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Part 2 of A Heart Too Burdened
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Soul Redeemed


(Sequel to A Heart Too Burdened.)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

A Soul Redeemed
by Sephiroth

The phone rang moments before Heero could complete his mission to kill the boy he loved. Holding the gun steady, finger away from the trigger (he didn't want any witnesses), and picked up the phone.


"Heero, it's Sally Po." the doctor's voice said, gently, on the other end, "I know you and Duo are pretty upset right now, with Quatre gone and the peace summit falling apart. But I have some news that might cheer you up a little."

"Thanks," Heero looked down at Duo's sleeping form and thought of how exquisite the braided pilot looked. "What's the good news?"

"Duo's pregnant."

With those two words, to Heero Yuy, Duo suddenly seemed a thousand times more beautiful, and a million times more dangerous. What if Duo suddenly turned on him, projecting his love for his child onto Heero to keep the baby safe? No, Duo wouldn't do that! He cared about Heero. They'd fought together, protected each other. Duo would never hurt him.

~Duo killed Quatre.~

The words rang out in his head, hammering themselves into Heero's war-addled brain.

~Its all just a bunch of stupid coincidences. Duo isn't cursed! He's not at fault for any of those deaths. Now, just relax. You're letting his hysteria get to you. And its no wonder he's hysterical, he's got a child growing inside him. I don't know how, and I really don't need to know. All I have to know is that I love him and I love our baby and I will do all I can for him."

He put the gun away and kissed Duo.


Duo woke the next morning and slapped Heero.

"What the fuck?!" Heero exclaimed

"Why didn't you kill me, Heero?" Duo demanded. "How many people have to die before you come to your senses and either kill me or leave me?"

"I can't do either, Duo." Heero told his beloved.

"Heero, I can't keep killing people just to keep you alive. But I can't kill you either...I..." He reached for his knife, but Heero grasped his hand and held it away from the blade.

"Duo, its not just your life at stake anymore." The Perfect Soldier told the Shinigami Pilot.

"What are...?" Duo's voice failed him as the implication behind  Heero's words suddenly dawned on him. "The implant took?!"

Heero nodded. "We're going to have a baby. Duo, under the  circumstances, those being that we're going to have a child and the fact that I love you more than you could ever imagine... will you marry me?"

Duo threw his arms around Heero and wept with joy, their tears washed away by the joy that cleansed the pain from their souls.

"Yes, I'll marry you. I love you, Heero." the braided beauty told the handsome young soldier who held him close and shielded him from loneliness.

"And I love you, Duo." the Perfect Soldier replied, his heart so full of love now that it was as if he, himself, had just taken his very first breath when Duo had said 'yes'.