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Part 1 of The Heartbound Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

First Meetings


Fandom: CSI New York
Series: The Heartbound series
Pairing: Mac/Danny Mac/Danny/Don in later chapters
Rating: FRT 13
Warning: Disability (paralysis)
Beta: Becca/Paul *hugs* Thanks a bunches.
Summary: Mac couldn't get him out of his mind
Disclaimer: I don't own them, if I did they would have much more fun
Author's note: This is another AU series 'Heartbound' again Paul thanks for the name. Mac is still with CSI but Danny is an incomplete paraplegic due to a severe beating and owns several stores through the city specialised in wheelchairs. I know what you think another disability fanfic, I actually picked this bunny up in the bunny orphanage but tweaked it a little bit. *headdesk* There will be a crossover with my CSI Miami AU later on. You can imagine Speed and Danny in one town, it's good they have a marine and a redhead to keep them in line. *grins*

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First Meetings
by Aiden


Mac walked into Starbucks to get his coffee before heading down to the lab. "Next," he heard the young lady behind the counter say when he walked in.

"That would be me, excuse me folks coming through," Mac saw a good looking young man in a wheelchair approaching the counter.

"What can I get you sir?" she was practically yelling.

The young man rolled his eyes, "What? Didn't hear you right."

"What can I get...." She started to say slow, before she realized she was played for a fool.

Mac snickered behind his hand, he was always stunned about the fact that some people thought that when someone was in a wheelchair, that person was deaf or slow too. It was obvious to him that it wasn't the first time for him, hence the remark he gave back. He saw how the young man put his coffee between his obvious lifeless legs and made his way to the exit, "Sorry people coming through, again." Mac walked to the exit and opened the door for him. "Thank you," the young man looked up and Mac thought he was going to drown in those bright blue eyes.

"You're welcome," Mac smiled at him. He remained at the door and saw how he wheeled over to a car, opened the door and transferred with ease from the chair into the car. He folded the chair and put it behind his seat, turned his face and talked to someone, Mac saw a black Labrador in the backseat.

"You're okay young lady? He was so rude," Mac heard someone say. He sighed and shook his head, some people never learned. He walked back to the counter, "I would have reacted the same way, you treated him like he was deaf and slow minded." The employee started to blush. He placed his order, paid and walked out.
He entered the lab a half hour later in deep thoughts, "Hey Mac," Stella walked up to him.

Mac jerked out of his thoughts, "Hey Stella."

She smiled, "You're here?"

"Sorry, I'm here."

"You're sure, you were miles away just a minute ago."

Mac looked at her, "Anything new?"

"No, hopefully it stays that way for a change. Payton was looking for you."

Mac sighed, "I'll talk to her later, I'm in my office."

Mac walked into the office and closed the door, he lowered the blinds and sat behind his desk. He just couldn't get him out of his mind, his cute smile and those soulful eyes. He wondered if he would see him ever again.

A soft knock on the door got him startled, "Mac can I come in?"

Mac stood and opened the door, "Stella of course." He stepped sideways to let her in.

"What's going on?"

Mac looked at her, "nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Mac Taylor don't lie to me I know you, something or someone has entered your thoughts." She smiled, "Who is he?" Stella knew that her friend was bi and she was pretty sure it wasn't a woman.

"I saw him at Starbucks, he's good looking, has a cute smile and amazing eyes. And by what I saw and heard he's a smart ass too." He told Stella what happened.

"So you like him, you know his name?"

"Stella I didn't ask for his name."

"And why not?" Stella asked with a smirk. "You have doubts, because he's in a wheelchair?"

"No you know I'm not like that, but for all I know he's straight."

Stella walked over to him and gave him a hug, "I hope you will see him again and have the chance to ask him out. I'd like to meet him,for once." she grinned. "I leave you alone with your thoughts now, see you later," she walked out of the office.

He smiled, Stella was right, he liked him but didn't know how to approach him. Well he would probably never see him again, he sighed and sat back at his desk.



The End???

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