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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Bill & Saul : Five Prompted Stories


Written for an LJ 100 Fic Challenge a couple of years ago... If you like the intensity/reasoning behind Bill & Saul's bond of love and loyalty, read this...

Work Text:

Prompt Word: Dark (No. 74)
M/M Slash Love and Genuine Sentiment
Word Count: 129

In the Dark of the night, he lived within the kiss of the one he loved… In the Dark of the night, he abandoned himself to allow the touch of the one he loved. In the Dark of the night, he lived a different life by the one he loved. Joined by the Light of the one he loved, brought to him by the deepest soul, the truest heart, and the strongest body of the one he had always loved… Saul Tigh lived for those moments in the Dark of the night with Bill Adama when he would feel forever loved, and feel the love he needed to feel of and from the one he loved… No one else came close to the one he loved named Bill Adama.

The End..?


Prompt Word: Red (No.11)
M/M Slash – Angst
Word Count: 61

The red of his blood was all Saul could think of. He lived in that blood at that moment, felt himself seeping away as he did his beloved partner, Bill… Saul Tigh was crushed to see Bill Adama dying. He was numb… He was disbelieving… He was being tortured with the reality, because Saul Tigh loved and lived for Bill Adama…

The End?


Prompt Word Black (no.18)
M/M Slash Angst
Word Count: 332

Why was life so mournfully black without Saul’s presence..? Why did he love Saul, no matter what – Least of all the consequences? Why was the horizon so black without Saul at his back?? Why..??? Without Saul at his back, and not just in a bed, but without Saul at his back… Without Saul to cover his back in Battle, in life, in love, in all that there was, Bill knew that something precious, in the truest sense of the word, was missing… He didn’t want to feel that absence again. He fought for Saul, and he would fight to come back for him..!

The End..?




Prompt Word: Light (No. 73)
M/M Slash – Discovery & Wonderment
Word Count: 72

What Light was it that Bill felt on his skin whenever Saul was around..? What Light was it the man gave him, in the depths of his soul..? What was this Light that he felt the power of, that he would and did abandon all else he was so that Saul could reach out and actually succeed in touching him?? What kind of a Light, what kind of a Love was this..?

The End..?

Prompt Word Shade (No. 75)
M/M Slash Loyalty
Word Count: 111

They were each other’s shade… Shade of refuge, shade of the soul, the shade that touched them… The hidden part of each of them; who they were, and to one another… Their love was of many a shade. Some that threw light and dark on all around the two men, some layers of a shade that made the two of them weep, made them cry, made them love, touched them deeply… A shade that would forever be a part of what they were to one another and what they would do for each other under the shade of love… Bill Adama & Saul Tigh lived within the shade of their love…

The End..?