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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Love And Hate


Zero hated him, he was nothing but a monster, a vampire.

Work Text:

Love And Hate.
by Aiden.


Standing in the dark, Zero watched him walking away. He hated that man. He snorted. Not even a man, but a monster, a vampire. His kind was responsible for the death of his parents. Then why did he feel this pull towards him? He hated himself for feeling this way. "I hate him, he is a monster," he hissed.

"You love him, don't you?"

He turned around and saw Yuki walking up behind him. Zero sighed, great she was the last person he want to see right now. "No, I hate him," he said stubbornly.

Yuki giggled. "Why do you keep denying your feelings for Kaname Kuran?" she asked.

He snorted. "What feelings? I don't feel anything but hate for him. He's a monster. If he and his friends turn, they will drink us all dry."

"He is kind to all of us," she smiled at him.

"A vampire? Kind?" Zero sneered. "Keep telling yourself that, and maybe one day, you'll actually believe it." He turned around and started to walk away.

"Zero, why are you so afraid?" Yuki had to walk quickly to keep up with him.

He stopped dead in his tracks, and Yuki almost bumped into him. He turned around and glared at her. "Afraid? Of what? Kaname? I'm not afraid of him, but of what he represent. Now leave me alone."

She just stood there as he walked off and sighed. "Zero, why do you keep denying your feelings?" she silently said. She looked up and saw Kaname standing by one of the windows. He smiled at her and then turned away.

Zero was headed towards the dorms when he saw something move in the shadows. "Who's there?"

"It's just me, Zero," Kaname answered, stepping into the path of the moonlight.

Zero looked at him with eyes as cold as ice. "Go back to your room," he demanded.

Kaname moved closer to Zero. "Do you really want me to go away?"

Swallowing hard, Zero couldn't stop the shiver running down his spine when Kaname approached him. "I… just…I don't," he stammered. Kaname stood so close to him, close enough that Zero could feel his breath on his cheek. Zero gasped as the vampire cupped the back of his head and pulled him towards him.

"I know you want this too," Kaname said seductive right before he moved his tongue over Zero's lips.

Zero moaned and opened his mouth letting Kaname in. As their tongues tangled, Zero felt the vampire bite down on his lip. "Mmm. You taste good," Kaname whispered, licking up the blood that was dripping from Zero's lip.

Zero pulled back, shocked and disgusted. "Stay away from me. You're nothing but a monster, only interested in my blood," he spat out.

Kaname lowered his hand, grabbing Zero's hard, throbbing cock. "You can keep denying your attraction to me as much as you want. But you're body is telling a whole other story. You know where I am when you're ready to give yourself to me," Kaname licked his lips slowly, "completely."

The vampire turned around and walked back inside.

Zero looked down and moaned. "Fuck, this isn't happening." But it was and Kaname was right. Zero kept denying his attraction for the other man, but his heart and body told him something else. Damn.


