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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Harry Potter Story (no title)


My good friend Shawna and I collaberated on this story.
Harry Potter
Rating Adult.
Deals with Child abuse

Work Text:

Harry Potter Story (no title)
by Kittenskysong and Shawna


Ciara sat in the parlor of Sirius’s home. No she shook her head thoughtfully THEIR home. She now lived here with her cousin Sirius. She bit into the eggs that were on her plate. She was so nervous today they were going to Diagon alley only she had to wear glamour because her parents were still looking for her.

She had transformed with her cousin and run away. They had met up with their cousin who was more like an uncle to them. He had taken her in but because of his father her other cousin could not stay. She had begged him begged Draco to stay but he refused stating he had to go home because had to make sure it was safe for her. She shoved her plate away she couldn't eat worry ate away at her. Worry over her other cousin. She didn’t even hear Sirius come in.

"Not hungry?" Sirius asked. Ciara glanced up at him; he looked so pale after his stint in Azkahban. "If you don't eat, you'll get sick. He sat down across from her eyes bright with concern. "Try a few more bites”

"I'm too depressed to eat." She muttered but dutifully picked up her fork and tried to take a few bites. She didn't want Sirius worrying about her; he already had dark circles under his eyes.

He sighed as if he knew what was in her mind "I am taking care of you now Cia. It’s my right to worry about you. What’s wrong?”


She frowned and sighed "I ..." She took another breath "I am worried about Draco he had to go back to Uncle Lucious and pretend everything’s okay and he’s NOT a good occulments. And Uncle Lucious is good at Legimels he will see. "


"Draco's been studying with Professor Snape Cia he can protect himself ... what else is bothering you?" He got her some tea.


"He is going to hurt him I know he is! He abuses him Siri, I know he does I've seen the marks."

Ciara sighed closing her eyes it was the reason Draco got her out of her home because she was abused as well but he didn’t have the guts to get himself out.

A sudden frown crossed Sirius’s face, he leaned forward hands on the table. "Marks what marks? His voice was generally confused. "Are you telling me you’ve seen bruises on Draco?"

Ciara swallowed hard. "Like he's been tied up he has rope burns on his wrists, that’s what I saw. I also know that Uncle Lucious. He he ..." She swallowed


Sirius took her hand "he what Cia talk to me.”


"He uses crutaicous on him. I’ve watched him do it; I’ve tended to him afterwards. "She shook her head tears coursing down her pale cheeks.

Sirius leapt to his feet so abruptly that Ciara let out a yelp. He looked so scary pacing angrily back and forth for several minutes before he whirled on her. "Why didn't you tell me this before? We have got to get him out of that house tonight; I'll send an owl to Professor Dumbledore. That son of a bitch will pay for what he's been doing!"

She stared wide eyed at him why he ranted about what he'd like to do to Lucious none of it pleasant She swallowed fear coursing through her veins she had never seen Sirius angry it reminded her of her father. It didn't help that Sirius did resemble her father slightly. She backed away from Sirius dropping her tea cup.


Remus had come in when he heard Sirius yelling he saw Ciara back into a corner and cover her head with her hands. "What in the world is going on?"

"Lucious I'm going to kill him!" Sirius yelled "I'm, going to tear him limb from limb! Git's been using an unforgivable curse on Draco."

Remus didn't flinch; he only raised one eyebrow and looked from Sirius to Ciara and back. "Really, Padfoot, your scaring the girl to death could you maybe dial it down a notch."

Sirius blinked at him opened his mouth closed it and looked over at Ciara noticing how terrified she looked. "Oops guess I lost my, mind there. Ciara Its okay I’m sorry."

She breathed out slowly her whole body shaking but she didn’t really hear him. He moved over to her and knelt down "Cia. Honey."


She whimpered her sleeves going down revealing her own scars for Sirius to see. He didn't know why Draco brought her to him only that it was not good for her to stay where she was. Long slash scars crossed over her arms. The glamours fading from her face with her fear. He swallowed at the scar that ran from the tip of her eye down to her neck. "Cia..."

"Oh my god." Remus knelt down next to Sirius. He studied the scars with a critical eye. "Ciara look at us, its okay your safe here. No one’s going to hurt you.” He spoke softly like one would to a frightened puppy

Sirius took up the thread. “come on little one, its okay, No one'll hurt you come on out and we'll have some butterbeer."

Her eyes finally opened to see that it was not her father and neither of them was yelling anymore. She eyed Sirius warily.


"I’m not Cassius sweetheart I'm not your dad I won't hurt you..." He held his hand out to her.


Remus moved closer "come here Ciara. It’s okay.”


Ciara slowly stood up with them Remus wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Shh its okay."

It took her a few minutes to calm down, but finally she stood the glamour back in place. She wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry I got scared."

"Its' okay how about that butterbeer huh?" Sirius's voice cracked with emotion, he wanted to tear her father from limb to limb too, but didn't think it would be a good idea to tell her that.

Ciara managed a weak smile. "Sure butterbeer would be great."

They guided her back to the table when there was a sound of a door flying open and someone running "Sirius you home..."


Ciara swallowed she didn’t know anyone else would be here. Soon she was faced with the one person she had never met but heard about constantly by her death eater parents. The boy who lived. She swallowed again forcefully she forgot that Sirius had a godson. She suddenly felt extremely OUT of place.


Harry ran into the kitchen "Sirius there you are I was gong." he stood and stared a young girl about his age sat at the table Sirius had his arm around her shoulders as if he was trying to comfort her. "Who’s SHE?! What is she DOING here?"

"Why is she here?" Harry glared at her. She resembled Malfoy but her hair was black as Sirius’s Why was she allowed stay here if he wasn't what the hell was going on.

"Um Harry this is my cousin Ciara, she's having some problems with her parents and she's staying here for a while." Sirius explained. "And Ciara this is my Godson Harry potter. You two try to get along I need to go see about buckbeak's dinner."

Sirius literally fled the room leaving Remus with the two teens who were literally glaring at each other; one could actually see sparks flying between them. "Oh dear." Remus muttered

He waved his wand producing some Butterbeer. "Here drink talk get to know each other. Harry I promise she's not a death eater and Ciara, you should talk to him he knows a few things about abuse."

"Not a death eater who's her parents? She looks like Malfoy." He sat down.


"Malfoy." She stated "you mean Draco?" She frowned deeper. "Draco's my first cousin why?"


Harry shot back to his feet "you're related to Malfoy."


"Well yeah his father's my mom's twin." She stated.


"What oh man, what are you doing here are you spying on ..."


"I’m not spying on anyone Draco brought me here because Sirius is my only other relative we trust! Right now I don’t have time to fight with a spoiled little boy who lived! I have other problems right now to deal with!”


"Like WHAT?"


"Like TRYING to save my cousin, before he gets killed by his insane FATHER and his nasty master moldy shorts.”

Harry snorted. "Moldy shorts I like that. I'll have to remember that the next time I fight him. And what do you mean Draco's father beats him? I've never seen anything on Draco to make me believe that."

"Yeah well you don't have a mark on you either, but Remus just said you know something about abuse!" She shot back at him.

Harry blinked back sudden tears he would not cry in front of this girl. "Not all abuse is physical; you spend a week with my muggle relatives and tell me whether or not I've been abused."

"You don't look like you been abused either." Harry shot at her.


"That’s what glamours are FOR.” She snapped back. She waved her wand and her scars showed. She had a long jagged one down the side of her face from eye to lip her left eye was a funny color while she had marks on her neck and down her arms. "The rest are covered by my clothes." She sighed "both Draco and I learned glamours since we were very small you wouldn't know anything about that."

"No I don't suppose I would." He picked up the butterbeer and downed it in one gulp. "I know something about Polyjuice potion, but the glamour you have seems to be more advanced. How does it work I have a scar i wouldn't mind covering up." He scowled. "You going to drink that one?" Ciara shoved it towards him and watched as he drained it dry. "Thanks I’m so thirsty."

"I see." She responded.

"Yeah, my uncle was on one this morning made me clean the kitchen floor with my tongue, I’d love to curse him."

"Why don’t you just use magic?"


"I live with Muggles I can't do magic, and I am underage."


She snorted "with the wards at your place I doubt the ministry would notice." She shrugged. She sipped her tea then rubbed her chest her eyes flew open in a panic "SIRI!"


He came flying in "what is it Ciara what’s wrong?"


"Draco some something’s drastically wrong I can’t feel him like I usually do the bond it’s I can feel his pain!"

Harry caught her just as she went down in a dead faint. Not knowing what do he looked up at Remus, "what in the world?

"They feel each others pain basically and if it’s bad enough to make her faint it’s really bad, Sirius was going to send an owl to Dumbledore, but I don't think we have time, you have to go get Draco."

"Me! Harry protested “why can’t you do it.

"Cause in fifteen minutes I’m going to be a werewolf." Remus pointed at the clock

Harry grumbled "why can't Sirius?" he looked at his godfather.


"I have to take care of and help Remus. You’re the only chance Harry you have to find and get Draco out of there."


"But what if it’s a trap?”


"Its not Ciara would not fake the pain she was in.” Remus stated.


Harry sighed "Fine, but how am I going to get in where is he?”


Ciara slowly woke up after a few seconds "h he’s he's probably at the Caretin pub in a room upstairs U- U -Uncle Lucius do doesn't like to soil his home..."

“Caretin pub? Don’t think I know where that is, there a map or something of its location?" Harry ran a hand absently through his hair, the last thing he wanted was to go tearing off in the middle of the night with no clue as to his location or what he was going to do when he got there. Lucious Malfoy was an adult which meant Death Eater or not he could use magic Harry being underage couldn't. That could lead to all sorts of problems


Ciara looked at him "where do you think your going. You aren't going to save my cousin I am and you would not have any trouble with doing magic since the whole manor is surrounded by Wards that hide anything done in it” She stood up slowly. "Besides like I said YOU’RE not going."

"Right and you’re going to go tearing off without any back up?" Harry asked her cocking his head to one side. 'You've never fought a Death Eater before have you? Much less what did you call him Moldie Pants? I have several times and I’m still alive to talk about it now I think I know more about it than you do. Besides you can hardly stand up how are you going to fight?'

"I can stand up!" Ciara yelled then promptly fell again cringing with pain, "okay so I can't stand up

So what Mr. Boy who lived I'm going!"

This of course sparked off another argument over who was going, why there were going, if they were capable of going etc etc. "And yes I have FOUGHT a death eater both MY parents are death eaters." She snapped. She breathed out and let her magic fill her body easing the pain and sending whatever she can through to Draco through the bond. She gasped "Sirius he he’s calling for help Draco has calling NOW we have to leave NOW."

Remus nodded to Sirius "Harry Ciara you both have to go just go and be careful."

"Fine, she can come if she can keep up.” Harry pulled a large shimmering cloak out of his bag. "This is going to come in handy again. Too bad we can't apperate."

Ciara frowned at him for a moment staring at the cloak she of course had no idea what it was; it was Sirius who filled in the blank for her. "It’s an invisibility cloak; he got it from his father."

"Yeah, and I think we're going to have to fly there which means your going to have to be right on my tail so we can stay hidden" Harry told her frowning, "Can you keep up?"

She glared at him "I can keep up with any fly boy there is." She snapped. She was after all a Black. And she was related to Sirius. She snapped her fingers and suddenly she vanished. She was doing magic like that since she was old enough to. It was easier to hide from her parents that way.

"Nice." Harry muttered. "As long as it doesn't wear off at a bad time." He grabbed his broom and stormed out not even bothering to see if she was following him or not. Soon he was up in the air feeling more confident than he ever felt on the ground, flying was truly his element. HE did a few loops just to work off his energy then set off.

"And just where do you think your going?" Ciara's voice came form his left, "The pub's in the opposite direction."

Harry groaned and turned following the trail of magic crumbs she was leaving behind for him.

He muttered this girl was truly a Malfoy He muttered under his breath "I can't believe I am saving that git. For what so he can run his mouth at me?" He nearly fell off the broom getting hit with something. "What the Hell?"


"You don't have to come I can save him myself.” She swallowed "I have to."

"No, I have to do this, I mean Draco's rude crude and certainly not my favorite person, but I once swore, since I can't get out of my abusive home, Thank you Dumbledore. That I'd not leave anyone in the same situation even my own worst enemy, I swore it on my own life." Harry's voice was full of sorrow, but firm at he same time. "I have to do this; otherwise I wouldn't be much of a person now would I?"

"No I guess you wouldn't" Ciara felt a tear leak from her eyes, she had gotten out of her home, they would get Draco out, but Harry seemed to be beyond a rescue. "Let’s fly Harry Fly fast. Draco's really hurting."

They got there faster than Harry thought the scene before him broke his heart. Draco had broken free of the room and Ciara had flown down unconsciously blocking any spells with her body. Lucious was flying out the door after him.

Ciara held Draco who looked like he was covered in blood and was coughing. "Dray Dray talk to me."


Harry stared in horror. Then he got angry VERY angry the wind around him blew his eyes turned to green fire. He raised his wand to do a stunner but nothing came out of his mouth just a spell flew from his other hand hitting Lucious with a force to knock him into the wall. Harry stood in shock.


Ciara not even paying attention to what was going on with Harry was throwing every healing spell she would think of onto Draco. “Draco, talk to me please..."

"Ciara you came." Draco managed a weak whisper.

Harry flung another spell at the older Malfoy and knelt by Draco and Ciara. "Can you walk Malfoy?" The question was asked gently, and almost rhetorically.

"I don't think I can stand up Potter, I hurt everywhere." Draco’s voice was a mere whisper.

Harry considered there options for a minute then gently carefully picked the other boy up. It felt as if Draco weighed nothing. "Hang on to me." Harry told him, and moved almost running outside. He didn't know if he could carry Draco on a broom but he had to try, there was no choice. Ciara followed numbly.

Ciara moved slowly she stopped Harry from putting a lighting spell on Draco. "No, no magic." She shook her head

He looked at her “but it was only to keep him on the broom..."


“Any spell you do on him will cause pain. My uncle he's vile he's viscous, he made sure if anyone tried to help or heal Draco that wasn't family. It would rebound and cause him pain. "


But then how-"

She sighed "Draco and I found a way around the spells, just for healing."

He would do something like that wouldn't he?" Harry muttered. He shifted Draco to his back. "You have to hang on tight, I think I can carry us both, but I'm not sure, so whatever you do don't let go."

"Wait!" Ciara produced a length of rope from somewhere, Harry didn't see if she conjured it or not. She used it to tile the injured boy to Harry's back. "Now he can't let go."

They flew off arriving back at Sirrus's place within an hour.

Ciara knew as did Harry that there would be no one to meet them as Remus was now in the room as Moony and Padfoot was with him to help him. Ciara helped Harry take Draco to her room. She laid her cousin on the bed She turned to Harry "I have to keep him here I don’t know if Uncle Lucious will follow.”


"I don’t think has going to be going anywhere for awhile.” Harry stated softly. She looked at him confused.

"What? She asked

"I think I hurt him bad, he certainly didn't look good when we fled the pub." Harry couldn't bring himself to tell her he thought he'd killed the older man. "Can you heal Draco?"

Ciara shook her head. "I can do some, but he's hurt worse than I've ever seen him hurt before I don't know." She was almost in tears. "I just don't know what to do."

"Heal what you can I haven't lived with Muggles for so long without learning something about doctoring, you do what you can and then we'll have to resort to some old fashioned no magical healing," Harry's voice was low and firm.

He glanced around the room Remus was curled in a ball asleep, and a wolf, but Sirius was leaning against a wall watching them. "Sirius I need water not boiling but hot and lots of it cloths and stuff to make bandages with, maybe needle and thread possibly some splints lets go people! Tick tock!" Harry clapped his hands

Ciara healed Draco's shattered leg and wrist, and then nearly collapsed with exhaustion. Harry sewed up a large wound in Draco’s stomach praying the whole time that the injury wouldn't get infected, they had no antibiotics and he didn't think Ciara had the strength to do anymore healing. Wrapping bandages around Draco's wound Harry sat beside him taking the other boy's hand as he slept whimpering in pain and fear.

Sirius walked over to Harry he wrapped him in a hug "thank you Harry thank you so much." He kissed his godson’s forehead "get some rest I will sit with Draco."


Harry shook his head "no I'll be fine I don’t want to leave him."


Ciara watched them her head tilted to the side "rest Harry Draco will be okay. I can feel him he's talking to me. He thanks you."

Harry nodded he stood up and stumbled off out of the room. After a minute Sirius followed him. "Harry?"

"Draco's going to get a happy ending, but I keep wondering where my happy ending is, when do I get to be rescued I don't want to go back to the Dursley's but I have no choices do I?"

"Harry-" Sirius tried again, but the teen had run up stairs leaving his Godfather behind.

Sirius watched him go wondering for a minute if he should go after him. He didn't really know what to say to him. Harry didn’t say much about the Dursley's and Sirius didn't think they had ever hit him, but Harry had scars just as badly as Ciara or Draco. Harry's were just not visible.

Ciara talked with Draco through his mind. She frowned "I can't do that Draco that’s invading his privacy that’s invading his mind...


"We have to help him Ciara if not for him I would have died.” Draco whispered.

"But going inside his mind and taking the memories to show what the Dursley’s did that’s WRONG Draco I can't forcefully go into his head."

"Ask him." Draco suggested. "Don't do it forcefully."

Ciara considered it for a minute. "Now?” Ciara asked him softly.

"No Ciara next year, of course now." Draco's mind voice was almost scathing. Ciara couldn't help but smile, DRaco's cynic nature was back and she knew he'd be okay again.

She stood up and went up to Harry's room rapping on the door. "Go away!" He yelled from inside.

"Harry let me in." She spoke softly, but somehow Harry heard her, he flung the door wide open.

"I said go away!" He slammed the door so hard she almost sat back down. She could feel anger radiation off of him Anger and fear.

She sighed and started to go back when Draco yelled in her head "Go do it Ciara he needs our help I

Can only help so far but you can do it..."


She growled "Fine." She pounded on the door "Harold James Potter let me in I have to talk to you NOW!”

He opened the door slowly. "What?"

"I can help you." She told him softly. "Up here." She tapped his forehead with one finger. "Make it so you don't hurt so bad inside." Ciarra struggled to explain. "I can go inside your head and help you." She wasn't explaining very well and she knew it.

"There's a lot of junk in there that isn't pretty." Harry muttered. "And a lady shouldn’t' see what's in my head." He went to close the door, but Ciara stopped him with a look

"I'm no lady." Ciara told him.

"And I won't be alone.” She sighed "Draco will be with me. He kind of rides inside with me..." She fidgeted "I can also help so you won’t have to go back..." She bit on her lip. "Well Sirius can do that but you might not want to do it..."

"Dumbledore’s spell only works if I'm staying with a relative." Harry told her, "But if you really insist on helping me give it your best shot."

Ciara closed her eyes and reached through with her mind to his. She swallowed as she traveled through his mind her stomach going queasy she looked at Draco who held her hand in Harry's mind. Harry frowned "how is Malfoy..."


"I am inside your mind mate .I think it’d be nice to use my name…” Draco said sarcastically.

"Hi Draco." Harry managed in a whisper. He had changed from the confident teenager that Draco knew oh so well, to a small child. This was the way Harry saw himself, a small frightened little boy, with broken glasses and a dirty face, His clothes were far too big for him and filthy as well. "Not what you expected is it?" Harry asked. He looked defiantly up at Draco. "You going to hit me too?"

"No." Draco held out a hand to the boy. "I'm here to fight the monsters. There are monsters here aren't there?"

Harry scowled at him. "Just bad memories. Draco. "The boy pointed behind Draco. He turned and watched a scene unfold behind him. A small child being beat up by an older one, why two grownups cheered. Draco's heart clenched. "They let their son use you as a punching bag?"

Harry shrugged "I'm a freak I have to have the freakiness beat out of me..."


Draco growled "that’s NOT true..."


Ciara stored the memory in a patch. She followed them through each one each time taking a record. She felt Draco fading. "Draco you must break the connection .you are trying too hard I will help Harry..." She knew if she let Draco stay connected with her during this he could do serious harm to his own mind because it could injure it. He could become comatose.

Draco protested, but Ciara was firm and finally he let himself disconnect from the two of them fading away. Harry looked at Ciara and pointed again. Another memory, this one more recent. Harry locked in a room begging to be let out pacing angrily like an animal trapped in a cage. "They locked me up, so I couldn’t to back to Hogwarts" Harry told her, "Dudley didn’t' hit me much after I got in to School, but they still yelled at me and told me I was a freak and I don't want to remember anymore." He was shuddering hard.

Another memory was trying to make itself shown. "No! No more!" Harry yelled.

It was too much for Ciara who pulled out of Harry's mind.

Then she fought back in she watched the horror in front of her she stored it in her patch. Then she pulled back out. She stared at Harry who sat there staring at her. "Have you had enough yet...?” He glared.


"I have everything I need now I want to know. Do you want to stay a Potter?”

"I don't know, I don't know." Harry began to cry. "My mother died to save me she did you know, I don't know if I can give that up as bad as things are with the Dursley's I-" He was sobbing so hard now he couldn't speak.

Ciara pulled him into a hug and he tensed for a minute almost as if he was expecting to be hurt, finally he leaned against her crying hard. "Don't tell anyone bout that last memory, don't tell Sirius okay don't tell him." He managed into her shoulder. "Please okay."

Ciara didn’t know what to say to him, she held him like a mother holding a child letting him cry his hurt pain and fear. Knowing the tears would help as much as anything else would Harry needed to cry for himself, and for what he’d lost.

She sighed "I know you want to stay a Potter." She rubbed her eyes "but if you do you have to stay at the Dursley’s, you will still be a Potter but you would also be a black..."

He sniffed looking at her. "What?"


"A blood adoption, it’s a spell Sirius would do it. It would make you have two sets of biological parents."

"Sirius could be my dad?" Harry asked in a whisper.

"Yes he would be." Ciara told him. "And I think you should tell Sirius everything that's happened to you."

"No No no!" Harry shook his head so hard his glasses almost flew off his face. "I won't tell anyone, don’t ask don’t tell don’t ask don't tell." He was almost hysterical.

"Okay Harry its Okay; let's go talk to Sirius about that spell all right? You need three witnesses for it. Me Draco and Reamus should do, so we have to wait for morning. Try to get some sleep okay."

Harry followed her out "you promise to tell him.”


She sighed "I promise not to TELL him." She stated she knew she couldn’t tell him but she could show him. She followed him down the hallway to Draco's room where Sirius and a sleeping moony sat.

“Sirius we need to talk about the adoption.”

"Harry agrees to it then?" Sirius asked looking at her.

"There's something you need to see." She held a hand out to his face a question in her eyes, at his nod she linked with Sirius letting the magic link them together. Minutes later she separated from him having shown him Harry's memories even the worst of them, the one Harry had begged her not to tell, she felt a pang of guild at that one. Harry had been adamant that she not tell.

Sirius swallowed then looked at Harry who stared at Ciara with shock. "You promised..."


"I said I would not tell I did NOT say I wouldn't show him." She stated "and now he knows why we should do the spell do you want to become a Black?"

"Harry come here." Sirius held his arms out to the teen. Harry only hesitated for a minute then was in his Godfather's arms. "I'm sorry Harry I'm so very sorry I won't let you go back to them I'll do whatever it takes."

"Promise?" Harry whispered.

"I Promise" Sirius told him. He looked at Ciarra and held one arm out to her, she shook her head. "Draco's awake."

Sirius nodded and disentangled himself from his godson. "Sunrise is in less than an hour we can do the spell as soon as everyone’s ready." Sirius looked at Harry "That is if-"

"I know only one thing." Harry’s voice was firm. "I don't want to go back."

Draco looked at Harry from where he was laying in the bed "then you become one of us..."


"One of you?"


"Yeah an outcast you become a black. A blood traitor one against the dark lord though I’m already one since my father has NOW publicly disowned He’s filed the papers."


"How can you tell?" Harry asked confused.


Draco held up his hand on it where the gold Malfoy ring should have sat but instead was a burn mark where it had been magically removed with a spell.

"Does that bother you?" Harry asked him raising one eyebrow at the white haired boy.


“No it doesn't bother me." Draco lowered his hands. "I don't want to be part of the, any more than you want to be part of the Dursley’s. You want me to kill them?"


Harry gaped at him and Ciarra spoke up. "Draco-"


"Okay I'm kidding." Draco told them. Just as Remus turned human again. "And Lupin needs some clothes."

Ciara grinned and handed him the clothes to the side "his name is REMUS Draconias..."


"Draconias?" Harry sputtered

"Don't knock it." Draco growled almost angrily he'd have come up off the bed at Harry, but Sirius stopped him with a single look. "Hey if Harry gets to be a Black can I change my name?"


"To what?" Ciara asked curiously.


"Anything but Draconias Sebastional Malfoy." Draco rolled his eyes. "My mother must have been crazy when she named me, oh wait my dad named me." He scowled.


"Can we do this now?" Harry asked they turned and looked at him. "Before I lose my nerve."

Ciara nodded "long as Remus is up to it."


He smiled kindly at her "I am fine just tired and yes we can do this now." He started the spell he slit his finger and Sirrus’s. And put it into the potion they had made they made three of them. He handed them each one.


Ciara frowned "what?"


Draco looked confused "huh?"

"I thought it'd be a good idea, that is if you don't mind." Sirius looked at each of them in turn.


"We don't mind." They said almost in unison.


"I get Malfoy for a brother?" Harry began to laugh. "Ron's going to love this one."


He frowned at the potion. "I really hope this tastes better than polyjuice potion." He muttered swallowing it down in one gulp.


Draco and Ciarra looked at each other shrugged and swallowed their's down as well. "That wasn't so bad. Tastes kind of like Chocolate." Draco murmured absently

Remus grinned "I would hope so I made it so it would." He watched as they changed a bit so they resembled each other "by the way it wasn't just Sirius that just adopted you..."


Draco looked at him "what?"


"You are now also a Lupin..."

"So we're all one big happy family." Harry asks with a smirk and then a smile that actually reaches his eyes. "Hey can we have a party celebrate our new family?"


"Depends on who you want to invite." Sirius murmured.


"Oh everyone The Weasley's Hermione, we can even invite Drake's friends Crabbe and Goyle"


"Drake?" Draco queried.


"Well you wanted to change your name, and I think Drake suits you."

"I like Draco I just wanted to get rid of the rest I DON"T want to be Draconias.” He stated He frowned a minute "what is my name anyway?”

Sirius grinned "Draco Phinas Lupin black

Harry couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips.


"Don't knock it Harry James Potter Lupin Black." Sirius said dryly. "And please don't laugh at your brother, his ribs are still bruised you know."


"Hey now that I've been disowned and adopted, maybe you can heal me." Draco blurts sitting up suddenly. His eyes rolled back in his head and he faints


"You know I bet we could." Lupin says staring at the unconscious Draco.

Lupin took out his wand and waved it over Draco healing what needed to be healed Draco sighed his eyes fluttering open. "You’re healed, but you’re still going to be sore so take it easy"

"Did I just faint?" Draco asks grimly. "I've never fainted in my life, been beat unconscious but never



"Well you can't say that anymore, because you did." Harry tells him. "Come on lets go invite everyone to celebrate with us.

That is if it’s okay with you?" He looks at Sirius.


"Sure Harry, invite anyone you want." Sirius is grinning like a schoolboy.


If a muggle had tried to throw a party it would have taken days, but this was a family of wizards. And the invitations were sent and the guests arriving within only a few hours.

“I can’t believe.” Draco announced as he slid into a seat between his new brother and sister. “We’re not bitter enemies. What am I going to tell the Slytherins?”

He reached over Harry’s plate and snagged a treacle tart from Ron Weasley’s plate. Ron slapped at his hand and answered. “The truth or a version of it. Snape’s going to get a kick out of this one I’m sure.”

“Oh Snape’s not that bad, you guys just seem to get on his bad side.” Draco chuckled.

“Does he have any other?” Harry asked with a lopsided grin.

“Who cares?” Ciara said with a laugh. “We’re family and that’s all that matters”

The end