriction of being flattened in a living ship. The pressure increased. Crichton in so much agony he was oblivious to the tears running down his face, his nose beginning to bleed, his veins standing out in his neck from too much pressure. His heart was thudding madly like a wild thing trying to escape. His body jerking awkwardly as his eyes rolled back into his head. D'Argo was in agony but his great strength enabled him to stay conscious longer than the human. He reached for his friend. Closed a gloved hand over his bicep and drew him near. He could not see Chiana. Could hardly make out the human. He slowly drew him into his arms, as if he could protect his friend by sheer proximity. "Chiana? Where are you?"

Chiana could not answer him. All her innermost demons had come back to haunt her. She was sure some of Rygel's were in there as well but when you were terrified who was counting? She was shaking from head to foot, her eyes squeezed as tight as she could manage. With a whimper of remembered horrors melding with new ones, she managed a single scream before passing out.

* * * * *

Aeryn tried to comfort Pilot but it was so hard. She could not get near his face to touch his cheek and reassure him. All she had was her voice and nothing she did could raise it above the keening cry of the terrified Pilot. He lay splayed out, his large chitinous limbs spreadeagled with his head
somewhere in the middle crammed into the floor. From her angle all Aeryn could actually see was one flapping claw and a mass that filled her forward vision completely. Different parts of the mass kept moving blurring her ability to follow the motion. She blinked back tears. "Pilot! What the frell is happening?"

"We appear to be under attack."

The response was such a surprise that she fell silent. Shock robbing her of words. It took two goes before she could speak again. "What do you mean we're under attack? What the frell could be attacking us?"

A sound of astonishment came from the beleagured Pilot. "It's Talyn!"


"Talyn has turned his weapons on us."

"Why would he do that?"

"Moya is pleading with him..."

Aeryn closed her eyes and muttered. "Great. We're all going to die because Talyn can't tell the difference between a rescue and destroying everything in sight."

"That is not what is happening Aeryn Sun."

"I'm sorry Pilot but I'm not at my best when someone or something is trying to kill me."

Impossibly, Pilot was starting to sound much calmer. "That is not what Talyn is trying to do. Moya says we are trapped between two huge pressure fields that are squashing and compressing everything that falls in its' path."

"And Talyn thinks if he blows Moya up the problem will be solved?"

"No, Aeryn. Talyn is trying to alter the pressure enough to allow Moya to slip free."

Aeryn was speechless. That was rather a sensible solution. "I apologise Pilot. To Moya and to Talyn. That is a very good plan."

"Thank you Aeryn but Talyn did not think of it."

"He didn't?" It must have been Crais. "Then please thank Crais for me."

"It wasn't Crais either."

"Whose idea was it?"

Pilot sounded surprised. "Moya says it was the DRDs."

"What? Now you're beginning to sound as bartantic as Crichton!"

Just then Aeryn felt her ears begin to pop. The change in pressure so sudden it hurt. The ship vibrating and rocking as salvo after salvo appeared to hit the leviathan. Aeryn gritted her teeth. "For someone trying to help us Talyn has a lot to learn."

Just then the ship flexed as if the whole leviathan were hiccoughing. Aeryn slid away from Pilot then slid back again. She felt ill. Sick. Her ears were really hurting now, her eyes smarting. Then with a loud popping sound Moya sprang backwards as if fired from a gun. The extreme motion spun Aeryn across the floor and hard into a wall. Stunned she lay on her back not realising that the ceiling was getting farther and farther away from her. Pilot said something but she could not hear him. In fact. Aeryn Sun could not hear a frelling thing.

* * * * *

Jool looked dishevelled and dazed but was otherwise unhurt. Her attitude improved once the crisis was over. Well. *One* crisis anyway. She was in the apothecary and for once it was full. The rest of the crew were in various stages of recovery. Chiana was the least injured though appeared
highly traumatised. Ka D'Argo insisted his shoulder was not as bad as it looked. Once the Interion had punched him five or six times to get the blood to run clear she annointed the wound and announced that he would recover in a few solar days. He grunted and sat up, looking slowly around at the others as they stirred and groaned on their pallets. He looked amazed. "It looks like a war zone, Jool."

The Interion grinned, her eyes glinting with dark amusement. "In a way that's just what it is."

D'Argo went to see how Chiana was. She burst into tears and buried herself in his arms. He rocked and soothed her as she cried. All his former rage gone, his only thoughts now on looking after Chiana. Jool checked on Aeryn then went to look at Crichton. Rygel complained loudly that as Dominar he should be treated first. Jool ignored him. Crichton came round slowly, his eyes closed, a slow agonised groan leaking out of his mouth as blood ran down his face. Jool frowned, wiped the blood away and eased him into a sitting position. He promptly threw up all over her. His eyes fluttered open. Hazy pools of pain realised what he had done. "I'm sorry, Jool..."

"You're lucky I don't go into hyper rage." She paused and cleaned herself and him up. His nose was still bleeding. She gave him a curious look as he held a pad to staunch the blood loss. "I do not understand why you are bleeding, John. I can find no wound."

"It's a doze bleed, Jool."


Crichton took the pad away so he could speak more clearly. "A nose bleed. Humans get them if exposed to sudden changes in pressure."

He put the pad back up to his nose and tipped his head right back. Jool looked puzzled. "What are you doing?"

"Stopping the bleeding."

She shook her head. Humans. Definitely the playthings of the Gods. She left him to see to Rygel. By the time everyone realised their injuries were superficial, Crais had boarded Moya. D'Argo scowled at the smug look on his face. If he had been expecting a hero's welcome he was disappointed. Crichton put it succinctly. "What are you doing here Crais? Come to gloat?"

"No, I came to see how everyone was. As a matter of fact if Talyn had not intervened when he had none of you would be here."

"Hhm be thankful for small mercies..." Muttered the Dominar. "I never thought I'd find anything good about being squashed to death."

Crais looked puzzled by their attitude. "I fail to see why you are all so ungrateful. I am going to return to Talyn."

Jool stepped forward and touched his arm. He froze as if shot. "Please thank Talyn for coming to our aid, Crais. We do not mean to be ungrateful but this incident has been a great shock to all of us."

He gave a curt nod. "Of course Jool, I understand."

When he had left Aeryn stood up and took a few breaths. Relishing the fact that she could stand up, that her movements were no longer restricted to crawling along on her belly like some reptile. Everyone was leaving the apothecary. She stopped by Crichton's bed. They were the only ones left beside Jool. The Interion hid a little smile, put her things away then slipped out of the door. Aeryn gently put a hand on Crichton's shoulder, her look anxious. "How do you feel?"

Crichton did not answer immediately. She was about to repeat her question when he carefully took the pad away and sat normally. He looked at her, waited a microt then smiled. She frowned making him chuckle. "I feel fine, Aeryn. The nose bleed has stopped and the ground isn't lurching about under my feet any more."

She smiled. "No, it is not."

"How about you?"

"I am alright John. A few bruises but nothing more serious."

"Good." He reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Come on Sunshine, what do you say we blow this joint?"


"Yeah, leave. Go back to my room."

She opened her mouth to ask why his room. Why not hers. Then closed her mouth and nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

He chuckled and started to get to his feet when he suddenly swayed. Aeryn slid her arms around him and for a microt the silence was so profound they could hear each others' hearts beating. Crichton was painfully aware of how close she was. How good she smelt. How much he loved her arms around his waist, her hips angled into his. The heat rising between them reminding him just how much he loved the very radiant Aeryn Sun. "I thought I was gonna fall.." He mumbled into the side of her neck.

"I would never let you fall."

He kissed her neck. She shivered and angled her body closer to his. He bit back a groan as life flooded into the more intimate parts of his body. "Aeryn?"

She noticed how thick and slurred his voice sounded. "Yes, John?"

"What do you say we stay here a little longer?"

His lips were caressing their way up her neck. He kissed her ear, his tongue flicking out to taste her skin. His hands guiding her to the bed.

"What are you doing, John?"

She could feel his lips curve into a happy smile.

"On my homeworld when soldiers have been into battle the first thing that happens when they get back is they get given some R & R."

"Arr and Arr?"

"Uh huh. Rest and Recuperation." He sucked her bottom lip then slid his arms around her ass and lifted her up onto his hips, turned and sat her on the bed, her legs dangling around his hips. His eyes laughing into hers. A coy look came stealing into her eyes that made his heart flip.

"Explain this Arr and Arr."

He smiled. "O-kay, but the only way to do that properly is to show you."

Her hands stroked his thighs. Crichton closed the gap. "Words are cheap, John Crichton." Said Aeryn as she raised her arms and slid them up around his neck.

Crichton gave a happy little sigh and dipped his head to meet her in a kiss. From the doorway Jool stole a look to check that the deranged human had not messed up again with Aeryn. She smiled when she saw that he was not about to be pummelled to within an inch of his life. Maybe the defective male was learning after all. Her lips quirked up with amusement then she quietly left them to it. It was good to get back to normal. Or for what passed as normal in the Uncharted Territories. Jool decided to go and check on Pilot and make sure Moya was alright. Revelling in the pleasure of being back in normal space again.

