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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Bad Feelings


Summary: Answer to the DESTINY PREDETERMINED CHALLENGE, on  deadlikemegeneralfic group.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Bad Feelings
by Hudine


George had a bad feeling about coming here. She had an appointment to  take the soul of a R L Norton, here. The only thing is here remarkably resembled one of those spooky old houses you see in films, where nine people go in and none come out. She tried to rationalise there was nothing here that could kill her, after all she was already dead. But it still wouldn't shake that eerie feeling of terror, and tortured souls.

Hearing a noise from a room down the hall, George nearly jumped out of her skin. She was going to run out but decided against it, whoever or whatever was in that room was probably her appointment, and the last thing she needs is the Gravelings declaring 'George L Lass season' open for hunting again. Besides it was too late to go get back-up now, and after all what was she going to say, 'hay Mason, my next appointment is too scary, will you come with me?' If he didn't laugh his ass off at her, he'd be even more scared than she is in here.

She crept up to the door, and peered cautiously inside, through a small crack.

"Come on in my dear. I have been expecting you." George was even more scared now, and walked in slowly, to see an old Gypsy woman sitting at a table with a large crystal ball in front of her. "Oh don't be frightened my dear, I can't fight death, nor have I the inclination. I am one of the last of my kind, a true seer. Not one of those fakes you see on TV. "

George took a seat in front of the old lady. "You know what I am?"

"But of course I do. I have cheated death so many times. It comes with being able to see the reapers coming for you. Gave that Rube one such a headache the past few decades. I knew it would not be him to take me, but a girl, a girl named Georgia. You are Georgia dear? The one hit by the flaming toilet seat?"

"Um.. Yea." George asked swallowing hard, this woman knew too much.

"Alas I am weary of this life and wish to pass on to the next one. One-hundred and six years is too long."

"Your a hundred and six?" George asked amazed.

"Yes my dear. I was supposed to die when I was your age, but I knew when it was coming for me so I stayed away. Death does not like to be cheated, and has come for me no less than twenty times since. The closest was death has ever come to taking me before this, is when they sent that Mason fellow for me, ten years ago. I wasn't going to take it lying down of course I used a get out clause."

"Get out clause?" George asked curiously.

"Anyone can challenge their death, if you can recognise the reaper that comes for you. Before they take your soul you can challenge them to a game. They say the grim reaper is a expert chess player, but not that Mason fellow, quite frankly the boy is as thick as a brick."

That caused George to burst out into giggles. "More like thicker than the bottom of a concrete dam, in a reservoir."

"The boy has had a hard life, but always meant well inside. I shall show you something that I was meant to show you now. It shall be my final act, this is from the past the present and the future."

George looked into the ball that was swirling and forming an image


It was London in the 1930s, there was snow over the ground everywhere, and it was still dark. A milkman walked out of his house to go to the stables, and found a basket with a small bundle wrapped in blankets. Picking up the basket the man peered inside to find a baby, almost blue with the cold. Hurrying the man brought the small child indoors and beside the fire. It took several minutes but the small child turned pink and woke up and started to cry, to the man's and George's relief, who was gazing intently at the scene.

**'I Don't get it, what's this got to do with anything?'**

**'It will be revealed to you Georgia dear.'**

The milkman then found a note attached to the bottom of the little basket, that read:

I am so sorry I had to do this to you, but there was no other way. I was pregnant when I left you, and I hid in disgrace. I had our little boy in secret, but I cannot bare the burden of our child. Not as I am of to America to seek fame and fortune, I will always regret leaving our little boy, but I know you will take good care of him.
I named him Mason after my father, it means Stone Worker, but nothing is perfect. When he is old enough tell him I loved him very much and we will meet again someday.

**'Wait, that's Mason?'**

She never answered, and the scene skipped forward.

A young boy of no more than four hopped through the ruins of the bombed out houses. He looked comical with his jacket, with the sleeves hanging over his hands, trousers almost tripping him up, and a hard child-sized tin helmet falling over his eyes. Bending over he tripped, and landed on his butt, holding something he picked up from the ruins. Getting up, he rubbed his ass then pocketed a shiny pearl necklace.

**'Figures Mason would be looting during the London blitz. He was a really cute kid though.'**

A large black and tan shaggy dog, came up behind Mason, then bowled him over, and started licking him all over. The small child laughed, and wrestled with the dog, until there was an air raid siren. The boy shot up and the dog suddenly paid more attention, then there was gun fire. Before long there was a large explosion only at the other side of the road. Mason was now terrified and started to run only to trip over his feet, but then the large dog, came to him and helped the boy up onto his back, and they ran away, boy riding on dogs back, holding on for his life. They made it two a small shelter, with explosions going on all around them, and he got off the dogs back and ran inside.

Inside boy Mason met a his very worried father, and he held onto him tightly and cried.


A few years later the same boy was in a school yard, sitting alone eating. His clothes where tattered and torn, and his books tied together with string, sat beside him. Several other boys came up to him and grabbed his lunch throwing it down.

"Opps. Did little baby Mason drop his lunch?"

"Piss off Mike."

The ringleader of the boys, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to his feet. "What's the matter? Mommy made you lunch? That's right you don't have one do you?"

"Yea he's just got that wimp of a milkman for a father."

Mason was getting mad now, and pushed the boy off him. "Don't call my Dad names." He then punched one boy in the mouth, and kicked another in the stomach, then got to a wall and pulled off a fire extinguisher. He took a swing around to where he thought one of the boys was, but instead found his teacher there, and hit them on the head with it.


A teenage Mason sat on top of a milk float and held the rains of the big shire horse. His father delivering milk, and collecting money. The older man didn't look very well, and was coughing a lot.

It skipped to a lot of scenes of Mason being rejected by women, and the sad look he gave after. Then he was on a boat in a small cabin, sitting talking to his father on a bed.

"But why did the anti-biotic make you sicker?! I mean this new penicillin stuff is supposed to be the new miracle cure for TB."

Father reached over and held son's hand. "The doctors all say I've had an allergic reaction to it son. There is nothing more can be done for me than to die in peace. I want to be buried at sea, and you try and make a new start when you reach America."

Mason was in tears, "but Dad, you are going to make it over. It's only a few more days."

"Now son, grown men don't cry. You will follow my wishes." Kyle finished quite adamantly.


Mason was in a motel room injecting himself with some form of drug. There was empty and broken bottles of booze littering the floor, and rubbish everywhere. There was a knock at the door, and Mason answered. Rube was standing there with another woman, the woman asked Mason his name, and touched his shoulder nabbing his soul.

Mason slammed the door, and picked up a power drill and walked into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror he got the drill and took it to his head, and drilled into it. He fell dead onto the floor with blood pouring out. Mason was left looking at his dead body, until Rube gained access into the room.


Cut to the day George and Mason met. Seeing it the second time around, she noticed the infatuated look Mason was giving her, followed by the deep hurt he felt when she had replied 'whatever' to him, after he said she was pretty.

Then there was time after time, it showed her Mason looking at her longingly, and she had never noticed. Then Daisy telling Mason to stop flirting with her, and go after what he obviously really wants, then more of Mason looking longingly at George. Mason then stealing a picture of George from her parents house, and taking it back to his apartment, and hiding it under a pillow.

**'I had no idea...'**

The last scene was of Mason taking a load of pills and falling unconscious onto his bed.


The image faded, and the woman looked like she was about to die.

"Is that it? I Mean what happens to Mason?"

"That happens in an hour from now. It is up to you what happens next, will you save him or sit and do nothing?"

As the old woman died it hit George she really was quite attached to Mason, and would even give a relationship ago. Deciding to act, George got up and ran out of the house and jumped on her bike.


Arriving at Mason's apartment, she knocked the door. Not getting an answer she picked the lock. Finding no one in, she was relieved and disappointed at the same time. George lay down on his bed and breathed in his sent, wondering what he smelled like before he died, since being undead changed little things like that. She had drifted asleep for at least thirty minutes, when she felt something shaking her.


She looked up at Mason sleepily, "hi."

Mason smiled warmly, "hay. So what you doing here?"

"I don't really know," George lied.

"Oh, ok," Mason answered not wanting to pry. He stripped off so he was only wearing his jeans and a t-shirt and lay down beside her. "Well if there was any reason why you where sleeping on my bed, feel free to do so. Only you should get under the covers or you'll get cold." Mason took his jeans off then got under the covers and lay looking up at her. "Just hope you don't mind me joining you cause I'm tired."

George in response stripped down to her t-shirt and panties and slipped in beside him. Looking into his eyes she was reminded of the boy he once was, and put an arm around him and cuddled up. "Thanks."

Mason whispered 'no problem' and returned the embrace. He kissed her lightly and lovingly on the forehead, causing George to sigh happily, and they drifted off to sleep together.




This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Hudine.
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