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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

His Other Half


Anyway, here is a short story, hopefully sweet enough. Some of you might recognize this if you read gen because yes, this was Gen but I added a bit here and there and slashed it a bit.  Sorry, this wasn't beta'd this time, but I am working on a longer one that I will hopefully have for my next dues. Enjoy!


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:


His Other Half
by EJKatz

The scene that lay before him was breathtakingly spectacular. The orange glow of the setting sun reflected off the lake's surface giving it an almost ethereal appearance. The tall pines that surrounded the small lake took on the same orange colour making them seem otherworldly. A loon called from across the water and was answered by another a few seconds later.

The man stood on the dock watching out into the gathering dusk, a cup of hot coffee wrapped in both hands. The evening was warm and peaceful. He only wished. wished he could share it. He remembered other times when he had been alone, alone with no one to share things with, an example being the glorious sunset before him.

For so long he had been alone, travelling, seeing amazing sights and yet having no one special to share them. He felt the ache most at times like this. Times when the peacefulness was stolen because of that aloneness. His soul had cried out for a companion, someone who reflected his inner self and someone he could reflect back.

His other half.

His spirit yearned for that companionship, the need so great it was overwhelming at times, like right now. His heart screamed for that deep bond of love and trust and commitment that he had never before known. That he had always fled from time after time. He didn't want to flee now. Right now, all he wanted was to share his discovery with someone. But not just anyone, that special someone.

His other half.

He had spent so much time yearning for (and running from) that one love that Naomi had always seemed to be searching for and never found.  He'd finally begun to believe that he too was destined to never find that one person who completed him, who would make him not want to run any more. Of course, pipe dreams were just that, dreams.  Then again, every once in a while, dreams do come true.

A step sounded behind him as a tear leaked from beneath tightly closed lids. These were not tears of sorrow as they had once been, not any more, never again. Now, they were tears of joy. That perfect companion had been found. The other half of his empty soul had been filled in a way that he had never dreamed of before. A lover, strong, passionate and devoted.

An arm slipped gently over his shoulders as a lightweight blanket was wrapped around him.

"Hey, Chief. Don't want you catching cold." The deep timbre filled Blair with a warmth that he felt to his toes and back. He turned his face up and back to see his other half standing behind him. Strong arms held him and drew him back onto the broad chest.

He smiled brightly. "Thanks, man."

The bigger man watched him from over one shoulder for a moment before a large hand reached up and gently wiped away the lone tear. "You okay?"

"I am now." Blair kissed the cheek next to his before he leaned back into the tender embrace, allowing the sweet caress of love to flow around him, cradling him in the incredible joy of the soul mate he had finally, and forever, found.




This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author EJKatz.
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