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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

His Captain


Will will not rest until he has corrected the greatest mistake he's ever made, but first he must find the Captain of the Pearl who is so much more . . .


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: Will Turner, Jack Sparrow, Mister Gibbs, Elizabeth Swann, Ana Marie, Barbossa, and Pirates of the Caribbean are © & TM Disney, not the authors. Everything else is © & TM Pirates Sparrow and Turner. The authors make absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction.
Author's Note: At the time Will wrote the first chapter of this fic, it was a thought that, though the basic premise had been done time and again, would not leave him alone. Believing that sometimes it's best to just let the Muse run, he went ahead and wrote the tale, thinking it would only be a short, one-person piece from Will's point of view, but now well over a year later, the Muses are running again and we are quite happy to obliege . . .

Chapter Text

His Captain
by Pirates Turner and Sparrow

He had travelled countless miles, eating and drinking just enough to sustain his health so that he could continue his search and sleeping even less. He had come to hate closing his eyes for that was when the doubts came even more. He would see him in his mind's eye, denying him, hating him, sometimes even striking him for daring to speak foul of his name. He could not remember when he had last had a good meal or a decent bed beneath his back. He could not remember the last time he'd managed to crack even a fake smile.

His life had become a Hell that never ended. Every day and night was the same, always the same: a brief bite of stale bread or tough meat and a quick nip of rum to sustain himself and on with the search. At times, he feared his Hell would come to an end long before his search ever completed. He would not make it for he'd never find him, he'd never catch him. Still, he plunged ahead always on his constant quest.

He swiped at the blood that dribbled from his mouth. The ship's doctor had requested to patch him up, but he'd only gone as far as to let him set his arm. He was bloodied and bruised and didn't care. There wasn't an inch of him that didn't ache, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was his quest, a quest he wondered if he'd ever finish.

He looked up as the cries of "Land ho!" resonated across the ship. He turned in the direction of Tortuga and sighed when he did not see the ship he searched for. She might be there yet, he reasoned, hidden amongst the others, but then, it wouldn't be like him to hide her without reason. He was too proud to hide her.

Oh, what he wouldn't give to be that ship, to feel his hands on him every day, to let him knowingly guide him through whatever waters their life together held in wait, to hear the smooth sound of his voice, to witness the flash of his gold tooth in the light of the sun and moon! Oh, what he wouldn't give just to see him now, just to hear his voice, to feel his touch!

A moan passed from his lips at the thoughts that raced through his mind, setting his blood on fire and making his palms sweat against the rope he held. Will shook himself. He had to help the others get ready for docking, and then he could continue his search for the wonderful, the mighty Captain Jack Sparrow. Aye, he was certainly a Captain, and not just any Captain either. He was the Captain of the Black Pearl, true enough, but he was also his Captain, regardless of whether or not he realized it.

Will hadn't realized it himself until it had been almost too late, perhaps too late after all, certainly too late if he never again found him. He had stayed behind with the one he thought he loved when Jack had left for further sea adventuring. It was true he'd never invited him. If he had, he would've gone in a second, but as it was, he'd stayed by Elizabeth's side, acting the part he'd felt was right only to realize, when he could no longer see the Pearl, what a terrible mistake he'd made. His heart had lurched in his chest when Jack had sailed out of his sight, and the tormenting pain within his heart and soul had only grown ever since then.

Perhaps he'd stay at Tortuga again this time, Will thought as he descended the gangplank, taking what few belongings he had with him and never bothering to say "good-bye" to a single person aboard the vessel. He had tried it once before with no luck, but Jack had to show up sooner or later. He'd give him a month or two in this dingy existence, and then he'd set out to look for him at sea again. Sooner or later, Will tried to assure himself, he was bound to meet up with his Captain, and when he did, nothing would take him away from him again.

But what if he didn't find him? The horrid thought chilled him to his core, but he knew the answer already. He would die hunting for the man he loved.